Tami Genry, center, was joined by Principal Kathy Paiml and Supervisor of Media and Fine Arts Michelle Hall for the ceremony.
Tami Genry, Library Media Specialist for Helena Intermediate School, accepted the Herman Moore LAMP Award of Exceptional Service at the annual Alabama Library Expo at the Bessemer Civic Center on Wednesday, October 1.
The Herman Moore LAMP Award of Exceptional Service is awarded annually by Alabama Library Expo to librarians and library media specialists who have rendered outstanding and exceptional service to their patrons, schools, and communities over an extended period of time.
“Because Mrs. Genry has created a safe environment for both teachers and students and has worked collaboratively with every teacher on some type of project; powerful conversations take place regularly,” said Principal Kathy Paiml. “Teachers have embraced the open access concept of the library and regularly send groups of 150-200 students independently to the media center every day. There is not a time in the school day that you don’t see students checking out books or classes being taught. Tami is such an asset to HIS. She is so deserving of this award.”
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