granny clearwater makes her debut in first grade land…

so this is a week w/o journals b/c you have an incredibly hard final to study for… 🙂

“keeper of the flame” – book on the history/future of NFL films – irony on many levels in that NFL films has a mythologized past b/c they created a mythologized NFL through their videos – which are classic – both in content and voice – of course, today, media has changed and the book did a wonderful job describing the “threats” to those films – and there’s a very real threat just in the sense that the times have changed for that type of filming

“the gifted” by anna kathyrn davis – so it would’ve made me a better teacher to have read this one, oh, like a year ago – b/c as I read, I kept trying to go back to the Q&A at WIM last year in Pelham – alas… anyway, I guess better late than never – hey, I waited until ’08 for twilight and ’07 for potter so I might as well to wait on this one – still, having heard two presentations by davis, I feel bad it took this long to get it and read it – and, thankfully – unlike most YA, it reads quickly and painlessly – I definitely stand with fred on wondering exactly how a sequel is coming about

so that’s it for the week – again, no journals – but happy postings


25 thoughts on “granny clearwater makes her debut in first grade land…”

  1. FIRST!!!! We’re burning leaves today, I think I might die of smoke inhalation.

  2. Haha!!! I’ve made a miraculous comeback!

    Back (huh), stronger than ever!
    You think I’ve suffered? Never!
    Ya walkin’ down the street
    you lookin’ so good, say ya lookin’ so weet.
    Second day there we were walkin’ down the street
    with a rhyme in mind and a funky beat!
    I know yo game plan
    and now I understand
    We ain’t gonna give anybody slack
    and if you try to take me down……
    I’m gonna COME RIGHT BACK!!!!!

    Maf, you should definitely get thet 🙂

  3. I’ll bet no one’d guess what i did to my wrist today… No one? Okay i’ll tell you guys anyways, I nearly broke my wrist! Isn’t that exciting! and it’s my right hand too on finals week!

  4. I have yet to pick up my reading in “Plague War” so I have the beginnig of my Bionicles novel.

    A Bionicle Legend

    Chapter 1: Meeting the Gladiators

    “You should be warry of where you’re going, Vakama.” Vakama continued to walked down the long halls of the temple. The two young agori were just getting use to the temple, but weren’t shown the coridor they were presently in.”You herd Matow, we aren’t suppose to go in places we weren’t shown.These areas… they’re restricted.” Vakama wasn’t listening, he was to bent on exploring. Infact his ‘exploring go the two into trouble quit often, but sometimes it was a good thing. Last time, there little trip got them in a bind with the Bone Hunters, literally. The Bones were known for attacking random ‘trespassers’ on there’teritory’. A month earlier, Vakama had started to toy with their leader, but he only had the upper hand for a few seconds. The group taked to two agori, knocking them both out. They later submerged from unconsiousness in a hospital of some sort. A tall man in bulky armour can in the door as they woke up.

    “Ah, I see you two are concious. So, who’s idea was it to taunt the Bone Hunters.” Acker pointed at Vakama. He returned with a harsh glare.
    “What?! It was your idea.”
    “Yeah, but you don’t need to sell me out immediately.” The man watch as the two went at it eventually cutting them off. “Your friend is honest, red. As hard as you look, you can’t find people like that too often. Don’t try to change. Although he could learn to protect the reputation of his friends. By the way, do you know where you are?”
    “By the techture and detail of the architechture…um… the Great Temple in Metru Nui.”
    “Geek” Vakama blurted out.

  5. Well good news and bad news: the good news is my wrist isn’t broke, the bad news is it’s sprained on finals week. So is this disaster or is something seriously telling me that I don’t need to be doing any of what i did? well anyways on to my Corbo blog, my Corbo’s adventures in Sethland have taken a turn for the worst and I’m starting a series that does not go down the dark woods and makes you scream when you see the fireflies…

    Corbo’s Adventure in 1861-1865.

    (Flashback to the present)
    Our story begins in a country much like our own but totally different, where the land belongs to an adolescent dictator and the enemies of his kingdom are the Mayfieldians. The northern country of Mayfieldia was first inhabited by a race of Giants who called the kingdom Giagantia but then was then conquered by a superior race of dwarfs, their leader was Mayfield. Mayfield has been ruling the country for sixty years. The giants were forced out of their country and moved to the southern country which their leader, Corbot, named Corbotia after himself. Corbot had kept something secret from the other giants though, Corbot had designed a time machine to go back in time to defeat Mayfield. Unfortunately Corbot never had the chance to use that time machine. Mayfield invaded the southern country as well, unfortunately for Mayfield the Giants were ready for him. Mayfield, ever cunning, had a plan B though. Mayfield had been designing a shrink ray since he had captured Gigantia and had finally “perfected” it. Mayfield used the shrink ray on the original Corbotian but the shrink ray just shrunk them all down to normal human size, except for their heads, the Corbotian’s heads have always been larger than usual which lead them towards a tendency for migraines then the shrink ray exploded on the tyranical ruler of Mayfieldia. Corbot suffered one of the worst migraines in the history of Corbotia and this was the last anyone had seen the great Corbot and his time machine was forgotten until the fateful day Corbot’s great-grandson, Corbo, rediscovered the great machine with the note that read this: “To the child of the prophecy that was sent to me last night in my dream, I am the great Corbot the founder of this nation and father of the Giantman line and to thee I give this Charge; go back to the year where the giants were exiled from Gigantia and stop the dwarf-human Mayfield from conquering the great country which has been hence disgraced. This is my charge to thee young one, defend our land and conquer the land from which Mayfield had originally came. May the spirits of the ancestors watch over you. (If thou art Mayfieldian this device shall not work for thee.)” This is our story, this is also thw story of how Corbo screwed up, again.

  6. Well that should be about an hour of blogging and should make up for last week and this week.

  7. This is the world famous dinosaur poem that started it all…..

    History from January 23rd

    Dinosaurs ruled the ancient Earth
    then were destroyed by the asteroid’s curse.
    Then came the homo habilis and homo erectus,
    old they might be, but they were the first of us.

    After a while there was the homosapien,
    then there were statues, buildings, and no more cavemen.
    Then the history of man began.

    Socrates, Da Vinci, Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Einstein,
    They were some of the best of our kind.
    Pyramids, Magna Carta, USA, WWI, iPhone,
    the best of humans has been shone.
    Town healers, tent nurses, clinics, hospitals.
    Legions, pikemen, horsemen, tanks, planes.

    The end of our legacy isn’t over. It has just begun.
    Just look at all of the things we’ve done.
    We watch as we see the rising of the sun.

    XD XD

  8. They skipped the earthly side of the plot in enders game the movie
    And remember kids, the enemys buzzer is down

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