The 09-10 Blog Page

Not to be confused with any other blog page – yeah for reading!!!

Dr. Roy

532 thoughts on “The 09-10 Blog Page”

  1. im still reading tuck everlasting it is a good book just when the girl woke up she went fishing with but when she got aa bite it came off and she was happy it did then miles cought a rainbow trout but released because the girl was about to start crying seeing the hook in its mouth. the man in the yellow suit showed up and talked about how he owned the water and land and he was going to sell it for a bunch of money but may wacked him in the head with the end of an old shotgun. that is all i have read tonight

    10-20-09 8)

  2. I am now reading the book Graceling snd it has turned into a quite interesting plot twist. So now Kasta and Prince Po are planning a journey to monsea and other places to try to dicover who captured Po’s Grandfather King Tealiff. That is all for now. Peace. 😉 :-B 🙂 🙁 🙂

  3. This is Dragunforse w/ a buk update. I’m still trying to finish blogging Hunger Games, but I’m doing well on Adam Canfield of the Slash. Anywho, days and days go by, people die, and there are only about 10 left, Cato and his crew of district 1 girl, 2 boy & girl, 3 boy, 4 boy, and Peeta. PEETA!! WHAT IS PEETA DOING W/ THE BIG GUYS. IS TURNING ON ME OR IS HE HELPINIG ME!! WHAT IS WRONG W/ HIM!!! Anywho, the others left are Katniss, Rue the small creepy girl, and Foxface from district 5, who is very sneaky. So, Katniss is safe…. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! The strong really good people are here and they see me. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They surround her and the only thing she can do is climb the tree and hope everything turns out okay. Well, it’s early in the morning and she is in the tree when…RUE!! She sees Rue and Rue is pointing at a tracker jacker nest!! Tracker jackers are yellow jackets mutated into deadly tracking devices that when the sting you you either die, want to, or feel bad for about 2 weeks or so. Anywho, it stays with you for a long time and hurts really bad. YAWN!!!!!



  4. The author, Ken Jennings, purpose of writing his magnificent book, Braniac, is to show that it is possible to do somethings once thought impossible. When he made it to Jeopardy he beleived that he had already completed the impossible. No where in his mind was he thinking that he was going to survive for 2 and a half months. Yet he beleived in himself, and he did finally complete the emothional journey. He uses his book to help people beleive that they can do it.

    Dear Top channel producers,

    SHOW KEN JENNINGS IN JEOPARDY. If you do this then your ratings will sky rocket because this man is amazing. I have a feeling that he will go all the way. His pure genuisness brings out the greats in the trivia world and shows that trivia can in fact be exciting even after all the scandals through the years.

    A man who knows this briliant man but also knows the tv industry.

    The characters in Braniac are all different. Ken is an over obsesser for trivia. He has much self motivation but also recieves plenty of help from his very loving and supportive wife. With the hepl of his wife and close friends he made it to the big screen. He has many heplful things to back him from the start.

  5. Ok so i finished “Where The Red Fern Grows” so heres what happened, So after the sad death of Little Ann Billy’s family decided to move to a town and give Billy and his sisteras an education. Before they moved Billy took one last look at the graves of his dogs when he saw a Red Fern growing inbetween there graves. Then he remembered a story he had heard. The story was that the Red Fern was planted by an Angel and is only found in special spots. After that he knew God had a reason for taking there lifes so they moved and lived in the town. And that the end of “Where The Red Fern Grows”


  6. Ok, tonight I am going to blog on..
    Garveyard Book

    Today they named the little boy Normal. The ghosts, I mean. So, it was kind of weird because I’ve never heard of the name Normal for a little child. So, now the old lady is taking care of him and they are finding food. The other ghost people are debating weather they should let the lady keep him. They say there shouldn’t be anyone alive in the garveyard.

    That’s as far as I’ve gotten for today, will read a LOT more tomorow.


  7. i just finished tuck everlasting it was a good book but i think the ending was kind of bad. the tucks mom went to jail for murdering someone but they broke her out and the girl took her place under a big blanket and made herself look bigger but she got caught then for some reason realesed ans jessie gave her some water from the spring but she poured it on the frog and later on died around eighty years old and never drank it and the spring got plowed over by a bulldozer and that was the end of the book.

