as october nears, cleave all the closer to your friends…

ah happy days when it’s not 105 when you out to run…

(thanks for nothing trey on wednesday – would it kill you pace a guy every once in a while??? particularly when he hits iron chairs at bernie’s when left to his own vices – the bruise on my right arm cries out to your lack of help – see if i name my ukrainian orphan after you…)

so i’ve been reading – again – can’t help it – i guess – it helped distract me for the first 57 minutes of alabama’s game yesterday…

“roar” – finished the BOB for the year – when jacobsen stole my book, i went for that one – it was okay – entertaining – kept me guessing where it was going – the book wandered at times – it seemed to be an eco-disaster warning book at times – at others, about political problems (power with the rich) – other times, speaking about disabilities – i guess that’s one way to write your first book – pick about 5,000 things to happen and just put them in there – anyway, not the best book, but okay

“the media relations department of hizbollah wishes you a happy birthday” – funny, funny book about the middle east – never thought i’d write those words:) anyway, a long-time reporter for the ny times in that area wrote a book about the area – really, really good – insights into the mindset of the people – their similarities and differences (like between saudi arabia – very restrictive – and egypt – more open) – the middle east is obviously important so i enjoyed reading about an area that is heavily covered – but not with much depth at all…

as for other readings, i’m almost through second samuel now on my quest to finished the old testament by december – so king david’s just back to his throne after his son absolom failed in his attempt to take over – the life of david pretty well covers both samuels – and then chronicles (up next) is the after-effects – finally ending with israel split – and the remanent in exile

i also read a great story this morning about cuba – a reporter went there to try and live off the $15 a month salary that workers there receive – he basically lost 11 pounds, nearly starving to death – and couldn’t do it without a lot of help (and stealing) – which apparently much of cuba does as their government turns a blind eye – deaf ear – something

i guess those are the highlights – hope your reading is good this week


fuzzy pink squirrel visists and other matters…

ola (hola),
so i guess this past week was decently productive – read a whole bunch – among the highlights…

“bloody jack” – a BOB book – read it in a day – b/c it was bad and i was ready to be done with it:) i suspect most BOBers will enjoy the book b/c it’s rather steamy – the hammock sleeping was interesting – anyway, steamy for an academic competition – obviously not my pick – i still can’t figure out how that book was turned into a series…

“youth” and “heart of darkness” – i turned to the nook when i finished my books friday – both short stories are by joseph conrad – both about sea adventures gone wrong – “heart” is the more critically acclaimed b/c it’s about the african ivory trade in 1900s – and how Europe exploited the land – the stories are very well written, particularly b/c English was conrad’s third language

“the best of alf van hoose” – it might have had a catchier title, but that’s basically what it was – a reporter for the B’ham News – sports editor – for 40 years – the book was a collection of highlights – the best writing were pieces he did on special assignment – in Vietnam to compare his WWII experience with the “new” soldier – and in 1989 when he went back to europe and re-traced his route in WWII – i guess i liked those pieces the best b/c the issues are a bit weightier than what alabama or auburn did – although his finale to the barons old stadium – rickwood field – was wonderful

on a lighter note, i read a story this morning in “the economist” about male dancing as a way of attracting females – it seems that males who can dance better attract females better – and the better is when they use their three pivot points – like head, torso, and feet – they also found that head-banging is unattractive to women – and that the right knee’s motion is the most attractive to women – if only i’d known this sooner – oh well, there’s always the next school dance…


espn commercial breaks made for good red pyramid reading

yo, it’s like another week – yo…

so i finished 20,000 leagues about thursday-ish this last week – it’s not nearly as classic-y as 80 days because there’s a ton of under the sea info that’s a bit TMI – but the character of captain nemo is pretty good – anyone psychotic enough to run a ship and wreck havoc on the high seas and yet cries at the drop of a hat is a pretty complex character

i started two books near the end of the week – haven’t finished them…

the maisel report – a book about college football written by a guy, ivan maisel, that i knew a bit when i was at bama – the book basically talks about the overrated, underrated college football teams, traditions, coaches, and such – the book came out two years ago so some of the material is dated (like he thought saban was overrated and that alabama was overrated because neither one had done much in 2007) but it’s an entertaining read – unlike…

red pyramid – a BOB book – not a fan – part of that is my fault – i’ve read part of the percy jackson series and this seems to be percy jackson in egypt – there’s also some eragon stuff in there where the words have power and magic drains you – again, all ideas that have been used before – so i’m struggling to get through the 500 pages – although i took the book to bryant denny last night and got about 50 pages read while espn was at commercial timeout (for those of you who’ve never been to a college game that’s televised, there’s an annoying guy in white with a red hat thatĀ steps onto the field at every commercial break – and cues the officials to restart the game – he’s like a God b/c of his power over the game continuing…)

do hope your reading is better


fat book sandwiches and football matters…

dearest peeps:)

i do hope you’re enjoying your Labor Day holiday – if you’re a sixth grader and new to this (or a lost seventh grader), you don’t have to blog on Monday – it’s a holiday – truly, enjoy the off – no need to do homework that day

i had a productive week in the world of reading – i finished “dracula” by bram stoker – basically, a group of guys chase dracula around until they find him and put the final nail in the metaphorical coffin (actually, they drove a stake through his heart) – i then read “coming back stronger” by drew brees – new orleans saints quarterback – good read about how to handle adversity – brees overcame injuries and people who doubted his ability to play in the NFL to put together some wonderful last few years – i finished that book yesterday in t-town while waiting for the bama game to start – i then started and finished today “slob” by ellen porter – best of the battle of the books so far just b/c it was sort:)

slob’s title is a misnomer – you think the title is related to one thing but it’s really about another – in all seriousness (b/c out of my mind by sharon draper is the best BOB by far), the book was okay – good for 200 quick pages – story about a kid who’s trying to overcome his self-doubts created when his parents were murdered two years before

i also read the book of leviticus this week – lots about what to eat and not to eat for Israel – i read a story this morning in the economist that drinking water is good for you (shocking)

no big reading plans this week – i guess i’ll go back to a classic on the nook if nothing i’ve ordered from the library comes in – i’m holding off on the pyramid and other BOB books until i get in the mood – which isn’t now…
