Week beginning 8-14

Herbert 6th ELA    Week of _____8-14____________

Selection vocabulary:phosphorescenttapering cylinder tremendously provisions edible suffice derisive receding hordes Word parts:fic- makefac- make pre-before fore- front of ion-noun maker non-not Academic Vocab:, non-fictionfictionpredictionforeshadowing short story plot Writing:Complete sentencesReading Selection:“Three Skeleton Key”
Friday ClassworkHomework:GWBp1 ex1p3 Ex 1 MondayClassworkHomework:Read p 4& 5 in yellow home text TuesdayClassworkHomework:Write 1 good context clue filled sentence that will help you remember what your 10  vocabulary words mean WednesdayClassworkHomeworkComplete graphs begun in class

  1. plot
  2. Best sentence
    ThursdayClasswork Homework GWB P5 ex 1 Review for review test tomorrow
WednesdayClassworkHomeworkComplete graphs begun in class

  1. plot
  2. Best sentence
 ThursdayClasswork Homework GWB P5 ex 1 Review for review test tomorrow