jason mayfield and the deathly BOB-ers, part one…

i mean, do we even have to have school with the dvd out friday???

(full disclosure – i didn’t go see the movie when it was at theaters so that’s probably why i’m excited about friday – i think i’m still bitter about my “lion king” date walking out on me in ’95… ๐Ÿ™‚

finished the BOB series with “the morgue and me” – a mystery novel – if you read about the author, you would’ve had all you needed to know about it – definitely of the group, it was the book that was most “high school” material – although, if my high school kid said some of the things in the book, i’d been reaching for the soap to wash a mouth out… anyway, you start the book thinking the kid is the classic nerd who keeps to himself – but then he suddenly becomes attached to a 26-year-old party girl and everything works out right – odd…

“50/50” – by dean karnes and matt fitzgerald – much more my style – guy ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days – his story – very funny at spots (like when he called “mercedes marathon” flat – and this was before the course was changed and it went over red mountain) – sort of a cross between advice on how to run and what to worry about and how to dream big and achieve it – probably, when i retire to the ranch in chelsea, i’ll get a bike and go explore the world sort of like he did – i don’t run fast enough to do it by foot:)

“the flying scotsman” by sally magnusson – a book about eric liddell – famous runner and missionary (second part is more important than the first) – subject of the movie “chariots of fire” – which we ought to watch in my classroom if none of you have seen it – incredible, incredible movie – anyway, the book came out 30 years ago – so i got it at the thrift store for like 15 cents – it’s about what the movie couldn’t get to – liddell’s full story (including his death in a POW camp at the hands of the japanese in WWII)

well, happy journaling – my boys on sunday morning told me that there’s six weeks left in the year – i don’t think that’s right…


21 thoughts on “jason mayfield and the deathly BOB-ers, part one…”

  1. Along with the Cirque Du Freak, Darren Shan returns to his home town, the place where it all began. While the Cirque Du Freak rests at an old abandoned football stadium, Darren walks through his old home. After spotting his sister, Annie, living a happy life with her son at their old house, Darren decides not to disturb them. One night before the freak show starts a boy shows up hoping to get a ticket to attend the freak show. The boy, Darius, asks many question and acts strangely leaving Harkat and Darren curious.
    After meeting up with Tommy Jones at that night’s freak show, Darren’s childhood friend, now a world famous soccer star; Darren seems that his experience returning might be a good one. After the soccer match has ended, Darren witnessed RV and Morgan James killed Tommy. He then goes on a hunt for them. He finds them in an old dark-end ally and edged out to the road where Gannen Harst and Steve Leonard had been waiting for him too. Darren also finds out that Darius, is Steve’s son and Steve has blooded him. Trained by Steve, Darius shot Darren using his father’s arrow-gun where it struck high in his right shoulder. By luck, Darren managed to flee to safety even though he is badly hurt. Later, he is found by two hobos(gotta love them hobos ๐Ÿ™‚ ) that take him to their leaders which turns out to be Debbie and Alice who are recruiting for the vampire version of the Vampets called Vampirites.
    Reuniting with Vancha March, Debbie, and Alice, the group go ahead on their final hunt for the Vampaneze Lord, Steve Leonard. Darren finds Steve at the abandoned cinema theatre. They were making a trade between Shancus, who Steve had captured earlier and Darius. But before the trading proceed, Steve breaks Shancus’s neck, killing him and challenged Darren to do the same with Darius. Darren thought it over and accepted the challenge. Unfortunately, before the knife struck Darius’s heart, Steve then revealed that Darius is actually Annie’s son thus making him Darren’s nephew. That is how the book ends on a cliff hanger. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. What dvd comes out Friday??? If this is a joke, I don’t get it… I don’t get a lot of things. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yeah, shouldn’t you send the boys in your sunday school class to a mental rehabilitation center, they could hang out with Lindsey and Charlie. They are some of the only people that would say 6 more weeks left. Or months, they would be wrong on both accounts.

