week two o’ journals (sixth grade now joins the fun)

happy week before football!!! or, i guess for the band kids, happy week of football – or something like that…

finished the fitzgerald book – the poor couple who were waiting for granddad to die so they could get his money ended up destroying their lives – and on the last appeal, did get the money – it was too late though – the man had gone psycho – lesson i learned is you’ll wasted your life away waiting for grandmother’s money… ๐Ÿ™‚

started walden by henry david thoreau – i’m about 1/2 way through – the book is sort of disappointing ย – like i read it in college and liked it – now, i’m like “who’s this 30-year-old that supposedly solved all of life’s problems – and reached solutions different than anyone else had ever reached – what made him so smart?”

over the weekend – okay, like friday – i read “out of my mind” – by sharon draper – second book in the BOB series i’ve read – it was good – would make a wonderful complement to rules by cynthia lord – i wasn’t that surprised by the book – i sort of saw the twist coming at the end – so yeah for me, i guess…

finished most of the minor prophets this week – zechariah is waaaaaaaay different than the rest of them – much more like revelation – angel of death and such – i also read about the saban movie coming to theaters this friday – i’m thinking road trip

oh, mockingjay comes out this week too – for those that care… ๐Ÿ™‚

happy reading,

70 thoughts on “week two o’ journals (sixth grade now joins the fun)”

  1. Hey this is Julie I think I am doing this right but i am not sure so here goes!!! this will be the most fun 5 minutes of my life!! ok so right now i am reading the book Hoot by Carl Hiassen (the same author who wrote Flush). I think i am going to summarize what i have read so far i dont think i can do anything else right now since this is the first time writing in this blog.

    Hoot takes place in a town called Coconut Cove in Florida. The main character in this story is Roy Eberhardt who is in Middle School. his family used to live in Montana but they moved to Florida. On Roy’s first day of school at trace middle school he becomes close with a guy named Dana. just kidding about the ” close” part. Dana is the bully in this story. on roy’s first day when he is riding the bus dana gets behind him and shoves his face into the glass on the window and as roy is gasping for breath he looks out the window to see a boy running barefoot across yards in a beat up shirt and shorts. when Roy gets to school that was all he could think about for the rest of the day.

    Sorry this isnt much but i hope it is enough. So far by what i have read Hoot is better than flush. I would recomend this book to everybody!
    ok that is all i have bye!!!!! Julie

  2. This week of blogging is all about falling into dark scary places and letting books eat you. Yeah, class was depressing today. Maybe we should stay on happier poems that don’t seem so dark? Just an idea. ๐Ÿ™‚

    So my name is special this week, because everyone loves Peeta right? I know some guys do too, he’s just so special! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Now for my blog, on Shiver, because I’m a slow reader and everyone cares.

    Monday- I’m just going to start off this week saying Cole is a freak who wants to be a wolf. Sam is hard core about being human. Smart old Grace finally figured out she was gonna turn into a wolf, and Sam is mad that Beck chose Cole. (And Victor, his freaky friend who turns into a wolf so fast that it makes him freaky) Yeah so, Cole got all drunk and shoved Sam in the bath tub, I know that sounds weird but Sam’s most unlikely place to be is a bath tub. He’s very scared of them, since his parents (kind, good people) slit his wrist and tried to drown him. Yeah so, Sam couldn’t sleep so he made bread, because that’s what Ulrik used to do when he couldn’t sleep. I found this very funny, so everyone probably thinks I’m crazy right about…. now. Grace still can’t see Sam and if I could comapre Grace’s parents to anyone right now it would be Nazis. Yeah, they’re that bad. And they don’t really care about her, so it makes me angry. I’ve already written way too much today.

    Okay, I just wanna say that I’m excited that the 6th graders are blogging now, I think it’s really cool cause’ I like reading their blogs. For the record, I am almost the only kind 7th grader to the 6th graders. Everyone calls them small, but I mean, I WAS a 6th grader about 3 or 4 months ago. Just call me St. Kaitlin! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Okay, Mockingjay comes out tomorow, and I know Mafeld is super excited. (His enthusiam is hysterical)
    Have to go.

  3. Hey good post Julie!
    Hey everyone! it’s Gabe. I never did finish the inkheart series at school because they didn’t have the last book in the series. so right now i’m reading “inkdeath” by Cornelia funke. I really liked the the series, so I ho

  4. I continued reading Maximum Ride and I think the authors purpose for writing the passage that I read tonight was to inform the reader about some of the past of the characters and to show the characters trying to fix the conflict.I think I’m on the right track Mr.Mayfield but I’m doing this insted of eating Apple Turnovers!Ha Ha Ha! P.S Don’t sniff the fruit salad Kane

  5. my post is about compare and contrast. ink death is not a stand still. in the beginning of the book it starts by the min character going out and fighting. completely different from rules which stays the same the whole book without any action at all while ink death starts with action to begin with. in my perspective ink death and rules are totally different.