    10-21-09 😀

  8. Mafeld started the new craze in the 7th grade kingdom, petitions, seems like nobody likes the rules and all that so a lot of people start like 80 different petitions about whatever, there’s even a petition about no more petitions. actually that kind of relates to a previous book i read, the fire of ares, which is the first of the series i am currently reading. in the book, the slaves hate being controlled by the spartans in every way, and they don’t own anything, even themselves. at the end of the book, they rebel against the spartans and that is kind of what we’re doing now, but without the fighting, it’s like 7th grade kingdom because everyone is fed up with all of the rules and want to have a voice in the rulings, i’m not going to tell you anything else about the story, you’ll have to read it yourself.

  9. I am still reading Life on the River but I am on a new chapter now. The Legend of Lizzy and it starts out awesome and cool but it ends sarroful and I would tell you but I am not there yet. But when Kit ( the author) was getting atacted by a bull but then a dog ( Lizzy) came and saved him but Lizzy got hurt. And when he went coon hunting with his new dog (Lizzy) with his friend with his two best dogs. When Kin’s friend’ dogs treed a coon , the coon atacted them and the coon won but when it was Lizzy’s turn she killed the coon and a year after that she had puppies and Kin gave one to his friend and one day Lizzy and her four other puppies were at the creek and when Lizzy came back with three puppies, they searching for the other one but a gator got it then Lizzy fought the gator. The gator gotn a leg but Lizzy got an eye. But latter she got killed by some cyotys latter. But she killed one.

  10. Finally, if you have figured out who I am and why I keep changing names, you have figured out I am just plain old Trey.

    I have started Sent, the sequel to Found. It is a great book so far, but if anyone wants to read it, I would recommend reading Found and then imedeintlly reading Sent, because Found stops abrubtly and Sent starts just out of the blue.

    Well right now Jonah, Chip. Katherine. and Alex have gone back to Chip and Alex’s time period. The two find out they were royalty and were supposed to get killed by their Uncle.

    That is all I have read so far!

    Good Night!

  11. Book: Stargirl (20 pages left…):-)

    There’s conflict in what i just read because Leo was upset that Stargirl had been practicing her speech all this time to him and Archie and a couple other friends and when she got up to say her first speech, she just made it up and Leo was shocked. He asked her what happened and what she was gonna do about it later on that day since she qualified, and she said that she was just gonna have to make it up again. The conflist is that Leo was shocked and upset but didn’t want Stargirl to find out. Also, she kept annoying him on the way there and in the hotel too so that’s also conflict.

  12. The author’s purpose is to tell how disappointed and upset Stargirl was when she returned to her school after winning the speech contest and only saw 3 people at the school waiting to congratulate her when she thought there would be millions. Then, Susan returned Monday back being Stargirl. She had her ukelel, her rat, and gave out cookies. She also began singing birthday songs to everyone in the cafeteria when it was time. She gave Hillari Kimble a cookie and she smashed it with her shoe.

  13. Billy gets over the flu. He goes for cornmeal, and meets the Pritchard boys, Rubin and Rainie. They bet 2 dollars Old Dan & Little Ann can’t catch the “ghost coon”. The bet is taken by Billy’s grandpa, and they meet about dark to hunt. The bet was that OD & LA couldn’t tree said coon, which they do, but Rubin changes the bet. Billy just won’t kill that coon, for it lived so long and evaded so many. The Pritchard dog comes and starts a fight with OD, and Rubin tackles Billy. LA joins the fight and starts whipping the Pritchard’s tick hound. Rubin runs in, but trips. Billy gets the dogs apart, then looks at Rubin, who is impaled by Billy’s axe, which he threatend the dogs with. Rubin dies there, then is moved to the Pritchard cemetary. Billy goes later to put flowers on the grave.

