Math classes will be diving head-long into the study of fractions for the remainder of this nine weeks! On the menu for this week is a review of reducing fractions to their simplest form, equivalent fractions, proper & improper fractions as well as mixed numbers. Please encourage your student to stay focused and to continue to work hard as we charge our way to the end of this first semester!
Monday, November 28th………………complete “How Low Can You Go?” worksheet including coloring the boxes the correct color
Tuesday, November 29th…………….complete “Writing Equivalent Fractions” worksheet (started in class, finish for homework)
Wednesday, November 30th………….complete “Recognizing Equivalent Fractions” worksheet (started in class, finish for homework)
Thursday, December 1st………………textbook pg. 184, #8-15
Friday, December 2nd………………….no homework
Please be aware that our homework schedule is subject to change dependent upon student understanding/progression during our class time. It is always my goal for my blog to reflect any changes to our homework schedule that we make during the course of the school day!
Have a terrific weekend!!!