    Mockingjay… still

    mon.- Peeta comes back and tries to choke Katniss and now she is all sad because Plutarch tells her ‘happy’ news everyday. We find out that Portia is killed, so now all the amazing stylist from 12 are dead. *Tear tear* Katniss goes on a mission in 2 to break down the ‘Nut’, which is where the capitol has all the fancy machinery they use to kill people.
    tues.- the ‘Nut’ is a huge mountain, basically. Gale gets all devious in the chapter and it freaks Katniss out because he wants to kill all these people. So now Katniss is letting him make out with her and I barf into a trash can. Yes, all girls need to find nice best friends then let them start going crazy and talking about killing people and then let them make out with you. That’s not how it is supposed to work! (Which is probably why me and marj need to steer clear of Landon and Trey..) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Okay, 2 days down 2 more to go.
    I have a question, have you ever heard the term make a straw man and knock him over? My dad says it all the time to me and my mom, and it doesn’t make any sense, but neither does math. Ehhh, we think it’s stupid.
    -St K
    when the moon is blue the clock strikes noon

  3. I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird again because I didn’t remember much of it the first time……so…..

    In the part before Tom Robinson’s trial, Scout says that Jem has grown up and all he wants to do is stay by himself. Their Aunt Alexandra comes to live with them because she thinks that Calpurnia should leave and she should give Scout guidance to be a lady. Atticus defends Cal by saying that she was harder on them than a mother would be sometimes and she does not baby the kids like traditional colored nurses do. Dill doesn’t come to visit until later in the summer because he says he has gotten a new, better father but that father doesn’t pay much attention to him but he is nice and so Dill comes to Maycomb by train and foot and horse buggy. He stays and Scout teaches him something about parents and how you act.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ 8) ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Well, im reading the hunger games ;3

    Fact-Prim accepts the cookies from the baker

    Opinion-couldn’t that be hazardous to her? I mean, the baker could have put something in them since Prim was about to try and kill the bakers son. I mean, he might just be persuading her not too try to kill him. I dont know, but we will find out.

  5. Trey, I do think that it is weird that you feel the need to read To Kill a Mockingbird all within the same year… Sorta..
    Kaitlin, I’ve never heard that term before, I dont quite understand it and I doubt your dad knows what it means either… But after all he is an underwear Model.. (: Haha I love inside jokes… (Well it might not be an inside joke… it may already be outside I’m not sure)
    Ok, But I need to blog now… Oh and Mr. Mayfield You should look up what the capital of Mongolia is… Its one of my new favorites.. I just cant spell it so you can look at it yourself..
    I have finished the Horse and his Boy which took an Eternity to read.. (It didnt really take that long, But I used a Hyperbole) See Mr. Mayfield I pay attention in your class! Anyways now I am reading The Magicians Nephew.. Which is one of my favorites. I dont know why cause nobody else that I know likes this book but I think its amazing.. Its definitly the weirdest one and maybe thats why I like it so much.. So I am gonna Blog about it now.. Yay..
    The main character is Digory and he is living in his uncle’s house in england because his mom is sick and on the verge of Dying.. Which really isnt good.. I would be really upset, But Digory isnt too worried about it. Digory becomes friends with a girl that lives next to his uncle named Polly. They start coming over to each others houses every day. and they Hang out. One day Polly and Digory find the room where Digory’s uncle does all his magic and they go looking through all the stuff in his room which they have been forbidden to see… But it turns out Digory’s uncle was in there the whole time and they got in some serious trouble… But then The uncle starts talking about how there are other worlds that he has figured out how to get to.. He has a Green and a Yellow ring.. The yellow ring takes you to another world while the green ring takes you back to your own world.. Ok Well, I stopped there so Bye… (:

  6. I’m reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

    Right now, Atticus is getting ready to defend Tom Robinson. The people from all over Maycomb County come into Maycomb to attend the court case. They come in all sorts of vehicles, mainly horse and buggy though. Jen, Dill, and Scout don’t get a seat in the regular area so they sit with the Reverend in the colored/children’s balcony. Most of Maycomb is in attendance at the case, all except Miss Maudie. Everyone admires her flowers on the trip into town from the river side of the county. Scout and Jem aren’t supposed to be in the courtroom but they’re there anyway.’

