as october nears, cleave all the closer to your friends…

ah happy days when it’s not 105 when you out to run…

(thanks for nothing trey on wednesday – would it kill you pace a guy every once in a while??? particularly when he hits iron chairs at bernie’s when left to his own vices – the bruise on my right arm cries out to your lack of help – see if i name my ukrainian orphan after you…)

so i’ve been reading – again – can’t help it – i guess – it helped distract me for the first 57 minutes of alabama’s game yesterday…

“roar” – finished the BOB for the year – when jacobsen stole my book, i went for that one – it was okay – entertaining – kept me guessing where it was going – the book wandered at times – it seemed to be an eco-disaster warning book at times – at others, about political problems (power with the rich) – other times, speaking about disabilities – i guess that’s one way to write your first book – pick about 5,000 things to happen and just put them in there – anyway, not the best book, but okay

“the media relations department of hizbollah wishes you a happy birthday” – funny, funny book about the middle east – never thought i’d write those words:) anyway, a long-time reporter for the ny times in that area wrote a book about the area – really, really good – insights into the mindset of the people – their similarities and differences (like between saudi arabia – very restrictive – and egypt – more open) – the middle east is obviously important so i enjoyed reading about an area that is heavily covered – but not with much depth at all…

as for other readings, i’m almost through second samuel now on my quest to finished the old testament by december – so king david’s just back to his throne after his son absolom failed in his attempt to take over – the life of david pretty well covers both samuels – and then chronicles (up next) is the after-effects – finally ending with israel split – and the remanent in exile

i also read a great story this morning about cuba – a reporter went there to try and live off the $15 a month salary that workers there receive – he basically lost 11 pounds, nearly starving to death – and couldn’t do it without a lot of help (and stealing) – which apparently much of cuba does as their government turns a blind eye – deaf ear – something

i guess those are the highlights – hope your reading is good this week


56 thoughts on “as october nears, cleave all the closer to your friends…”

    It’s called “Maude March on the Run” ๐Ÿ˜€
    Here’s the story:
    Maude is born, then she DIES! ๐Ÿ™
    JK!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€
    This book is like “Meet Felicity” B/c:
    1. It is around the same time period. ๐Ÿ˜€
    2. Their clothes are similar. ๐Ÿ˜€
    3. There are horses. ๐Ÿ˜€
    4. The main caracters have siblings. ๐Ÿ˜€ / ๐Ÿ™

    This book isn’t like “Meet Felicity” B/c:
    1. Felicity isn’t an outlaw. ๐Ÿ˜€
    2.Felicity doesn’t have an older sister like Sallie. ๐Ÿ™
    3. Felicity isn’t an orphen. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™
    4. Felicity has a best friend.:)
    These are olny a few differences and comparisents between the 2 books. ๐Ÿ™‚
    PEAcE OUt PEEPs!!!
    -MERRITt ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Okay now its time to finish The Enemy. At the end of the book The Enemy, one of the adults describes his craving for blood, and how he decides to create an adult army to eat all the living children. He appears to be becoming more intelligent and organised, even learning how to use primitive weapons. He has also managed to break into Waitrose. Okay now that I have finished the book he eemy I guess that is all can blog on for today. Then again I could see if I can blog on a different book. I think I remember The Giver well and have read it enough times to know most of it by heart so here it goes. The book follows a boy named Jonas through the twelfth year of his life. The peoplw have eliminatted pain and strife by converting to “Sameness”, a plan which has also ended emotional struggle from their lives. Jonas is selected to inherit the position of “Receiver of Memory,” the person who stores all the memories of the time before Sameness, in case they are ever needed to help in decisions that others lack the experience to make. When Jonas meets the Giver, he is confused in many ways. The Giver is also able to break some rules, such as turning off his speaker and locking his door. As Jonas receives the memories from the previous receiverโ€”the “Giver”โ€”he discovers the power of knowledge. The people in his community are happy because they don’t know of a better life but the knowledge of what they are missing out on could create chaos. He faces a question that must be answered: Should he stay with the community, his family living a shallow life without love, color, music and knowledge or should he run away to where he can live a full life? That was all I could remember from the Giver. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  3. Hey everybody!! I am so excited because I have got something interesting to read! Yeah that means no more JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH!!! I am now reading the fifth series of unfortunate events book called The Austere Academy. I am so glad I found the book Guess where it was?? it was in my bathroom!!! YA i know how it got in the bathroom i dont know. But i do know that Jake was the last person to read that book so Lord Help us!!!
    Monday ( The worst day of the week )
    ok well the baudalaires get moved again and they have to go to a boarding school where they will not have fun. Lemme just say there is a girl named carmelita Spats in this book that calls them “cakesniffers” Yes i dont know what it means but I think it is supposedly a curse word! just sayin’ so if you want to call somebody somthing terrible call them cakesniffers. So the kids get to the school and they have to go to the principal’s office of the headmasters’ office whichever one you want to call it. and they realize that the Headmaster is a terrible man who doesnt know how to play the violin. Yes he is terrible at playing. SO they get in his office and they ask him where they are supposed to stay and he says they will stay in the dormitories and then he says the dormitories have huge living rooms with fires and there is a game room and a library and they have bowls of fruit laying out well the only problem was they weren’t going to be able to stay there because they needed a parent or legal guardian to sign the form and they had no parents and Technically no legal Guardins so they are stuck living in the orphans shack.
    well that is all right now so bye everybody love Julie or Jewels however you want to say it.