    I hope you liked my post. bye!

  6. hey mr mayfield i am still reading the same book
    and so far i have read that when as the taxi joined a raging river of traffic on the main street and they were sure that they had not been followed
    then nelli gave the driver the name of their hotel
    then she crashed back against the seat and sighed
    then amy held up a leather tube then she unwound the old worn straps and popped off the top
    then turned it upside down and then shook it gently then a small fragment of rolled up parchment fell out of the tube into her palm
    and it was written in spanish

  7. Ok, week two of journals and i’m still reading the Hunger Games. So, far it is great and i’m starting to agree with the 200 hundred students at school who say it is the best book ever. Last week I wrote about Katniss, her sister Prim, Gale, and the 13 districts. I also told the rules of the life threatning game of the Hunger Game. So the whole town gathers in town for the drawing of the boy and girl. All the kids are divided into age groups from 12-18. Everybody has there name in a glass ball on a stage in front of them. Their were tons of news reporters and photographers at the front of the stage. A woman named Effie Trinket steps on to stage and introduces herself, she is the one who will be drawing the names. Behind her is the mayor, the 1 guy out of who’s alive that survived the Hunger Games from that district and Effie. They start oout by saying the oath and begin the drawing. Sorry, but i’m going to leave you hanging.

  8. Hey its cameron everybody, well I’m reading Well Witched by Frances Hardinge, and I’m going to compare it to Tangarine, so here it goes.
    Ryan,Chelle, & Josh are all about the same age as Pau; but Paul’s just having a hard time at his school, Ryan is having weird bumps on his knuckles, and he’s seeing some pretty weird things. And Paul usually isn’t one for getting in trouble while Josh doesn’t really care.
    Alright, that’s my blog, I hope I did it right,Bye

  9. Eldest begins as Ajihad, the leader of the rebel Varden force, is ambushed and killed, with Murtagh gone while Ajihad’s other guards are assumed dead. At his funeral, Ajihad’s daughter Nasuada is elected to command the Varden. Eragon and Saphira then decide to travel to the forest Du Weldenvarden to become trained as a Dragon Rider by the elves. Once there, Eragon meets Oromis and his dragon Glaedr, the only dragon and Rider secretly alive besides Eragon, Saphira and Galbatorix. Oromis and Glaedr, however, are both crippled, and so cannot fight Galbatorix and must hide to avoid Galbatorix hunting them down. Eragon and Saphira are taught the use of logic, magic theory, scholarship, and combat, among other things.

    Meanwhile, Nasuada chooses to move the Varden from Tronjheim to Surda, to mount an attack on the Empire. The Varden suffers financial troubles, however, until Nasuada learns that she can create an expensive lace with magic, and sell it at extremely low rates. One night when Nasuada is in her room, a character named Elva saves her from an assassination attempt. Elva is enchanted, and locates the assassin, who is killed after unwillingly surrendering information to Varden magicians about a group in Surda called the Black Hand, who is plotting to kill Nasuada. Nasuada later attends a meeting with officials in Surda’s government to discuss a potential upcoming battle against the Empire. They learn that the conflict is coming sooner than they initially suspected, and mobilize forces to attack, as well as sending for help from the dwarves.

    In the meantime, Eragon continues his training, but is discouraged when the scar on his back causes him to have seizures multiple times per day. Later, at the ancient elven ceremony, the Agaeti Blodhren (Blood-Oath Celebration), Eragon is altered by a spectral dragon. The changes alter his senses, and enhance his abilities, as well as healing all of his wounds. After being healed, Eragon continues training until he learns that the Empire will soon attack the Varden in Surda. Troubled, he leaves without completing his training, to aid the Varden in battle.

    Meanwhile, Roran is hunted by the Ra’zac in Carvahall. He eventually persuades the entire village to attack the Ra’zac in the night, and succeeds in driving them off. After more conflicts with the village, the Ra’zac manage to kidnap Katrina, Roran’s fiancee. Roran then stirs the village to mobilize, departing on a journey to join the Varden in Surda. He leads them to Narda, and then by sea to Teirm. In Teirm, they meet Jeod, who helps them steal a new vessel from Teirm. Pursued by the Empire, the vessel manages to escape through a whirlpool, and eventually makes it to Surda, arriving just as the Battle of the Burning Plains is about to begin between Surda and its allies, and the Empire.

