All-Pro Dad Chapters Launching in Shelby County Schools

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Dr. Lewis Brooks, Superintendent for Shelby County Schools, is inviting dads and other “father figures” to spend quality time with their children at school, something that research has shown will not only help to develop strong relationships between fathers and their children but also benefits the school and community.Ā 

All-Pro Dad Chapters will be launching in elementary and intermediate schools across the district, starting with breakfast and an informational meeting on September 10.

All Pro Dad, a division of the national nonprofit organization Family First, currently has more than 1,300 chapters in 43 states – including the 15 new chapters in Shelby County Schools (SCS). All Pro Dad was launched in 1997 with the assistance of former NFL coach Tony Dungy, who continues to serve as a national spokesperson. It is built on a football theme and features more than 50 NFL players, coaches, and alumni who speak out on the importance of being a good father.

All Pro Dad emphasizes ā€œfather figuresā€ because they know not every child has a father in the home. These ā€œfather figuresā€ can include stepdads, foster parents, grandparents, neighbors, etc.

Six times during the 2019-2020 school-year, fathers and father figures will be asked to join their child for breakfast at school from 7:15-7:40 a.m. The first meeting on September 10 and will focus on the topic of leadership. The September breakfast meeting will be followed by an informational meeting in the media center led by each school’s Team Captain, where participants will hear a brief overview of what it means to be an All Pro Dad.

“We are elated to launch All Pro Dad as a parent involvement initiative for Shelby County Schools,” Dr. Brooks said. “Research shows that when dads are involved at school, academic achievement increases. We feel strongly that this will create meaningful and positive bonds with children and their dads. I’m excited about this opportunity and grateful to partner with All Pro Dad and Family First to positively impact our children. “

Additional meetings and topics are planned for October 8 (creativity), December 10 (service), February 10 (gentleness), March 9 (courage) and April 13 (forgiveness).

Fathers who are planning to attend breakfast for the September 10 meeting are asked to please R.S.V.P. on or before Thursday, September 5. The cost for breakfast is $3.25 for September 10 or $20 for all six meetings and must be paid by check or cash.

For more information on All Pro Dads please click the following links:

1 Comment on "All-Pro Dad Chapters Launching in Shelby County Schools"

  1. I don’t know whose idea this was, but it’s great!

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