fight on for the good st. k lads…

dear sunday audience,

hope your labor day weekend is going well – what with college football starting, i guess i’m just not reading anymore – or maybe running and the impossible-to-lose humidity is frying my brain – or something – anyway, two books this week – my apologies for leading you on by doing more…

“between shades of gray” – one of the BOBs – sad, sad book – based on real events from wwii – and a silence about those events that lasted for well over 50 years – i’m curious to those that read it whether they can enjoy it – it’s not a typical YA book so the enjoyment sort of has to come at a deeper level – like for me, the beauty of the book is asking yourself “could i endure something like this? how can i prevent things like this from happening? what things in my life seem hopeless?” but, i’m not sure middle school kids can ask those questions so i’m thinking this will not be a BOB fave…

“heist society” – i think this one will be a BOB favorite – even though this wasn’t one of my favorite it books – although, it does read quickly (i nearly finished it waiting for marjorie’s cross country race to start saturday – yes, it was HER race – no one else’s) – basically, super-smart stealer gets busted out of private school to return to live in the mafia – or the mafia that steals things – and art is involved – and boys – and kissing – so everything goes well and all ends well and we sort of forget that the book was originally about the girl busting her dad out of trouble because at the end of the book, the girl has a boy, and isn’t that the point in life???

okay, i’m letting my aggrevation show on that book:) time to move onto next week – if you’re sixth grade and new to this, you do not have to blog on labor day – we don’t meet – it’s not a school day – so do something productive and lament the fact you return to school the next day:)



51 thoughts on “fight on for the good st. k lads…”

  1. Authors purpose. Book: Sabotage

    The authors purpose of this book/series is to simply intertain us with fictional storys. Time travel, magical devices, these are all fictional elements simply to humor and adapt us into the series. Of corse the author may have many other purposes to write this series that no one will ever know, or understand, yet most believe in the most logic way. As the book talks about how the children went “back in time” this clearly shows that the book was written to intertain. Plus the book has no real pruff that any of the events in this book are true, therefore not making this book educational. Lastly this book has no perswasive modivations in which this case the book is not written to perswade.

  2. ok this is my ……..uh….. ok idk what number journal this is ( that doesn’t even matter anyway ) i am STILL reading Imaginalis. i know what your thinging ” How long could that book be that she is STILL reading it wow she must be SLOW!! ” but i just AM ok…..

    ok where i left off Mehera had just got a instint message from UNSYS that sais that she was wrong and it really WAS uncle Nossyss ( uncle Nossyss Is a character in the Imaginalis seris she reads, i figured out ) ok well mehera STILL kinda thinks its Celste. ok so she types back
    “Bug off, you obnoxious twit” then she got a reply that said “We!re trapped, Mehera. Only the Bridge can save us.” then she got SO upset she tryped back ” Leave! Me! Alone! ” then shut the computer down. That night when she opened her computer back up there was am E-mail waiting for her , witch was aparenly odd cause in this book kids only text and facebook and stuff no one really bothers with Email ( i know here if u took any E-mail we wouldnt DIE but a good bit of people would be mad) and most of the e-mails she gets are from her dad sending her articals that he thinks she might like ( i would hate that like u open up your computer and theres this big artical your dad wants you to read ) but this e-mail was from ” ” then she thought Omg what if all this texting , IMing, and facebook messages had NOTHINGto do with Celeste maybe it was some publicity campaign to bring the Imaginalis series back. she didnt even bother to read the e-mail she just typed into the URL thingy but a few seconds later a massage came up that said:Sorry, we couldn’t find ” ” so she thought ok they havent set up the site yet, maybe their just trying to get people interested. so she went back and opened the e-mail, it was short it said ” follow this link ” this was the link ” ” ( man that was hard to type ) ok, she clicked the link and waited . every second it was loading the more comfadent she was that the Imaginlais serires was coming back . When the YouTube page came up at the top of the screen in black letters were the words ” A Message for Mehera from Uncle Nossyss. ” at first she was alittle confused but then she remembered that you can do stuff like that all the time when you have coputers like once shetyped her name in a disney site and a couple seconds later she was watching a video with her name all over bill bords and posters and stuff. she hit play…………………

    the screen was blank for te first few seconds and then Uncle Nossyss appeard , she almost fell out of her seat when she saw him ( nerd ) apparently he looked SO real. then she thought wow they must have spent a fortune on this and THEN she almost peed in her pants ( weird ) when she thought wait they dont spend THIS kinda money on something JUST to promote a book NO they must have made a imaginalis MOVIE ( oh now shes REALLY gonna die of happyness ) then Uncle Nossyss talked and said ” Dear sweet Mehera. It’s so great to see you ” then she actuallyanswered ( yeah shes THAT crazy )” It’s so great to see you too Lord Nossyss ” then the video said ” no, no, dear one, you must call me UNCLE. After all we are friends, you and i” her mouth fell open , she said ” wait, wait, wait, thats impossible!” then her said ” whats impossible ” then she said ” You talking to me ” ( well it just keep going on like that back anf forth for a while then the picture of Uncle Nossyss reaches out through the computer screen and touches her !!!!!

