droppin’ pennies like i’m the good saint k…

Dear peoples,
hope you’re having a good weekend – or good week – whenever you read this (except for if you’re reading this Christmas Day – in which case, STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER AND GO SEE WHAT SANTA LEFT YOU – honestly, some people…)

let’s see, last week i read…

“justice: what’s the right thing to do?” by sandel – great book – enjoyed it a ton – written by a professor at harvard – lots of topics and matters i’d studied in high school debate – sandel brought in real-world examples which made the book all that more enjoyable

i’ve now started “dracula” by stoker – it’s pretty good, 100 pages in – sort of like frankenstein – peoople were more easily scared back then, i guess:) anyway, the book is told through the POVs of different characters – dracula sort of comes and goes – he’s currently at castle dracula in transylvania with his three women – i think he’s coming to london soon though in the book

in magazines, i read about the cincy reds and how they plan to win the NL central (by playing the cubs as often as they can) –ย i’m also reading all my alabama articles from the b’ham news (the article about the groundskeeper today and the nutritionist yesterday were both interesting reads) – i read the book of genesis last week – pretty bloody opening round book of the Bible…

hope your reading goes well


57 thoughts on “droppin’ pennies like i’m the good saint k…”

  1. Gale is realy and idiot, I mean who kills his best friends sister? Realy nice guy, to all of you Gale fans- GET some HELP!!!!
    Anyway, maf, your dig on me just resulted in one pebble in my happy wagon. JK ๐Ÿ™‚

    Okay, I’m gonna leave off where I was last week.
    Mockingjay of course!

    So Katniss broke down crying when they were making her do a video because she was missing Peeta. So was Haymitch, so they sent out people to get him. He realy was a mess when he got back, and Katniss was sooooooo happy to have him back and he tried to choke her. So now Katniss is hurt (again) He didn’t mean too though (Peeta’s still awesome) ๐Ÿ˜‰ They figured out when he was in the capitol they shot him up with Tracker Jacker venom. He can only remember certain things.
    So, along with that, she’s better now. Peeta’s still messed up.
    They went to District 2, and long story short they decided to make a baracade to the Nut (a giant hill that stores millitary weapons) They did, Gale and Katniss kiss and she decides to just stay with him ๐Ÿ™ because Peeta will never get better. Then Gale tells her he’s kissed so many others girls behind the school. (Great job, Gale)
    Then, people are all in the streets of 2, Katniss runs out there and gets shot. Now she has broken or bruised ribs. She just can’t follow directions. Yeah, but Peeta’s gettin better.
    She gets a little better and is in training to go to the capitol, and she ends up getting put in a squad (415) with Gale, Finnick, and Boggs and some other people from 13.
    What will happen next? Bad things, that’s what.

    Okay, I wrote way too much tonight. Besides I have to go write for my new website, http://www.worldofthehungergames.webs.com
    If you are a hunger games fan, go to that site. I’m trying to get some people to join.
    Kay kay, gtg
    Kaitlin (Saint)

  2. I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It is a very good book.


    In the beginning of part 2 Atticus goes to the capital to help them work on a case. He leaves Scout and Jem with Calpurnia. They go to Calpurnia’s church on Sunday. They about embarrass her when Jem asks about the hymn-books and why Calpurnia’s son sings the hymns line by line instead of just singing the hymns all at once. Calpurnia said they they didn’t have hymn books because they couldn’t afford them and it would not do any good because most of the people there couldn’t read. Aunt Alexandra comes to live with Atticus, Jem, and Scout. Dill comes back and Alexandra acts like she wants Calpurnia to leave.
    That’s it for Monday!

