it’s way early when the clock reads 4:55 on the back loop of your long run…

i “hate” daylight savings time – more like “it’s really, really dark again in the mornings…”

“salk” – jonas salk designed the first large-scale polio vaccine – his biography was pretty amazing – he was not popular in the scientific community – they shunned him – thought he was a publicity hog – he outlasted most of them though – his polio vaccine became the US norm again in 1999 – and his AIDS research was important – even at age 80 – AND he has a cool institute bearing his name near san diego – field trip…

“peaceful neighbor” – mr. rogers neighborhood – rogers was a Presbyterian minister – and a peace activist – the book looked at many of the lessons rogers incorporated into the show – and the people that knew him – the book wanted rogers to be a bit more than he was, it opposed him with billy graham – president bush (both of them) – saw him as a visionary feminist – but overall, it was nice to be back in the neighborhood where “i like you just the way you are”

happy start to the fourth nine weeks


43 thoughts on “it’s way early when the clock reads 4:55 on the back loop of your long run…”

  1. So people say ā€œbest friends foreverā€ a lot right? They just throw it around like itā€™s nothing, well did you know on average a ā€œbest friendā€ is kept for about three/five, maybe seven-yeah seven, years tops? Yeah, that makes you rethink some stuff. So before you start calling someone your ā€œbrother/sisterā€ because you think yall have the strongest bond ever, just remember, people change, and your ā€œbest friend foreverā€ can easily just become someone you knew forever ago.
    Well, my name is Abigail Walker and Iā€™m going to tell you about friendship, and how it never lastsā€¦
    To tell this story I have to start from the beginning and since the beginning started years ago, Iā€™ll just put it in a summary. Well in 5th grade I had a crush on this boy, his name was Cole Holt and since I was a pretty smart girl, plus I knew we were only 5th graders I decided Iā€™d do it the hard way, I made a plan. I was going to become his friend, and then heā€™d start liking me. Well, my plan went a little faster than I thought it would, the summer between 5th and 6th grade, he asked me to be his girlfriend. So we dated for five months and five days, going way into our 6th grade year. (Yes I know how long exactly, it was important to me) When we broke up we decided to be ā€œbest friendsā€, but it was more like an awkward best friends, and then I figured out that he broke up with me for another girl. (They only lasted a day, ha sucks for him) So I didnā€™t talk to him for two months; that was our first big fight. I decided that I didnā€™t want a friend who would do that to someone. He texted me day and night trying to get me to answer him, and I kind of did want to, it took all my will power not to. Then he just kind of gave up I guess, he stopped trying to get me back, he stopped trying to get me to talk to him, but I could still tell at school, there was a longing in his eyes. I didnā€™t not talk to him because of my will to have him come back first, I didnā€™t talk to him because I felt like I had been through enough with that guy. (If only I knew that the worst was yet to come) After all that blew over I decided that we really should be best friends, we had so much in common, why waste anger on a potential best friend? So we became best friends, like really best friends, he became the brother I never had. Later on, eleven months after we first ā€œwent outā€ we tried it again, we only lasted three days before I called it off, I had realized that it just wasnā€™t going to work out, and we were both fine with that

  2. Geometry came in fifth!!! Homewood swept all 15 top scorer spots in the “small school division.” Our team had 32 point, and I had 18 individually. (Honewood had 250-300, and almost tripled the second place team) I was so excited that we placed that i tripped and almost (but not quite) face planted on hoover’s court. But on the bright side, (if i remember correctly) i scored higher than any Oak Mountain kid, so that was good.

  3. April —– Quote
    “Any second could be my last!”
    We know when we read this that it could be true. But we know it wont happen because the guy who said this was the main character. Plus I already know that there are 8 more books in the series so I know that he wont die in the 4th book. They have to keep the story going.

