Chelsea High School Students Participate in Samford University Debate Tournament

CHHS Debate 6 CHHS Debate 4 CHHS Debate 3 CHHS Debate 2 CHHS Debate 1Congratulations to the Chelsea High School Debate Team for their performance at the Samford University Debate Tournament. Brianna Braden was awarded 4th place in speaker points out of 22 Lincoln Douglas participants. Elizabeth Hurley earned a spot in the Octo-Finals and was awarded 5th place in speaker points out of 22 Lincoln Douglas participants. Cade Pruitt, CiCe Olson, and Grace Mallory also represented Chelsea well in Lincoln Douglas and Public Forum.

These debate students were also awarded degrees in the National Forensics League based on their participation at debate tournaments and their record:

  • Elizabeth Hurley moved from Honor Degree to Excellence
  • CiCe Olson moved from Merit Degree to Honor
  • Brianna Braden moved from Member status to Merit

Ashley Covington, Cade Pruitt, and Kara Shaddix will be representing the Chelsea High School Debate Team at the University of Alabama Hall of Fame Debate Tournament Jan. 16-17.


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