  4. I would be your pace runner mafeld but that would mean I would never get to go to the Bama games. (like I would ever go except to tailgate!)

    I am reading The Roar a B.O.B. book that isn’t very good no matter what anybody says. I liked Red Pyramid but no one else liked it.

    I the Roar Mika is one of six who win the competition and he wins an apartment in the golden turrets (or the fairy tale palace as they call it). His parents are grateful and are not paying attention to the anger they had earlier when Mika got hurt. Reuben did not get picked and he was not to happy about that if you call throwing forks and knives at the leaders of the Northern Government unhappy. There was an uproar from “The Shadows” because the parents of the poor kids found out that their children have been taken slaves by the government to go to war, but with who is the question. Mika makes a promise to Mal Gorman that if he is good he will get to see Ellie. That’s all for today.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  5. hay mr mayfield whats up
    i am still reading the same book
    so far i have read that rollo knew from experience that how many times he had lost things only to find them again down the sides of his armchair in the gate house
    and he smiled producing a parchment scroll from a gap between cushion and chair
    and fermald the ancient had not been very different from him when she was alive
    and the old records carefully fastened to the parchment

  6. Hey Mr. Myfeild,
    I am going to do pov change with the book entitled: Breaking Dawn (4th book in twilight saga!!). Okayy so here we go!!:)
    So the peoples point of veiw’s changed are basically all!!! They all changed going in this order Jacob, Edward, Rosalie and then Carlisle. First is Jacob: his povc because he said that he wanted to kill them, then realized they are trying to help. that the thing was trying to kill Bella purposefully, then came up with a CRAZY ( NOT!!!) idea that the thing probaly wants blood wich Rosalie won’t let them even touch her eith a needle so.. Second was Edward: his povc just like Jacobs did and so then they tried to feed it and once again Rosalie won’t let them!!! So we move on to Rosalie and her povc from letting no one near her to thinking that it might be best if she did let people near her!! And finally Carlisle and his changed from thinking there was no possibility that there was even one way to save her and then thought that he y maybe there is a slight chance that they can save her!!!! So now I am done!!

  7. omgosh mafield i miss you!!!! haha! i was just thinking about you 2day (don’t let that freak you out!!) haha! but seriously me and like a whole bunch of other people were like missin you and stuff!!!! hope everythings going well with the new 6th graders and well high school is awesome!!!! just tell everyone that if they wanna do good in english to read all of their summer reading books and be able to write and take notes well!!! miss you like crazy and hopefully u could still be there when Lee gets older!!! l8er Maf!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    ~Jordan Price

  8. Uh, Mayfield, inapropriate titles make for a rough week. Then, Trey, like you could even name a football player that plays for Bama besides Ingram, if you could even get that far.

    Okay, I am declaring a new rule: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE MORE THAN 3 SMILEY FACES IN YOUR WRITING. Sorry, some people have so many *cough cough, 6th graders* faces on the screen, I can’t see what you write! Big yellow blobs of happiness. Grrrr

    Anyway, I’m gonna blog about the endish part of the Roar

    Maf, I completley agree with you, at the end of this book when Audrey and Mika landed outside of the wall, they turned all enviromentallist on me. I mean, gosh, we know how the author is now. Then, they were talking about how mabey people couldn’t live on the same planet with animals and I was like you idiot! How could they even think that. I mean, I do feel sorry for them for not seeing animals, but if they decide to like kill themselves at the end of the book, I might throw the book at the wall.
    (So beware of my crazy antics in the classroom, Mayfield)

    Okay, I have to go have a great week and …. ROLL TIDE!
    Kaitlin B (Saint)

  9. Wow. Only 3 comments. Well I know there will be more this week(hopefully). By the way Mr. Mayfield, loved the blog. And no I am not kissing up to you. Anyway onto reality. First things first, I just started a new book today. Yes it is another goosebumps book. It’s called Goosebumps Horrorland Revenge of the Living Dummy. So far, it has been quite interesting. There’s this girl named Britney, who is 12 years old with orange (the book says “coppery”) hair. And brown eyes. She assumes that she is the funny one between her and her friend Molly.

    Britney’s cousin named Ethan had to move in with them because his parents left him for who knows how long. Ethan is younger than Britney, and he is very annoying. By the time Ethan got to Britney’s house, Britney decided to go to Molly’s house. Then, Britney’s mother told her to take Ethan with her. When they got to Molly’s house, Mr. Molloy (Molly’s Dad) took the 3 children up to the attic to show them what he brought back from Mumba. He showed them the shrunken head. When Britney and Ethan get back to their house, they eat dinner with Ethan’s ventriloquist dummy, Mr. BadBoy. Then things go wrong.

    Alright… That’s it for tonight.

    I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted on what happens next.


  10. By the way Mr. Mayfield, yes, Cailea was totally kissing up to you.

    I sincerely apologize for taking up space on your blog, but I feel it is necessary for you to completely understand that Cailea was in fact kissing up to you.

    One more thing, I am NOT making this up like I used to do EVERY week for journals, if you remember that. Feel free to tell all of your classes about my shenanigans.