    When the conflict begins, Eragon is able to repel the opposing army using magic. Eventually, a Dragon Rider appears in favor of the Empire. The hostile Dragon Rider kills the dwarf king Hrothgar, and soon begins to fight with Eragon. The Dragon Rider is soon unmasked by Eragon and is revealed to be Murtagh. Murtagh tells Eragon that he was kidnapped and forced into loyalty by Galbatorix after a dragon hatched for him. Murtagh outmatches Eragon, but shows mercy due to their old friendship. Before leaving, Murtagh reveals that Eragon is his brotherand that Morzan, the person who killed all the dragon riders,is his father and takes Eragon’s sword as well as inheritance.
    Ultimately, Galbatorix’s army is forced to retreat after the arrival of the dwarves and the departure of Murtagh and his dragon Thorn . In the end, Eragon and Roran decide that they will seek out Katrina together to rescue her from the Ra’zac. That is all for now. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜› 8)

  10. Oh Kaitlin everybody says “oh look at the tiny 6th graders” and it drives me CRAZY because i am taller than most of them!!! So Boo Hoo to them!!!
    Ok so now that i got the hang of this thing i dont have to freak out about it right? WRONG!!!! Still freaking out for some reason but thats just me!! I guess. ok so day 2 here goes!!!
    Ok i have read 3 more chapters in Hoot!! Yes Mr. Mayfield i read for 20 minutes!! Can you believe that!!????? ok, so Roy has just seen the “barefoot kid” and it is all he can think about!! so for the next few days he looks for him but does not see him and after a week Roy almosts gives up but he gets a seat next to the front door of the bus and he sees the barefoot kid!!!! Yeah Go Roy!!!!! then the bus stops and roy gets his backpack over his shoulder and DANA grabs him from behind and starts choking him!!!!!!!!! Roy then twists around and punches dana then roy hops off the bus and runs after the barefoot kid he runs a few blocks but the barefoot kid is too fast they run through a golf course and Roy stops and the barefoot kid is gone. then THWACK Roy was hit in the head with a golfball!!! how did he not see that coming? but it happened and sadly that is where i stopped reading!! but tomorrow i can tell u more of what happened because it is pretty awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Bye, Julie ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Oh also I just recently got done reading The Hunger Games and it is the best book ever!!!!!!

  12. I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. You can’t download on the nook ๐Ÿ™

    In the beginning Scout and Jem meet a kid named Dill that has started staying with his aunt who lives next door over the Summer. Dill is originally from Mississippi and brags about how he can read. He is very short and becomes friends with Scout and Jem, more so, Jem. He is very creative and the three start acting out books and plays. Atticus, Jem and Scout’s father is a lawyer and has one brother. He is a reader and reads with Scout every night. Jem is in school when Scout isn’t.

    At this point Scout goes to school and Dill goes back to Mississippi. She starts school with a new teacher who is straight out of college. The teacher, Miss Caroline, knows the new way of teaching reading, the Dewey Decimal System. That is the main reason they hire her. She is not from Maycomb and does not understand its way which make her look like a fool to the children and in turn gets Scout in trouble because she talks to Miss Caroline like Miss Caroline should know what she is talking about.

    That’s it for Monday and Tuesday.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. You are not the only nice one to the 6th graders Kaitlin. And definitely not a Saint. Their blogs are interesting.

  14. Hi Mr. Mayfield! It’s cailea! I am going to have soooo much fun blogging! since this is my first time blogging, I don’t think it will be very good and long- but it sure will be fun- Well, here it goes!

    Okay, so far i am reading a book called sweet blood- and since it is my first time- I’m going to summarize it.

    So far in Sweet Blood, the main character is Lucy and she is the kind of person who wears a lot of black and purple, but she’s not goth.Lucy is a diabetic and she calls herself a vampire- hence, Sweet Blood- The reason she calls herself a vampire is not because she has fangs or drinks people’s blood, it’s because she explained that REAL vampires- back in the day- were diabetics too. Later in the book, she actually writes a whole essay on what real vampires are.

    Well, this may not be the best blog post in the world, but it was really fun and I will be doing it often.
    PS. I am just about to read more of my book. I’ll keep you posted!

  15. Before I compare and contrast I just want to say that I finished Maximum Ride Vol.1 tonight and it was different from what I thought that it would be because i have checked out Vol.1 & Vol.2 and I thought that it would be two totally different adventures.But as I read the last few pages I quickly realized that it would be continued on into the second book.Mostly because at the end it did not read “THE END” it read “to be continued in Maximum Ride Vol.2”.So my post tomorrow will be on Maximum Ride Vol.2.Now on to my compare and contrasting. This book is comparable to some of the books I have read because it is a graphic novel.But this book is different from some of the books I have read because it had pictures in it. Okay that’s it for my Tuesday assignment.I hope I’m doing this right. Any BYe:)

  16. Hi i didn’t do this last time so i am going to write for ten minutes. I am going to make a comparison . I read freak the mighty. i think this book is like rules because in rules Jason has something wrong with his legs and in freak the mighty freak has something wrong with his legs. also in rules David has autism and max has a learning disability. also max and Catherine both make new friends. another thing is that they both took place in the summer.
    Mr.Mayfield i hope i did this right.