    well thats all i have read so far and this is theend of my journal today ( i think later im gonna blog some more though

    bye my peoples

  3. I’m still reading Chomp, and so far it’s been a great book. I just finished a section in my book where they are doing scenes at a swamp. A stuntman jumps out of a helicopter for a big entrance and then lands almost perfectly in a pond.

    Then Derek Badger, the television star, takes his place and is supposed to catch a snake for dinner, and the crew leaves it up to Wahoo’s dad to catch it. When his dad catches it, he rests it against his body for him to warm up and become wide awake.

    When the director calls action, Derek grabs the snake, and apparently the snake doesn’t like that, and starts biting him all over the place. Poor Derek.

    I can compare Wahoo and Mickey’s, (Wahoo’s dad) knowledge about reptiles, amphibians, and mammals to Noah and his dad’s knowledge with sea life, and the sea itself.

  4. i’m reading warriors the new prophecy book number 3 far they came back from the badgers den to receive there prophecy.Also the forest is being destroyed by the twolegs [us].They have to find a new home because there camp was destroyed.I can’t wait to see what else happens to the cats and if they survive the construction.

  5. Ok. I abandoned my book from last week, and started on The Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure. The author’s purpose in this book is to entertain the reader. This book intrigues the reader with a tale of two boys, their dad a famous detective. The boys want to follow in their father’s footsteps. In all 66 books, they solve mysteries. The author wants this series to be one that kids are excited to read.

  6. It’s me, obviously.(no you all thought it was my brother, even though few of you even knew he exists.)Anyway I’m now (and have been for a while) juggling between 3 different Harry Potter books, Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and The Half-blood Prince, and Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.Man, I didn’t know someone could use the word “and” so many times in a sentence.Okay, I’ll Put 2 lines of space so you can tell where the writing begins.Oh, and also the book I just finished is Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

    In Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban, another point of view could be, um, Ron.
    Ron was glad the exams were over, though barely.Ron was also worried that Hagrid would lose his appeal and Buckbeak would be executed.Sure enough, Hagrid sent a letter to Ron, Harry, and Hermione about when the execution was supposed to take place, telling them not to be there.Ron thinks he should have be allowed to go, because of his heavy amounts of research he had been doing to help Hagrid save Buckbeak.Harry decided to go anyway, but leave before the execution.When this time came, Ron had been very sorry for doing what he had felt to be not enough work to do much.Ron was very surprised to find Scabbers, his pet rat, hiding in Hagrid’s hut!When the executor came, they left, and as they did, though, Scabbers started to struggle.Ron was then pulled underground by an enormous dog.He later found out that that dog was Sirius Black, an innocent man convicted of murder, although at that time Ron and his friends still believed that Black was indeed a murderer.Ron discovered that instead of Black being the murderer it was his rat!He couldn’t believe it, until he found out that his rat was really an animagus called Peter Pettigrew.At this point, Lupin and Sirius were prepared to kill Peter, for telling Voldemort about the Potters location, but Harry stopped them.Instead of killing Peter, he was to be sent to Azkaban.They set out toward the castle of Hogwarts to show proof that Black was innocent, though in mid-travel they were stopped by Lupin.Lupin was a werewolf and it was a full moon, so he transformed and was a major danger.Ron fainted and woke up apparently the next day, listening to Harry and Hermione’s story of traveling back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak.He was excited to hear for Sirius through owl post and got to keep the owl!

  7. Is this the right place to blog??? I hope so. Last time I blogged in the wrong place :'(. So, I have stopped reading sports great joe montana and started the book The Shodow Project. The Shadow project is similar to the Alex Rider books that i read last schoolyear because both books have dramatic scenes right off the bat. At the begining of the shadow project danny lipman uses his “street fighter instincts” and knees some buff dude “in the groin”. In Stormbreaker ( an alex rider book ) alex knows karatae and kicks a guy in the gut. Both books also are set in london most of the time. A difference is that alex is a diciplined karatae dude and danny uses his “street fighter instincts to fight. But if the back of the shadow project is correc a major similarity is that both danny and alex become secret agents. That be alls i got tonight so PEACE OUT MY PEEPS!!!! 🙂