  11. hey tonight i read the titans curse. i am going to talk about change. change in this story happens alot. the setting changes almost every paragraph. this happens because percy and his friends are on a quest. the main thing that doesnt change is the point of view. another thing that changes in this story is who doesnt go on the quest. the godess of love puts satar blood on a tshirt and poisons a hunter that was supposed to go on the quest. by the way satar blood is like acid except it doesnt kill you. well that looks like my five minutes see ya tomorow.

  12. I read Santa got Stuck.

    I think this is a very funny book because
    one night when santa eats to much treats and his limit he meets. he gets to fat, a button pops, he has eaten quite enough.
    9 deer try to pull and one dog pushes but there is just no luck getting santa un stuck…

  13. Hey Everybody!! I have read more in my book so here I go..
    Tuesday ( Best day of the School week )
    Ok so I left off with the kids moving into the Orphans shack it is a nasty dirty place and crabs crawl all on the floor and a strange fungus grows on the wall and they have to sleep on a bale of hay! oh I meant to tell you that the vice principal’s name is Nero just so you know. So the kids move to the orphans shack and they realize how horrible it is. Then the next day they go to their classes to realize that it is terrible too. Then the next day thet kids are in the orphans shack and Nero comes in and says that the new PE teacher wants to see the kids and the teachers reason was that orphans have better legs for runnning! So the teacher comes in and guess who the teacher is??? Yep it is Count Olaf Well i stopped there Bye Everybody
    Love, Julie or Jewels however you want to say it!!

  14. I read the Pain and the Great One.

    I think this is a good book b/c
    the third grade sister talks about how she is the oldest and it isn’t fair. But, its funny to me b/c that is what older siblings do.
    also, i think it is a great book because the little brother talks the same way about his big sister which that is what little siblings do.

  15. Hello Peoples!!!!!!!!!!!! I have just finished a book called *Sarah’s Secret*. It is about a girl and her neighbors who befriend a American/Korean girl named Sarah. But Sarah has a secret. Hence the title, *Sarah’s Secret*. Anyway, Sarah lives on a farm with her mom and dad. Sarah is also an excelent gymnist. But, after doing some tricks on the uneven bars, Ally notices Sarah cringes in pain. Oh! What does that mean!?! Well, maybe it means that her dad…….. *Sarah’s Secret* is like *Among the Imposters* because:
    *Sarah and Luke are both keeping secrets.
    *They are both used to doing what they are told.
    * Both books involve some kind of Social Service.
    *They both include adventure and police.

    They are different because:
    *S.S (Sarah’s Secret) does not talk about illeagle 3rd children.
    *They are set in different time periods and places.
    *One is about a girl and the ather is about a boy.
    I like this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace Out!!!!!!!!!!!! โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ โ˜บโ˜ปโ˜บโ™ฅ

  16. What up people??????? ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ve been reading…………
    & now it’s time for…
    If this book was written from Maude’s pov then we would know:
    1. What happened when she got arrested. ๐Ÿ™
    2. If she tryed to escape from being arrested. ๐Ÿ™
    3. What her life was like before they moved in w/ their uncle. ๐Ÿ˜€
    4. How she fells about Sallie. ๐Ÿ˜€
    5. What she does at work. ๐Ÿ˜€
    6. What she is thinking. ๐Ÿ™‚
    7.What crimes she commeted. ๐Ÿ™
    8. Why she decied to break the law. ๐Ÿ™
    9. We would also know what she was thinking, but wasn’t saying. ๐Ÿ™‚
    10. How she feels about her new life. ๐Ÿ˜€

    MERRITT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8) B) BD

  17. Okay just finished a different book called Longleaf by Roger Reid. 14 year old Jason Caldwell leaves on a regular camping trip with his scientist parentsโ€”or so he thinks. As their plane descends into south Alabama, Jason sees a crime committed in the Conecuh National Forest, and as the mystery deepens, heโ€™ll soon find himself lost among the longleaf pines, running for his life. Jason and his new forest smart friend Leah will have to use all their knowledge of the outdoors to navigate the laberyrinth of longleaf pines and make it home safely, before a trio of villains catch up and make this unusual camping trip Jasonโ€™s last. Okay now I didn’t think it was the best book in the world, but I guess if you are a person who is constantly outdoors and understands these things… ๐Ÿ™ then I guess you would like the book. so that is all. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  18. Okay by the way Kate Bossert I can name three and their coach Ingram, McElroy, McCarron, and coach, Saban. Sorry.

    I am reading The Roar, again horrible and a cross between animals and humans- REALLY? Humans and animals CAN live together (Planet Earth). They talk about people as being evil. Okay, the end of this book is tree hugger mixed with dumb politicians being greedy. I mean, happy way to end a book with nurses (telly heads) getting locked in a closet by a bunch of kids. Very original, but a little crazy. With Mika and Audrey crashing into a tree and almost breaking out in tears about setting fire to a tree when we have forest fires and nobody cares well that is very lifelike. You shouldn’t have rich politicians living in mansions while the rest of the world lives in cities dying of sickness at the top third of the world. But this whole book sounds like something humans would do. That could be the purpose of this book. I will probably write about that tomorrow.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ (just for SK)

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ 8) ๐Ÿ˜€

  19. hey mr. mayfeild,
    okayy so i am going to do comparrison. okayy the two books i am going to compare are Breaking Dawn and Freak the Mighty. i know it sounds weird but it will work trust me!!!
    okayy so first of all how they are the same are:
    1. they both have charters that are really protective.
    2. they both have a deathly sick person in the story.
    3. fair gwen can compare to carlisle cullen both are wise.
    ways they are diff.:
    1. includes mythical creatures and the other only includes a small smart person.
    that is the only opposite thing i could think of!!
    -Raychel:) 8)

  20. hey still on the titans curse and im almost done with it. the part that im on is very interesting. percy and his friends are at the hoover dam and they are being folowed by skelatol warriors. while percy is bieng chased by the warriors he hears a sound that he thout was a skelaton and he uncapped his sword and hits a mortal but it goes right trough because it is a mortal. this is not a regular mortal because she can see right trough the mist. the girl helps percy escape from the skelotons and saves percys life. well theres my five minutes see you tomorow.