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Greetings Mortals!
    Who likes Twilight? If you dont u have problems!(JK) That’s what I’ve been reading! It’s so cool! Edward told Bella it would be better if they were just friends. What is that all about? Before I nstart telling you about what I read I want to tell U that the author goes to the same church I do. AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! Wow that was loud!
    What I read in school and at home was more then 5 minuts, but the authors purpose for writing that story was probally to give us some hints that Edward was a vampire.
    Why do I think that? Because, Edward saved Bella from being crushed by a car! He lifted it up so it wouldn’t hit her legs, and he got over there really fast. She droped alot of hints. It was very creatively done.
    See U Mortals in the days to come!
    Merritt! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Hey my peps!!!! So I’ve been reading *Eclipes* ( yes, little Matti is still reading the *Twillight* saga) but I really like it. I will offten read it instead of doing my chores.(Don’t tell my parents!!!!) Anyway, I’m pretty well along. Edward and Jacob are kind of becoming friends. Oh, and did I mention that they’re training to take on an armyof newborn vampires, an idea Bella is completly aginst. But still, the book is very sweet and romantic. I love the fact that it’s still funny and so well written. The idea itself, seems to come from some unknown world. Love the author. But what if it was opposite and Bella was a vampire and Edward came to live with his mom, who’s a cop. I don’t think Edward attract the kind of attention that Bella does. So, yeah, the first version was a deffinent success. I type more tommorrow. Good-bye my strang friends of the World Wide Web. (JK!!)

  5. Hi again! I read for thirty minutes tonight! I already finished the warriors book (actually I finished it Friday ๐Ÿ˜‰ so back to inkdeath! authors purpose tonight! I think the authors purpose was to entertain, to interest, to mystify, to point out multiple views, and to wrap up a series in one final book! see you tomorrow guys!

    P.S. how do you do those smiley faces?

  6. I’m being very slow on the Hunger Games, but I’m getting their. I left off with Peeta and Katniss leaving for the Capitol on the train and Peeta is cleaning up the drunken Haymitch. They wake up the next day and start to eat breakfast without Haymitch. At the end Effie leaves and Haymitch walks in and sits down. He makes a rude statement and laughs. Suddenly Peeta lashes at his glass and spills his liquor all over the floor. He turns around and punches him right in the jaw. He falls over and Katniss throws her knife and it lands right in front of his hand. He congratulates her and says that she is a great throw. He says that he will help them as long as they don’t interfferre with his drinking. They agree and a few minutes later they arrive in the station of the Capitol.

  7. I’m reading the Kane Chroncles and the first book is called The Red Pyramid. So far Julius Kane goes to London with his son, Carter, and his daughter, Sadie, to visit the British Museum for a “research experiment” on the Rosetta Stone, where he hopes to “set things right for his family”. Instead, he unleashes five Egyptian Gods including Set, who banishes Julius to the Duat and forces the children to flee for their lives, in the process, creating a huge explosion.

    Soon, Sadie and Carter discover that the other Gods of Egypt are waking, and the worst of them, Set, has his sights on the Kanes. To stop him, the siblings go on a dangerous journey to discover how to free their father. In the beginnig they hear their fathertalking to some strange person named Amos who turns out to be thier Uncle. Now somewhere in the conversations that he has with Sadie and Carter he says that some gods should not mess with others and they were talking about Manhatten at the time. What I think is that it hints about the Percy Jackson series because he also lived in Manhatten and it is about gods so.. yeah. That is all I read so far in the book. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜› 8)

  8. Hey im still on fire star it is awesome. This book changes the point of view alot. First it goes to a bears point of view then to a little girl named Lucy’s point of view then to a boy named David then to a dragon named Greth. There are some points in the book that I don’t even know who’s talking and what they are talking about. But I still like the book very much. Also I cant wait until I get to the third part of the book because that is when the fire star comes and Gawain ( the last real sized dragon ) comes to life. Well thats all the time I have for today.

    Before I leave will some one please tell me what jk means?

  9. Tonight I continued reading ”Book of a Thousand Days”and it was just an elaboration on some of the past story.I am in the somewhat middle of the story and I have not yet found out the main plot of the book.The reason I am reading so slow is probably because I am reading with a playaway and it goes at a slow but relieving rate.I think its cool to read with a plaway because it takes alot of stress off of your mind and eyes because you don’t have to concentrate as hard as you would if you were reading without a playaway.Anyway Bye

  10. Tonight while i was reading the book fear the night i as introduced to a new character named zoe brown. He is the head of district of a company that furnishes mens clothing ,and he is in town on a family trip ,and he figured that he could stop my a by a few of his stores to see how things were going with buissness. Also to make shure the managers were runnig the stores th way he wanted them ran. he also thought that while he was in town he could go on a few buissness discusions over dinner so you could say that zoe is a work a hollic and he really takes pride in his company. so he is a very wealthy person , and i am shure that there are a lot of people otu there that would like to kill him to get a hold of some of that money. But the killer in this book does not want to steal the mans money he just likes the thrill of the kill. HEY THAT RYHMED!! man i am so sick of ryhmes and riddles. when will the twillight saga end i HATE twillight. see you tommorrow. peace

