east of eden (and good friday)…

so somewhere last week – probably actually the week before – i went brain dead and stopped reading – which means i’m progressing much slower through the books – oh, well, who’s keeping track anyway…

“eric liddell story” – i think i blogged about the book last week – but i hadn’t really started reading it until this past week – problem solved a few days later – the book borrows from previous research on liddell – and was similar to the book i read, “pure gold,” about the runner – very good – encouraging read

“BOB questions” – hey, i’m counting anything i have to read that’s close to 100 pages typed up – lots of trivia i’d forgotten about the books – enjoyed the competition bunches friday – went by way too quick (particularly compared to the next day when i had to go there for training…)

“active english” and “classroom trials” – two books about creative activities to use in class – got some ideas to use for our next courtrooms – and a few other ideas for things – always excited about a new activity for class

nanowrimo word count back up to near 36,000 – spoofing currently on a BOB quiz bowl round – got a good idea friday when someone told me that the second round with the bonus questions was “boring” – thanks…

just finished the potter movie – wonderful – most distressing news in sunday’s media section of the b’ham news – apparently, there are two “breaking dawn” movies coming out – why wasn’t i consulted on this??? that means the twilight saga will have been a part of my life for five years when it ends – sad…

reading “east of eden” now – i LOVED it like seven years back – i hated the first 200 pages, was ready to abandon it, and then the whole thing turned on a dime – and i just wept and loved it so – so i’m hopeful that it still rings true for me – otherwise, i guess i’m not not the same boy/man – hope that you’re still the same boy/man though…

(and happy good friday in advance)


14 thoughts on “east of eden (and good friday)…”

  1. Hey I am on Peter and the Starcatchers and i left off as the fat guy brought the big pot of slop that was supposed to be their lunch. They havn’t eaten ina while so they were kind of looking forward to eating. The fat guy known as Hungary Bob opened the top of the pot and inside was a mushy substance with little lumps in it. It didnt look appealing at all and the only one who tried taking a bite was the fattest of the orphans named Billy. He cautiously grabbed a spoon and grabbed a little lump in the pot. He put it in his mouth and spit it out 2 seconds later. He pointed at it on the grround and it was a worm! They looked at Hungary Bob curiously and he told them the cook didnt really make real food but he just threw together whatever he could find.

  2. Hey I am on Peter and the Starcatchers and I left off when Billy took a bite into the gross lunch and spit it back out to find a worm in it.They looked at the guy who brought it and he explained how the cook only really cooked for firsst class passengers and the rest of the peopele got that food. They were sickned and were determined to find other foods to eat. Hungary Bob asked politley if they were going to eat and they said no. Bob took the foood and slurped it all down right in that room. He walked out and closed the door. Thats when they started to conduct a plan to get decent food. At night they would get Peter to search the ship for a food supply and get out of their for a piece of decent food.

  3. Ok…..Hey I am on Peter and the Starcatchers and I left off when Billy took a bite into the gross lunch and spit it back out to find a worm in it.They looked at the guy who brought it and he explained how the cook only really cooked for firsst class passengers and the rest of the peopele got that food. They were sickned and were determined to find other foods to eat. Hungary Bob asked politley if they were going to eat and they said no. Bob took the foood and slurped it all down right in that room. He walked out and closed the door. Thats when they started to conduct a plan to get decent food. At night they would get Peter to search the ship for a food supply and get out of their for a piece of decent food.

  4. HEY i am on Peter and the Starcatchers. I left off as Peter and the rest of the orphans planned to get to the stash of good food. Ratherthan the gross slop that the chef prepared for them. There plan is to get Peter to crawl past the guards into the first class section where Peter will sneak some food to his fellow orphans. it switches scenes to black stache and hi first mate who were eyeing the Wasp and The Neverland as they left port. They were the head of the notorious pirate ship the Jolly Roger and they had a tip that the Wasp was holding very important treasure to steal. They heard that the Wasp could out run them but they were prepared to show them what the Jolly Roger could do and add The Wasp to there collection.

  5. Hi I’m bloggin on Graceling and I am Number Four.

    In I am Number Four, John Smith (what an unusual name ๐Ÿ™‚ ) He is number four of the 9 refuges from the planet Lorien which is the closest of the 18 life sustaining planets in the universe to Earth. They have been overtaken by the Mogodorians who turned their own planet into a dump because they thrive in cities and, as we know, cities aren’t the cleanest places in the world. John and his guardian, Henri, live in Paradise, Ohio for the book. Lorien, was rich in natural resources, and was actually a living planet which has gone into hibernating after the invasion. There are two types of people on Lorien, The Gardes, which have Legacies (sort of like super powers) and telekinesis, and the Centres, which are like normal people who train the Gardes.