  14. i finished tuck everlasting and now i am reading touchdown alexander it is about a boy always trying to be as good as his older brother at something but his older brother was somehow always better at everything and shawn got recruted by alabama and started off ok but in one game he didnt think he was going to play so he stayed up all night playing games and at the game the running back got hurt so got to go in about 4 times and he scored touchdowns every time but one ans had a total of about 291 yards that broke the record for alabama ans that is all i read today see yall tomorrow

    10-22-09 😀

  15. Okay, Here is the blog on…
    Graveyard Book

    Today I found out the little boys nickname, Bod. So Bod met this girl. She would talk to him and stuff, but her parents hought it was an imaginary friend. Only becuase she told them he lived in a graveyard. So he took her down this tunnel one day. There was this weird man down there who wasn’t real, but looked all tatooed and everything. All of the creatures were talking to then trying to scare them and then they left. The mom and dad had allready filled a missing persons report. Then, the little girl came out and her parents were so releived.

    That’s as far as I’ve gotten today. ROLL TIDE!

  16. The author’s purpose for Redwall is to tell a story for kids from ages 11 to 15. He has a wide variety of words that he uses in the book. This is why I think it’s for that age group. Recently in the book, Cluny has crashed his cart and his army and he are staying in a church. He went to Redwall to negotiate with the Abbott. He told the Abbott that he demanded surrender and the badger that works with the mice threw a table at him. As Cluny ran up the stairs and out of the castle, he saw a picture of Martin the Warrior on a tapestry. He was stunned because he has been having nightmares about a mouse killing him that looks a lot like Martin(but it’s really Matthias that kills Cluny). Anyway, he commands one of his stealthiest rats, Shadow, who is darker than night itself, to steal the picture of Martin that the mice depend on so much. The rat sneaks in without even making a sound a starts cutting it when Matthias hears a voice(Martin’s) calling him. He goes into the Great Hall and sees the rat stealing it. He catches up to Shadow, but he gets a door slammed in his face. Constance, the badger, hits Shadow pretty hard at the end, knocking him off the wall and killing him. Cluny appears to be coming to Shadow’s rescue, but he just wants the picture and leaves him there to die.

    The character that stands out to me again is Matthias. He has great leadership. When he gets injured the second time he fights Shadow, he doesn’t brag about it. The Abbott told him to go rest, but he makes a speech about how it was nothing and if he is strong enough to take those blows and still be fine, the mouse army can win. He gets everybody excited and he gives them hope. These are some really good characteristics of leadership.

    This book relates to The Hobbit. Matthias is small, but in the end, he is one of the stronger warriors and he leads the army, and he is a big part of the mices’ success. However, he is never scared. Bilbo on the other hand, starts off scared and stays scared until he gets back home. He is small and weak, but ends up being a leader and sort of captain of the dwarves. He plays a big part in their success when he goes in and irritates the dragon and gets him to fly out and that is when Bard kills him.

    Dear Cluny the Scourge,
    I know your name means punishment, but I think you have soft spot in your heart…well first of all, I think you have a heart. Second, I think you have a soft spot for mice and their pictures of great warriors. See, that warrior gives us hope and strength to battle our enemies. So, if you don’t mind, could you give that back so we can whip y’all’s butts if you try to attack us? Hey, if you give that back, we might attack you!!! Would that be just dandy? And listen here, ya punk, you better give us that friggin’ thing back or I’m gonna come over there and destroy all of y’all, ya’ hear? Thanks sweetie.


  17. Dr. Mayfield I know you just adore us wonderful 5th
    period stundents, but reading a text-book with no pictures is a bit much. I mean how do you prosses
    that kind of book!…….. I’ll be back later Olive-A