  17. Hey Mr. Mayfield… It’s my first time doing this so here I go… Im re-reading the twilight saga… I’m on page 114 in New Moon. It’s to the part of where Bella almost hangs out with these motorcycle dudes that she thinks she’s seen before… If I was her.. I wouldn’t even bother to look… But it’s also in her point of view… One way it changes is that one minute she is hanging out with Jacob, then she is trying to get the feeling of Edward….. Anyway, my time is up… Thanks, Alisha

  18. Ok, I left off with Effie Trinket getting ready to announce the two people who were going to represent district 12 in the Hunger Games. She starts to announce the first name which is Prim! when this happens there is a sudden silence and then she walks forward. While she does this Katniss jumps in fronnt of her and says she will volunteer for her place in the Hunger Games. When this happens Prim screams and holds to the back of her shirt. Gale takes her off and Katniss walks to the front of the stage and takes her place. Then Effie starts to say the second name. It is a boy named Peeta. Peeta is the bakers soon. Along time ago, Peeta gave katniss a burnt peice of bread because she was scavengering outside there house. She found out that his mom hits hiim so she knew he was being extra nice to her. After they call the names, the peacekeepers come and take them away.

  19. Hey Mr. Mayfeild this is Raychel and so I read for 15 minutes just like you said and the book i read was Breaking Dawn (beceause i had already started that book and i did not want to start another!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and i am doing my blog about or you could say on pov change. So what I read was how Jacob goes over to the Cullen’s house and talks to Bella about letting the vampires kill the half baby half vampire. But of course as you know Bella is very stubborn so she would not let them kill it. So the reason why I am doing my blog post on pov change is beceause before Jacob went to the Cullen’s house he was going to kill Edward and then talk som sense into Bella but once he got to their house and talked to Edward and realized that that thing (which is w at they call the baby) inside of bella was going to end up killing her he decided to lay down a bit. So he went in to hear her side of the story and then raced outside and immediatly changed into wolf and raced to talk to the pack. But once he changed into wolf and stated thinking they already knew what he was going to say when he got there. So once he talked to the pack they decided and Sam made a plan about how thay could get past all of the Cullens and kill the thing inside of Bella. And then I stopped reading beceause my 15 minutes were up so tomorrow I will be on to post what else happend!!!
    -with lots of love for your class -Raychel ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Oh yeah! Awesome title today, because if you like Gale, you’re frankly insane in Saint Kaitlin’s book. ๐Ÿ™‚ Trey needs to stop dogging me about being a Saint. He’s very rude to 6th graders, and Julie replied to me! Yeah! ๐Ÿ™‚ I now have a fan base…. maybe I should run a website.

    Okay Mockingjay, I got it today!!!! Woot Woot! So yeah, if you haven’t read it and you want to, don’t read my post. (Not that anyone does) This will ruin the awesome book for you Mafeld. Not like you were gonna read it anyway…. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Okay, so we could tell at the very begining of the book that Katniss had gone crazy. Yeah, really, she was all depressed. (Who wouldn’t be? She lost awesome Peeta?) Gale was still alive and well. I mean, that’s good and all, but I feel Gale is happy Peeta’s gone. He makes me feel icky. ๐Ÿ™ So Katniss found Buttercup, the realy cool cat that she hates. Yeah, we love Buttercup. So she found him, they are living in District 13, and I have a feeling those people are evil there. Maybe it’s just me but… anyway, the Capital still has Peeta and…… He’s ALIVE! I was so excited. Yeah, he did and interview, and that’s where I left off. He was getting really mad at Flickerman. He was dogging Katniss, and so he was screaming and yelling and getting all up in his face and I was like-Yeah! Go Peeta!- But that’s not all. I read through the book a little and found out this bit of info, one is good, and one is very sad. Prim dies, Pres. Snow kills her. Grrr. But Peeta and Katniss end up together forever!

    Okay, I have to go. Saint Kaitlin is out.
    Kaitlin (Saint)

  21. I just finished reading a book called Tunnels , I forgot the authors name but it’s about two boys named, Will and…? I forgot but any way they find the’s tunnels and they buy dynamite and anything you can think of to dig through these tunnels when they get to the end of the tunnels they dicover that there is a guy that has 2 big knives and a mutant rotwieler. ๐Ÿ™‚ cool. But it is a really cool book so I think you should read it. ALRIGHT. That’s it

  22. So far i just started the book Brisinger. Brisingr begins as Eragon, Saphira, and Roran travel to Helgrind, the sanctuary of the Ra’zac. There they rescue Roran’s betrothed, Katrina, who was being held prisoner, and kill one of the Ra’zac. Saphira, Roran, and Katrina return to the Varden, while Eragon stays behind to kill the remaining Ra’zac. Once he returns to the Varden, Eragon discovers that Katrina is pregnant with Roran’s child and a wedding is arranged, which Eragon is to conduct. Just before it begins, a small force of enchanted troops attack alongside Murtagh and his dragon, Thorn.
    Elven spell-casters aid Eragon and Saphira and cause Murtagh and Thorn to flee, winning the battle. After the fight, Roran marries Katrina. The leader of the Varden, Nasuada, then orders Eragon to attend the election of the new dwarf king in the Beor Mountains. Once among the dwarves, Eragon is the target of a failed assassination, found to be the work of the dwarf clan Az Sweldn rak Anhรปin, whom the dwarf Orik then forces into exile. Having earned the sympathies of the dwarves, Orik is elected the new king. That is all I have goten so far in the book Brisinger. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8) :p

