So Excited for 2017!

We are so excited to start the 2017 school year with a bang! These sweet friends have been working hard this first week! We have learned all about each other with our All About Me bags, learned how to be engaged independent and partner readers, and are working hard to fill each others “buckets” with kind words! It’s going to be a great year!

Our Amazing 2nd Grade Class!

Science In Action

We have been learning about the importance of bees and how they pollinate 75% of the fruits and vegetables that we eat. We explored the different parts of a flower to understand better the job of these mighty bees. The students were given supplies and then independently designed and created their own flowers, complete with labels. They did an outstanding job!

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Great start!

We have had a great start to the year! Students are getting acclimated to the new schedule and expectations for 2nd grade. Thanks for all of the parents that participated in Parent Orientation this week.  We had a classroom full and had a wonderful time together.  We are looking forward to a fabulous year!

So Exciting!

We have had such an exciting beginning to the New Year starting in our new facility.  We are sad that Trey and Chloe have moved but are really looking forward to what we have planned in the 3rd nine weeks of this year!  Our Flat People are traveling around the country, we will be learning all about matter with experiments and lots of hands on learning, and we will begin writing opinion pieces! It is going to be great! 🙂