  8. hey mr mayfield, battle of the hooch was teaching you never to give-up whatever you do it doesn’t matter how hard it gets keep pushing i have to face this every day and its hard but i manage to find a way through and i call that help the savior theres only one of them and he is there whenever. thats it for today

  9. I am still reading the book Rules and this here is my blogging about it. David and his little brother start to count cars while they are waiting for their dad, who is always late. And they also count down the minutes. The conversation rules for David’s little brother is “Don’t use two words when one will do. “If you don’t have the words you need borrow someone else’s.”If you need to borrow words, Arnold Lobel wrote some good ones.”
    Those are 3 rules of Davids little brother’s conversation. David and his little brother sit in the swing and wait for their dad to pull up in the drive way. And dad pulls up and says “Ready to go, sport?” While David’s little brother is running down the driveway headed for the car. David’s little brother tries to get in the car with his umbrella open and it doesn’t really workout so well. Dad says “I’m sorry I’m late! Mrs. Jesland came in at the last minute and needed her heart pills. Want to come?” And David says “No thanks.” Then David checks his watch. Five forty-two.

  10. Okay I’m still reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and I think that the book is about someone finding their voice. Melinda goes through a rape and yet, through other victums of IT, Melinda finds her ability to speak. In my peerspective I think that their is a little of Melinda in all of us. The need to speak out, to voice your own opinon. Anderson also creates some symptems of PTSD( Post-Tramatic-Stress-Disorder) in Melinda by having her wants to tell some one of her assalt, while at the same time trying to deny that it ever happened.

  11. Heyy Mr.Mayfield I KNOW that it’s late and your probably thinking what the heck is she doing at !0:15. But I’m kinds tired so I’ll just tell you a little bit.

    Ok, Soooooo Charlie’s aunts come over ……. he finds out he’s going to Bloor’s……… And then Charlie’s mom goes…………… Shopping with Masie or Grandma bone whatever you want to call her and as soon as they left the doorbell rang. So Charlie answered it and it was a man with a long black coat and three cats that look like flames. And So the guys name is Mr. Onomious. So thats all we have time for today tune in tommorrow and see what happens next.

  12. So the baby owl and the elf owl are trying to not go to sleep other wise some thing will happen I don’t know what will happen though or at least not yet all I know is that it has to do with the moon and when it is daytime and night.My guess though of what will happen is that maybe they forget everything they know when to moonlight hits them which is why they try to stay in the shadows instead of marching and then getting in there trees and going to sleep

  13. i’m still reading the same book as yesterday.So far their camps have been destroyed,but don’t worry about that. So what has happened now is they taking shelter at sunning rocks and some of the kits are dying because of the cold. Cinder pelt and her apprentice are going to the highstones so they can talk with star clan if they don’t return by morning Firestone will send a patrol out o find them.

  14. I’m currently reading 3 books (if you want to know what they are, check my previous comment.)Today I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and doing author’s purpose.

    The author’s purpose for writing down these pages of this book is (for one to finish it) to show Harry’s fear and thoughts before, during, and after the first task.It is also to show Harry’s thoughts on the Yule ball, before it happened and while trying to find a girl to go with, while denying several girls who would like to go with him, and the horror of opening the ball, because it is tradition that the champions do so, with three different schools watching him.I honestly want to type more, but we have to go church, so bye.

  15. hey mr mayfield i will blog for 5 mins on my point of veiw on the auburn book in total. i think this is a great book to get you close to god no matter what type of fan you are just read it lean some history and learn about god. anytime you do something bad pray for forgivness. most people would think that its auburn i dont want to read it but it helped me understand god more

  16. Alright so it’s blogging time!
    WOOOOO! I’m pretty sure you over heard me say that I’m reading a teen romance.
    I feel ashamed so I’m NOT going to blog about that book. I’m reading that book for entertainment purposes only. It’s a guily pleasure I guess.
    I read a book called “Chains” over the weekend.
    So I’ll blog about it.
    The main character is Isabel who is a 13 year old slave.
    The story takes place in New York in a time before The Revolutionary War.
    The woman who owns Isabel and her sister dies and they are sent to a slave auction
    They are then bought by a woman and her husband who are awful and very abusive.
    So Isabel and her sister Ruth go on a journey, I guess. To go and find the will of their previous owner.
    They run away and find the will that says that both Ruth and Isabel were supposed to be set free.

    So basically the whole book is them trying to convince their owner’s to let them go and then they were on the run throughout a lot of the book.
    It was very good. But it was pretty long and REALLY Detailed.

    That is all.
    Keep smiling.

