Sophomores Making A Change at Calera High School

CAHS freshman mentoringSophomores Making A Change, commonly known as SMAC, are a group of tenth graders trying to make a difference at Calera High School.

They recently completed a Freshman Forum project that informed freshman students of what to expect from their first year of high school.  The SMAC students talked to ten different freshman groups about school spirit, making good friends, getting involved, class expectations, community service, study skills, balancing stress, respect, and having a positive attitude through their high school career.   Each group rotated and talked to every one of the GPS classes.  The project took a week to complete.

SMAC’s teacher, Mrs. Dawn Bone, started the class with a vision for strong students to impact other students.  This group of sophomores has taken the idea and turned it into something great, including coming up with the name SMAC.  Mrs. Bone’s motto for the class is, “If even one student in a class listens and hears what these sophomores have to say, then they have done their job in making a difference”.

“I enjoyed listening to the tenth grade speakers because I felt like they actually believed in what they were saying,” said Josiah Garrett.

Another freshman, Shelby Kernop, said her favorite presentation was about school spirit, including the great ideas the sophomores shared of how to show spirit.  Ethan Hilyar said his favorite presentation was on respect because he believes his classmates will listen to other students talk about the topic more so than listening to their teachers talk about the same subject.

Members of the SMAC group said at the beginning of the project they thought they were only going to help freshman, but didn’t realize that it would also build their confidence and make them better speakers.  All the ninth grade teachers have commented what a great job the sophomores did and how they all spoke from their hearts.

The SMAC group has plans to distribute Popsicles at football practice, volleyball practice, cross country practice, and band practice in the coming weeks.  The also have something special planned for all classes and new students throughout the school year.

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