  4. $1,000 Captain Major King Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and soon to be Quennation,will find out Detective's name. says:

    I think Victoria should win a Newberry award for that last comment she made. ‘Hello…’, brilliant. Why didn’t i think of that

  5. $1,000 Captain Major King Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and soon to be Quennation,will find out Detective's name. says:

    I have just realized that im ‘that guy’ that gets on the blog and just criticizes everyone.But i also seem to be throwing an obnoxious vibe. so… Yea Me!

  6. $1,000 Captain Major King Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and soon to be Quennation,will find out Detective's name. says:

    I noticed Dr.Mafeld said that he enjoyed keeping up with me on the blog. I guess im not that obnoxious after all. Dang it! My criticisms aren’t working!

  7. $1,000 Captain Major King Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and soon to be Quennation,will find out Detective's name. says:

    Dr.Mafeld told us the story of Corbicon and it gave me a great idea. I am going to write tales of the tacopire in the style of arthurian legend. And the tale will be known across,well no where. I will save you the pain of having to read my story and not post on the blog.But only because Dr.Mafeld said we couldn’t post our stories on the blog like corbin. But one day there will most likely be a convention for the Tacopire and the stadium will look like where. I have already destroyed katetopia and all i have to do is destroy quennation and this dream can be mine.

  8. $1,000 Captain Major King Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and soon to be Quennation,will find out Detective's name. says:

    im reading another arthurian legend
    “Sir Gawain”;Line:’And of all the knights who ever sat there, few indeed were so worthy as Gawain.
    Commentary:This line is explaining how Gawain was one of the most noble nights ever. It’s explaining that he had earned his spot at the round table. i don’t know how he still made it to the round table after breaking his knightly code but oh well. If arthur thought he deserved it then i guess he did.
    Tomorrow im gonna start reading Star Wars

    WaspMan is going going going gone

  9. Ah, my last first fourth nine weeks blog. It feels kind of weird, actually, especially since the counselors from the high school came to visit today. Everything just seems to be wrapping up- not that Iā€™m complaining- I wonā€™t miss middle school that much šŸ™‚

    Anyways, I put 11/22/63 on hold because yesterday my dad, my brother, and I went to Selma for the 50th anniversary celebration thing, and I was in need of a book for the ride, and since I didnā€™t feel like bringing such a big book along, I decided to bring Paper Towns by John Green, and Iā€™m almost finished, so I could give enough lines to provide this weekā€™s journals.

    Line: ā€œThat’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like picking your breakfeast cereals based on color instead of tasteā€ (Green, 2008).
    Commentary: This line was striking in the sense of the metaphorical representation of saying that people tend to like people for their looks before liking their personality. Never has someone not judged another by their looks before getting to know him or her. It has long been a flaw of human society and is addressed really well in this book.

    Line: ā€œ…life has become the future. Every moment of your life is lived for the futureā€ (Green, 2008).
    Commentary: Margo explains that before the human lifespan had increased, there wasnā€™t a lot of stress on how someone lived his or her life. There wasnā€™t much planning, and there wasnā€™t a lot of stress on a young person to build up for their future, which has now become todayā€™s environment.

    Line: ā€œMaybe all the strings inside him brokeā€ (Green, 2008).
    Commentary: Margo and Quentin have found a dead body. The man had committed suicide. When Quentin asks Margo what she thinks made him kill himself, Margo replies with this line. This line is another metaphor that means that itā€™s not just one thing that makes a person snap. Itā€™s a bunch of things that add up, and eventually, all of the ā€œstringsā€ break.

    Line: “The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracleā€ (Green, 2008)
    Commentary: This is a line from the main characterā€™s thoughts. He believes that everyone gets one free miracle in their life- sort of like a freebie.

    Line: ā€œThe rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle of a sentenceā€ (Green, 2008).
    Commentary: This line was amusing to me in the fact that it is similar to writing hundreds of years ago, when capitalization was just used when one felt like it. In this case, Margo uses capitalization to give equality to the other words, for they might feel left out.

    These are the most significant lines in the section of the book I have read so far. I think with a creative- Iā€™ll be done with this weekā€™s journals.