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  7. HEY i am on Peter and the Starcatchers. I am going to do all 4 journals today because i got grounded and i didnt hav my phone so…. i got behind and i would rather finish them today. ok so i left off as Peter saw the guy try escaping the boat, but there was a guard who whipped him and took him to the bottom of the boat. He walked over to the girl he met eyes with and tghey exchanged names and established that they were both 14 years old. she said that her dad was on the boat the Wasp because he was being shipped over to Kumzoo to be the head of the island. Her dad put her on that boat with her nanny for some reason. They started talking but Slank came over and told him he wasnt supposed to be up there.

  8. I’m reading, GUESS WHAT? To Kill A Mockingbird. I can’t wait for BOB tomorrow.

    In this book, they are in the courtroom and they listen to the case while Atticus is presenting to the jury the case. They present it before Judge and the judge is almost sleeping but can still hear and respond. Atticus is presenting and then Jem thinks they’ve won it. Dill starts crying when Mr. Gilmer cross-examines Tom because of the harshness and arrogance in his voice. Scout leaves with him and then they come back. The jury leaves and Calpurnia comes in running to the stand and says that the children are no where to be found. The newspaperman says that they are in the colored balcony and Atticus tells them to come down. Calpurnia is furious but Atticus is calm and says they can come back after dinner and watch the verdict. That’s all for now.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  9. I AM DOING THIS BLOG FOR TUESDAY. i left off as PETER started talking to Molly. Her dad was on the Wasp being shipped to Kumzoo to be the head of the island. Peter than found out that the ship he is on is also going to Kumzoo. Her dad put her on this boat with his nanny. She told him that the king of the island is horrible and usually feeds his servants to his snake. Slank then comes over and tells him he is supposed to be with the other orphans. Then Molly got a look of shock covered her face. Right before Slank took him with the others Molly told him that he was going to be the kings new servants. Then he freaked out.

  10. hey mr. mayfeild i will finish my bloging for this week. i will blog ten minutes on the book amung the hidden on authors purpose. so here we go. i found this part the new houses [masions] dont want them to have pigs because they stink. that tells me that they are stuck up and snoody rich people but they sell the pigs and get lots of money from them. i also see a change in luke hes used to not going outside but he grows close to the mansions across the street from the vent where he looks outside. i also saw hes used to sitting on the stairs so hes changes alot througout the story. thats it for this week iv got to get to church and worship the lord bye.

  11. I like how Trey makes no note to the fact that I insulted him in my last blog… OF COURSE He doesnt realize it. I am still having fun with capitals.. I love it when we are in Social Studies and everytime Mrs. Gurganus says A country name, I yell out the capital.. It makes me feel so proud (: And It makes me happy that I can dominate my brother with capitals HAHAHA. By the way The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad… Its one of my favorites! HA! Ok Well, I will blog now..
    Ok So I left off with Digory and Polly finding the rings and Digory’s uncle tricks Polly into putting on the ring and she dissapears out of thin air.. You could say she Spontaneously Combusted.. Well Digory freaks out because what would he tell her mother… “Umm Yes, You see, Well, Polly sorta just got sent to another world.. And Ummm, Well we have no clue how to get her back and we dont know if she’s alright or not.” That would be a little embarassing if you ask me.. So Digory has to put on the ring and soon he finds himself floating and everything goes black (See this is why we dont have too much caffeine people) Then everything comes into focus and Digory finds that he is underwater but he can breathe… HE’S A MERMAID!! No, He’s not.. That would be totally weird… But if I were too change the story I would make him a mermaid.. (Or a Merman) So Digory is floating up to the top of the little pond and he finds himself in a place that is just woods and its beautiful but there is not noise… Everything is so silent that he can here the trees growing.. So he gets out of the pond and finds that he is not wet at all.. He searched through the quiet woods and he finds Polly asleep but he has completely forgotten how he got here and why he is here in this strange place.. He wakes Polly up and they get up and Digory says he wants to explore this place.. Ok Thats where I left off (:

  12. Hey Mr.Mayfield,
    I haven’t blogged in like forever. so I am reading * Santa Cruise* by Mary Higgins Clark. So far it is talking about how this really rich man, Robert gives out free cruises the day after Christmas. He does this so more people will want to pay for a cruise later on. He said that he likes to give things to people. He said that his third ex wife he gave he share of Google stock to her before it went public. He is throwing a party before they leave and his nephew has took it upon himself to hire 10 “Santa Clauss” for the party.