  18. ok, I’m back its me, Olive-a, on the scene. [Oh that was so cheesy!!:-)] I read Eggs over the Memorial Weakend. I loved it its about a girl and a boy that met when the boy moved there, and they help each other get through their problems. It starts off with David, the boy, going to a Easter Egg Hunt. He strayed off the path and into the woods and sall an egg. he took in and found red lipstick all over it looked down to see it had been siting in a pair of lips. He brushed the leaves away to see the beautifulest face he’d ever seen. he asked her if she was dead, and when he was sure she, primrose, was, he started to talk to her. [ hismother had died resentlyand he avoided friends because of it.] He thought he could share and be friends with this dead girl, because she probably hit her head and died too, or maby because she would never rely try to get tohim/or never rely know what he said, and there’s one othr possibilty…..that maybe she’d understand him or agree with him. An allusion that is caused by pain or hate. later he’s at a reading thing at the Library and he sees her and screamed for dear life!! Later they become friends.
    well enemys=friends They said they hated each other but cared for one another too. One day while doing a job Primrose got mad and left him in the dark and he screamed bloody mudder and refrigerator John, their other knew friend, had to come help him. Primrose lives outside her own home and resents her mother. Her father died and she kept a picture of an actor and said it was her father. David resented his grandmother too. Then one day primrose decides to take david on a trip were they have to walk on rail road tracks to go see
    this guy who waves at people every day.
    ” The Waving Man” is what people call him then she plays a prank on him and says jump making him think there’s a trail coming then she laughs till theres tears in her eyes. when she looks up hes about a mile away and this time there realy is a train coming and strait at him. She grabs him just in time. Later that night they make shelter and he reads to her and she told him the reason that she had been to the reading thing was so she could sleep
    she could never go to sleep when her Mothers voice
    had read to her and she always tried to put her Mothers vouice to it but she could never sleep.
    That night she slept. That morning She took David to watch the sunrise with her, something he had vowed to never do because the night his mother died shed said that, that morning they’d see the
    sun-rise together. He said no at first then gave in because he knew it was time and Primrose held him
    as he cried. Then a police found them and took them home, and on the way home David showed her something he’d never shown anyone before.
    his momentum of his mother, [ He’d got it off her dress while she was in the casket. ANd one day Primrose moved back in with her mother and David
    started to love his grandmother again. It was a wonderful story.


  19. lately, i’ve been reading a book called “the faceless ones”. its pretty hardcore and dark, but the darkness is lightened slightly with little bits of humor and sarcasm (oohhh how i love sarcasm!). anyway, its totally awesome. lots of fight scenes and stuff (and magic, cant forget the magic! like, throwin fireballs and stuff!). anyway again, im gonna write one of those story things we do, yknow, where bob is transported into the book we’re reading? yea, that.

    Bob awoke on a rooftop, clutching his throbbing head. He stood up and looked around. there wasn’t anyone around, except for the people driving willy-nilly down on the busy street below.
    Bob felt very strange. He kept having the urge to run and jump out over the side of the building and attempt to land on the rooftop across from him. He finally got the nerve to try it. He backed up to the opposite edge of the building and sprinted across the gravel roof. he leapt into the air. He flew about halfway across the way, and time seemed to slow. He realized the terrible situation he was presently in: he was definitely not going to make it. Just on a whim, a last resort of sorts, he splayed his hands apart under him, trying to propel himself forward. The air seemed to lock together, like a jigsaw puzzle, or a mesh of gears, and he pushed himself off the air and onto the ledge before him.
    “oh wow.” he said to himself. He continued this for many minutes, until a hand grabbed his shirt collar, just as a mother dog would grab a pup by the scruff of the neck, as he was leaping across a ledge. The hand threw him to the ground and he slid across the gravel a few yards until he clanged to a halt against a pipe.
    The stranger pulled a scarf and hat from his head to reveal his identity. his skull was a white gleam, and there was everlasting darkness within the sockets where eyes should be. Bob froze in fear as the skeleton approached him, obviously angry from his body language.
    “Don’t you know better than to use powers in public, in the presence of mortals?” Bob wasn’t quite sure how this man could talk, seeing as how he had no tongue, not to mention any skin or flesh on his gleaming bones. most of him was covered with a black and grey pinstripe suit, but he could see the milk-white bones peeping out from his sleeves and around the collar of his undershirt.
    “sir, I-I didn’t know! please d-don’t hurt me!”
    ” I’m not going to hurt you…right now. But watch what you do. You need training and discipline. Take this card, and watch your back. You wouldn’t enjoy having skulduggery Pleasent as an enemy.” He tossed a card to bob, which he barely caught because of the breeze blowing by. He read the card. It was a business card for someone named Valkyrie Cain, an “elemental trainer”, and had an address and phone number at the bottom. He pocketed the card and stood up. The man, Mr. Pleasent, it appears, was nowhere to be seen.

