the adventures of jason and the fortune wookiee…

big week – read three books – not sure it’s even good for me to be driving right now in my current level of post-marathon recovery-ness:) but i did read – now let’s see if i remember anything…

“king’s cross” by keller – great book – keller looks at the life of JC in the book of Mark – i was particularly struck late in the book when he said that we live in the first generation that doesn’t believe in happy ever after endings – we want our movies, our books, to end “messy” – and our desire for “messy” interferes with our ability now to believe in good endings – endings that are too good to be true – i couldn’t agree more – but i’d never thought about it much – except that today’s youth has less hope than i think they should

“any given monday” by dr. james andrews – book about youth sports injuries – lots of problems in areas i had never thought about – like the softball warm up – dr andrews has been based in the b’ham area for generations, and the book’s proceeds are to prevent youth injuries – so i thought the whole thing was great – AND – best of all – he was a pole vaulter in high school – go track and field!!!

“fortune wookiee” – it has a longer title – but it’s the third in the origami yoda series – probably was least impressed with this one just b/c it was a total set up to the fourth book to come – didn’t really advance the series so much as just spin the wheels – but hey, read it in a day, tried to make a wookiee, and isn’t that what life is all about anyway??? 🙂

hope your return to blogging is as painless as can be this week


82 thoughts on “the adventures of jason and the fortune wookiee…”

  1. Heeeeeey! This time I`m going to blog, and I will remember I`m blogging, and I won`t end up journaling on Tuesday for the rest of the week and have to give up the blog until next week. 🙁 (Yeah, I don`t have the best memory in the world!) Anyway, as you know, (Well, I don` tknow if you know or not, but I like writing “As you know”) I`m In BOB this year, (again) and I already read “Between shades of gray” (which is very sad) and over the weekend I finished “How Lamar`s bad prank won a bubba-sized trophy. SPOILER ALERT! If you haven`t read this yet don`t finish reading this blog b/c I`m writing a full-out summary. (I only journeld about it twice)
    KK, here we go:
    Lamar Washington is a vain, funny, great-at-bowling person. Actually, he is SO good at bowling, He made himself a title: King of Striker`s. (Striker`s bowling paradise is the bowling alley he goes to) Anyway,
    he and his best friend, Sergio, are MAJOR PRANKSTERS. In this book there are two girls they picked on when they were little: “Fivehead” Makeda, and a girl named Esmerelda and I can`t remember what they called her but they made fun of her big butt. (Fivehead Makeda is because she has a bigger FOREhead, so they call her FIVEhead) Anyway, those two girls grew up a little bit and turned out SUPER HOT as Lamar explains it. Sergio doesn`t like that Lamar likes Makeda, and eventually Lamar and Makeda star going out. (If you don`t like books with kissing too bad b/c they make out like 4 times) Billy Jenks is a badboy, and Sergio ays hesbeen in and out of juvie before he was even BORN.
    Sooooooooo, that was like-maybe 10 to 15 minutes of blogging. I know for a fact that it was AT LEAST 8 minutes. OH, I`m pretty sure today is a B day and I`m about to find out because I may end up in the wrong classroom! KK, the bell is going to ring soon and I still need to take a test, so BYE!

  2. Sorry about all the typos the keyboard isn`t working right. (I will finish the summary of that book tonight) “Tonight” as in around 3 to 4:00
    (Everyday deserves to be a holiday!)

  3. ok, im in the library today doing my blog, well the intro for my blog. i have Mrs. Jones next, then YOU!!!!! ok, WHAT is it with GT kids and long intros its like more than half of the blog is an intro and then the rest ( about 20% ) is the ACTUAL blog. so right now im writing an intro, then when i get home im goone end up writing another one, got to go bye