  17. I’m almost done reading Chomp. I got some time to read in the car while going to Birmingham and nearly starving to death. Anyway…

    Derek Badger has gone missing in the Everglades and so has this guy named Link’s airboat, because Derek took it. For some reason Derek ran off and hid because he thought he was turning into a vampire. The reason he thought this was because he was bitten by a bat. Yeah, weird.

    Also, Derek’s crew has called the cops, and also because Wahoo’s friend, Tuna’s, (weird huh, they’re both names of fish!) dad arrives to bring her home and he has a gun. The dad takes Mickey Cray hostage and shoots Link in the shoulder.

    Believe it or not, that took about thirty pages and that was only a fraction of what I read. See you tomorrow Mr. Mayfield.

  18. ok, here is ANOTHER one of my VERY long blog posts and i know what your thinking:
    1. Why the heck does she always start her blog post with: ok,
    2. Why the heck does she always say: ok, where i left off…….. before she starts talking about the book?
    3. ANOTHER long blog post!? ohhhhhh NOOOOOOO!
    4. WHY does she always have these SUPER long intros on her blog posts why cant she just cut to the chase and start talking about the stupid book
    5. how does she know what in thinking right now?! STALKER!!!

    yep that whats your thinking isnt it ( and if not, lets just save time and pretend im right )

    ok, ( there i go again with the ok’s ) where i left off ( and theres the “where i left off” ) Mehera had JUST been touched by that Uncle Nossyss dude threw the computer screen right? yeah thats what just happened ok well next they talk for a while then she screamed “PAPAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” and her dad came rushing in afaid that she was hurt but NOOOOO when he gets in there there is NOTHING on the computer thing and THAT makes he look lik esome messed up crazy lonatic ( i didnt spell that right did i? ) . But ( and yeah i know in not supposed to start a sentence with “but” ) then she hears uncle Nossyss say something and she turns twords the monitor and she sees he’s still there ( but her dad just cant hear or see him ) so she makes her dad leave ( cause uncle Nossyss told her to get rid of him ( pushy much?! ) then uncle Nossyss said ” Build the Unbelievable Bridge.” then the YouTube video ending and no matter how many times she clicked on the browser it would open again ( weird right ). So she goes and hops in her bed and pulls the covers up. Her mind was jumbleing up and her hands were shaking plus her eyes were all wet for some odd reason, like she was gonna start crying or something .yeah what just happened to you was totally weird but dont be a wimp about it! ( sorry that was kinda mean wasnt it ). She stayed there under the covers for like an hour trying to figure out what happened ( just go to sleep already ). Then she went over and grabbed an old photo albulm, she first descovered the albulm when she was eight rumajing through her parents room ( SNOOPY!!!!! ) its filled with pictures of her mom and dad before she was born, some of them were even from before they were married. then she looked at all the pictures agin like she used to when she was little and remembered someting her mom had always said to her ” Always follow your dreams. They may not lead you where you expect to go…….BUT they’ll always lead you someplace wonderful.” ( i absolutly LOVE that quote or sentence or whatever you want to call it )

    ok the “Unbelievable Bridge” is a bridge that was made by the Imaginalis queen by all her power ( after she made the bridge she died ) well the bridge made the new Imaginalis ( cause the old one was destoryed )

    Then she went to sleep. The next day she woke up and checked to see if she had any e-mails from Uncle Nossyss, well she didnt. ok so later on that day she sits on the living room chair and trys to do what the queen did to make the “Unbilevable Bridge” the first thing she had to do was picture the bridge in her mind ( which she couldnt do ) . after about five minutes of trying her head started to hurt, she suddenly relized that trying was the problem. In the books uncle Nossyss always said ” the key to miracles isn’t in the effort, its in the ALLOWING” she wasnt sure but she kinda thought that, that meant ignoring the part of yourself that wants to force thing to happen and letting another part of yourself take over. so she “allowed” for a few minutes all kinda off totally random thoughts just hung around in her mind but then all of a sudden a gajillion images from the imaginalis books exploded in her head. she felt this warm burst of love from every single charcter in the books. then out loud she said “because its impossible, i’ll do it!!! Because its unbelievable, i’ll believable!!!!!” . next thing ya know shes not in her living room anymore she walking down a steet……

    ok, im not goona say anymore im just goona leave ya hanging ( oh yeah i just DID do that to you )

    g2g ( that means “got to go” incase you were wondering ) I’ll pick up on this blog tomorrow and tell you what happens next.

    and remember ( thinking about wht i said in the beggining ) i can read your mind and i KNOW what your thinking, think about that ( see i know that right now your thinking about what i just said ) alright bye people of this country, ok well more just mr.mayfield cause he’s probably the only person who actually bothers to read my extra long bog posts ( plus he kinds has to anyway )

    Well bye 😉


    So tongiht i will be typin’ about the same book as last time, The Shadow Project. I will give an alternate ending to the stuff i’ve read so far.
    As danny finaly woke up in what seemed to be a jail cell. As he studied his surroundings he noticed a normal lock on the door. Not what he expected from the high tech structure he’d accidently stumbled into. Danny (bieng a master at picking locks) used the profesional set of picks he stashed in a secret compartment in his jacket. Quietly he cracked open the door and checked for any guards. To his surprise none were in site. Danny took off and sprinted down the long hallway and around the corner only to be clubbed by a huge fist. instantly danny fell to the floor unconciosly.