  20. I am still o Graceling and thay have traveled to sudern with a lead and they follow the lead to the
    ” supposed” king of kindness. BNow that they are there they are trying to investigte of how to continue. Well on another issue the Special Olyimpics was awesome. We had a blast and played lots of golf. So see ya’ll tomorow and have a happy weekend. Peace. 😉 🙂 🙁 🙂

  21. ALMOST Finished with “Tell Me What You See” Just a couple more chapters I should finish it by next blogging time:) So Simon ends up being a freaky stalker and is following Alissa everywhere adn Evelin, Alissa’s BFF, Ends up liking girls which was the biggest shock ever!! As the book is wrapping up its not that good. Alissa like goes BANANAS! And shes seeing birds as people and talking to her self and running away randomly right before they go back home! Then Simon goes Bonckers! And is like I can Smell alissa! Its like wow freak show!! HH and then he was at a park salking alissa and he finds the kitty that she had been peting earlier and he goes to pick and slips and falls and lands on the cat and kills it and then still takes it ot alissa when it was dead what a weirdo!! one night when Alissa was walking home from Evelin’s house Simon ran up behind her tackled her then started makeing out with her and she kicks him and runs home then the next morning she went out to go to the bakery and guess whos laying at the front door SIMON!!! I’m sorry but if i was her I would have beat the crap out of him.. But i do give Evelin a high-5 b/c after simon handed alissa the dead kitty (rip) Evelin took off after him and gave him a nice little bloody nose:) You go GUhh!! but everything else is old news b/c like i said since its getting near the end not much has happen.. Ohh Simon lost two fingers b/c frostbitw! But i thought he deserved it after tackeling Alissa and stalking her!!

    Toodles, Marcy-Lu:)

  22. I WILL FINISH TONIGHT!!!!!!!!! :-p


    What I’ve just read was saying that Leo wanted Stargirl to know (but didnt say anything) that he wasnt like the other people in the school who didn’t appreciate her when she did something good. He was the person who celebrated and congratulated her. Leo did not ask Stargirl to the Ocotillo Ball just like she said and predicted. He didnt ask anyone. He didnt even go. Dori Dilson drove Stargirl to the ball with her bicycle and a sidecar bench. Right now, Leo is very disappointed in himself for not going to the ball with his true love, Stargirl.

  23. ok so this week im read Vampire Kisses 5 and 6

    So in the 5th book I think that it it is kind of similar to th 2nd book in the twilight series because Raven(a vampire obsessed girl who hopes to become a vampire just like her vampire boyfriend) goes somewhere in search for her man(Alexander aka Vampire) and she knows where he might be just like Bella
    Its different because in this series vampires sleep at day light and cant be in bright lights because they would die (different in twilight cause their skin just sparkles)

  24. now i am on a new chapter called fishing with fred and it is very interesting because it is the ONLY poem in the book enthuzise ONLY and it is kinda similar to the legend of lizzy. i’ll would tell you right now but you got to wait. ( ha ha )
    it started with kin and fred fishing witch is Fred’s passion because one day he will be fishing for bass another day he will be fishing for crappie another day he will be fishing for catfish and another day he will be fishing for prim. but it was his demise because one day he went fishing in a storm and when a giant fish started tugging the linen and when he got the giant fish in lightning struck him right on the chin and killed him.

  25. FINISHED!!!!!!!
    The book relates to another book i have read before, Crash, because in both books, at the end there’s a part where two people become best friends and one of them was just annoying at first. In Crash, Penn was always annoying to Crash and got on his nerves so Crash made fun of him. Crash started liking Penn after he gave Crash the mud jar from the bottom of the Mississippi River that can heal any sickness if you just put the mud on where it needs to be. In Stargirl, Leo thought it was funny what Stargirl did during lunch and kinda made fun of her. After he and Kevin interviewed her on Hot Seat, Leo started hanging out with her. In both books, at the end, Stargirl and Leo like each other and Crash and Penn liked each other.

