Monday, April 7th

Students were given 10/15 minutes at the beginning of each period to complete & check over their classwork on area of triangles. We checked answers together as a class and then I took this assignment up in order to assign it a grade. Students should get this back in the next day or so.

The other portion of our time in class today was spent reviewing & making test corrections to the Big Percentages Test we took 2 weeks ago. Student scores were lower than I would have liked, so in an effort to bolster their grades, I am allowing students to make test corrections on scratch paper (staple it onto the back of your test) and turn those in to me tomorrow. I am allowing students to earn back 2 points for every accurate test correction they make. Students & parents, please make sure those corretions are on the scratch paper as I will not look at the test again, only the scratch paper they staple onto the back.

Big Percentages Test corrections on scratch paper (staple the corrections to the very back of your test)

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