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All students got their 1st Semester Exam Review Guides yesterday after their final Chapter Tests. They were allowed to take them home and begin to review for the Semester Exams next week. Today, they got a 1st Semester Exam Crossword Puzzle as their final grade for the 1st Semester to help them review for their Exam. Study and review so you will make a good grade on your Semester Exams!!!

Students took the Running Water & Groundwater Voc. Test as the class began. After the Voc. Test, we went over the Ch. Review from their textbook and had the Chapter Test on Running Water & Ground Water. Each student received their 1st Sem. Exam Rev. Guide after the Exam.

Students took the Weathering, Soil, and Mass MovementsVoc. Test as the class began. After the Voc. Test, we went over the Ch. Review from their textbook and had the Chapter Test on Weathering, Soil, and Mass Movements. Each student received their 1st Sem. Exam Rev. Guide after the Exam.

We finished the notes on "Running Water & Ground Water". Those students who took notes will be able to use them on the Voc. Test Tomorrow. The Chapter Test on this will also be tomorrow. I will give out the 1st Sem. Exam Review Guide tomorrow also.

We completed the "Weathering, Soil, and Mass Movements" Crossword Puzzle.took the "Weathering, Soil, and Mass Movements" Voc. Test today using their textbooks and notes. Upon completion of the Voc. Test, we took the Chapter Test. I will give out the 1st Sem. Exam Review Guide tomorrow also.

Dec. 9, 2014
We continued the discussion on Water, Flood levels, and drainage basins. We will continue to discuss the location and terms involving ground water. I will assign the 1st Sem. Exam Rev. Guide on Thursday.

We went over the PPT on Weathering, Soil, and Mass Movements. We will finish the PPT tomorrow and have an open book Vocabulary test and Crossword Puzzle on the same chapter. The Chapter Test will be on Thursday and the 1st Sem. Rev. Guide will be on Thursday also.

Dec. 8, 2014
Finished the Water Cycle, Pure Water and Delta drawings. Then we began to finish the PPT on Water and Groundwater.

Students began and finished the Weathering, Soil and Mass Movements Rev. Guide for homework after working in class.

Today, we reviewed the Water Cycle Chart from the book. Students then drew a representation of the "Water Cycle" from their book. Then, drew information on the chart about locations of water and the identification of the mouth, headwaters and base level or rivers.

We took the Earth's Resources Test w/our textbook as a guide. After the test, we began the "Weathering, Soil, and Mass Movements" Vocabulary & Review Questions.

We continued discussing the features of streams and rivers and how they erode land. We continued the notes via PPT and will draw the stages of the Water Cycle and parts of a river tomorrow. You must have your colored pencils/markers to make a good grade.

We took the Earth's Resources after working on the Earth's Resources Crossword Puzzle first. After the CWP, we took the Voc. Test and began the Ch. Assessment. We will take the "Earth's Resources" Chapter Test (Open Book) tomorrow.

We continued discussions from the PPT on delta's, mouth's of rivers, tributaries, channels and characteristics of rivers.

We went over the PPT for Earth's Resources and the Review Guide. The Seek-n-Find was assigned for homework in preparation for the Earth's Resources Voc. Test and Ch. Assessment on Thursday and Chapter Test on Friday.

Students began taking notes on the "Running Water & Groundwater" concepts from the PPT. We will be taking notes and discussing the information for the next day.

Students finished the "Earth's Resources" Study Guide worksheet by reading the text and answering the questions. We went over the answers to the Study Guide and viewed the Powerpoint presentation. We will take the Chapter Assessment and Voc. Test on Wednesday.

2nd Period
Students defined the terms from the "Running Water & Groundwater" chapter and began the Review Questions from that section.

5th Period
These students defined the terms from Earth's Resources and began the Review Guide and Study Notes from the Worksheet. We will finish the Review Guide tomorrow and go over the PPT on Wednesday.