  26. sorry my last post got posted before i could finish but anyways in the parenthesis i was saying (in sunlight) k so the Irony on it is is that we all know she isnt going to listen to Alexander and go somewhere on the day they wont be together because she has done it in the books before this one

    so more about the book
    Raven She is a goth and is a vampire obsessed girl like i said before and she is in a place called hipsterville and this were her Aunt Libby lives so she stays w/ Libby
    Raven goes to a club and finds a real club called the dungon and she finds out its a vampire club

    so got to go sorry youll have to wait til next week to find out what happens

    oh and Kyle love ur blog!

  27. Hi!

    I am reading Sent. Right now the characters are figuring out that Alex and Chip weren’t going to die when they got thrown out the window. After tracer Chip and tracer Alex went to their mother’s sanctuary room, J (Jonah) K (Katherine) C (Chip) and A (Alex) got turned invisible by the eluciader and saw “King” Richard’s coronation, they rushed in side the church and eventually went out the back door to the Queen’s sanctuary room, K & J got yanked out of time by JB.

    That is all I have read so far.

    Good Night!

  28. finished legacy of blood about 2 minutes ago. now i am lost because i have no this time i found something new with conflict, Sacrifice, in the book the spartan army is retreating and they are on buildings and everybody but Lysander and Prokles are still on the roof. Prokles jumps off and he causes a distraction so Lysander can jump off too and get 2 safety. Demaratos is being tortured by the taranian army and Lysander puts his hand in a blacksmith’s furnace to get the fire of Ares back to free them both, and his skin gets like, completely burned off and stuff. Before he stuck his hand in the fire, Demaratos was being branded multiple times ans got his ribs shattered by a blacksmith’s hammer. Lysander offered to take his place, but he stuck his hand in the fire to save the amulet and their lives. Many brave Spartans gave their lives for Sparta. Half of them were like 14 year olds still in training.

  29. me also has a question, can we put ourselves as the main character in his/her POV and tell how you would do something differently?????? 🙂 🙁 😉

  30. FINISHED!!!

    The book relates to another book I read before, Crash, because in both books in the beginning there are two people and one of them doesn’t like the other. At the end it turns out that they like each other. In Crash it was Crash and Penn. Penn got on Crash’s nerves and was annoying to him but after Penn gave the jar of mud from the bottom of the Mississippi River to Crash (because his granddad was sick). There was a legend that if you put mud from the Mississippi River on the spot that needs to be healed, it will heal it. In Stargirl, it is Stargirl and Leo. Stargirl does lots of weird things in the cafeteria, like singing Happy Birthday to everyone on their birthday, and playing her ukulele in front of everyone (which really isn’t THAT weird). Ever since Kevin and Leo interviewed Stargirl in the “Hot Seat” Leo has been going out with Stargirl. At the end of both books each couple of friends end up getting along with each other.

  31. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOk so i am reading Artemis Fowl The Lost Colony when i left off (A WHILE BACK) then the Imp named N1 was thinking about traveling to Earth. He was scared for the first few days to take off the silver that anchored him there on the island. But he kept thinking aboout it and decided to taks off the silver but to be away from the volcano so he wont get sucked in but his world was losing its spell that kept it in the middle of time so right when he took it off he got sucked up to where Artemis was waiting. But there was someone else there who knew about demons. Right when N1 appeared the leader of the other people Minerva got a man to shoot a silver dart into N1’s leg to anchor him. So they bagged him and went back to there headquarters. Thats all i’m able to write got a Baseball game


  32. Summary

    (this one is supposed to go before my last blog but my old laptop didnt send it through for some reason so now i am having to redo it) 🙁

    In the book, there is an Ocotillo Ball coming up. Leo does not take Stargirl to the dance, just like she predicted. He doesn’t take anyone. He actually doesnt go at all. Stargirl comes to the dance riding in a sidecar bench conected to the driver’s bike, Dori Dilson. There were flowers everywhere on her. She was wearing a wig and a beautiful dress. Leo was mad and disappointed in himself for not going and later on found out that he would probably never ever see Stargirl again after speaking with Archie.

  33. Brainiac is much like the Hobbit. Both main characters do things that they would never thought they could do. Both charatcers change in the books as well as both characters end up reaching there main goals. Also both characters set high standards for themselves, allowing for a little room to fall bu not much.