  11. I read half of this book called ” Goosebumps” it was 3 book series in 1. I think that the authors purpose is to entertain you and leave you hanging. I don’t like it much when authors just leave you hanging but that is how R.L stine is because he’s just kool like that, you know. It doesnt really compare to life because there are no such things as vamps or werewolves or walking scarecrows. So its time for me too finish it in lunch intervention while i have a break, so bye.:)

  12. Hey Mr. Mayfield I’m Going To Tell you About Authors purpose. I’m Pen Dragon He says,”Sometimes Your Life Doesn’t Flah Before your Eyes” What I THink About That I Think The Authors Pu rpose Is Don’t Believe Every Thing people Say!!!

  13. Hey Everyone it is me…. Again and I am feeling embarassed because those of you who know me Know that I play the Tenor Saxophone and today when i was getting off the bus i hit a little boy really hard on the back of his head and he started crying I feel So bad. Ok Hoot
    Tuesday (it is Tuesday isnt it?)
    Well Roy escapes and goes home. The next day when he was eating breakfast he reads the newspaper to hear about a cops car that was vandalized and inside toilets were alligators. This all took place on the site of where a new Mother Paul’s pancake House would be. Wow I wish i had pancakes right now. So roy decides to ride his bike all the way to the site where the pancake house would be so he goes there and everything is quiet and then he hears Hoot!!! Hoot!!! Hoot!!! Hoot!!! Hoot!! Hoot!!! Hoot!!! Hoot!!! Hoot!! And Guess What little baby owls came out of holes and they were just the cutest things and Roy was So happy! Well I will write back tomorrow but for now Bye!!!
    peace, LOVE, and happiness Julie!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’ve been reading Twilight. I want to give a breef summary. Bella just found out that the Cullens are vampires!
    I think i’ll do POV today. ๐Ÿ˜‰ If we read this book through Edward’s eyes it would be totally different.
    1. We would all ready know he was a vampire.
    2. We would know what he does at home.
    3. We would know how his pearents died.
    4. We would know why he was absent alot and why he diched some classes. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I didn’t write alot but I hoped u liked it! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    See Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. Hey im still stuck on fire star it is very long. The setting in this story changes alot. First it goes to the arctic then to the house that David lives in and then back to an inuk village. Also the I think the plot might not be what I think it is. The author is very secretive about the book. In one part this guy saw something really cool but it didn’t tell me what it was until about 10 chapters later. Iell that is my discussion on the book. I hope you enjoyed it.

  16. Hello peoplesโ€ผ I am reading a book called *Triple Trouble*. It’s about twin sisters whos cousin flies in from Hollywood to spend the summer with them, and she is a mager divaโ€ผ The story is told from Sandi’s point of view, but if it was told from Mandy’s (the cousin) it would have more of her rude thoughts put into the book. I think it would be different but still pretty good. It’s really kind of short though. But I’m interested to see what will happen. Did I mention that they have a messy little brother who doesn’t talk right. I’ve got to eat dinner. Peace outโ€ผ โ˜บโ˜ปโ™ฅโ˜บโ˜ปโ™ฅ

  17. Ok, i’m going to move on with the Hunger Games. So far this is a great book and I would reccomend it to anybody who likes action. I left off with the scene on the train between Haymitch,Katniss, and Peeta. They board off the train and they are immediatley taken to their designers to glam them up so they can look good and get sponsors fot the games. Three women take her and strip all her hair off. Then her fashion designer comes in and is alot more normal then most of the dorks in the Capitol. He is fine with her hair and tells her what she will be wearing for the Hunger Games. They are going to dress her up in black clothes and have capes on that are going to light on fire. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!
    They dress her up and send them in a carriage to the Capitol circle where they will make their appearence in front of everybody.

