The Shelby County Board of Education recently honored Vincent Middle High School teacher Dawn Howard for her recent induction into the Jacksonville State University Teacher Hall of Fame. Howard, who is also an alumnus of VMHS, was recently chosen as the Secondary Division inductee for 2017.
Jacksonville State University hosted an awards banquet in May to honor the top fifteen nominees for the 2016-2017 JSU Teacher Hall of Fame. Five nominees from each category of elementary, middle, and secondary grades were interviewed by a selection committee and one from each category was chosen to be inducted into the JSU Teacher Hall of Fame. President John M. Beehler, Jacksonville State University presented a $1000 stipend to each inductee for use at their discretion for classroom instructional expenses.
Howard was honored in December as the Shelby County High School Teacher of the Year. Shelby County’s elementary and middle school Teacher of the Year winners – Jenna Campbell and Vicki Jackson – were also nominated for the JSU honor.
Congratulations Dawn. Well deserved. You are a great teacher and person.
Thank you, Ms. Becky!!