  21. wuts up mayfield
    ok tonight whil I was reading the book fear the night meg the female cop was interviewing thje suspect she ask him were he was two nights ago and he said at home alone then he said oh i get what you are trying to do to me. you think that I did it. meg replied did what and he said you think that i killed that womon two nights ago her name was candy
    and the first thing that i thought was that some one must have leaked a little bit more about the cases from the night killer and some how they slipped the word to him . and she said yeah that is why i am asking you these questions .but personally I think that he is lying about the whole someone told him all of the information that he knows and i think that he is really the killer and last week my prediction came true about that either that man or that woman was going to get killed and it turned out that it was the woman. okay hopefully this weeks prediction will come true so i am going to keep reading so that maybe beetween this week and last week I can have two predictions come true.. I will talk to you later. so bye!!!!!!! cccccccccccccccccccc yyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaa tttttttttttooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww.

  22. hey mr mayfield
    i am still reading the same book
    so far i have read that the corsairs and the searats were roaming the hills of sampetre and it did not bother ublaz unduly they would be taken care of when he had dealt with their ringleaders a.k.a the captains
    and slouching on his throne and sipping wine and nibbling on a roasted bird wing the emperor turned over events in his mind
    and barranca was one of the who had started all of this
    and accordingly he was one of the ublaz intended to make an example of the other captains

  23. I am reading “Friday Night Lights”. A really good book about a small town football team named the Panthers. They are suppose to be the best team in the high school luge but they do hit some bumps in the road to cause them to lose. The courter back tried to save the game by being the last guy to hold the game and he breaks his neck because him and the other guy rammed into each other. There running back needs to step up and lead this team to victory. There fullback number 33 is always getting drunk and showing up late to practice. He needs to get him self together. It kinda reminds me of “Varsity Blues” for one reason, in both stories the quarter back get hurt and there players in “Varsity Blues”

  24. Hey everybody. I just got done reading 2 things. One of them was my book and the other was my blog from last night. I also got done reading Sam’s(my brother) blog. Yes, we are fairly strange. But onto my goosebumps book.

    Well the last time I blogged, I stopped on chapter 10. I’ve only stopped on chapter 15 tonight though, but that’s okay. Okay so I left off with Ethan and his dummy, and Brittany’s family eating dinner at the table. Well on the next chapter, when Brittany comes home from school, she goes straight to Molly’s house to eat dinner with her. Then once she got home, she goes to her room and sees that her Skullboy poster(her favorite band) was torn right down the middle. Then she sees that her painting of her now dead dog Phoebe was also ripped and had red marker/pen on the painting.- It makes me kind of sad to think about her dead dog Phoebe because I have a dog and her name is Phebe only it’s spelled differently- So then Brittany goes upstairs to yell at Ethan-probably because she thought it was him- but finds out that he is in the shower. Then inside Ethan’s room, Mr. Badboy sits up and tells Brittany that he doesn’t like her. Weird right? So then a couple of chapters later, Brittany, Ethan, and Mr. Badboy go to their great Aunt’s nursing/retirement home. Well Brittany’s painting lesson was great, now it’s Ethan and Mr. Badboy’s turn and they aren’t too sure about it.

    That’s it for now! I’ll blog again tomorrow and keep you all posted on what I read. Bye!!!
    ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€

  25. Sorry i pressed the comment when i wasn’t done but any ways all the players get drunk and have very bad practices. The back up Quarter back is really good in ways because he can throw the football really far, but the coach doesn’t like him because he apparently doesn’t follow the play how he wants. He only read the play book on the side line when he didn’t play so how can the coach get n=mad at him. He did the plays out of the play book, not how he wanted to. That is all i am blogging so bye.

  26. Hokay, the song is Holiday by Green Day, and i read some Harry Potter.
    To start, Author’s puprose. Author’s purpose is to entertain. (That was sooo hard!) Next, relating books! Harry potter and the order of the pheonix is like Percy Jackson in that they both are saving the world, although H.P. is only saving the wizarding world. They both are fighting a ruthless enemy, although Harry with a wand and PJ with a pen/sword (advanced vesion of a penknife? ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Both have a brave hero, a smart butt, and a peace-loving guy, although one of PJ’s is part goat. I will finish the others tommorrow. bye!

    PS Kaitlin, just for you….. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ :)!

  27. Hi! I think I found a new favorite book! The red pyramid is AWESOME!!!!:D
    Rick Riordan has a way of making cool books w/ mystery & mythology! but here’s the thing I don’t like. The whole gods thing. It’s hard to read a good book when all the while you feel uncomfortable about it.