  18. Tonight I read more of Book of a thousand Days and I expect to be finished with it soon.I think that the authors purpose for writing the part of the story that I read tonight was to tell the reader the most current predicament that the characters are in.Also I think this book is fantastic, even though its about a lady’s maid mucker & a honored lady.I picked it out of the playaways section since there was only 3 I just picked the one that looked the most interesting to me and as it turns out it was a very good choice.Well that is it BYE

  19. Sup peers! (Nerd gangsta ๐Ÿ™‚ ) I started Lord of the Flies, very weird, confusing book. I should get the last percy jackson soon, so i’ve just gotta struggle through part of this ๐Ÿ™‚ povs are fun, so imma do some of them.

    Ralph is the “leader” of the group. “I break out of the trees, scanning the horizon for some food. The fat boy with asthma (in the book it’s spelled ass-mar, but I don’t think that’s right) and glasses points at the pond in the sand. There’s a spiral shell sitting there. He goes off about some old guy that blew one like a horn. I pick it up and blow. It makes a farting noise, which was hilarious. I try again, and it works. Fatty wants to know my name, so I tell him. He says he’s called Piggy. After I finish rolling and laughing, I see a bunch of kids in black cloaks coming toward us, mixed with some of the kids that survived the crash and the atom bomb. WWIII is gonna be big. We’ll never know unless we’re rescud, though.”

    WWIII? Plane crash? Piggy? Weird (told you!)

  20. whats up , DR.Roy
    Well today i left my bok fear the night at school, so now i am stuck with reading a magazine that has been sitting on my book shelf for the last month or two. Anyway the name of this magazine is boys life and it is mainly a informational magazine because there the thihngs that are in this magazine are just iformational things that mainly guys would want to hear such as a new jet car was built that has one hundred and fifty thousand horse-power and goes 301 miles per hour. also this magazine completely fills you in if you were to miss one of the NFL football games. i also just learned that there are completly harmless jellyfish that people will swim and play with. Plus it wasn’t us that made them lose there stingers by some expiriment they lost them on there own because of were they live there are very little predators so over the years the were just gradually started losing there stingers. see that is the kind of beach i would like to have around here because i would not have to worry about getting stung , because evary time i go to the beach i wind up getting stung bya jellyfish. see ya tommorrow

  21. Kay, so, I’m rereading Hunger Games to my dad. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah, amazing experiment, he realy likes it (and has lot’s of questions about the book, which I can easily answer because I’m obessed beyond belief, this is what, my 5th time reading it?)
    Anyway, I’m start where I lef toff yesterday. Still blogging on Mockingjay.
    Tues- They got to the capitol and they are known as the “Star Squad” where all they do in fake combat, nothing real. Plutarch tells them they’re are horrible actors and actresses (can’t leave out my fellow ladies) and they start cracking up laughing. Boggs tells them to shut their faces, but then he starts laughing. He takes a step backwards and his legs get blown off. Everyone freaks, they’re running over to Boggs and trying to take him inside when all pods are released, they see a wave of black about to swallow them. Fumes.
    Wed- Peeta goes crazy, and he tries to beat Katniss with his gun, then he shoves a guy that sets off a pod and he gets trapped in a net. They all rush inside a nearby appartment and some guys shove Peeta into a closet. Gale finally comes inside and says it was fumes, which end up being a jelly like black substance that covers everything, but she says it’s like jello and it refills itself so it doesn’t show their footprints. They decide to got out and walk a little ways.
    Thurs- They start to walk and go into another appartment, where they eat. They also find a telivison, which blinks and reapears the capitol seal and they watch. It shows peaceskeepers, shooting up the pile of rubble that was the last appartment they were in. They burned it down. Peeta is all upset cause he killed Michael and he keeps saying they should kill him, but Katniss refuses, because when Boggs was dying, he transfered the Holo to Katniss. Now she leads the misison, and he told her to kill Peeta. But of course, that’s not gonna happen. The capitol says they all died and of course Snow came on TV and was all like “Haha, you all died, blah blah blah.”

    Alright, I’ll blog the rest next week. Can’t wait till the movie (Next year! I’ll be 14, that seems like a super long time) So save the date- Probably Nov. of 2011, also Breaking Dawn. Yep, 2 awesome movies at once, how great can that be?
    Well, Saint K has to go do something (like drop pennies) helpful to man kind.
    Kaitlin Bosshart (St.)

