Montevallo Elementary Student Raising Money for Childhood Cancer

Kayla SanRoman a first grader at Montevallo Elementary School is seeking the community’s help in raising money to fight childhood cancer.  SanRoman was inspired to get involved after coloring ribbons for childhood cancer awareness a couple weeks ago. She went home and told her mom she wanted to raise money for cancer patients at Children’s Hospital.

She created her own flyer and walked all over her neighborhood collecting money.  She set MES K. SanRomanher original goal at $25.  Once she met that goal, she bumped it up to $50.  She quickly met that goal and then set a new goal of $100, which she has also now met.  Her new goal is now $155.

“This precious little girl came up with this idea all on her own,” said school counselor Wendy Williford. “I am over the moon proud of her!”

Raising money and awareness of childhood cancer has become a focus at Montevallo Elementary this year, after the death of Ollie Tetloff, a second grader who lost his battle this summer.


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