    The kids on Lorien are raised by their Grandparents because the Loric live to be two hundred and they marry, for life, at twenty five. Anyway, when they are invaded, the Loric fight until the last minute and they would’ve beaten the Mogodorians if they didn’t have the beasts.
    Back to Paradise. In Ohio John has an incident the first day of school with the quarterback on the football team. He glares at John and the John sasses him about it so Mark puts manure in John’s locker. This is not good because they are supposed to be hiding under the radar. He also gets a girlfriend, which happens to be this football player’s ex, and makes another friend.

    Well Henri goes to Athens, two hours away, because John’s new friend, Sam is all into Aliens and stuff and so he subscribes to this homemade magazine which talks about all that. It has a filler about the Mogodorians and their plan to take over Earth, which is what the Loric think will happen and so Henri goes to the place where they are published and gets tied to a chair because the Mogodorians go to that place and almost torture him. They tell him that some of the Loric might be coming and to capture them if he found them. Sam and John find out that he is not coming back and so they drive to Athens, with a four years overdue license plate tag and no licenses.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  6. Because I am a happy person, and like to point out stupid things people do… Never mind.
    Okay, so this week Saint K read The Twilight Saga: Official Illustrated Guide. Let me say that I never thought I knew SO MUCH about vampires! It was very interesting reading this book.

    Mon.- The first 65 pages or so, Stephenie Meyer talks about the joys of writing and everything. It only took her two months to to complete her first draft of Twilight, and she did it all at the hands of waiting children. All under the age of five, one being just one years old. She was very devoted. She got the ideas for the story because she had a dream one night about Edward and Bella. If you are a Twilight fan, you will understand what I mean when I say the meadow scene-that was her dream.
    Tues.- Mrs. Meyer also told us about the joys of writing and the publishing process- basically about how her book was made, well, into a book. She never intended anyone to even read Twilight, but she let her older sister, and after a lot of encouragement from her sister she sent it in to be published. She said before Twilight was even published, she was working on Eclipse, so she was very devoted to her novels.
    Wed.- The most exciting part of this book were the biographies of the characters. She added things not mentioned in the book about their childhood, how they met, etc. I think the most interesting was Carlisle’s biography because he had to go through a lot in his lifetime. The Volturi also provoked him to kill humans by bringing bleeding bodies into his study when he lived in Vultura with the Volturi as a member.

    Okay, so that’s it for this week, going to watch American Idol.
    – St K
    I can’t believe you didn’t know Breaking Dawn was in two parts. Cause it is. So excited about the upcoming movies.
    -when the moon is blue the clock strikes noon

  7. monday- they stay in the cage and argue about the hospitality of the crew men. it turns out that ned land has a very bad temper. after about three hours in the prison some of the crewmen and what seems like the captain come in the cell. they start talking in another language and then another guy comes in.

    tuesday-the other guy that comes in is a waiter he puts a dish on the table and opens the lid when they all sit down. the professor stares at the food and tries to figure out what it is. but ned land and consiel devour theirs before they even look at it. AFTER THEY EAT THEY GO TO SLEEP.

    wednesday- after a good nights sleep the men wake up. the professor wakes first and finds it hard to breath. he then thinks of how the submarine gets air.. he finds two possibilities. eter it has a machine that produces oxegine or it goes up to the surface like a whale. the goes to the surface and answers his question. after a while the door opens and someone walks in.

  8. Monday

    This week Iโ€™m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb (the boy in Castaways of the Flying Dutchman) would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybeif he didnโ€™t like the dog anymore โ€ฆ sell the poor black lab. I mean thatโ€™s what I would have to do if I were him, but Iโ€™m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.


    After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots.

  9. K, song of today is Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival (Hippies!) and I read Final Theory. Basically, einstien found out the theory of everything, predicting quarks, which weren’t found until about 50 years later, and particles we still haven’t (hadn’t? i dont know) found. einstien even gave an explanation to the big bang. I’ll put it in simple terms. Two universes, moving through the ten-dimensioned area called bulk, collide, wrinkling where they meet, then separating, releasing tons of energy that forms the galaxies and planets (yes, there are holes in this explanation, but it’s the best so far). How do they collide, you ask? Gravity can move inbetween these, unlike almost everything else. It’s almost like string theory. just replace the universes with branes. Einstien figured out a unified field theory, and yet, about 60 years later, we STILL can’t figure one out. (SPOILER! They destroyed it, so we don’t have it.) Anyway, another particle can move through branes, called a neutrino, an electron with no charge and very little mass. Scientists speculated about a sterile neutrino, kind of a shy neutrino, that barely interacts with others. If space-time is twisted enough, steriles can go through a wormhole, a shortcut through the bulk. If these are oriented right, they can shoot through wormholes, gaining TONS of energy. When they come back to us, they trigger a violent warping of space time. Under the right circumstances, these can generate heat or electicity. Or…. it can be fine tuned to take out a bunker in North Korea, even if it’s a mile underground. Einstein had just seen an atomic bomb created by his equations. He foresaw a weapon with this, and therefore couldn’t publish it before he died. He figured that the wars would end, and everyone would be friends. To do this, a spacetime piece has to be warped into a spherical shape. This could be done by smashing millions of protons into a space the width of a human hair with a proton collider. These equations can help calibrate the beam line, shooting it into the wormhole and starting the great energy-maker/ultimate-weapon. See ya next week!