  20. hey mr mayfield i will do a creative for five mins. at school jack found this girl that was really pretty he had two classes with her but he never saw her out side of school he felt lonely so he decided to see if she would go to the movies with him. she said she would go if her friend could go turns out her friend is a girl that hates him so he runs into a problem just like anyother middle school boy

  21. Hey Mr. Mayfield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok so Mr. Onomious comes and he has these cats and together they are called the flames.The reason is because they look like flames. WOW!!! what a surprise. So he just barges in and Charlie knows he’s not suppose to let anyone in the house no matter what. But necessarily he really didn’t let him in Mr. Onomious let himself in. So he comes in and he says that he knows about Charlie’s special gift. Charlie asks him for some refreshments, and he wanted coffee.

    After all that was done he wanted to talk about Charlie’s gift.he said that his cats had a special gift to, and so did he. Mr.Onomious’s gift was to communicate with animals. Then he said the cat’s ” know things.” They figured out who Charlie was and took him to Mr. Onomious.

    When Mr. Onomious walked in he said he was pest control. And you know how Charlie’s family is poor and all,yeah well they get rotted fruit from the local grocery store. they don’t eat it they just let it sit there and rot some more. When Mr. Onomious looked in the door where all the fruit was there was a ginormous pile of rats. The cats bit into their hairy skin, killed them, then lined them up on the wall. After the cats had finished the job Mr. Onomious left. Charlie looked on the photo and there was an address on the back. He ran up to his Uncle Paton’s door and asked him where the address was. Charlie left right away and totally forgot about the mice.

    Right now I would tell you more but I got to go take a shower then go to bed. So bye!!! i guess

  22. hey mr mayfield I am ccoming to you live to say that in wednesday wars holling and his friends get to practice baseball with real yankee players. the neat thing is that holling gets one of the famous players jacket, while his friends only get hats. that’s all for today see ya.

  23. Book: Sabotage

    If I was to change the point of view from this book, it would be both interesting and irritating. It would be very interesting to change the point of view expecually if the point of view is replaced by Andrea. Andrea’s point of view would be very interesting because the reader would acually get to find out what Andrea thinks of Jonah. Also, Andrea’s point of view would be irritating also because everything that Andrea says is very agresiive at times, and the book would not be as interesting as it already is.

  24. The book Rules I’ve been reading forever know seems like is starting to get good. but i something to say is that at first in the book i thought David was the oldest and he had a little brother and all that stuff but i was wrong sadly to say. Well the oldest kid that I thought was David is actually a girl and named Catherine. and she has a little brother named David. And so now that we’ve got that figured out and done. Let’s get back to the book.

    Ok, well, first Catherine went to the new neighbors house that just moved in to bring them cookies she made to welcome them into the neighborhood. Also to get to meet and get to know their daughter that is around the same age as Catherine. Catherine’s mom says to not to bother them yet because they just moved in and Catherine’s mom thinks that she should give them a little time to get unpacked and stuff.

    Then while Catherine and her mom are at the clinic, Catherine draws the sailboats bobbing on the summer waves while mom reads aloud a scene where a spell goes wrong for Harry. Mom says “Hello Elizabeth.” to Jason’s mother. Then Jason’s mom says that Jason wants to thank you for the picture Catherine drew for him and then she says that he made her hang it up in his room on his wall. then Jason wants to put Catherine’s name in his book. Then Catherine takes a note card from Jason’s mom and starts to draw her name and a picture of her for his book. When Catherine is done drawing her picture Jason’s mom tries to fit it in the slot on Jason’s book and it doesn’t fit so Jason’s mom goes up to the receptionist’s desk and uses scissors to trim it to fit.

    Then Jason’s looks at Catherine and points to the card that says Thank You. and Catherine says your welcome. Jason;s speech therapist walks in the waiting room and asked Jason how was his day today. Jason’s mom says that he was a little cranky today because he stayed up late watching to Red Sox. Then the speech therapist wheels Jason into the back and while he is getting wheeled to the back Catherine says bye and Jason turns a page in his book and touches the card that says Good-Bye and then the card that says Catherine.