  13. Hey i am doing this blog for wedensday. I left off with Peter and the Starcatchers and Peter just found out that he and his other orphan buddies would be the new servants of the horribgle king of kumzoo. Slank told him he shouldnt be up there with all the richpeople like Molly and her nanny. Slank took him below deck through many corridors and hallways until he arrived at a horrible room with one hard cot and smelled like dead animals. All the other 4 orphans were just sitting on the floor talking. Slank pushed Peter into the room and closed the door. For a while he told the other orphan boys about what was going to happen to them and where they were going.

  14. HEY THIS IS MY LAST BLOG FOR THE WEEK AND I LEFT OFF WITH peter arriving at his new cabin with the 4 other orphans in his room. The room at one hard cot to sleep on and smelled like dead rodents. Peter sat down with them and told them everything Molly told him about the evil king of Kumzoo, how he feeds his ervants to his snake,and how they were going to be his new servants. They all got really worried at the end and they heard a knock on there door. Peter walked to the door and found a very fat worker of the crew holding a pot that smelled horrible. He walked into the cabin and told them that it was there dinner. He opened up the top of the pot and it looked like a very disgusting suop with little clumps of stuff floating around on the bottom of the pot that evrybody in the cabin was looking at suspiciously.

  15. I am Tired.. And Guess What? We have homework.. And in case you’re wondering what that is, I have Social Studies Homework, I have to blog (Which I’m sure you know) I have English homework.. And I have something else I have to do which hopefully I will remember soon.

    Alright, my capital of the day for you is Prague… Its the capital of the Czech Republic and Its fun to say! Yes, Thats right you are going to get a capital of the day… Well I am gonna blog now. (:

    Well Digory and Polly have made there way to another world and Digory thinks and realizes that when he put the ring on He came to this world through a pool. There are a bunch of pools surrounded around the place and Digory tells Polly that maybe if they go down into another pool and put on their rings that it will take them to another world.. So they think that the world that they are already in, Is just a portal, That will take them to other worlds. (This is a fun concept to think about and Its fun when you have dreams like this) Polly gets interested in the idea, But you doesnt think it’ll work and she may possibly be thinking that Digory is a loon. Which he might be.. But Oh Well. They go and find a large pool and they swim down to the bottom of the pool and they put on their rings.. Everything goes black and they are moving to a new place. When finally they are able to see they have found they are in a world that is in ruins.

    Ok, Well I’m done. So Buh Bye.. (:

  16. Hey Mr.Mayfield,
    So i am reading Two Little Girls In Blue also by Mary Higgins Clark. Okay so In this book it are these twins Kathy and Kelly’s 3rd birthday. So they have their party in the morning because their parents have a black tie event to go to. Anyways, so they are being babysat by Tisha a neighbor. So Tisha thinks that she hears one of the twins crying so she goes up stairs and she realizes that the hall light she left on was of………and the twins open door was closed and their night light was off. Tisha hears footsteps behind her the next thing she know is that she has been tied up. Kathy and Kelly’s parent were getting worried because they hadn’t heard from Tisha in a long time. They call the NYPD and tell them that they hadn’t heard from their babysitter watching their 3 year old twins at all tonight. The strange thing was that Tisha’s dad had called from the Frawley’s house moment before and said that his daughter was tied up and the twins were missing so they had sent polices to the house to check it out. When they got their and went and searched the twin’s room they had found a ransom note that said ‘you give us 8,000,000 dollars and you can have your daughters back. When the parents got home the wanted to go to the twins room but the police wouldnt let them. HAHA that was funn.

  17. k, song of today is no love by eminem ft lil wayne (listening to it now) and i read about the v__tna_ w_r. any guesses?

    Monday-ok, left off mentioning Douglas gracey. arrived in vietnam, fresh from England with 20000 troops in september 1945. met about 200000 frech and 2000000 chinese (who were on the anti communist side here) there. Being a supporter of winston churchill, gracey hated the french, but absolutely loathed communists most. Grace though Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh were a simple rebelloius band of terrorists and renegades. He figured handing french citizens of Sagion and its surroundings guns would finish them (although he hated them. smart move). (side note: around this era, the ‘domino’ theory was invented(one country falls, others will too) which is why we joined the fight.)