  22. I am still reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Good Book and isn’t hard to read like Tom Sawyer. I can hardly read that book. Anyway.


    I will start off where I left off last night with Dill sneaking out. Dill says his parents are nice but never spend time with him and that is why he runs away. He gets to stay at his Aunt Rachel’s during the Summer. He is still “engaged” to Scout. Tom’s trial starts but I’ve only gotten to the very beginning of it. It starts off with Scout, Jem, and Dill reluctantly staying at Scout’s house until lunch while half the county comes by in wagons and on horseback. Jem explains to Dill who each one is and where they live. after lunch Dill, Jem, and Scout go to the courthouse and try to get a seat. They go to the colored balcony with the Reverend they met at Calpurnia’s church and sit with him. that’s all for Tuesday.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› 8) ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. So it turns out that their cat who they carried with them was actually a godesses of… well what do you know cats.. WOW. Theirs a shocker. Anyway they end up meeting a girl named Zia who ends up being their friend near the end and also while with Zia they are tested and they find out that the are not the only ones in thier bodies they are the” hosts” of gods or basicly in another version they have in way possesed them.
    Now their adventure leads them to the conclusion of that they have to destroy Set, a god of chaos( A GOD not THE GOD of chaos), with the help of thier protecter Bast, or the godess of cats, until she sacrifices her self to protect Sadie and Carter. Also along the way they find their Uncle Amos who had disappeared a little after he said the thing about some gods not messing with other gods, and it turnes out he fell into one of Sets traps and had been imprisoned.
    Carder and Sadie don’t know if they can trust him because they don’t know if he is being monitered. Now they are on the way to defeat Set with Zia and Amos and to bring order once again. That is all so far in the book. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜› 8) ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  24. Hey! It’s me once again and I know that y’all are very exited to read my blog. Probably not, but I’m gonna write anyway-or type if you prefer-. It’s fairly sad that I’m not done with sweet blood yet-and yes I had to renew it today-but I’ve been busy and it doesn’t really matter what I have been doing. ANYWAY, all I have been doing on this blog is write summaries about s blood-after a while it gets a little boring to read my blogs after a while doesn’t it?- Well think again peoples of the WWW(world wide web) because today I am going to compare and contrast

    Alrighty, so do you remember when I told you that Lucy got her computer taken away? Well guess what, this is where I compare. That’s right, I have gotten my cell phone taken away and it was horrible! Horrible I tell you! Don’t look at me like that. JK-I have no idea what the expression on your face is right now- but here is where I contrast-hopefully all of you know what that means because I am very worried if you don’t-Well I haven’t ever had any thing taken away from me for as long as Lucy has. I am on chapter 22 and she STILL hasn’t gotten it back.

    Well I am pretty satisfied with what I have blogged about and I really hope that I haven’t bored any of you to sleep-or death(jk)- I ‘ll blog again tomorrow! P.S Mr. Mayfield, I have blogged for at LEAST 10 minutes-maybe even more- So bye!!!! And have a blessed day.

  25. hey, im gonna talk about authors purpose. I’m reading a book called “Crispin” the cross of lead. i think the authors purpose in the book is to teach you about a young peasents life in the 13oo’s. It also, is trying to tell you that you always need to try at something even if you dont think you can do it. I want to read crispin on the edge of the world again, i thought it was pretty cool my self even tho bear dies.oops! told you 1 of the characters names, sorry. My times up, so bye ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Hi again! I read thirty minutes tonight again! I’m still on inkdeath, It’s really fast paced and action filled! Oh, and it’s really emotional so girls will like it too! ๐Ÿ˜€ so I recommend the Inkheart series to anyone who hasn’t read it. author’s purpose, here I go! I think that author’s purpose is to entertain,to point out multiple views in the story,to amaze, to interest, and to wrap up the series in one book

    see u later!

