better late than never…

hey, happy wednesday:)

read two books that i can immediate recall last week – one, mental math strategies, was a book on tricks one can learn to do math tricks – really, they’re not tricks, but you appear to be a genius – i’d say 90 percent of the book was a bit too technical for every day use, but there was 10 percent that was cool – like how to remember every mulitple of 11 (add the two numbers that are being multipled by 11 and then stick that number in the middle – so 23 x 11 is 253)

second book i read was on stopping readicide – death of reading – the author, an english teacher i’ve read books from before – thinks that testing is killing reading – and i would agree – he also thought that overteaching and underteaching a book can kill the joy of reading – again, i would agree – and that books at home should be read for fun – lots of good points in the book that i’m going to try and work into the classroom

i’m rereading the new testament so when i was out awaiting the start of the 114th boston marathon, i read almost the entire book of acts and most of romans – i had to check that book before i ran – i figured no one would steal my new testament in my bag – and they didn’t:)

read adverbs by daniel handler – clever writing at parts – definitely not a middle school book:)

guess those are the highlights – remember, you only have to write two journals this week since i was lazy in getting this one up


7 thoughts on “better late than never…”

  1. Okay I forgot to blog yesterday but I did blog on Monday on the old one. So I will try to make it up in one blog. I am rereading the book Catching Fire in the hunger Games series. So I will do what I remember from the Hunger Games at the end and the entire book of Catching Fire. Supposedly due to Katniss and Peeta’s beloved image to the audience as “star-crossed lovers”, a rule change is announced midway through the Games, stating that two tributes from the same district can win the Hunger Games as a pair. Upon hearing this, Katniss searches for Peeta and finds him wounded. She nurses him back to health and acts the part of a young girl falling in love to gain more favor with the audience and, consequently, gifts from her sponsors. When the couple manages to outlast all the other tributes the Gamemakers suddenly reverse the rule change and try to force them into a dramatic finale where one must kill the other to win. Instead, they both threaten suicide and are subsequently both declared winners.

    Though she survives the ordeal in the arena and is treated to a hero’s welcome in the Capitol, Katniss is warned that she has now become a political target after having defied her society’s authoritarian leaders so publicly. Afterward, Peeta is heartbroken to learn that their relationship was at least partially a calculated ploy to garner sympathy from the audience, although Katniss herself remains unsure of her own feelings.

    In Catching Fire,After winning the Hunger Games in the previous novel, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark return home to District 12, a poor sector in the fictional country of Panem. On the day that Katniss and Peeta are to start a “victory tour” of the country, she is visited by President Snow. He explains that he is angry at her for threatening to commit suicide with Peeta at the end of the Hunger Games, which permitted them both to win. President Snow tells Katniss that when she defied the Capitol, she started a chain reaction and has created talk of rebellion in the districts. He threatens to kill her best friend, Gale, if she cannot prove to everyone in Panem that her act was not one of defiance, but that she was instead driven by an intense love for Peeta.

    The first stop on the victory tour is District 11, the home of Katniss’s friend and ally in the Hunger Games, Rue, before she died. During the ceremony, Katniss says a quick speech to the people of District 11, thanking them for their tributes. When she is done, an old man whistles a tune that Rue used in the arena to tell Katniss that she was safe. The song acts as a signal, and everyone salutes Katniss using the same gesture that she used to say farewell to Rue. Katniss is taken away, but not before she sees Peacekeepers shoot the whistling man in the head. Katniss and Peeta then proceed to travel to all of the twelve districts and the Capitol. During an interview, Peeta proposes to Katniss publicly, hoping to settle the dispute between Katniss and President Snow. Despite this, Katniss learns that their attempts of subduinig rebellion in the districts have failed. After they return home to District 12, it is announced that for the 75th Hunger Games, 24 from the current pool of victors will be forced back into the arena to fight to the death, onnce again. This is in honor of the Quarter Quell, an event that occurs every 25th year of the Games, and allows the Capitol to introduce a twist. Knowing that she and Peeta will both be competing in the Games a second time, Katniss decides that she will devote herself to protecting Peeta.

    During the Games, Katniss and Peeta join up with two other victors, Finnick, a 24-year old man who successfully survived the Games at the age of 14, and Mags, an 80-year old woman, both from District 4. After Mags’ death, Katniss, Peeta, and Finnick join forces with Johanna Mason, a sarcastic and often cruel victor from District 7, and Betee and Wires, an older couple from District 3 who are said to be “exceptionally smart”. Wiress soon proves her genius by revealing to Katniss that the arena is arranged like a clock, with all of the arena’s disasters occurring on a timed chart. After Wires is killed, Katniss learns of Betee’s plan to harness lightning in order to supposedly electrocute two other contenders. In the final chapters, Katniss fires an electrified arrow at the force field that contains the arena, thereby destroying the arena and resulting in her temporary paralysis. When she wakes up she is being transported to District 13, a place that is widely thought to no longer exist. She is joined by Finnick, Beetee, Gale and Haymitch, but learns that Peeta, Johanna, and Enobaria (who was not aware of any part of the plan or in alliance with Katniss) have been captured by the Capitol. Katniss is informed that there had been a plan between most of the contestants to break out of the arena, and that Beetee had been attempting to destroy the force field in the same way that she did. The book ends with Katniss’s best friend Gale informing her that though he got her family out in time, District 12 has been destroyed. Which is why I hate books that leave you hanging. Peace. πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ :K 8)

  2. I am going to blog on a book I just started reading called Games but first I want to say something to Mr.Mayfield……..CONGRATULATIONS! Ok’
    Wedensday- This book is about two bullies named Mick and Boot. It starts out where Boot starts out telling his side of the story and then it switches to Mick to tell his side of the story. It starts out when Mick walks up to Boot and starts talking smack about him, After a few comebacks later he tells Boot about how he is like Yosemite Sam because he is really loud and talks alot. Then Boot makes fun of his dad because he is a drunk and tells him that he was found int the gutter this morning. By the way Mick is really big, but he is really a sissy on the inside but he doesn’t want to tell anbody.After that Mick jumps on Boot and takes a few punches before a teacher pulls them off eachother.