    It had always seemed so odd. The way the rain pitter-pattered on the grass and the leaves and the roofs. At least, it had always been odd to Kevin. It always gave him a sense that nothing is ever at ease- not really, anyway. Something was always alert, and despite the calming sense rain could give- rain always made him alert.

    It was raining when Kevin had exited the funeral home after the death of his father. All at once the alertness returned to his veins. He was not aware that it had been raining, for there was a lot of action that went on during the funeral. The piano, the relatives talking, the crying, and Kevin attempting to avoid awkward conversations with his extended family. He had never been good at socializing. Most of the time he ended up embarrassing himself. School was normally a nightmare for him, since talking to people was a challenge.

    The only person he could talk to comfortably was his father, and now that his father had passed, his options were severely limited. He had tried talking to his mother, but she didnā€™t understand like his father did, for his father had gone through the same awkwardness. It was his father that always reassured him that it was going to be okay in the end- he was going to get married and raise a family- that the awkwardness didnā€™t last forever.

    Kevin entered the car he and his mother had arrived in. He sat in the passenger seat alone, for his mother was still being comforted in the funeral home. The isolation attempting at teasing him, but he swatted it away. He was not going to cry, even if he was alone. He had to stay strong for his father. Besides, crying was a burden. Not to mention the fact that crying was painful, it was also messy. Your nose gets all runny and your face is all wet- it was something Kevin didnā€™t care to participate in.

    Have a fantabulouso week everyone,

  10. Oops

    In brisinger dragon has gone to helgrind to kill the razac and save rorans wife to be.they fly to the top of helgrind and Hav found the rasa a layer hidden by an illusion they enter and dragon tracks down Katrina with his mind. They r attacked by the razacs parents and saphira is forced to take both of them on while roran and dragon fight the razac. They find Katrina and dragon stays behind them deal with her trattorias father and the last razac

  11. $1,000 Captain Major King Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and soon to be Quennation,will find out Detective's name. says:

    Now Fred, I might want to check the dictionary but I don’t think that fantabulouso is a real word. My spellchecker even went off went i typed it in. Bad Fred.

  12. $1,000 Captain Major King Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and soon to be Quennation,will find out Detective's name. says:

    I had an idea for the very last chapter of my book based on an almost true experience. So that’ll be my creative today.
    “Tales of the Tacopire”;Creative:Secret Look
    Quentin was taunting me and I knew I had to tell my troops to charge. I flew over to him and jabbed my stinger in his chest. Just then he pulls a sword out of a sheath I hadn’t seen until then. He angrily cuts a gash in my side. Then he shreds through my wings. Sir Mr. Epic Immediately runs over picks me up and takes me to my parents. As they grab me I tell Sir Mr. Epic that he needs to lead the troops in battle. I am at this point profusely bleeding through my wound. My parents are rushing me really fast to the mutant hospital founded by me. Meanwhile Mr.Epic is charging our troops to the enemy. My dad arrives at a stop sign. Just as that happens Mr.epic is shot multiple times by Quennation’s troops. My army is quickly falling. The grass is stained permanently red by all the blood lost by both teams. My dad hits the gas on the car just as another vehicle advances. We are all killed on the spot. Blood flows across the street. Then my army is completely wiped out. The final battle is finished.

    WaspMan Signing Out

  13. Creative Writing


    The struggle to keep them up
    Hiding the report card every nine weeks
    Striving for the all A’s category
    But sometimes falling short
    The hard work you put in
    The result not always what you want
    They are the enemy
    The wicked witch, the joker
    Grades, an enemy to us all.

  14. Line

    Mr lidenbroke already?


