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Demerit System

Demerits are marks against a cheerleaderā€™s record for a fault or misconduct, like not being dressed properly, being late, breaking rules, having a bad attitude, etc. 

If an athlete receives more than 5 demerits the result is being benched from the next game or event. If an athlete receives more than 12 or more demerits the result is being dismissed from the team. 

Number of demerits – Reason/Infraction:


  • Being late to practice, event or a game, (2 demerit for every 15 minutes late, and being late for a game will result in sitting out part of the game)
  • Below a 70% on a progress report/report card (2 per class)Ā 


  • Dressed incorrectly or missing items, examples: wearing the wrong uniform, bloomers, shoes, or ribbon, no poms, wearing jewelry, colored nail polish, etc. (may result in sitting out during the event where they are dress wrong or missing items)
  • Negative administration, staff, or faculty comments/complaints to the coach or by the coach (during school, practice, game, or event)
  • Being assigned After School Detention
  • Unexcused absence for a practice, event, or gameĀ 


  • Being assigned In School Detention
  • Not notifying the coach in advance for excused or unexcused absence from practice, event or game


  • Suspension from school