    Anyway, Billy convences Lamar that hustling at the bowling alley will get him his dream girl, Makeda, and Lamar falls for it. Oh, have I mentioned Xavier, Lamar`s mean older brother? X (Xavier`s nickname is X) is always mean to Lamar. (You know how in some families, one kid is close to the mom, other to the dad?) Lamar`s mom died from cancer, and that was the parent Lamar was closest to. He loved his dad and all, but I personally think he loves his mom the most. Before his mom died, she put a stickynote on the fridge saying a certain spot on the mantle is reserved for Lamar`s first trophy. Long-story-short, (I love that phrase) X beats up Lamar, tears down mom`s stickynote and puts one of dad`s old trophies on the mantle. (On Lamar`s spot!) X is the best basketball player in Coffin, Indiana (they live in Coffin) and he won himself a title as well: Xavier the basketball savior. People would chant “Xav-i-er Xav-i-er the basket-ball sa-vi-er” (Yes I meant to put “er” at the end that`s how you say it) before and after every basketball game. X`s team made the finals for basketball and Billy convenced Lamar to pull the fire alarm at the game to get back at his brother. Turns out Lamar didn`t know the sprinklers would come on, and he ruined half the stuff at the Y (YMCA-Thats` where the game was) and ruined X`s shot for college because the college guy who lets people in happened to be at the game and he would never come back. Lamar got arrested and had to pay a $200 fine at work at the Y to clean up his mess. Billy was supposed to tell him what would happen but instead he used the distraction of the fire alarm to steal 4 brand-new laptops. Billy Jenks went to boot camp and Lamar realized what he had done. (At this point he and Makeda were going out) Everyone in town gave Lamar looks and wouldn`t speak to him, and if they did talk to him they would throw insults. Lamar gave Makeda`s cousin Kenyan $200 to tutor X in algebra. Xavier and Lamar then made up and are now “best brothers” (a term I just came up with)
    Bye-this is the end of my MONDAY blog
    (I take back what I said about everyday deserves to be a holiday I`m just too tired.)

  5. ^ I was expecting to see a whole blog post written by you- about me. I was thinking you would say something along the lines of “This week is the birthweek of Julie Smith, my favorite student in the whole world. What a blessing that she was born or else my life would have been a total wreck. Julie is an angel. Andsheisalsomuchbetterthanherbrother. Amen. God save the queen.”

    So I have got RSB Practice tomorrow (Retro Seventies Band) RSB Is our cool acronym. Everyone needs a cool acronym.


    So anyways, right now I am reading “The Lost Hero.” It’s by the same dude who wrote Percy Jackson. And The Red Pyramid and stuff.

    “The Lost Hero” is REALLY REALLY GOOD! I am about 200 pages in! I haven’t read a good pageturner in a long time! So it’s cool being invested in a book. WOO.

    I am not sure if I like “The Lost Hero’ better than the Percy Jackson series but its close.

    “The Lost Hero” is from three different point of views. The point of view of Jason, Piper, and Leo.

    Jason was a hero in another life but he doesn’t remember because he got his memory wiped by Hera.

    Piper is a girl and she is one of the daughters of Aphrodite. She was a troubled kid and they they swooped her away and took her to camp half blood.

    Leo is the son of Hephaeustus. Leo can build pretty much anything and he is a technological genius. He can also resist fire and touch it without it burning him to death. << I wish I could do that.

    All three of these kids are taken to Camp Half Blood and they are chosen to go on a quest to save the world.

    And Annabeth is trying to find Percy.

    Okay. That is all.

    P.S. I don't think I am going to participate in Nanowrimo this year because I am kind of down on my writing write now. I don't really feel like I am talented at it and I am not feeling into writing something and then feeling bad about it. So no to nanowrimo this year.

  6. Wazzup everyone!! This is my first blog in a couple of weeks, so it’ll be for about 20 minutes. (I just realized, WITW does that have to do with how long i’ll blog?) BTW, WITW stands for what in the world, just so you know) (:D)

    I’ve been reading THE PALACE OF LAUGHTER by Jon Berkeley (amazingly, it has nothing whatsoever to do with happiness). It has a whopping amount of 427 pages, and I’ve only had it for about 2 weeks, so i’m only about 294 pages in (a little over halfway).