    I am ready journey to the center of the earth and I chose this line because me lidenbroke usually gets home late and dinner is ready but this time he gets home early and dinner is late and the maid is getting worried like she is going to get fired


    Axel follow me


    I chose this line because mr lidenbroke has this place that he goes to after he gets home and he wants axel to go but axel isn’t home so the lady goes and doesn’t see anything and mr lidenbroke is a big science person


    Anna is very smart
    Though she doesn’t like to push buggy carts
    But Anna is very bold
    And can be very cold
    But Anna hated to play darts

  15. Adison is very dumb
    But he likes to eat crumbs
    He eats A lot of figs
    So he can look like a pig
    Oh Adison just likes to chew gum

  16. I want to thank $1,000 Captain Major King Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and soon to be Quennation,will find out Detective’s name for my Newberry award nomination. Thank you.

  17. Im reading a book called Within Reach: My Everest Story. It’s about a teenager at throughout the years, gets interested in mountain climbing. He eventually gets convinced that he wants an attempt at Everest but his first trip doesn’t work out because he starts coughing and fractures a rib which he says feels like a knife going in and out of his chest each and every Time he breathes in or out. The second attempt was almost successful, and may have been if his dad didn’t plead for him to go home after a storm had killed several climbers the day before. He is getting ready to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in preparation for his, ” third times a charm,” attempt at Everest.

  18. Not generous only practical. This war does not allow me to be generous

    This is a very true statement in war u need all the recorded u can get r specially one as big as in this book

    Hardening his heart to slogans misery dragon did what he said he would
    Sloan is a trader from carvahall and dragon as sent him to the elves to get what he deserves but dragon is disturbed by his misery like any one would be

    I’m a dragon rider in have as much authority as a king or queen
    Sloan claims that eragon has no authority bit back then authority was measured by rank and he was
    Pretty high on that scale

    A man could form himself anew if he so wanted
    Eragon Kent that Sloan could realize what he had done wrong and he would be batter off that way

  19. April
    Cal was sitting and waiting for one of the thugs to just come out of no where and grab him. He had no Idea what they were going to do to him…
    Cal could not wait one more second thinking about the 2 thugs. So he headed out of the small, condensed cave that he was smushed in and started to walk. Then he started to think about Lachlan, and how the press would be hounding him for information about the crazy teen who put his little sister in a coma and then shot his uncle…
    One MORE šŸ™‚

  20. April
    Cal had a feeling inside that Lachlan would not say anything. But he did not no why he thought that. But he did.So he cept blidly walking and then he saw a little house. When he approached it, it was not a house. It was a little forest ranger hut. He walked around the small hut a few times to make sure know one was following him or that know one was in there. So he opend the door and oUT OF KNOW WHERE…. !!!!!!
    That is all! šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

  21. Okay here is a few creative poems and a summary on what ive read so far in my book, Into The Heart Of The Sea.

    here’s a limerick

    Basketball is a great sport
    I love the sound of the ball dribbling on the court
    The swish of the net
    The best feeling yet
    But why do my shots always come up short?

    here’s a freeverse poem


    Do you ever get those things
    That give you a certain feeling?
    Whether good or bad
    The sensation is strong.
    You may not want to experience it
    But it never fails to arise.

    okay here’s a summary of what i’ve read so far in my book.

    to this point, the book has described life in Nantucket, and the people that live there. it talks about the people’s experience in whale hunting, to attain the oil. that’s pretty much all that has been said, it really reinterates most of the same things over and over up until now.

  22. Vandy gave up a 20-2 run against Tennessee to lose by 6. All that is left to do now is to try to drown my sorrows in magic tricks courtesy of Wizard Wars on Syfy Channel.

  23. The Glory Road
    So, this is what i’ve read so far.

    Muhammad Bali is a young african-american who was captured and is being shipped off. He is on a boat and chained up with a bunch of other men and kids. The first three men have died on the journey. They only get fed once a day and get water twice a day. He describes and says that no one can even move.

    Dialectal Journal
    Penny Hardaway

    Hardaway had put on a great show, but he stll felt the Magic would pick Chris Webber.

    The Magic fans cheered when they selected Webber. They booed when the Magic announced they traded h to Golden State for Penny Hardaway.