    Tuesday-Meanwhile, Minh decided to start using guerilla warfare (no, not swinging from trees. sneaky warfare) against the french who were in vietnam while the japanese occupied it. Confused? yep. The vietminh even targeted children and women for everything from suicide bombers to chefs. Frenchmen rioted in order for gracey to give them guns for protection. To start with, mainly chinese were targeted. Chinese soldiers mainly joined forces with the french and british because they thought it was an easy war. therefore, supplies were often forgotten, and the chinese weapons were little more than flintlocks (pirate pistols) and pointy rocks tied to sticks.

    Wednesday- Chinese were poorly supplied, so they would go as far as murdering a family for food. unfortunately, the families were usually poor, so it rarely helped with food or shelter, and made them feel worse because they had ravaged a defenseless (*cough* our football team *cough*) family for little reward and the vietminh got revenge. Gracey figured they could solve said problem by importing more weapons. he even armed pows (prisoners of war) to help (IDIOT). Gracey had his dreams dashed by the old coalition of British, French, Chinese, and Japanese troops. Ho’s liberation cause was obvious, which gained him supporters. Ho Chi Minh even critized Gracey as “goofy”, enraging Gracey and causing some rash desicions. Cliffhanger!

    Thursday- Author’s purpose is to inform and in my case entertain. Bye!

    BTW, all these journals from the complete idiots guide? im not even on page fifty as far as blogging.

  18. Journal 4-14-11

    I am reading To Kill A Mockingbird. Right now in this book jem is telling Scout about why other people don’t get along very well. Scout wants Walter Cunningham to come over for dinner but her aunt won’t allow it because she calls them trash and jem tells scout why they don’t get along very well. Scout also observes and helps serve her aunts missionary circle. She does dress up like a lady with her petticoat and the rest. Ms. Maudie does appreciate her company sitting next to her. That’s all for this week.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ย ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ 8) ๐Ÿ˜€

  19. twenty minutes.

    monday: the whale is huge and they chase it. its glowing green so they assume its some sort of animal that can produce its own light. they chase it all day and push the engine to its fullest. then they catch up to the whale and find it sleeping.

    tuesday: ned land throws his harpoon and theres a loud clang. ten seconds later the boat shakes and the scientist falls over board. he tries his hardest to swim but starts to sink. his butler saves him and they take turns swimming each other for ten minutes each. then both of them start to sink.

    wednesday: they get saved and when they get pulled up they see its ned land. ned land tells them that he got knocked off of the boat to. he landed on the “whale”. it turned out that the whale was actually a submarine.

    thursday: they ride the submarine for a long time and then it starts to sink. the men start to bang on the submarine and then it suddenly stops sinking. a hatch on the sub opens and two men come out. they take the tree men and put them in a cell.

  20. I have to blog quickly to make up for Thursday and Friday

    thurs.- so Katniss gets shot and of course she has to stay in the hospital so Johanna takes her morphling because tue doctors took her off of it. One day Coin mentions they are going to The Capitol Katniss freaks and demands to go with them.
    Fri.- So kAtniss goes through all this training and makes it to the Capitol level sharp shooter group with Gale, Finnick, Boggs, etc. So now they are at the Capitol and Boggs is really mad because Coin sent Peeta to kill Katniss. He explains that Coin believes Katniss is a threat for the future presidential election after Snow dies.

    So yeah, I have to go eat. (And watch Celebrity Apprentice) ๐Ÿ™‚
    St K
    The moon is blue when the clock strikes noon

  21. Monday

    This week Iโ€™m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb (the boy in Castaways of the Flying Dutchman) would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybeif he didnโ€™t like the dog anymore โ€ฆ sell the poor black lab. I mean thatโ€™s what I would have to do if I were him, but Iโ€™m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.


    After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots.


    So far the captain of the Flying Dutchmanis making a deal with a chinease merchant who is offering FOUR emeralds for him to deliver emeralds to other high-payng people. On another POV a boy is running from his stepbrothers and runs into a dead-end. His stepbrothers or the ocean?!?!?!?!?!? Which is worse?!?!?!? Well, he doesnโ€™t have a choice because one of his stepbrothers cuffs (hits) him in the jaw and falls into the freezing cold ocean shivering and alone.

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