staying toasty warm with a good book…

“i’d know that voice anywhere” – collection of NPR radio essay from deford – a former writer with sports illustrated – great non-fiction for the sports boys at the school – sort of shows thought can go with sports – sometimes:) i did enjoy the way it was arranged too – not just chronologically or by sport

“f paper” – something like that – collection of silly/goofy responses to papers from a teacher – the librarians LOVED it – it was cute – very easy to read – if we’d had another hour of class friday, we would’ve read some of them – but, alas, too much else to do

“run for your life” – cailyn gets an A for life for letting me borrow this book – first, it brought Bama good luck b/c i read it during commercials of the national championship game – second, it was enjoyable to read – as a teacher – as a runner – just from the history behind it – apparently, there was a xc race in chelsea back in the mid-90s – imagine…


for your pregame entertainment…

my reading for the week:

“God’s Glory Alone” – pretty cool book to start the year with – with the Protestant Reformation turning 500 soon, the company had different authors contribute books on distinctions of the Reformation – this book was from the phrase “solo gloria” – or whatever the Latin phrase is for God’s glory alone – the book wrote about our current obsession in society with ourselves, helped in large part with social media – and offered the critique – and solutions – for how to address such a problem – again, enjoyable

“On Pluto” – man developed early-onset Alzheimer’s and has chronicled his fight with it via a documentary and with the book I read – I’d read exerts from Runner’s World – after having seen my grandparents deal with the disease, the book was a good read – sort of a book about the struggle we all have to keep hope even in the darkest times


starting the new year with the right stuff (and book:)

hope everyone had a great vacation – i’m looking forward to being back…

“unsweetined” – story of stephanie tanner – well, the actor that played her – very tragic story – very sad story – i’ve read plenty of sad biographies – this one was about the worst – jodie just spun into a darkness after that show and it took a while for her to come back – i guess it’s one of those times you read and wish you could make things better for the other person – but you know you can’t

“binge” – hey, hey hope and laurel – i finally read your book!!! it was definitely the highlight of the week – and it was so heavy, i got a workout from lifting the thing (lots of picture pages that weighed it down) – i didn’t know about tyler until hope and laurel – i even watched a video last week – i could’ve done w/o the toilet references – and the book was rather much explicit for YA, but the book was a definite encouragement in matters of learning to be okay with yourself – and i enjoyed the honesty of the book

“adulthood is a myth” – oh but this one is funny:) a comic devoted to all of the inner thoughts of a young adult – like me – and all the things we learn that aren’t really true – one of my favorite comics was how we can sound very impressive when we’re writing essays – or anything really on paper – and then sound like we’re five years old talking out loud:)

see everyone tuesday


the happiest of new years…

hope holidays are good for everyone…

“interventions” – this is the book i should’ve reviewed last week – by the former UN president – it makes the case for the UN to be the leader in the world in political interventions – the honesty from annan was a strong suit – he was obviously not a fan of W Bush – but he perhaps didn’t address fully the limitations of the UN as well as he should’ve – that said, he argued persuasively for a strong UN

“the song machine” – as a fan of pop music, i LOVED this book – the story behind the current songs – most of which are made from former swedish metal guys:) i’m curious to see how many of 1D’s songs are written by euro guys – very informative book most of ya’ll would actually enjoy reading too

“the death of cancer” – very good book – doctor, through his daughter, tells of his 50 year fight as a doctor/patient in the war on cancer – there’s a lot that’s being done that people don’t know fully about – there’s a lot of hope – reasons to be optimistic – the book was an encouraging read


Gifted AND Talented at Columbiana Middle