  24. ^^^ continued from my last one.

    Comment- Fans were diappointed about the trade until to two faced each other in a game that season. Hardaway totaled 23 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists, and 2 blocks. Webber only scored 13 points. They Magic fans didn’t realize the star they had in the making.

  25. The internet has been a boon and a curse for teenagers.
    J.k. Rowling
    The Internet helps this generation but also destroys it

    Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
    Hellen Keller
    If we stand together we can accomplish many great things

    Not all those who wander are lost.
    J. R. R. Tolkien
    Just because the roam around doesn’t mean they are lost It could mean they are adventurous

  26. SO i’ve done the research for the Halo Spartans, but will not be doing the blog on them. A huge waist of time. But for a good reason. There is so much lore an way too much info to correctly and orderly describe the group of GMO humans without going into a long explination of everything Halo, since the game consists of mainly, well, spartans.

    Instead, I’ll do something more, entertaining. Lynard Skinard vs. CCR

    “Sweet Home Alabama” is possible one of the most iconic songs of the south (mainly AL.) and Lynard himself. And what’s great is that it can be classified for beginners and is incredibly simple. In the song, there are three notes primarilly played, the G, C, and D cords (in that order). All thats left is to add person flare, since there are so many variations that it doesn’t matter if you mess with it a little. I have my settings and nobs on the electric guitar and my amp set to where I can play it with a Rock sound to it.

    CCR, or Creedance Clearwater Revival, has a song that is heavily tied to pharmacies. The song highly favored by me, “Down on the Corner”. Also incredibly simple since the bass and electric guitars play in some what of unison. The notes are played on open, 2nd, and 3rd fret of the low E, A, D, and G strings. This song also could be played in varrying ways. You could either stick to the original bass line, which is quite boring, or you could follow the vocals and play the melody of the guitar. The song, like SHA, can be changed through the tone of the amp and the guitar.

    So, I give credit to Youtube and Ultimate Guitar for the tabs and guitar covers for both songs.

    Ps. there is a mini series on youtube for playing Coldplay with the cords, and I’ve finished learning Clocks and Viva La Vida.

    Peace out

  27. Tuesday- “Be gentle to all and stern with yourself.”

    Saint Teresa of Avila

    If you think about it we do the exact opposite of this quote, we are often very lenient with ourselves we make up explanations for ourselves with maybe our behavior or things we may say but instead of embracing our flaws we tend to focus our eyes on other people and how they may act. You may not know that your doing it or you may be self-righteous for what ever reason your soft on yourself and hard on others. I don’t know if we can be gentle to all and hard on our self I mean of course we see its the right thing to do but can we as humans really actually do this?

  28. It has also come to my attention while playing “Sweet Home Alabama”, that when the capo is on the 7th fret, it sounds like a gospel song if you pluck the bass note then play the corisponding chord.

  29. Wednesday- ” Stupidity is a talent for misconception.

    Edgar Allan Poe

    This quote is well on the negative side. Its basically saying that people have a “Talent” for believing in something that is false or can never be true defines stupidity. So modern examples of this would be being superstitious, believing in magic, monsters, or anything that simply can’t be true and they choose to believe. I mean it doesn’t help that things about this people make moves about stuff like ghost and poltergeist that can be really convincing but even with that you should have some common sense.

  30. Thursday- “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.”

    Eleanor Roosevelt

    It saying that you don’t know how strong willed a woman is just by looking at her I mean looks are deceitful when it comes to girl they can look sweet but be the devil in high heals. You can’t tell a woman break point or how strong she is until you ” Put her in hot water” or put her into a serious situation. It doesn’t have to be life or death but debt, bankrupt, etc. When you put someone in a stressful situation you can observe how long they last or ” how strong they are” and then see when they crack but if you don’t there is potentially no other way to see how a woman is strong.

  31. Conference-USA Champs UAB, we only heard the “Fire Ray Watts” cheer 4 times. Tyler Madison had 7 points including a dunk.

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