Shelby County Schools has designated October 14 as Parenting Day in celebration of October being recognized as “Parent Visitation Month” by the Alabama State Department of Education.
The theme is Homes and Schools: Building Futures Together. Because parent engagement is a critical factor in student success, Shelby County Schools values this day. The most important benefit is the opportunity to inform and educate parents on ways to help their child be successful in school. The day also provides a venue for parents to establish a relationship with teachers and other adults who are responsible for their children at school.
Over 30 years of research have proven parent involvement is one of the largest determining
factors related to student success. When parents are involved in their children’s education in positive ways, children:
• Achieve higher grades and test scores
• Have better attendance at school
• Complete more homework
• Demonstrate more positive attitudes and behavior
• Graduate at higher rates
• Have greater enrollment in higher education
The Parent Day event is an opportunity for each school to share programs offered and to emphasize a shared responsibility for student success. Events are planned by the local school and look differently based on each individual school’s needs.
In addition to local school events, a community-wide event will be held called Celebrate Calm. Nationally recognized parenting expert, Kirk Martin, along with his son Casey, will present a workshop for parents entitled “Stop Defiance, Disrespect & Yelling.” The workshop will be held at Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church from 7:00-9:00 p.m. on October 13. This free workshop is geared toward for parents with children ages, 2-22. Children older than nine can attend with their parent.
Martin will demonstrate 10 ways to:
- Get kids to listen the first time.
- Stop defiance, disrespect, and yelling.
- Stop whining, tantrums, and sibling fights.
- Get kids off video games/screens without a fight.
- Create stress-free mornings, homework time and bedtime.
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