    That is all for that chapter.

  25. This is my creative writing post. Im going to write a poem.


    Trying to do social studies on my bed,
    but other things run through my head.
    Outside the window, I see pretty sparrows.
    While I skim and scan over something about Pharoah.
    Then one question comes through my brain,
    “Why do I have to teach this stuff anyways?”

  26. This is my creative post for this week.

    hairy, smelly
    barking, sniffing, running,
    They’re man’s best friend

  27. alright ( OH YEAH i didnt say “ok,” this time ) this is another one of my REALLY long blog posts ( “ohhhhh NOOOOOO” you say again )

    ok, ( oh no i said “ok” ) today im gonna NOT just do a blog ( OMG ) yea thats right you heard me im gonna TRY to write a poem ( im not very good at making poems though )


    Learning about the years before,
    wishing it didnt make your head so sore.
    Hopeing that one day history will be gone
    if only learning it didnt take so long.

    Washinton, Lincolnn, thats all you remember
    learning this stuff is gonna take till December.
    If only history was ACTUALLY fun
    but we ALL know THAT cant be done!
    Oh but wait its ACTUALLY happening today
    Mrs. Vincent is here, im happy to say

    ok thats my poem ( i like mrs vincent ) but mr.mayfield your still my fav

    ok i have to go but i MIGHT later go back and ACTUALLY talk about the book im reading

    bye my peoples

  28. still reading warriors,they all decided to all leave at once because the monster destroyed there homes.they are going to move to the sun drown place[beach] so far they are at barley’s farm where fire star old friend of the queens decided that she and her kits are going to go back to the old clans.that is where I left off at

  29. Creative Writting. (Don’t judge)

    Follow Up

    It was coming.
    I was waiting so long.
    Coming, coming.
    I was so ancious.

    Then, it was there.
    So close I could feel the tention.
    This was going to change me forever.
    There it was, the next page.

  30. hello fellow bloggers and Mr. Mayfied! In this blog, i’ll compare this book (The Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure) to another book ive read. I’ll compare this book to The A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy. Readers of this blog are probably thinking, “A to Z Mysteries! I read those books in third grade!”
    Well, my mom read us a book before bedtime each night this summer. For a while, however. The book was The Absent Author, the first book of
    The A to Z mysteries.

    1. They’re both mysteries.
    2. They both have multiple main characters. (Hardy Boys: Frank and Joe, Absent Author: Dink, Ruth Rose, and Josh.)
    3. They both are series books.

    1. Hardy Boys has two main charachters while Absent Author has three.
    2. Hardy Boys’ main characters are both boys, Absent Author has two boys and one girl.
    3. Hardy Boys has sixty-six books in the series, and A to Z Mysteries has less than that.

    Thx 4 reading!

  31. The book i am reading is Cross by:James Patterson…When Alex Cross the detective finds out there is a mass murder in town he wants to be safe as possible when his wife Marie get shot by the mass murder nicknamed the “butcher” b/c he normaly uses kinfes scalples and stuff like that when he kills his vitems affter he rapes them if they are girls…When the ass murder kills Alex’s wife Marie he dont use a knife or somthing like that he uses a sniper rifle .308 CAL with a night vision scope on it 🙂 next blog i will tell u about what led up to this! cya next time!

    sincyerly:Skrillex or Colt!

  32. Hey everybody:) I am currently reading The Maze of Bones, the first book in the 39 Clues series. The passage I recently read was about how they decide to get Nellie to be there chaperone for traveling possibly the world in the contest. Like many other sections in the book, you begin to worry that they might fail because of one simple mistake, yet they find a way to correct the issue, which takes you on a quick little ride that drags you deeper into the book.

  33. tues- i started reading the Harry potter books this week. i have to say that i have enjoyed them. the author really paints a picture in your mind about diffrent things like harry’s cuboard or hagrids shack. i think that the author also discribed the relationship between harry and his aunt/uncle relly well.

    weds- i think that harry really enjoys his life at Hogwarts. he is treated better there and he actually has friends there that are alot like him. Also when ever he needs advice he can just go to hagrid.

    thurs- i left of at the part where Harry is trying out the invisibility cloak and he finds the mirror. i think its really cool how he conected with the people in the mirror and he knew that it was his parents. then ron saw himself in the mirror and that gave me the idea that the mirror is probably a mirror that reflects what ever you want to see.

    i havent finished the book yet but im happy to finnaly be able to read the series.