  23. GAME WEEK! W00T! i like doin pov’s, so im gonna finish Final Theory. I left off with (madly flips over to other page) simon killing kleinman, Parker getting scared, swift going to reynold’s, and them going to gupta. lets start with simon again.

    “I scan the parking lot of Gupta’s building. My employer, Henry Cobb (undoubtly an alias), sent me after swift. i figured he’d go after gupta, since he worked with einstein. it seems the fbi already took it over. that got to be the palest and fattest sunbather ever. Out of the corner of my eye, i see an odd looking hummer. it has an antenna with a giant ball on top. it must be a laser scanner. yes, i remember reading about it. wait. thee laser isnt scanning. someone must be inside.”

    cliffhanger? anyways, GAME WEEK! cant wait till thursday! be back tommorrow. bye!

  24. Mondays
    Hi im going to do 10 minutes because i didnt do 5 yesterday. Scene it is my first time i am going to summarize.
    I’m reading a book called “Flush”. It’s a really good book about a boy and his sister named Noah and Abby trying to help his dad that is in jail. I think it is really good because the story is based on them helping there dad who sunk the Coral Queen thinking it will help but that got him put in jail. They were dumping rubbish in the lake. Well on the other hand they had to deal with some boys named Jasper JR. and bull. When they were on there boat in the lake it was real funny when Noah caste his fishing rode out and snagged Jasper right on his arm.:D
    Noah gets to have a interview with the newspaper man talking about his father that’s in jail. His dad gets to go on T.V. for a interview to. Noah has to think quick before it goes live for his mom not to see it so i grabs his fishing rod and hooks the dish and turn it around. Now his mom cant watch the interview. They get a lot of phone calls after talking about it and they offer to bring a video tape to watch it so Noah plans did not succeed. :|]

  25. hey my mayfield whats going on
    was right now i am still reading the same book but in case you forgot i am reading 39 clues beyond the grave
    so far i have read that Amy lowered her voice to a whisper and then started to have conversation and the last thing dan said the amy was a weenie
    then in one corner there was a machine that made some weirds noises like when Owen talks (JK) (maybe) but after it was done making them weird noises a ticker tape popped out (a ticker tape is a old movie tape)
    and on one wall there were some blueprints of some inventions
    then they went to the gallery
    ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  26. Omg I am enjoying this whole drama between Kaitlin and Trey it is very interesting!!!! OK, So believe it or not I am not nervous today and Yes I know my blogs are very interesting!! Jk! I am still reading Hoot so that means you are stuck with the same old boring story!! READY SET GO!!!
    Well yesterday i left off with Roy being hit in the head with a golfball!!! Yeah Go Roy!! so then after a while Roy shows up at school and gets called to the principal’s office and Roy gets quizzed about why he punched Dana but Roy just Gets himself in even more trouble because he used the same biting sarcasm that you see throughout the entire book!! Roy’s punishment was he was not going to be able to ride the bus for an entire week. (if you ask me the punishment is not so bad) But Roy goes home and he gets quizzed yet again by his parents on why he punched Dana and he ends up writing an “apology” letter to Dana. Which goes something like this:
    Dear Dana, I am sorry i busted your nose i hope the bleeding has stopped. i promise not to hit you ever again as long as you dont bother me on the school bus I think that is a fair arrangement Most Sincerely, Roy Eberhardt
    I wanted to type that out just cause it will make this more interesting!!!! ok so unfortunately that is all i have to tell you today about my blog!! ๐Ÿ™ i am so sorry. But for now bye, Au revoir, ciao, Adios, Luv, Julie!!!!!!! :>

  27. OOGA BOOGA!!! Ha ha ha! Scared yah! Well, i’m readin a book, it’s called Epic! Lol, and it’s epic! It’s about a place where violence is highly restricted, so they settle their problems by video games! To start things off, we will do a POV. POV of random character- What in the world, that girl, Cindella i think, is hot! She must have put all her beauty points on, wow. She can work that sword, i hope she isnt just playing to joke around. I do find it funny though, where’d she get all that money? Hmmmm, I bet they slew, slaed, slayed… however you say it, a dragon. i cant believ that she actually can fight though. Lemme see if she needs anything

    SHE SLAPPED ME!!! Owww…. i guess not, but she didnt jave to slap me, i guess i will just go home and cry to my mommy! Oh wait, they don’t have that emote…. well then fine, i will just type it!!! uh- oh, shes mad! AAHHHH

  28. I haven’t been able to read much today at all I barely got a few more ages in but I guess for today I can try to recall another book I have read to journal on… Oh there is the book Fang which I read recently last weekend. The novel begins with the Flock traveling to Africa. They are there to help the residents of Chad as part of the CSM (Coalition to Stop the Madness) project, but are attacked by the local rebel Africans, who are opposed to receiving help from outsiders, before carrying out volunteer work such as giving out food and water.

