The Shelby County Middle School Math Tournament was held March 23 at the Shelby County Instructional Services Center. Students competed in sixth grade math, seventh grade math, middle school pre-algebra and middle school algebra 1. Congratulations to the following students and teams for their outstanding performance.
Individual winners for 6th grade math were: 1st place โ Richard Oehrlein, Helena Middle; 2nd place โ Kaden Kugler, Chelsea Middle; and 3rd place โ Haley Ruffner and Sena Matsudu (tied), Oak Mountain Middle. Team awards were awarded to: 1st place โ Oak Mountain Middle; 2nd place โ Helena Middle; and 3rd place โ Chelsea Middle.
Individual winners for 7th grade math were: 1st place โ Neil Furman, Oak Mountain Middle and John David Haws, Montevallo Middle (tied); 2nd place โ Eva Dunbar, Oak Mountain Middle and Sam Borkeit, Chelsea Middle (tied); and 3rd place โ Tyler Noland, Oak Mountain Middle. 7th grade team awards were given to: 1st place โ Oak Mountain Middle; 2nd place โ Helena Middle; and 3rd place โ Chelsea Middle.
Individual winners for Pre-Algebra were were: 1st place โ Sydney Burnett, Oak Mountain Middle; 2nd place โ Kyle Curtis, Oak Mountain Middle; 3rd place โ Taiyo Sundheim, Oak Mountain Middle. Team awards went to: 1st place โ Oak Mountain Middle; 2nd place โ Columbiana Middle; and 3rd place โ Helena Middle.
Individual winners for Algebra 1 were: 1st place โ Rohan Ravirala, Oak Mountain Middle and Akshitha Korrapat, Oak Mountain Middle (tied); 2nd place โ Josh Coward, Oak Mountain Middle; and 3rd place โ Michael Coby, Oak Mountain Middle. Team awards were awarded to: 1st place โ Oak Mountain Middle; 2nd place โ Helena Middle; and 3rd place โ Chelsea Middle.
Can you put up the picture of the 1st place 8th Grade team winners?
8th grade winners are going to be listed under Pre-Algebra and Algebra I.
Can you send me a photo of 8th grade team award, 1st place?
You should be able to right click on the photos and save them to your computer.