  34. wuts up mr. mayfield!!! !D i am doing a poem too.
    Take a journey into a book,
    kindle, e reader, or a nook.
    learn things you’ve never heard before,
    everyday i want more and more.
    stay up late ’till the book’s end,
    all books are my best friends.
    THE END!!!!!!! 😀 🙂

  35. So i am still reading the. Book named capture so I already told you about the owls jutt and Judd and what might happen if the moon light had hit them if the moon was a full moon.i made a guess and said that they would forget just about everything they already know. So they are still thinking of a plan of what to do because the whole hide up under some shade did not work and they got caught so. They had to think of another idea and luckily enough thy come up with a great idea and that idea was, They were going to get in a fake fight to where they get in trouble because when you get in trouble you have to go to this place that is sort of
    Like a jail but not exactly because you have to go in there for one day and one NIGHT so they do not get hit by the moon light of the full moon. So they think that the idea that they had was right so was it or was it not I really don’t know obviously because I have not read that far into the book yet so I do not know if it will give me the answer or not hopefully it does though and if it does I will be sure to tell you so a see ya 🙂 🙂

  36. Procrastination the killer of many lazy americans now adadys. Including me but apparently im not dead so i must be doing something right? So here goes four journals in one? i think so.

    Number 1 Creative: Jack was a helathy baby. 9 pounds 7 ounces. but when jack grew up he excelled in everything he did. such as: athletics (he was an excellent basketball player. what is it you kids say now? Three point king?) he was also a great scholar. He was on math team, scholars bowl, and anyother extra cirricular activity you could think of. (Not cheerleading though.) He didn have much of a social life. Outside of sports and school he was always in his house. But who could blame him? his dad, Mr. Magic Mikey. He was the biggest tennis star ever. So Jacks house is humongous. Hes got everything in there. Basketball court, baseball field, etc. His dad works out with him (more like his dad makes him work out.) every night.

    Number 2 Authors Purpose: I’m reading Graceling. It starts off very odd. It doesnt start with a back story or anything like that. It jumps right into the story. Kasta the savage graceling killer is lurking through King Murgon’s dungeon. Shes there to rescue the lined grandfather. After she has him out and about she runs into a liened graceling. She doesnt know what hes graced with. Perhapse a fighting grace just like hers. Mabey an escape artist. She hasn’t a lcue. But the man is very strange. They have this somewhat awkward conversation. Then he comes out and tells her he trusts her. Sh takes the safe road and knocks him out and she goes on her marry way.

    Number 3 Change: So since i’ve started graceling i think its clear to tell that its the first book. I’m not sure if its the only book or if it has a second one. I know there are books written to fit with its story. But they arent part of that series. But many things change in this book. Such as Kastas” attitude. Sometimes shes unpredictable. Many people see her to be a monster. But it is only beause that is the way her uncle made her to be. She never wanted or meant to hurt anyone. But her evil uncle finally had a “Justice” figure for people to be scared of. And he wasn’t even close to relinquishing his control on her. Yes mabey she is getting older. Yes mabey she is starting to think why she still is with you. But he hasnt a care for that.
    Well it was a slaughter at our game tonight. 60-30. Upsetting humiliating many aways to describe this loss. Man all i have is one thing to say. I’m gonna hate monday.

  37. I am reading the book Amelia’s 7th-grade notebook. I am still reading the book Rules but i am also reading this book so i thought i would mix it up a little. So it starts out with that she can’t believe that she is in 7th grade know and that she is free. Because her sister is in 9th grade this year and is not in the same school as she is. Also she doesn’t have to see Cleo, her older sister anymore in the halls, cafeteria, or the library. Then she starts to name how 7th grade is way more cooler than 6th grade by saying that in 6th grade you were little and new to everything and scared. But now she is an expert about opening her locker and switching classes every period. This book is kind of about my life.

    By next year Dalton. my brother will be in the 9th grade and i will be in the 7th grade and we won’t see each other in the halls, the cafeteria, or the library anymore either. Also in the book there is a dance coming up just like next Tuesday my school is having a dance. And she is saying that she thinks she is not pretty because no boys will ask her to the dance. That’s not true for me because a lot of boys have asked me to the dance and i said no. I am going with my friends as a group. After her friends start to talk about the dance coming up, she decides that she doesn’t want to go to the dance anymore because she thinks that her friends will ditch her and leave her all alone. Well she tries to make up an excuse why she can’t go to the dance and she tells her friends that her mom is making her clean the carpets that night.

    Well she finally gives up and tells her friends the truth why she doesn’t want to go to the dance. And her friends promise not to ditch her or leave her alone at the dance.

  38. Hey everybody:) I understand it is slightly late, yet I realized I had one more journal due tomorrow. I currently read the passage where the Ben Franklin memorial was burned down. Yet another moment in which you think all is lost yet they make a recovery and continue on their path, and all of these moments get you entwined with every word and pushes you to read more and before you know it, you just read twenty pages.