    Back to my blog!
    I think it would be different If we saw the story only from carter’s point of view. First of all, we wouldn’t know any thing that was going on in sadie’s head. (Including Isis & she also plays a very important role in the story too.) That would really take out from the story, and it wouldn’t add much more back onto story, because all four of the main characters play an equally important part in the story.

  28. I have read kirsten saves the day.
    I think it is a good book b/c when the curious kirsten goes deep in the woods to find a bee tree, she finds one but when she finds it she fell into a berry bush and accidentally bumoed into a small cute black bear cub. then she has to keep it a secret to not let her family freak out and never let her go into the woods again.

    I really dont understand
    Wednedsay ( My Wednesday wasn’t too bad it was probablly the worst when I was in Mr. Mayfields class but other than that my day was Heavenly!! )
    Well we stopped off with us learning that Count Olaf is really the Gym teacher. Which really stinks for the Baudalaires. But if they are worried about being murdered they shouldnt be because the only reason why Count Olaf follows them around is because he wants their fortune and he cant kill them or he wont be able to get the fortune. Duh!!! The kids the next day go to lunch and the girl I told you about who’s name is Carmalita Spats called them…….. Get Ready…………… CAKESNIFFERS and while all that is going on the Bauldalaires are deciding where to sit in the lunchroom and there are other orphans too who become good friends with Violet, Klaus, and Sunny. Yeah they have Friends this is a very touching story. The kids then start doing research on how they can get rid of the crabs that are in their “dorm” and they come up with noisy shoes A.K.A. Shoes with metal on the bottom A.K.A. Tap shoes
    Then they get a message at the end of the day and it turns out that the Gym Teacher needs them. FUN FUN FUN!!!!!
    Well I stopped there sadly and Mr. Mayfield I wrote for 10 minutes so no Blogging for tomorrow!!
    I mean “awwww man” Evil Laugh
    I got to go so bye Everybody
    Love, Julie
    P.S. Kaitlin I think you have lost your title Saint Kaitlin (even though you never deserved it in the first place) Not all 6th graders put smiley faces all over the place for the record I very Rarely ever do smiley faces and I am a 6th Grader. I am offended!
    And just for u (deleted by moderator:) oh, and St. K:)

  30. Hello!! I am reading a book called *Monkey Island*. No, it’s not about killer-vampire-gummy-bears that try to take over the magical land of Narnia, it’s not about a group of protesting marshmellos, and it is deffinetly not about an island full of monkeys!!! Why would you think that!?!? Anyway, this book is about a boy named Clay whos father leaves when he loses his job, and now his mother is missing too! So Clay leave the tiny apartment building he lives in and sets out to find his parents. He also makes friends with two homeless guys, living in a crate in a park. It may be weeks before I finish this book, it’s like 300 pages!! J.K!!! It’s only around 100 or so. I’ve got chores to do, PEACE OUT SUCKERS!!! J.K!!!!!

  31. 8) 8)
    ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ve been reading Maude March on the Run.
    The authors purpose for this section is to tell about the girls planning and waiting for Marion to join them. Iy is to introduce us to key things we need to know to understand the rest of the book. ๐Ÿ˜€ It also tells us about the Sallie’s surroundings. Like the bugs, the grass, and the sky. Another purpose is to tell us how sallie is feeling. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ 8) If she is hurting, if she’s sad ๐Ÿ™ , if she’s happy :), & so on. 8) OOPS!! Times up!
    see you l8er! 8) 8)
    merritt ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ™ 8)

  32. Okay…Epic (novel). I am rereading the book and will hopefully dicover something that I didn’t before. Epic is about a boy named Erik and his involvement in a game called Epic. Epic is a computer game, but is considered by all the inhabitants of New Earth as much more. Epic is constructed in a way very similar to many role-playing games, such as World of Warcraft and EverQuest, but is far more popular. The game seems to be mostly based on equipment and abilities, as the characters in the game only become powerful once they are rich enough to buy powerful weapons and armor. Very few comparisons or descriptions are made to actual physical ability when describing personas in the game, instead focusing on armaments. Epic is used to control violence, which, in their society, is illegal and is treated with extreme punishmens. Epic is used to resolve conflicts and as a suubstitute for violence. However, the game had progressed to a point where, since the game’s currency is used as money in the real world, it is nearly impossible for poor people to actually advance in the game, unless given money by people or finding treasures as they cannot accumulate enough wealth to significantly progress.
    Poor citizens of New Earth play their entire life, slowly building up their characters to try to become powerful enough to go to a university to study Epic, or if they choose study fields of real life, or to challenge Central Allocations, or C. A., is a powerful, select group of nine individuals that control all of the world’s resources and fund the most powerful characters in the game world. All of the members are extremely rich, which results in them having nearly unbeatable characters in the game, especially to the great number of weak players in the game. The challenges are held in a special arena where the various players can attack each other. The challenges are simply a fight to the last man between the two teams. If you win against the Central Allocations team, then you get what you want, be it a new law, a medical procedure, or a material object. If you lose, though, then you lose everything your character owns (including items and money) and you have to begin all over again. Dying in the game outside of the arena where challenges are held also has the same results, so dying is a disaster, meaning that however many hours you have played are completely wasted, and you have to begin again from scratch.