    I’m gonna go ahead & talk about the book now, so what AnnMarie said about “GT kids & long intros” isn’t true about ME. (:p)

    Miles Wednesday is an orphan who lives in a barrel with a teddy bear named Tangerine. (I’ve already journaled about it like 3 or 4 timez, so this might only be familiar to Mr. Mayfeild) He goes on a loooooooooong journey to help a fairy whose name is Little find her brother Silverpoint who has been captured by the Circus Oscuro and taken to the Palace of Laughter.
    The Palace of Laughter is this place where they make you laugh so hard, you forget HOW to laugh (luckily for us, its an instinct…..thanks to some people….). It’s this deep, dark, sinister circus with a beast named “The Null” , which means “The Nothing” in another language (well, the author WAS born in Dublin, do that sorta explains it…).
    Right now, i’m on Chapter 25, A Box of Stars.

    BTW, my next comment will be the “author’s purpose”. 😀

    I think Jon Bekeley’s purpose was to entertain the readers with a fantasy adventure novel.

    😀 HA AnnMarie!! My intro waz about 10% of my blog!! 😀

  8. I was joking witcha when I said that. But it really WAZ 10% of my blog. 😀

  9. Hey im back

    I’m trying to find a good book but right now i am reading The Auora County All-Stars by Deborah Wiles. This story is about a star pitcher that goes to his family friend’s house every day after his arm is broken. House goes to Mr. Norwoods house like he always does but Mr. Norwood dies right in front of House. Mr. Norwood was a friend of House’s mom, who died, and has been niknamed baby-eater-boyd and mean-man-boyd because of rumors but House knew that they were fake. The biggest, and only, game of the year for the Aurora County All-Stars was coming up and House had just messed up his arm again after it was broken by a girl that wasn’t liked very much. Her uncle, Pip, turned out to save the boys and the whole town after hitting a 3 run homer to win the game. This was after House pitched out his arm and couldn’t hit. Pip and Norwood Boyd were good friends and so were House’s mom and Norwood Boyd. Throughout the book there is a conflict about if the game should be played or if the town anniversery pagent should be held. House and Fenese had the idea to hold different parts of the pagent between the innings. It worked and everyone was happy. Boyd left money in his will for a new ballpark on property.



    Well “happy happy” I didn’t say ALL the gt kids blogs had long intros I said MOST of the gt kids blogs had intros. So GOSH I’m STILL right hehe. Ok I think I’m gonna do a poem then I have a CHALLENGE for ALL ( everyone who does a blog ) the gt kids.

    Crimson. Streaking the faces of the wounded.
    Navy. Worn on the still surviving.
    Pink. On the little girls dress because her mom has cancer.
    Yellow. In the sun that is so happy it gives people the energy to get up every morning.
    Violet. In the eyes of the strong and demanding.
    Brown. And then there’s brown, reminding you that everythings not perfect but you’ll get though it.

    Ok here’s the CHALLANGE:
    Ok, if u read my blogs I have sometimes put me and baileys waffle song in it and I hav had some people reply to it. WELL I’m gonna type it and I want EVERYONE ( who can ) to on THEIR blog reply somewhere “yes I like waffles” even if u don’t just keep the movement goin.
    Do ya like waffles!?
    Yes I like waffles!
    Do ya like pancakes!?
    Yes I like pancakes!
    Do ya like French toast!?
    Yeah I like French toast!
    Doo doo

    Now if u ride my bus EVERY morning me and bailey sing this song and it’s SO fun. But I promise we’re not crazy. We’re funny, weird, sico, insane, but NOT crazy ( that whole jumble of sentences were sarcastic )

    Bye homies. Peace out!!!!

