We had a great start to the school year!
Here are some helpful ideas from The Parent Institute for school success:
Daily routines lead to school success!
Children thrive on routines. The beginning of the school year is an opportunity for routines to make a big difference in your child’s school success.
A regular schedule—such as going to sleep, waking up and studying at the same time each day—makes all the tasks easier and results in fewer power struggles. More importantly, it leads to self-discipline and sets a standard for daily learning.
Enforce basic rules at home and at school!
Teachers can’t teach if they have to take time out to discipline students. Parents can help by expecting their child to follow five basic rules at home and at school:
1. Show respect for others and their possessions.
2. Keep your hands to yourself.
3. Use acceptable language.
4. Follow directions.
5. Listen when others are talking.
Responsible habits promote success!
Building strong muscles works like this: the more reps, the stronger the muscles. Building responsibility is a lot like building muscles. The more your child acts in a responsible way, the more likely he/she will do so again. And the responsible behavior he/she learns at home will show up at school.
Here are some ways you can help. Give your child the responsibility for:
- Getting ready for school in the morning. A simple way to start is by having an alarm clock set and lay out clothes the night before. • Taking charge of schoolwork. Establishing a regular homework time will make this easier.
- Making sure belongings and homework get back and forth to school each day. Pack his/her book bag and place it by the door at night.
Don’t rush in to rescue your child. Accepting the consequences for neglecting a responsibility will make him/her more responsible in the future.
Instill good character!
Students with positive character traits get along with others and do better in school. So how can you help your child develop those traits?
When you instill your family’s values in your child, you’re helping with the development of characteristics that are important to you—and your child’s school. You can help by:
- Modeling the kind and courteous behavior you expect.
- Noticing your child’s kind words and actions. “That was such a nice thing for you to say!”
- Encouraging your child to set an example for siblings, friends and classmates.
–Firm, Fair & Consistent, Guiding Students for School Success, Publisher: John H. Wherry, Ed.D.