    The story follows Erik, who wants revenge for the bad treatment of his parents. His father, Harald, was exiled because he hit another person, which happens to be a future Central Allocations member named Ragnok. Harald eventually escapes and hides for twenty years with his wife, during which they have Erik. Harald is caught when he challenges Central Allocations to help his town, and is actually exiled to an island this time. Before his father is exiled, Erik is not very protective of his character, and loses it many times fighting Inry’at, the Red Dragon, who guards a massive treasure hoard. Most of these attempts are spent trying to figure out a quick way to defeat the dragon. When his parents tell him to get on with training for the Graduation Competitions that can win him a spot at a university, he decides to take a new way to the game. He makes a new human female character, which he names Cindella and chooses the almost unknown character class, swashbuckler. He puts all of his ability points into beauty, which most players consider a waste of points, as they can be used for abilities in battle. This is the cause for the bland, gray characters are all over in Epic that have not used any points on beauty. Quickly, the tale takes a twist and Erik inherits much wealth from his investment in beauty as he mysteriously is given gifts and unique quests. The unique quest the dragonslayers embark on is called Epicus Ultima, and is the biggest quest on the game. A Player from the C. A. (central allocations) has been trying to solve this quest for many years, as this turns out to be a problem for the dragonslayers.

    With his friends’ help and one of his strategies from studying Inry’aat, Erik defeats the Red Dragon, and as a result he and his friends become some of the richest and most famous characters in all of Epic. Okay now that is all for today. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  33. Julie- I wasn’t meaning to offend you, and I was trying to make a point to SOME 6th graders, not gonna name names, but I know you don’t use smiley faces alot, I read your blogs. And I wouldn’t put all of those signs up there, it looks pretty bad.

    Trey- You are very IMMATURE! Wow, I’ve talked about all 3 of those people a bunch, so yeah, name three more. (Like you can.)

    Goodness, I feel sad because no one wants me to take the name St. K *cry cry* I want people to love me!!!!

    Blog- well, I guess I’ll summarize The Roar. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Whatever, for three nights I guess. ๐Ÿ™

    Tues.- The Roar basically starts off with Ellie in a podfighter flying through the sky and she’s trying to get away from Gorman’s men, who are trying to shoot her and her monkey, Patch. So she gets shot down in the Shadow’s, which is where her twin brother lives, his name is Mike. So she think she’s gonna die at the bottom of the nasty lake.

    Wed.- She gets rescued and they almost kill her, but they do not! (Victory!) Mika starts choking, even though he doesn’t know where she is, and his parents take him to the hospital. The doctor said he has nothing wrong with him and they’re freaking out completley.

    Thurs.- So they have to drink this stuff called Fit Mix that is supposed to make you stronger. Mika refuses and throws it in his headmasters face and his parents have to pay 100 credits and he has to wear a colar and sort color beads for punishment, poor Mika.

    So, that’s all. I have to go save humanity. Marj told me to say shuck it, to all of you St. K haters.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Kay, have to go.
    Kaitlin B (Saint)

  34. Ok on Friday Night Light i found out that the quarter back(Matt) grandma is crazy and on pills. She ran of in the middle of the night and the police found her. Jason is in the hospital and parallelized from the waist down. There star quarter back is parallelized!! Matt has a lot of work to do but he can still lead his team to victory. Another thing is that the grandma locked he self in the closet and said that she misses her husband and wont come out. So Matt has to sing there song( it didn’t say what it was called it was just there song.she got out of the closest and Matt putt her in her bed. That all i have read so far and hope fly Jason will feel better. Bye.

  35. k, first of all, Julie, YOU STOLE MY INSULT! next, the song is Whatshername by Green day, lets go with….. ALT ENDING! (Yall were expecting alt. povs) Okay, Harry was in a dream, and he bit Mr. Weasley with…. fangs? WHAT? Ok, so instead of harry biting Arthur, Harry kicks him in the back of the head, letting him believe that he is not, in fact, a snake, yet he IS Chuck Norris. Therefore, J.K. Rowling is sued, and kids start dying due to roundhouse kicks. Next, H.P.A.T.O.O.T.P contains conflict because Harry cannot decide if he was the snake that bit Arthur or not, until Hermione tells him it’s impossible. BUHBYE!!!

    PS It hinkm ys pacebari sb roken. . .

  36. hey still on titans curse. there is still setting change going on but a really important change is that the author finnaly lets percy meet a titan. the titan is a very cruel and smart person. but percy leaves the titan holding up the sky after a grulling battle. another character that changes is annabehs dad. he hasent been in any of the other books. well i guess thats it bye.

  37. HAHA! Mr. Mayfield got hit by Bernies chair! oh, and i met the OWNER of Bernies -everyone looks jealous and mumbles in my awesomeness- Oh yeah, I’m THAT good. Anyways, I’m reading an akward little book, it is titles Zombie: A Journal From the Year of The Infection, It’s in journal form, but it’s fiction (go figure) and not realy in book form, yet still is a book. So as for it, let’s do a set of POV’s!!!!