  10. Hey Mr. Mayfield!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooo mad!!!!! I had written an awesome blog and our dumb air card that gives us wi fi disconnected!!!!! Then when I tried to submit it, the computer erased ALL of my work!!!! It was sooo good too! You would have loved it!- by the way it took me FOREVER to write it because I had made it soooo perfect!- So now I have to go back and it ALL OVER AGAIN!!! SO I’m spending WAYYYY more than 20 minutes on this blog!!!! Here’s sort of how my other one went…..
    AHHHH! Mr. Mayfield! I am sooooo happy that I am blogging tonight. So today when I got home I had a massive headache, I took some advil and then fell asleep till like six. Then I had to eat. I am really proud of myself though because I read a whole chapter, 22 pages in my book Twilight, it was chapter 15 to be exact! So now I guess I will have to tell you about what I read.

    Well the chaptwe is called The Cullens- very deep, dark????- and it is mainly about Edward- duh?!???!?!- taking Bella to meet his family. That should be good. So they get all ready and they head out. Now they are driving down the roadand Bella-being the brunette that she is- realizesthat she has no idea where Edwards lives and she just realized that he lived real far away. Anyway, so they get to his house and it’s a huge, three story house that is white and cream colored with a bunch of really big windows.( That’s pretty much the dumbed down way of describing it compared to what the book tells you.) Then before they go in, Bella says that she isn’t afraid that she is going to be in a house full of vampires, but she’s afraid that they won’t like her or will have a bad impression about her. Okay? Then they go inside and of course they describe in such great detail what the inside looks like.-It’s pretty much just real light colored and bright, nice and clea, and not filled with a bunch of colffins and cobwebs. Again, the dumded down way of describing it.- So they go in, she fully meets Carlisle. Then she really gets to meet Esme-the only Cullen that she hasn’t seen- and likes her. Then comes Alice, and Jasper of course. So Alice comes up and is really excited and enthusiastic to see Bella. Jasper on the other hand is very calm and collectedand doesn’t get to close to Bella justin case-in case you don’t know, Jasper is newer to being a vamp. and can’t control himself as well as the others if he gets too close to a human-. Then the rest of the chapter is about Bella wondering where Rosalieand Emmet are. Oh, and then Edward starts playing the piano forher as he tells her how Carlisle became a vampire, it’s actually kind of interesting. Now I’m at chapter 16 where Edward and Bella are taking a tour of the house.

    Well that’s all! Happy to be blogging tonight. (p.s. Sorry it took up soooo much space. You can oonly fit so much of a chapter into a paragraph)
    And that is pretty much what I wrote like 10 minutes ago. So I have commenteda 10 minute blog that took me like 30-40 minutes to write, since I had to write it twice! ๐Ÿ™ / ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ll try and blog next week, and make sure that the air card is connected that way I won’t loose my work! Bye.

  11. I’m reading new moon and there is internal conflict when Edward has to push Bella aside because she gets a paper cut on her birthday present and Jasper almost gets a snack. He is upset with himself because “he” keeps puting her in danger especially because she is in his “world”.

  12. In New Moon there is external conflict when Edward pushes Bella onto a glass table because she gave herself a paper cut and Jasper lunged at her. She had to get stitches from Carlisle and still hide them from Charlie.

  13. If there was an alternate ending to New Moon I would want it to be Bella getting eaten by Emmet because he is my favorite and I want a thrilling ending. I think Bella getting shredded to peices by Emmet would be a thrilling ending that I would like because I am a sadistic child! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. hey mr mayfeild i will finish my bloging for this week and i have ten minutes left. i am reading a new book now its called the loser list i think that i will do authors purpose. this book is about a seventh grader that gets made fun of and gets put on the loser list in the girls bathroom. he will do anything to get it off the door [he goes to far though]. anyways now that you know the intro here we go. i think that the author put this part lets stay after school to get our name off the list to try to be sneaky. i think that the author included this part his freind tries to be like a ninja but knows he isnt because he liked ninjas for some odd reason. alright ill blog next week

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