  39. I have started a new book called Gone this book is quiet enteresting I have only gotten to the first 5 pages. I have not read alot but the writer pulls you in any way from what i have read in the book Sam was in his history class with his friends when all of the sudden the teacher and one of the kids in the class just disappeared into thin air at first they though it was a magic trick or that the teacher was playing around but as soon as they noticed that there classmate was missing they just thought he was in the hallway with the teacher. Then the new kid at the school said he just well poof at first they made it to be a joke. When another student that was in a gifted cass wich sam had happend to like asked were is your teacher she had explaned what hed happeded to her that she was sitting in the gifted class with three other students and her teacher when they just poof. After her explaning Sam got up not sure if this is his place to be but started hearing noises more than one. Sam steped out into the hallway and heard third graders, six graders yelling and shouting like they were celebrating a couple of them ran out into the hallway an stoped dead into their tracks like he was going to yell at them. The reason the kids are young is because the town is so small the net high school is an hour away so every grade from kindergarden to highschoolers were in the same school. Then it went on to tell about sam and how people call him school bus sam. When he was in seventh grade his bus driver had a heart attack while driving sam got up pulled the driver out of the seat and pulled the bus over saffely and calmly dialed 911. It seems to me sam is a very mature kid. That is as far as i got to looking fowored to reading more.

  40. i dont know if this is the right place to blog but……………………………………
    hi mr mayfield!!! i am finished with dear america diary of abby stewart. it is kinda gross because abby is 15 and gets married to a 20 year old then has a kid………..weird!!!! 🙂 <3

  41. Suicide Awareness Day!!!!

    Today is suicide awareness day and today is to remember the girls and boys that cut themselves on the inside of the wrist because they were depressed about something. Well today people went around at school with the word LOVE on their wrist where boys and girls that were depressed would have cut themselves. Those girls and boys that wrote LOVE on their wrist did that because they were representing the people that DID cut themselves.

    I know someone that burnt the tip of their instead of cutting themselves because they were mad at someone. It is sad that people would do that. I know I wouldn’t. Even if you did or didn’t cut yourself then you can still write the word LOVE on your hand so you can know that you are smart enough to get over or deal with your problems and depressions then to cut yourself.

    Think about it. Would you cut your wrist just because your mad or very sad about something? Because I know i wouldn’t.

  42. In the lead for the best blogs? I think so. Haha. So anyway when we were going into class today the drawer was getting a through talk to from you? Yes she was drawing during reading time. But, apparently, its not her fault. I mean yea she was drawing. But how was it her fault. I mean its not like she was doing it on purpose. Plus she might’ve been possesed or so creepy stuff like that. I’m really excited for tomorrow you clearly are better than one direction and i think mrs.lickwala would much appreciate it if you were singing about her. (FAT CHANCE OF THAT HAPPENING) But anyway on to the real topic of this blog. Change. I want to talk a little about the poems we’ve been reading in clas. Very advanced from what you’re telling us. And theres a diffrent one each day. (Yes of course theres a diffrent one.) I mean like its not about the same stuff. And yesterday i think you were the only one who did something for 9/11. Like i said mrs.lickwala was too indulged in british parliament to worry about the horrific attack that happend eleven years ago. But the poems they help me understand lots of things. Like i’ve gotten better at spotting metaphors personification, juxtaposition etc. Much better than doing the senteces from last year. Although those helped too i much rather perfer the poems. More variety i guess.

  43. amanda vick creative writing
    The worry was hovering over me like a cloud of fear,
    watching, waiting.
    Its all up to this………….
    She swings from the bar twirling,
    faster than the wind.
    I sit and watch, amazed at what is happening.
    Then she lands as graceful as a snowflake.
    The joy runs through me like a stream.
    Yes, Yes! this is it, the moment of a lifetime.

  44. i am reading amanda vick’s poem. tee hee 😮 🙂
    my purpose is to imform you that not only is it hard to perform stunts,
    it is hard to coach the person to do it too. It takes patience to be calm when the gymnast doesn’t get it. Also, who else will show the gymnast how to do the stunt? On top of THAT coaches have to take time to learn it too.
    :] :I

  45. i am reading the running dream by Van Draanen.
    it is sooooooo sad at the beginning! Jessica loses her leg and is very depressed. How will she ever run again? She is better off than Lucy though.
    Lucy is DEAD!!!!!!! From the mom’s side of the story, she would be sick with fear. She would be intensely angry at the driver who wrecked the car, killed Lucy, and crushed Jessie’s shin and below. She would lose both of her legs to get Jessie’s back. She is worried for her daughter. 🙁

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