  27. Hey Whats up (Why do we say whats up when there is nothing really “up” to talk about?) But I had a great day because I embarassed TREY S. today out of his mind and by that i mean in the hallway when he was with his friends i screamed his name as loud as possible. ( A 7th grader should never be caught talking to a 6th grader because i think it is supposed to be “uncool” but how can talking to me be uncool?) Haha JK!!! ok, Hoot
    Ok WEll Dana hadn’t shown up for school in like a week which is really awesome for Roy. Well Roy went back to the junkyard or “campsite” where he had seen the Barefoot kid and when he got to the campsite it was totally empty Roy put his bike beside an old boat and he started to walk around to see where the barefoot kid might be. Oh did I mention that Roy had brought a pair of shoes to give to the Barefoot kid WEll any way he hears a small noise and he looks over his shoulder and his bike is gone he gets really nervouse cause he doesn’t know what happend to it.
    I’ll tell you what else happens tomorrow but for now i got to go!!!!
    P.S. TREY I am sorry if I embarassed you!!!!!
    Bye Everybody LOVE, Julie or Jewels however you want to say it.!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. wuts up mayfield
    DDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNGGGGG you have alot of blogs. once again i left my booking sitting in my locker just like yesterday so i figured that i still have to read so i read the book that you gave me last year. the book is mad dog so far being tha its only a temporary read it is actually a pretty good book. it is a very descriptive book, so if you are a visual reader then you would love this book. it decribes th epeople in this book very vivadly not just there features btu there characteristics just like this one character julie she is a fifth grade girl who is stuck up and thinks that she can do anything because of her father being a big shot lawyer. and her best friend is rich just like her so they are like two peas in a pod. plus they are best friends and they have kind of formed a little click between themselves. and they think that they are both better than everyone else and none likes them, because they are mean to everyone even there other friends. alright well i will write some more later but this is it for now. hopefully we will win our game tonight .

  29. im gonna talk about Crispin and the characters and compare them to people in my grc class. Ok, well im like the big guy bear because im big strong and skilled, logan is like john acliffe, he wants to be the king and he likes to be in charge. Aubrey is like crispin, she is kinda shy sometimes but can be loud when she wants to and she has good running skills.

  30. Hello everybodyโ€ผ Today I have started reading *Among the Hidden* It’s really cool, even though I just started reading it. My sister has already read it and she said it’s about an illeagle third child who starts attending an all boys school under the name of Lee Grant, even though his real name is Luke. The book is an adventure and an educational book. I’ve already read*Among the Batrayed*. It was good too. I’m really interest in the book. I see ya’s tommorrowโ€ผ

  31. since one night I read for thirty mins. I am going to write about what I have read. I have been reading Book of a Thosand Days and so far it has been a ravishing read,there have been so many conflicts and resolutions I don’t think I can remember them all.But seriously do you think that it really matters? Any way whoever came up with this playaway system has has got to be plotzing. well I think that I have very well wrote for five minutes but if I didn’t I’m sure that I have probably over this week whatever BYE

  32. Hey still reading fire star but im almost done. I think the authors porpose was to entertain us. He does thet by keeping seecrets and making us want to read further into the book. He also entertains us by making it interesting but not boring. The author is also funny he put funny things into the text. I cant wait until I finish reading this book. That is all the time I have. I will be back tomorrow.

  33. I’m on Hunger games and i’m going so slow that i need some more variety so starting next week i’m going to read a series of unfrotunate events series. Sorry, but i know most people would disagree with me but hunger games didn’t really interest me. I left off where they were let off the train and taken to there stylists where they gave them there costumes and were set off to the middle of the Capitol where they will be led to the training center where they will stay for two weeks. They are let out of the carriage and have there flaming costume on. There is a huge crowd of people on each side of them. They held hands and were waving at the everybody. They looked at themselves on the jumbotron and they looked amazing! Once they came to the Training Center they met the other contestants and were sent up to the 12th floor where they went to there primative rooms.