    On the second night, Angel reveals that โ€˜Fang will be the first to dieโ€™, causing an up stir in the Flock, before a man mysteriously interrupts the commotion. Dr Hans, a former Itex worker, invites Max and Angel to breakfast, and introduces them to the new experiment, Dylan. It turns out Dylan has wings but can not fly very well.

    At breakfast, it is revealed that Dr. Hans plans on forcing the human race to evolve by using the Flock as examples. He tries to enlist Maxโ€™s help by showing her the advancements he has currently made, the most extreme being cutting off and regrowing his own finger. She, however, refuses to help, and quickly returns to the Flock where she tells them to leave.

    That is all for this blog and I hope that we win our first game tomorrow!! GO WILDCATS! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ :p 8) ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  29. I am still reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.


    Right now Jem, Scout, and Atticus are at Finch’s Landing for Christmas. Aunt Alexandra, Uncle Jack, and they’re cousin, Frances is there too with his Grandmother, Alexandra (Same as the Aunt) At Christmas dinner Scout has to sit by her self isolated because Alexandra thinks she is a messy eater and a horrible dresser for a lady. Alexandra has a liking for only Frances but she is a great cook to Scout’s standards. Scout and Frances get into a fight over something that Frances said about Atticus. That’s all I’ve read so far.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ;P ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€

  30. hey mr mayfield
    well i am still reading the same old book and so far i have read that dan was
    puzzled that when he was hiding and soon as he was going to come out of hiding some guy just came out of thin air and he started to think how he got into that ONE WAY ROOM and he was right by the door too (he could be a ghost)
    but the man caught him then he started to have a conversation with him and he said to dan that he was his uncle
    and his name was bae
    but dan did not believe him for one minute not even for one second
    then dan started to think about the locked exit door just incase it was a trap
    but amy was looking for an other way to escape
    then bae started to have a wider and wider weird grin like if he knew that they were scared
    then he started to have conversation while he was waving his jewel cane
    bye ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  31. Hey! i just got back from church! it was Cool! so I’ve been reading *The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. I Read from about page132 to 164 in 15 min. The pages I read relates to change because, members of Robin’s band change. He recurits new men like Midge, the miller’s son. He also changes his clothes from his lincholn green to a fancy outfit. We also change scenes from a dirt road, to Sherrwood, to a river, back to Sherrwood, then to a church.
    I really like this book!
    PEACE OUT GT PEEPS! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ !:) ! ๐Ÿ™‚ !:) ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ! ๐Ÿ™‚ !:) ! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ;D

  32. Hi! It’s Kaitlin, again. The Saint is back after a long day of being kind to everyone and taking 2 hours on my math homework. ugghh

    I’m blogging on Mockingjay-

    Okay, well Katniss and Gale had a meeting with President Coin, and some other people. (Spoof from American Idol) They decided the following- 1. Save Peeta, 2. Keep Buttercup ๐Ÿ™‚ 3. Go Hunting 4. Go hunting with Gale ๐Ÿ™ 5. Kill Snow (Which was a dead give away) Coin said she’d have to flip a coin on who would get to do the last one. I hope Katniss does. Grrr, I don’t like Snow at all. Yeah, so, Katniss and Gale went hunting. They found Katniss’ prep team all tortured and what not for stealing a slice of bread (Big deal) and they took them to the hospital, where Prim and Ms. Everdeen work.
    That’s where I left off.

    Okay, well I have to go read something.
    Kaitlin (Saint)

  33. Hey!!!! It’s me again! I am still reading Sweet Blood-so sorry if you’re not interested in awesome books that talk about vampires- but I’m going to pick up from where I left off yesterday-since that would be the smart thing to do-

    Well, after Lucy got home from school- also got done turning in her paper-, she went straight to the mall so that she could just get away from her house. Once she got home, she went upstairs to get on her computer, but it wasn’t there. Her parents took it away from her. Why did they do that you ask?-or at least I kept asking myself that question- Well Lucy’s dad got on her computer-after they had read the paper she wrote- and saw what kind of websites she had been going on. -she was going on these vampire chat-rooms, such as the Transylvania chat-room. So now I am at the part where Lucy is with Fish-that’s her doctor that she goes to- at her checkup, and they are ALSO taking about the vampire essay she wrote.

