Shelby County College and Career Center Health Science Program Implementing New High-Tech ALS Simulator

Healthcare Sciences instructors Heather High and Marcy Campbell are pictured during training on the new ALS simulator.

Healthcare Sciences instructors Heather High and Marcy Campbell are pictured during training on the new ALS simulator.

Students involved in the Healthcare Science and Emergency Medical Technician programs at the Shelby County College and Career Center now have a high-tech ALS simulator patient mannequin to practice and hone their skills.  The ALS Simulator, which the students have affectionately nicknamed “Bruce”, is a hi-fidelity, realistic training simulator capable of simulating a multitude of life-saving scenarios.

According to Healthcare Science instructor Marcy Campbell, students can learn to take a variety of vital signs, and hear both normal and abnormal lung, breath, bowel and heart sounds.

“Its run off a sim pad similar to an iPad,” Campbell explained. “He can talk and make all kinds of different sounds.  We can also simulate IV access practice or blood drawing skills.”

Campbell explained that “Bruce” is also capable of simulating all kinds of medical conditions such as code blues, cardiac arrest, heart attacks, arrhythmia’s, asthma, and respiratory arrest to name a few.

“One of the wonderful features is when students choose the right or wrong treatment we are able to adjust the symptoms accordingly,” Campbell said. “The ALS simulator is one of the best simulators available on the market, and we are lucky to be able to train our students on him. With this new technology, we are teaching with the same equipment the colleges use.”

“We are so proud of our Health Science program at SCCCC,” added Julie Godfrey, Supervisor of Career Tech Education, College & Career Planning & Community Partnerships. “The equipment and facility matches what is being offered at local colleges. We were fortunate to purchase a new ALS simulator with our bond funds.”

“This simulator along with the other equipment we have in the lab is providing students real-world learning experience that is preparing them for credentials, apprenticeships, and post-secondary learning,” Godfrey continued. “Since it has the latest technology, a local hospital is partnering with us and using it as a training facility for their nursing staff.”

ALS Simulator student

Health Sciences student Abbie Stith practices her skills using the ALS simulator.

Students said they are grateful to have access to the realistic simulator and the learning opportunities it is providing them while still in high school.

“I feel that it is a great learning experience that will help me in the future and provide me with better knowledge on more realistic situations,” said Madison Jones. “I will be prepared for an internship at the hospital next year”

“ I am so excited to get to learn on a realistic simulator, I feel that it is a  privilege to get to attend the Health Science program and have access to such new technology,” added Katlyn Jackson.



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