    Thursday- As you can probally see they have a bad record of fighting ever since 6th grade. The teacher takes them to the office and tells them to wait outside. He goes in and tells them something. He points them to go in and they go to the principal. There usual principal was Principal Block but when they went in they saw a new principal whos name was Principal Muse. They went in and found out that he looks like a body builder. When he started to talk they found out that he was a nice principal. They told both there sides of the story and he came to a conclusion that they where going to play games until they get along. Both boys where in total shock. He said that the next day at 11 o’clock they would play games and eat there lunch until the end of the day. He excused them until the next day.

    There you go Mr.mayfield I finished both blogs for today and tomorrow.

  3. Blog for Monday

    Okay so I went to an author visit at the Public Library today during lunch and P.E. got a book called Big Fish. It is basically a collection of little stories about things that have happened is his life and his father’s life. These stories have a catch though; they are blown up into mythical proportions. This means that the stories are much exaggerated. For one example he mentions that his father planted a seed then a giant bean stalk grows into the sky and a giant is in the sky. Does this remind you of anything? He also tells a story of his father seeing a two headed woman when he went on a business trip to Japan.

    Blog for Wednesday.

    I am still reading Big Fish by Daniel Wallace. He tells many stories about this character’s father who is a very successful man who is in the stages of dying. Typically not my type of book but I really enjoy this one. Some of the stories are that he wanders into a town close to Auburn, wants to go to Auburn University (HaHa NOT University of Alabama) but stays in this town with this old woman who is missing an eye. She takes it out at night and some college guys steal it. Well Edward, his father, goes to these boys club to get the eye back. He gives it to the old lady and if you look into the eye you see your future and they see their future and run from their meeting place very quickly.

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€

  4. Okay, my 2 journals for this week. (Because I guess Mayfield can tell that I didn’t do 2 the last two days, so I’d just be trying to get extra credit) πŸ˜›

    Wed.- So last week I left off when she was taking Sam to the hospital. When she got him there she started staring at him, and then he woke up. Well, when he did he didn’t know where he was at first, but then he figured it out. So she told him her name, Grace, and then he was like fiuring out who she was. He told her he was fine and he started to pull off his bandage where he was shot, and guess what, he was fine! (Well, he had a scar) So then he told her he needed to leave and she was like “NO!” But he told her to find some way to get out or they might take his blood or notice how the bullet hole was a scar now.

    Thurs.- So then she screamed because she said he had just got up. So she told the nurse that she peed on herself. So he gave her some scrubs. Now since she looked like a nurse, she unhooked Sam and they walked casually through the waiting room. Then they got to the front door and she had to go get the car because if he went outside he would turn into a wolf again. (In this book the wolves turn in the winter, and when they get older they just stop turning and stay wolf) So then she got the car, and he ran in.

    That’s for this week. Bye! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜› :O πŸ˜‰

  5. hi hola hello how was you trip t booston was it every thing that the guy said was true were you treated like an out sides and did you meet any of those collage girls that was chering you on πŸ˜‰
    but any way i any way i am still 39 clues one false note
    so far i have read that nieli got a hotel room that was barly the size of a closet but it was clean which was the only thing that matered to her(clean freak!!!!!) but dan wanted to stay at the big hotel (like a prat) but he could not prononce it right and he said wiener when it was supons to viener which was for people in boston
    πŸ™‚ πŸ™ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰ :O

  6. read more percy jackson, when i left off, ares had given them the bag with the master bolt in it, but they didnt know it was there. they had asked hades for it, then he revealed that it was in the bag. he uses the 3 pearls that a water spirit gave to him. if he was in trouble, he was suposed to break them open to get out of trouble. it works, and he rises out of the underworld on a beach where he finds ares. they battle, and he makes ares madder than a dog with a steak attached to a stick which is attached to his back. he goes to olympus and gives back the bolt, blah blah blah end of pj 1.

    pj 2 starts with him at school with his homeless, kind of weird friend Tyson. they are going to play dodgeball. his opponets turn into weird fireproof guys with flaming bronze dodgeballs. mist obscures the human vision, so after pj defeats everybody, the only human guy claims pj set fire to the gym. annabeth shows up and takes pj and, for some reason, tyson away from the school and summons a weird kind of taxi. three people drive it, but they only one eye. not one eye each, one eye total. and one tooth total. they drive at breakneck speeds through new york.

  7. Wednesday

    I am reading The last Touchdown. I think the book relates to change because Paul changes throughout the book. He is a regular football coach and at the end he is a championship football coach. It is a big change in the book.


    This book is like another book I read, called Touchdown Alaxander. They are alike because they are both based on football and about championships. One is about a player and one is about a coach. both books are really good. bye

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