    POV of dumb zombie- *gnawing at half broken off finger* Hewwo!!! My name is…is…well….i dont know my name! Haha! I have no…no…hold-on, i think its, name? YAY! I have…have…anyway, CAR! *hits me* OW, that car hurt! They are mean in that car! i didn’t do anything!!! Hey, hey theres a sign!!! Hope, no, felt, no um, H, uh yah theres an H!!! um, um, e? E!!! He…L? HEL!!! Um, a P? HAHAHAHAHA HELP IT SOUNDS LIKE FELT, AND HOPE, SORTA, NOT REALLY, BUT IT DOES, TO SOME EXTENT!!! Anyway, OH! There’s a cute little doggy! *mom runs by and eats doggy* MOM! I WAS GONNA PET HIM!!!*mom gnawing on puppy* Grrr…Oh look! There is that car again! OOOOOWWWWWW, that hurt…

  38. Good lord! Merrit has at least 99 of the ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜€ thingy jigger mabombs! Anyway, im in a rush, so lets do another POV

    POV of vegetarian zombie- Ugh, those savages eating puppies, not cool man! You see, i’m a groovy zombie, eating small amounts of veggies, while they be up in here eating dogs man! I know i might seem, hippie(?) but i am prutty cool MAN! Oh my gawsh! Those zombies just tipped a car, haha, idiots! wait, no the car just hit doofus over there and OI! That hurt man! Not groovy…ow, my back hurts, like it really hurts, hurts worse then violence man, it aint cool man! You know man! UH-OH! It hit thayt doof again and OW! Is my back supposed to touch my nose?

  39. hey mr mayfield what up
    i am still reading the same book
    so far i have read that when the night brought was bringing the rain first drizzling then at a distance the rumbling of thunder and a faraway lightning flash that illuminated the dark horizon
    and grath longfletch was shaking water from her eyes as the rain increased and her little longboat rode the rollers bravely and tacking south down the coast
    and the otter was sitting at the astern and guiding the small tiller lightly while watching the prow plunge up and down as it met each wave onslaughts and easterly the wind buffeted the boats single square sail and pasting its middle to the slender
    rowan mast then pulling it away allowing the canvas to flap wetly and driving the frail vessel towards the rocky shores

  40. hey mr. mayfield,
    i am reading breaking dawn and tonight i am going to do summery!! okayy so here it goes: so what i read is basically saying that jacob just found out that the only reason rosalie is being nice to bella is because she never gets to have a baby and bella does and so she is trying to protect bella the best that she can. also i found out the only way that they can help her, or so they think, is to jam a tube down her throat and feed the baby blood. because it is half vampire and so they all agree that it might be thirsty!!!
    —- sorry so short i am about to pass put literaly p.s. i am not cripled i am just BLONDE!!! —Raychel:) 8)

  41. Hello everyone!!! This may take me a while to blog because I’m on my mom’s cell phone and let me tell you that it is not easy. Anyway, this won’t be a very long blog, but I am still gonna blog. So I finished my book tonight and I will write a short summary on the ending.
    Ok well,i left off with Britany and Ethan at the nursing/ retirement home and it turns out that mr.badboy wasnt really alive, Ethan was just playing another trick on Brittany. Well Britany didnt know that so she goes over to Molly’s house to look for proof that Mr.Badboy is real. Then they find a file in Molly’s attic that has a picture of Mr.Badboy on it. It says that he really is evil and that his real name is Slappy. At the bottom of the file it shows the words to wake up and put Slappy to sleep (aka.the words I told you about in my other living dummy book).so Brittany and Molly use the 6 magic words to”wake Slappy up” . After the words were said Molly noticed a remote control inside one of Ethans pant pockets. The remote controlled the dummy, so it turns out they had just woken Slappy up instead of putting him to sleep. Then Brittany becomes Slappys slave and he orders her to get the mind stealer doll from the graveyard. Brittany doesnt do it so Slappy goes to the graveyard and gets it himself. After that Slappy ends up getting his mind stolen. And that its where the whole Horror Land theme park part comes in.
    Thats it for now,i will keep you posted on my future readings which will probably be another goosebumps book.

  42. I read Kirsten saves the day…

    in the beggining kirsten and her brother go out fishing in hope that they will come back home for dinner w/ 9 fish. if you are wondering why they have to bring back 9 fish is for the whole family including their aunt uncle and 2 cousins. see what happens next soon.

  43. I read Miss Malarkey Doesn’t Live in Room 10…

    The kids think that their teacher lives in the school. that is why there is already tomarrows homework for the next day on the baord. what the children say. they also think that all the teachers sleep in the teachers lounge. Also room 10 is a great place to live b/c the kids say that it is close to the best water fountain. Also the bathroom is right across the hall way. then she moved into an apartment and then the kids knew that she did not live at school anymore.

  44. I am reading Bloody Jack. Kaitlin I can’t name three more, I can’t name three Auburn players either so don’t feel bad that I don’t care about Alabama because I don’t care about Auburn either. I will now talk about Bloody Jack.

    Bloody Jack is about this girl who lives in London as an orphan because her mother died her father died her sister died and is now in jars somewhere. Mary (Jacky later) is living with other runaways and orphans (Oliver Twist twist isn’t it?) under a bridge on the River Thames. She is a begger and doesn’t quite get the concept of begging. She can read. The leader of her group on land is Charlie whom later gets beaten up and taken by Muck.