  34. I am reading a BOB book called Incarceron. Incarceron is about a guy named Finn, a 17-year-old who wants nothing more to Escape from the huge prison who has mercy for no one–Incarceron. Finn has visions of what he believes to be Outside, where he is sure he comes from, despite what others say (He is led to believe this by a tattoo of an eagle on his wrist). The journey for Escape begins when he finds a key that has the same symbol as his wrist.
    With this key, he finds that he can communicate with a girl named Claudia, who is from Outside and is the daughter of the Warden of Incarceron. They find their stories more and more interwoven as Finn struggles to escape, with the help of Attia (a slave girl), Gildas (a wise man, known as a Sapient, who wants nothing more with his life than to Escape), and Keiro (Finn’s somewhat shifty oathbrother).
    Meanwhile, Claudia tries to get answers from her tutor Jared, disobeying the will of her cold, evil father and going against everything to uncover Incarceron’s secrets–all the while trying to get away from a forced marriage, work her way through a murder plot, and unlock the secrets of a lost prince. That is all I have goten so far in the book. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜› 8)

  35. Loose team Loose ended weirdly. They had to play the Bone Crushers. They were huge and mean looking. there slobber ran down there cheeks because they wanted to hit someone so hard . They would berry them 3 feet in the ground. He had to think real hard on what to do. he decided that he wasn’t going to let her play. Well when he did that they lost. So the bet was that scene they lost she got to make him a sweater and he had to wear it all around campus. Sorry that i have to cut it short but i need to get off right now so bye.

  36. I am sorry to say that I have finished Hoot and do not want to keep writing about it so here is what happened at the end Roy figures out who the barefoot kid is and he becomes friends with Beatrice who I never brought up and together they all save the owls and take down Mother Paula. That was how it ended it was a great book. Now I have just started rereading The Series of Unfortunate Events and Two days ago I read The Bad Beginning and then yesterday I read The Reptile Room now I am about halfway through The Wide Window so I guess I will tell you a little about it. The Main Characters are The Baudelaire Children Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Their parents died from a fire and they were sent to live with Count Olaf who was a very evil guy who is trying to steal the Baudelaire Fortune (did I mention they were RICH) So people realize Count Olaf it a CRAZY man so the Baudalaire Children Go to live with their uncle and Count Olaf comes back in disquise and HE murders their uncle so the kids move once again to their Aunt’s House her name is Aunt Josephine WEll while the Children are living with her Count Olaf comes back and that is all there is to tell right now so I will write Back Later Bye!!!! Love, Julie or Jewels However you want to say it!

  37. I am reading the Unfotunate series. I am now on the second book called The Reptile Room!! So far it is really good and if you haven’t read this sries i am telling you, you will enjoy them if you like mystery series…
    I am at the part were Stephano(Count Olaf) just killed Uncle Monty.
    that is the only part I do not like in the book I am reading now.
    I hope that everything goes well in Peru with Stephano.. But don’t worry I will tell yyou want happens next soon.
    Madalyn Carden
    8) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  38. Mr. Mayfield I just wrote a summary .. I am sorry i did not put it in before.. See u 2 marrow
    ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿ˜€

  39. I am still reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. (Almost through!) Then I’ll start Battle of the Books books. I have to do Wednesday and Thursdays blogs so I’ll get started.


    They have started Tom Robinson’s trial and it is long. It starts out with a few witnesses called for examination and cross-examination by Mr. Gilmer- the prosecutor and Atticus, the defendant’s attorney. Judge Taylor has to call the court to order many times and almost threw someone out because they yelled out in court. Jem and Scout are in the colored balcony with Reverend Sykes from Calpurnia’s church. The jury is out for a couple of hours and Dill gets overheated so he goes out side and finds out someone’s secret. He is acting like a drunk but he only drinks Coke instead of other things.

    Calpurnia runs in to the courtroom while the jury is out and tells Atticus that she can’t find Jem, Dill, or Scout. Mr. Underwood tells Atticus that they are in the colored balcony. He knows this because earlier he sees Scout and they make eye contact. Atticus meets them and tells them to go eat dinner and then they can come back. They eat dinner slowly and come back and realize that they have been gone for an hour. Scout notices that the jury is out and nothing much has changed since they have left. That’s it for today.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€ 8: ๐Ÿ™

  40. Yola! It is the awesome me again.-Yes, I do know that you love me Mr. Mafeldโ™ฅ-and you will never guess what I did. I finished sweet blood! yeah!-and yes, I did add it to my reading log in case y’all were wandering(aka Mr. mayfield)-. So I thought that the ending was great and since I didn’t blog at all yesterday, then I will blog for 10 minutes today. I am thinking of doing a bit of a summary about the ending, but! I will also say what I think the author’s(Pete Hautman) purpose was on writing the book.

