Lee said the main focus of this year’s symposium was cultural quotient (CQ), also referred to as cultural intelligence, which is the capability to relate and work effectively across cultures. Educational leaders from Finland, Poland, Singapore, Venezuela and the United States sparked conversations on empowering students with global citizenship in the midst of rigorous, academic experiences.
“This was my first training outside of Alabama and Georgia so what I enjoyed most was talking to educators from across the country,” said Lee. “We discussed our ideas of the importance of global citizenship within our own schools and communities. It was amazing how we shared the same concerns and we were able to come up with ideas that seemed practical for our own students.”
Lee said one of the methods highlighted for developing students’ global competence was Project Based Learning. Other questions brought up for teachers to consider include: What is left unspoken at our school? Is there a hidden curriculum? What are we trying not to remember? What are achievements of the past? How can we connect with other classrooms? How do we stop yelling at each other and start respecting and listening? How can we be better neighbors, both long distance and across the street?
“These are the questions I have asked myself for a long time,” Lee said. “I appreciate Education First for taking a step into addressing real issues within the context of our content.”
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