    Mary cuts her hair after Charlie died and acts like a boy so she can go to sea and be a ship’s boy. She decides her name will be Jacky. She sleeps with the other Ship’s boys aboard the Dolphin in between two guns. They don’t have much clothing and she hopes they are going somewhere warm. The ship’s boys find out they all but one, Jaimy are beggers from London and all hate Muck. Jaimy, on the other hand, is from a wealthier family and has everythong. He has a new mess kit and warmer clothes. That is all for this week.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8) ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  45. hey im so happy tomorrow is friday. today i read the titans curse again. im almost done with it. percy has gone back to camp and he found out that he is th child of the profecy. he is 14 now and when he is 16 he will choose between the gods or the titans. percy also finds out that luke did not die when he fell of of the cliff. after percy defeats the titan he goes to mount olympus and convinces the gods that he will not betray them so they wont distroy them. well i got to go bye.

  46. *yawn* Another useless attempt of a football tea- i mean, we played good tonight but sadly lost. Anyway, it felt…ehr…refreshing tonight. I guess the team played…okay, but not good enough, the QB was launching the ball to someone called Thag Round. (see what i did there, put it together and you getg The ground? hahahaha) But all-and all, lets just do journals, while i hope JT brings his.

    Pov of Jesse the Dog- Zombie….Zombie….don’t bark Jesse, don’t ba- hey a piece of dog food! Oh, hello, you might be wondering who I am, I’m just an average old Lab trying to stay alive with three people during a zombie apocalypse, the same old same old stuff any odg would do. It’s actually pretty funny to see my masters face, they don’t realize this is just a dream, and I’m just here to have fun. Well, I think that those zombies are around her…….zombie……..zombie……zombie……zom-DOG BISCUIT! Anyway, i guess you could say i’m not real, but i am. You see, I’m a real dog, just not in this dream, the real me is lying in bed.But all-and-all, this is just hila-zombie…..zombie……

  47. You know what, looking back at a previous blog, JT could be that dumb zombie when we all die in 2012……… ๐Ÿ˜›

    POV of Zombie Football Player-WOOH WOOH WOOH WOOH! ZAH FOR THE WIN! Zah-Zombie Association High. We got the best football team in the league! The WTP-Werewolf teaching prep, isn’t as good as us! The VSH-Vampire Skills High, are next in line. The SHS-Skeleton High School, got really close to beating us for the championship, but no, they couldnt. There is also this team, CMS-Columbiana Middle School, they are just…well…humans…they are last in line, at number 50, right behind the PPTBS-Pretty Pink Teddy Bear School. I hate to brag, but our whole crew can tip a car! WE ARE THAT GOOD! Anyway, we got a game, were goin up against FMHS- Frankenstein Memorial High School, wish us luck!

  48. Hi. It’s late so I need to hurry. I am reading *Monkey Island*. If this story was told from Buddy’s point of view, then we would probely miss out on alot of what Clay is feeling, science this story is told by the 3rd person. But, anyway, I think we would hear more about Buddy and Calvin. F.Y.I, Buddy and Calvin are the people Clay lives with on the streets. I hope Clay’s parents come back, or at least his mother. Anyways, I need to go, BYE!!! P.S, Calling Raychel chrippled is very rude and offencive Mr. Mayfield!!!! I am SHOCKED!!!! J.K.

  49. Today i wasn’t really feeling good but i was still able to read my book. So know knowing the star quarter back is paralyzed they had to work real hard on Matt to learn the plays and what to do. Matt first start for the panther they lost sadly. The coach was real mad at the players for not winning and told them if they want to go to state that they cant lose a game. I hope that fires them up because i want them to go to state for these to be a good story. There next game is homecoming so that should be interesting on how they do. Jason’s girlfriend Lyla is in the hospital as much as she can to support him as much as she can. Lyla is messing around with Tim Reggins the guy who is always drunk. I hope Jason doesn’t find out. That is what i read for the day. Thanks and please come again.

  50. ALL 4:
    Monday: Sorry I have had a busy week this week so i’m going to do all 4 journals tonight. I left off with the 3 orphans preparing dinner for his troupe and Count Olaf is mad because he wants Roast beef. So, he slaps Klause across the face and leaves them to clean up the mess they left. Their plan was to go to the banks the next morning and complain to Mr.Poe about the parenting tactics of Count Olaf. The only problem is, is that they have no mode of transpotation and they have no idea where all the banks are.
    Tuesday:The next morning they finish the list of chores left for them by Count Olaf then they head out the door towards their gut feeling of the bank. After a while of searching in a random direction the come to the bank district where they find tons of banks lined up on each side of them. They walk into each of the banks and ask the friendly accountants for Mr. Poe. they searched for about 30 minutes when they came to a bank where the girl at the front directed them to an office in the back where Mr. Poe was sitting.
    Wedensday: They saw Mr.Poe and saw he was on the phone so they took a seat at a couple of chairs in front of his desk. When he finished he asked the kids what they needed and they explained everything that Count Olaf did to the kids. He told him that he is aloud to do that because of the latin phrase parentis locos which means that the orphan father or mother is aloud to use any parenting skills as long as it is not a felony. They left with no help what so ever from Mr.Poe so the orphans were still left alone to find everything out for them selves.
    Thursday: They then left the bank to go back to the house. That night while they started to fall asleep they started to put 2 and 2 together and realized the evil plan Count Olaf had. The next morning they went next door to Justice Strausses house to find law books to find the exact definintions in which Count Olaf is trying to use. They took the books home and Klause started to read. He didn’t quiete fid out what he was looking for so he quit for the night and went to sleep so he could keep working tommorrow.

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