Football Party Tuesday 10/18, 6pm-8pm

Parents, thank you for all of the help and support this football season! From the summer work day, chain gang help, Dave Roper in the box announcing the home games and the team of parents that have weekly given time and resources to our staff and players,(and everything in-between) Thanks!

As we prepare for our final week of the season, we want everyone to know that on Tuesday 10/18 from 6-8, we will have a party for the team to celebrate the season. Drop off and pickup will be in the main car rider line (6th grade side) and the event will be in the auxiliary gym. Drinks, food and games will be provided for the players, all they have to do is show up and have a good time!

If you have specific questions about the event or you are interested in helping please reach out to Coach Lovett ( or Jessica Lee (, Thanks!

Chain Gang for Berry 9/22

Thanks to all those who have been helping with chain gang duty for our two home games thus far. We have 2 more home games including this Thursday at our high school vs. Berry Middle. I currently have one person for both 7th and 8th but will need 2 more for each. If you wouldn’t mind help me let me know, thanks!

9/8 (vs.Bumpus)Chain gang

Thanks to the folks who helped us out on the sidelines for the 7th and 8th grade games vs. Bragg last week! (And a special thanks to Mr. Roper who announced both games!) As we get ready to play our first home game at the high school this week we will once again need help on the sidelines. Those who have already served are always welcome to help again, but I would love to give them the opportunity to watch their players from the stands if they so wish to. If you are willing to help us this week please reach out to me as quickly as possible and I can get it lined up, thanks!

9/1 Chain Gang (vs Bragg)

Parents, I have about half of each chain crew lined up for both games. If you are willing to help please reach out to me early this week and I will make sure your name is given to the gate workers so that you and a guest can enter free for charge, thanks!

Blake Lovett,

Home Game (9/1, 9/8, 9/22, 9/29) Chain Gang Needed

Parents, thanks for all of those who have reached out so far and offered to help your 2022 Hornets by serving on the chain gang. (and Dave Roper who has graciously offered to announce both the 7th and 8th grade games!) I am still in need of a few volunteers and possible alternates (particularly in the 8th grade game) so if interested please reach out to me for more information, thanks!

Blake Lovett,

ChMS Football Operations