    Differences : In Brainiac Ken thins that he could possibly make it onto Jeopardy but highly doubts it. Yet Bilbo does not think for one second that he would ever be a burgaler on a high stakes mission to find gold and take over a mountain. Neither of them go it alone either… even though Bilbo doesn’t recieve much of the backing needed to boost his morale. Ken recieves it from his wife… which helps him find the power to keep answering the correct answers, but Bilbo recieves the little ” you can do it ” hope from Gandalf.

  34. i am reading a book called glory. so far it is about a girl who is 13 and got poisoned by her father. she had one year to live when she found out that she had been she went to foster home to foster home.
    2- now the family she has been with for about 5 months and she has come to loving to woek in the garden because she think it reflects to how she feels and how they have to depend on somebody to water them.
    3- that is how she feels now because she depends on the doctors to give her medicane to get her a little while longer. and if the flowers dont get water then them will die just how she is going to. that is how she thinks.
    4- and now she has about 6 months to live to the posion takes over her hole body. so her and her new family are going on all of these trip of all the places she wants to see before she dies so the family is giving her what she want sence this is it.and that is as far as i have gotten.

  35. and now, time for a real review…

    (this review brought to you by the good folks at Dr. Roy’s Bakery – where your 13th bang-smackingly good muffin is free…)

    so it’s like Christmastime b/c I’m sitting around for the past three days without a book to read – very long time for me to do so – but I have four on order from Barnes and Noble for our class so I’m trying to wait for them

    in the meantime, I’ve been reading The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times – both full of news that the B’ham News doesn’t cover at all – for example, there was an article about an international food crisis and what countries were trying to do about it – also, NY’s marathon is in a week so there was an article about whether marathons are actually good for you (in light of the fact that three people have died recently from them – or in them, depending on the doctor you ask and whether that doctor has ever run…)

    of course, i read sunday about a football team that nearly lost were it not for a certain person named Mount Cody…

    i finished runner’s world, started running times, and started christianity today (the lead article about the lost of grace being taught in the church)

    guess that’s most of what i’ve been tackling

    dr roy

  36. I am reading The Graveyard book and I am allmost finished with it. Nobody Owen’s is a orphan who grew u around ghosts and learned their ways to haunt, fade, dreamwalk, fear, and others. Now it looks as if he is going to school with living people for the first time. That is all for now. Peace. 😉 🙂 🙁 🙂 😀

  37. Hey Mr. Mayfield, wow the days a record for you.
    How did 3 people die? Then agian every good thing makes you pay the price.


  38. I will now blog on,

    Graeyard Book

    Today he met this witch that he was forbiden to meat, but didn’t mean to meat her. So she actually helped him when he went out into the real world to buy her a tombstone. This man looked at the weird artifact from this underground tomb Bod brought and was going to give Bod to the man that killed his family.They escaped and made it safely back to the graveyard. His instructor gave him real clothes to wear because he was getting older. He did this dance with a girl with a spiderweb dress. He was told about his family. WELL, that pretty much summed it up, I read a lot though!

    Blog tomorow! ROLL TIDE!
    (That was the best football game ever!) 😉

  39. So when I left off Minerva had just gotten a demon but Artemis got Holly to folow her to find where there base was. Once he got there he started making a plan. He rallied Butler, Holly, DoohDah Day (Crimanal like Mulch) and geuss who MULCH. So he sent Doohdah in with mulch underground they brought Minerva’s little brother behind the house and knocked him out then Doohdah acted like him and went inside he then put a cord on there camera’s and Foaly had control of everything he activated all alarms and everything he even made images of the police coming so they tried to evacuate but when they loaded the demon Holly who had been invisable jumped in the car and drove off. But Minerva had a gas bomb in the car which knocked Holly out. Thats what I’ve read so far



    anyways,finished Where the Red Fern Grows, its teh awesomeness b00k! (wierd spelling + grammar) OD fights his mortal neme…. nime….NEMISIS (ther we go!), the mountain lion! OD dies, LA hates the world, you couldnt care less about what im typing (just kidding), LA starts a hunger stike for some reason, and with our last strength, we will win this war! (sorry, thinking about Social Studies for some reason :P)LA pulls her self onto OD’s grave,and dies (NOT BOTH OF THEM!!!!!!!!).