    Well, that’s all I have for now. I’ll post back tomorrow!!!! : )

  34. Hey today i read Firestar, it was amazing. It started out with a polarbear that was being chased by hunters. He got shot but a blizzard made the hunters run away. A spirit came and he said he would fix the polarbears shoulder (he was shot in the shoulder) if he got a tooth from a boy in the village. He wore the tooth as a neklace. they said that it belonged to a very important polar bear.
    That is all i read. I think i gotthe hangof this.

  35. hi, its Cameron and I don’t have much time so I’ going to do a summary. (sorry mr mayfield) Well I switched to a new book called ‘THE ISLAND OF BLUE DOLPHINS’ inwich the first few pages her and her brother are digging up roots for the village. While thier doing that a boat (wich her brother has never seen before, and she has only heard of one) comes sailing to the island.
    It is red and her brother thoght it was a red whale, once he realised people were getting off of it he dashed toward the village. She too was very excited but stayed. A swedish man got offandwanted to hunt on their land. And that’s as far as I got in my book but I have to go now.

  36. Okay,tonight ,(as I said in my last blog),I began to read Maximum Ride Vol.2. It is pretty much just continuing the adventure.They have fixed the conflict but they are trying to find a place to finally solve this oh so important mystery.I like pie.Any way I will update you further on this oh so important mystery more on Thursday’s assignment BYE

  37. I’m still reading Hunger Games and they just announced the names of the District 12 which were Katniss and Peeta. The peacekeepers come and take them into a nice room where visitors come to say there last words before they leave to the capitol. First the baker comes in and gives her a bag of cookies and walks out. Next up is the daughter of the mayor. She gives her a golden pin which resembles a mockingjay. She walks out and next up is her mom and sister. Katniss gets mad at her mom because she believes that she will leave Prrim. So, they get into an arguement and they promise to never leave. Then last is Gale, she tells him to give most of the kills to her family and give them some money. So they get hugs and then Peeta and Katniss are set off for the Capitol.

  38. still reading gone, still a good book, and still in the first 100 pages

    author’s purpose:
    the authors purpose for writing this passage is to tell the reader that everyone is equal. every person 15 or above disappears from the city. the kids at the school figure that out and attempt to go home. all the kids in kindergarten and lower have no idea on how to get home. one kid understands this but the others care about themselves so they decide to leave them out but sam, main character, helps them home. because everyone has the same rights to everything, even if they are young.

    genre slip:
    dear sam,
    i am the person who decided to take all of the adults from your society. i dont know why but thats the way it happens with these things. i want a dollar but of course yall dont have a dollar because yall are kids and dont work for nothing. so until you rob a bank or something im gonna keep em and you dont have the skill to rob a bank so you will always be adultlessness.
    so everybody bye im hungry and cant think

  39. Heller! gonna do one today and two tommorrow! k, so we left off with simon finding the hummer. lets try gupta.
    “Man, this space is cramped! With swift, reynolds and my grandson in here, with loads of wires, why did i build this? that imbicle simon probably hasnt even gotten to kleinman. why didnt herr doktor just give me the theory so i wouldnt have to wait? this couldn’t be a weapon, just an electricty maker! i guess ill have to get to the cabin.”

    this isnt really long, but its kinda important, because it showsthat gupta thinks that the theory is a plus, not a weapon or negative. it also shows that simon is hired by gupta, but simon doesnt know it. oh well, its game time! w00t!

  40. Hey It is Julie!! Bet you didnt know it was me. SO Guess Wat?
    ok i will tell you i bought Mockingjay last night and it is pretty amazing i love it!!! But sad thing is is that I am still reading Hoot so i will tell you about it……
    Ok, so Roy decides to go and look for the “barefood kid” so he goes back to the golf course and he goes to some bushes where he had last seen the “barefoot kid”. when he walks through the bushes there is like a junkyard with old boats and cars. How Cool is that? so Roy walks around a little bit where he finds some garbage bags and he finds some wood where a fire had been. He goes to the place where the wood is and it was still warm so somebody had been there. Was it the “barefoot kid”? he then opens up one of the garbage bags and inside are beat up and dirty basketball jerseys. then he sees another bag and so roy gets the bag he felt that it was pretty heavy but he opens it up and then he screams and drops the bag down on the floor Do you know what was in the bag? Well if you saw the Hoot movie then you should know but in side the bag was a bunch of Cottonmouths which if you didn’t know are highly venomous snakes. ok so back to the story Roy stands still and he doesnt move as the cottonmouths leak out of the bag and then the “barefoot kid” jumps out from behind Roy and puts a bag over his head
    Guess What happens next? well i wont tell you today you have to wait until monday
    See u later Bye!!!! luv, Julie!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. Dear Readers,
    I have just finished THE MOST AWESOME BOOK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) It was *The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood*.
    I think the authors purpose for this book was to entertain with an old story of good heros and bad villians. So weather you think Robin is good or bad he still had some awesome adventures. This story really touched my heart. I love it.
    One thing before I leave. I want to tell you how it ends. Well Robin dies. Sad, I know. He died from bleeding to death.
    C U L8er!
    Merritt ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ B)
    For more info please call 1-800-******

