Week of 4/16

Monday and Wednesday we will be in the media center working on our tech steps. On Tuesday and Thursday we will be in our classrooms watching “Brian’s Song” and then reading the screenplay . On Thursday, students will take a vocabulary test at the beginning of class on the following terms and words
Internet and tech step terms:
1 evocative: adj. something that causes one to feel great emotion
2. interpretation 1.. an explanation of the meaning or importance of something
3perceptive : showing very good understanding
4. typography: lettering, font typeface, style
5. significant: very important
6. navigate: to find a way through a place, or direct the course of something,
7.operable: capable of being done or put into practice
8.media: videos, soundtracks, the various means of mass communication considered as a whole, including television, radio, magazines, and newspapers, together with the people involved in their production
9. cite , citation:: to mention something or somebody as an example to support an argument or help explain what is being said; a quotation from an authoritative source that is used to support an idea or argument
10. plagiarism: the process of copying another person’s idea or written work and claiming it as original
11. URL: the web address of a site
12. search engine: an online tool that helps you find info and online resources(Google, Bong)


Remember the next Independent Reading Project is due on WED. 5-2

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