    Later, Billy’s moving, and he goes back to the grave they were buried at, and there’s a red fern inbetween the graves, planted by “an angel”.

    So yeah its teh awesomeness b00k, READ IT! Or I WILL GET ACHMED THE DEAD TERRORIST AFTER YOU!!! 8-D

    BTW, sorry about the earlier comment about the lost colony, it aint over! there is a new one called the time paradox im getting probably tomorrow

  41. im done with touchdown alexander and im back on harry potter series harry just fell off of his broom playing quitchitch cause of the dementors and was in the hospitle wing then everything went back to normal except he started taking lessons how to repel dementors and got a map from the weaslys that shows where everyone is in hogwarts and all of the secret enterances and he is looking for a new broom the womping willow smashed his into a million peices and that is all for tonight see yall.

    10-26-09 :/

  42. sorry my brother signed on and didnt back out of his name so the one on kolbys about harry potter is mine.

  43. I am still reading life on the river but now i am reading the epilogue. the story is almost dead on but exaggerated well actually very exaggerated but it is still based on true events like when lizzy fought the gator that was exaggerated because she did not fought the gator but she lost a leg. And when Kins grandpaw kept on losing fishing baits that was exaggerated and the true was that he lost it two times then caught it. and when he said John in first grade weighted one hundred and twenty pounds in high school he weighed four hundred pounds that was exaggerated

  44. I am still reading Perfect for the 3rd time, this book is SUPER spectacular, no joke! WE SHOULD READ IT IN CLASS SOMETIME!
    Okay wellll here we go:
    Her and ashely barnum have just hung out for the first time, and well they had fun. Except she introdiced her to Ex-lax. Which helps with the beliemic thing. They ate alot of foood, then she went on a bike ride with her mom. and welll you know. then ashley called her and told her that you need to alternate between the 2 of them. and then ashely invited belle to sit with her at the Center Table, which is a really big thing because it is going to change belles personality. And speaking of personality which has to do with character. belles character definetly changes. Because of her and ashely barnum becoming friends and her abandoning nola and georgie simply because she is bored with them. This book compares to the lucky one because they both meet new people and that changes them, but they actually dont compare because the people that Thibault meet change him for the good, and the people that belle meet don’t really change her for the good, well she thinks that it changes her for the good but it doesn’t. It just shows her how to be popular which isnt always a good thing in this book, because being popular means being skinny and beautiful. And ever since she has started hanging out with ashley she feels obligated to be mean to her mom, and leave georgie and nola.
    Thats it for now!
    Mrs.Garrett would die if she read this, bc of my grammatical errors.

  45. I am now rereading the book The angel experiment from the maximum ride series. In the book so far max and her ” family” are in hiding from an experimental place called the School. Now they have found and Kidnapped Angel and they are planing to return to the School to get her bac. Thats all. Peace. 😉 🙂 🙁 😀

  46. so i read Maximum Ride, the Angel Experiment in like 3 days, so i didn’t have time to blog about it, so I am now. There is a lot of conflict in this book. Inner and Outer. There are 6 people in a group type of thing, and they’re all bird-people. they call the group the flock. and there are also these wolf-people things called Erasers. The erasers are constantly hunting down the flock and trying to kill/capture the flock (for no reason at all) and the erasers manage to capture the youngest member of the flock, Angel, she’s 6. Max gets shot with a shotgun after she tries to help some random person from a lot of little street punks with weapons. The inner conflict is mostly within Max she’s the oldest, and the leader of the flock. She undergoes a lot of things troubling her, should she try to use some jerk’s credit card to get money? should she buy Angel a new toy she wants even though they hardly have any money left? the conflicts are endless within Max, and most of them have to do with the flock and what’s best for them.

  47. Hey Y’all Wazzup!

    I just finished Sent, by Magaret Peterson Haddix. It was the sequel to Found. Well I only read, like, thirteen pages, so this blog is gonna be short.

    Well, JB came back and told Katherine and Jonah that they should go back and help someone else get saved and not die. This time it is Andrea Cromwell. J and K agree even against chip’s wishes. They also get to take a dog with them who’s name is Dare. The book then stops short, just like it did in Found. I hate it when books do that.

    Well By!!!

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