  42. Hey whats up people tonight i am listening to music while bloging. Tonight i read fire star again. Now i figured out that the polar bear thing was writen by a dude named david. He lives with a family that has a whole bunch of dragons (they turn to stone when there areother people around). There is one dragon called Gretel that trys to do someting to gronkle (another dragon). She gets in trouble and is locked in a cage. Well one day gretel gets out of his cage and trys to burn gronkle while he is in stone form. Oh yeah by the way gronkle was born without firebreath. lso all the dragons names start with g wich i think is alsome. Well that was all i read.

    Nice posts julie.

  43. Hey Mr. Mayfield!! I was listening to *A Christmas Cairol* today on a play away and i thought it was very interesting. It’s alot different than the movie versions that I’ve seen. It’s scarier and they put sound and music in with the book so , ya, it’s pretty cool. I am at the part when Scrooge sees the first ghost. The person telling the story really gets you into the book and takes you back to that time period. I also think the bokk teaches a leason, even if others don’t agree. I think it teaches you to be happy with what you have and not dwell on the past. I really like the author, I’m gonna have to see what other books have been written by the same author. If you know, contact me at 6**-****’ or at school if you can’t call. โ˜บโ˜ปโ˜บโ˜ป See ya’ll at school, Byeโ€ผ

  44. Nice commet Julie, but why Monday? Why not Friday or Saturday? Anyway, I need to go. byeโ€ผ โ˜บโ˜ปโ˜บโ˜ป

  45. So tonight I finished Maximum Ride Vol.2 and it was very interesting.They finally got some of the answers that they were looking for!But notice that I said some,because it turns out that they have a volume three and I am dying to read it but I don’t think that the school has that volume so I guess I’ll have to buy it or see if someone has it or something like that.Its just so pestering when you think that you have finally figured the story out and then you find out that there is more to it then you thought.Anyway, so I guess I’ll have to find another book to talk about Monday unless Maximum Ride Vol.#3 magically appears on my bookshelf.Well I guess thats it for the night ,I hope that you enjoyed my blogging.

  46. I am reading Mockingjay and To Kill A Mockingbird, Both have Mockingbirds in the book! Not actual birds in To Kill a Mockingbird. Kaitlin ruined Mockingjay for us all!!


    I finished Part One tonight and I found out that Mrs. Dubose dies because she was old and a morphine addict. Jem goes to her house before that and takes a twirling baton and chops off her flowers. He gets punished by having to go read to her every day except Sunday for two hours. At first he starts off by reading Ivanhoe, a story similar to Robin Hood, to her and then she has a breakdown. Everyday she has these until about the last week she would just dismiss Jem and Scout after she felt they were satisfactory. That is all.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€

  47. Hey, It’s Aisha…. I just got a new book and It’s called Peeps… It’s sorta like a vampire novel…. It’s about a guy that tries to find his ex-girlfriend that is a peep [vampire]….. But that’s all I have got to… And The author is Scott Westerfeld…. Well I wrote for 4 extrra minutes… bye

  48. Okay, it’s St. Kaitlin, back in the game. I got 2 shots today, and my arm is sore, so in the name of all things good-please, make it stop! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Okay, so still reading Mockingjay. Of course, it’s still great.

    So today Katniss and Gale and some other people ๐Ÿ™‚ went to go to District 8, which had just been bombed. None of the people there even knew she was alive, so it made them very happy to see her. Well, the injured people of course. So she was like a savior to them (Sort of like me to you all) ๐Ÿ™‚ and she just went by all of them and said hi. Then, they got attacked again, right when they were about to leave. So Gale and Katniss got out there fancy bow and arrows, and they killed a lot of bad people. Anywho, the hospital that all the people were in got bombed, and they all died. ๐Ÿ™ Yeah, that was sad. They are back now in District 13, and Katniss is all messed up again, cause she had to get all up in everything. *sigh* that’s all for today.

    Okay, Saint Kaitlin did good to people today and dropped pennies on the ground. I’m like Stargirl. ๐Ÿ™‚ Alright, Saint Kaitlin has to go read stuff online. Bye!
    Kailtin (Saint)

  49. Hey, I just spent 10 minutes on writing a blog and it said the page was having to re-load.. so it erased everything I wrote!!! Anyways, I read 8 mmore pages of Peeps and it turns out Cal-the guy, is actually a peep also… Just so you know, a peep is a vampire… Plus, Cal is only 18 but doesn’t quite know how he bacame a peep… & he’s comparing himself to a Trematode- a tiny tiny fish that works together with a bird to get food… It’s actually pretty discusting.. Anyway, I’ve wrote for 5 minutes… So later

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