breaking cat news…

oh, i read the funniest book this week – “breaking cat news” – a comic series around the author’s three cats – just absolutely wonderful and great for cat middle school lovers:)

“100 tricks for how to appear smart in business meetings” – not as funny as cat news, but still good

“the sender” – i read this one in a couple of classes – parts of it – by a sports psychologist that works with saban and bama’s football team – very good middle school boy book


my brilliant idea for next year’s books…

“the way of the runner” – perfect book for the trip to Boston – good author – I’d read him before – his story of learning the secrets of Japanese running – it was a really interesting book b/c I haven’t read much about the Japanese culture of running – it’s pretty big over there – and different – so very recommendable

“kill the boy band” – good HS BOB recommendation – not coming to a middle school near you anytime soon:) but i really enjoyed the book – there were questions and twists that would be great to talk with someone about – but, again, that won’t be middle school kids:) I did get the idea that we should do fanfic next year for our books – either Shakespeare fan fic – Irving fan fic – Poe fan fic – CMS fan fic – Shelby fan fic – Trump fan fic (you know, the world where he becomes president – or Hillary if you need it to work for you) – there are lots of possibilities


the short week when i’m writing on wednesday

stronger – by a survivor of the boston marathon attack in 2013 – jeff bauman lost both of his legs – the book chronicled his 6 months afterward – his rehab – i guess in the past few years one thing i’ve learned is that it’s very hard to lose legs and then try to walk – artificial limbs dig into the knee – into the leg – it’s not fun at all

related book note – bauman threw out the first pitch marathon monday


the return of the Lil bri…

oh, what fun it is to blog in a one-horse soap and slay:)

“notorious rbg” – for all you judge-wannabe’s – a book about one of the supreme court justices – written by two of her biggest fans – they developed a twitter handle for her too – a truly creative, neat book that’s very accessible for young adults – but not strictly for them – well done – i enjoyed it – i always like reading about the law – it makes me feel smarter

“pedro” – the typical sports biography – the whiny tale of an athlete who feels slighted by everyone – and so much tell the story of why he was always misunderstood – his side of the story – very little personal info – much like reading stat lines – it wasn’t that good – BUT it was about boston so it works:)

“scary close” – book on letting people into your life – and why we don’t sometimes – there were parts that were really, really good – overall, very good


Gifted AND Talented at Columbiana Middle