    So…. the ending was very interesting. Well Lucy actually used to have blond hair. But she got Ketoacidosis-not sure what that is- from laying in the snow for hours without anything to drink, no blankets, and no insulin shots. So when Lucy woke up, she was in the hospital and had also gotten a little frost-bite on her feet.-rough huh?-And after all of that was over, she dyed her hair blond again.

    Now I move on to the author’s purpose. Well I think that the author wrote this book-sweet blood- because he wanted to inform you that there are no vampires and there were no vampires. I’m guessing he just wanted to keep you guessing-which I did-.

    Sweet blood was a really good book to me, and those of you that have nothing to read, I highly recommend this book. Well that’s all for today.-better get another book and start reading it if I want to blog!!!-
    ๐Ÿ™‚ :p B) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  41. Today i’m posting for 2day 7 yesterday.
    I’ve been reading Twilight. (big shocker) The part of the book i read relates to change because Edward seems to be more open around Bella where before he didn’t really share anythink with her. His eyes keep changing colors from a golden honey color to a pitch black color. Of corse in changes over long periods of time. It also relates to change because Bella is changeing how she feels about Edward. She is started to be more attrackted to him. Charlie is also changing how he thinks about Bella. I think he now thnks that:
    1) She’s a good cook ๐Ÿ˜›
    2) She’s verry indapendant
    I don’t think charlie new these thinks about his daughter before she came to live with him.
    Jess is changing to. She is now more in love with Mike than before. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ :D;D I love Twilight and I think it’s a great book for anyone who would like to read it. ๐Ÿ™‚
    C U l8er!!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S My name is spelled with 2 ts! (Garrison!) CU!!
    P.s 2- How do u make the smiley face ๐Ÿ™‚ with the sunglasses?

  42. Hey todays the first day im doing this before 8:00. Still on fire star im almost done. The author has changed the pint of view again. now he’s added a jappanese munk to the picture. This munk is drawingNpictures of the stars and is studying the fire star. He seems to be keeping secrets from the other monks. Well there goes my five minutes see you on Monday.

  43. Hello my strange people. I am reading * Among the Imposters* NOT *Among the Hidden*. Sorry about that. In my book, Luke has Just discovered that some boys AND girls sneak out of school at night to meet in the woods. They are all “Shadow Children” (A.K.A illeagal third children.) I read *Among the Batrayed* it’s from the same seires. It is kind of like this book only it’s about a girl named Nina who is captured by the Population Police and is told to find things out about three people in a cell with her. They escape but it turns out to be all one big……. Cool huh? I really do like the book. It’s exciting. I hope you all will read it. Peace outโ€ผ

  44. Oh, the last comment was from Matti, not Merritt. You see what happens when your twin has the same homework as you?

  45. since I have read more than i was supposed to in recent nights I will be talking on those nights I have been reading the book book pf a thousand days and sadly I will not be finishing it atleast not now because of the battle of the books .I need to get started early because the books are alot thicker than last year especially The Red Pyramid that is a heavy read but I’m sure I can handle it. well BYE

  46. Monday

    Iโ€™v been reading Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. What just happened? Oh, yeah. Neb just got hit in the ocean right? Well, he grabs a rope that so ironicly was dropped by the ship above him. So, with all his strength (and breath) he climbs aboard. He was laying there for two days before some shiphands saw him lying there like a dead fish, still and pale.


    Iโ€™m reading Touchdown Alexander by, guess who, Shaun Alexander. I have not read much, but I have read enough to appreciate and be bewildered, bewuddled, and bethawed. I mean, the way God was in his life by giving him the blessings of good judgement, good friends, and a stable mind.


    Iโ€™m reading Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. I think the author wrote this book because he wanted to entertain the people with a good sea-loving story about the captain of the worst ship in the history of the seas. He most likely wrote this because of his passion towrite and entertain. The way heuses his words he makes it sound in that time frame as well.


    I was wondering what would have happened to Shaun if he made 1 wrong choice. Would he now be in Mexico being king of drug cartel? Maybe he wouldโ€™ve ended up like OJ Simpson. One of the reasons I ask this is he stayed faithful and beleived his whole life and look at him now a millionaire with a great family. If he didnโ€™t stay true he may have ended up in jail or dead because that once can become ten then one hundred then one thousand then a million.

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