  11. Im so tired!!!!!!! My birthday was yesterday so YAY!!!! Mr. Mafed, I have realized how bad of a speller I am today. My little, six year old, sister can spell better than I can. :'(

    So I started reading one book last week but one day I left it at home. So, I started reading another book. Then, I went to Chelsea Library (nothing against Columbiana, I just live between both places.) and got another book. If your math is as bad as my spelling you might think thats five books. 🙂 Well, I need to pick one of the two books because they are both from the scool, and are both a very adicting series’.
    One of the books is ” Rangers Aprandance”. Itss about this boy who becomes tthe aprantence of a ranger and is kina dificult for him.
    The other one is “Keys to the Kinndoom”. This bookss is about a boy who is given magic key andhas to find al of the piecees to a will.
    The bookI got from the library is “Slop”. Most of he book is abot a child with obesity and his genius abilitys. I beleve that it is very sorrowful and i have no idea why an author woukd write such a book.

    Whichever boo yal think i should read, just post it in ur blog cause i want yall opinnion.

  12. this is my creative blog

    24 Hours

    A whole day.
    24 hours
    1,440 minutes
    86,400 seconds

    A lot can happen in this period
    of time. You could gain a valuable object.
    You could lose a loved one, or win something
    and then lose something.

    A day can seem short.
    A day can seem long.
    But no matter how you spend it,
    there’s no going back.

    I actually did the math for the minutes and the seconds on a calculator so it’s accurate. Bye

  13. hey mr mayfield i will blog for five minutes and i will do it on creative. some times the things you love go by really fast football has gone by so fast i dont even know what has happened to the time but still i just wanted to say it has been a great season and it has been really fun i would like to go out on a good note because it would be fun to go 4 and 4 by the end we have really improved.

  14. hiya i feel rusty cuz i havnt blogged in a week o…m…g!!! anyway i am trying to write a novel. it is called Hummingbird. It will be about a girl (teen)
    who’s parents work late so she is always bored. (i do explain why it is boring) so she goes outside and sees this hummingbird and thinks nothin about it. then overtime she just talks to it because she is soooooo bored. One afternoon she finds out that it can talk and they have conversations. gonna b fun 2 write!! 😛

  15. WHAT is UP my PEEPS !!!!!!! 🙂

    is not something you can buy
    Real friends are there for you in tough times
    Real friends will like you for who you are not your money
    is a gift and a pleasure to have and to hold
    Real friends laugh with you not at you
    Real friends will defend you and you pride
    is something you cherish to have
    Real friends will bring you up when you are down
    Real friends are something you carry with you for life

    This is creative for me I got hooked on friends and friendship my poem is very cheesey don’t make fun.
    HAHA AnnMarie I can spell bet than you finally! 😉

  16. Okey dokey, here are my replies to blogs:
    To AnnMarie: Yes, GT intros are long. BUT IT`S BETTER THAN SAYING YOUR BLOG, WRITING FROM SO AND SO AND THEN QUITTING! That, AnnMarie, is what boring people do. BUT AS YOU CAN SEE I AM
    To Shelby: Why do you put “peeps” in every blog you do? (VERY curious that is to everybody b/c everyone seems to do it OR make up a waffle song) 😉

    KK, I have limited time so I will make it 10 mins TOPS.

    I am reading “How They Croaked” by Georiga Bragg. (It`s a BOB book)
    This book is SO nasty the whole thing is about ways famous people died. I have`nt read much, so I`ll tell you what I`ve got. Books about King Tut tend to put many different way on HOW he could have died, and never put FOR SURE how it happened. This book jumps straight to the point, showing how a guy named Carter cut…..certain parts….of Tut and never bothered to put them back 🙁 Yes, very nasty. He cut off a thumb, ribs, and as I said, certain parts that I`m not going to say the words. OH!!! Did you know what was in Tut`s tomb? KK, here`s the list:
    His guts, lungs, liver, and ither bits and pieces were put in jars them stuffed into his tomb. THEN, 143 charms were put in his wrappings for “good luck”. Servants picked up some of Tut`s belongings, such as a couple of thrones, two slingshots, (YES very kingly) two jars of honey, six chariots, 30 golden statues, 35 boats, 130 walking sticks, 427 arrows, and lots of sandals.
    King Tut must have been cramped in his afterlife, because they put things into his tomb that kind of made things tight. (No, they didn`t put all of his things in the tomb, you can`t fit 30 boats in stuff like that!)

  17. rest of my blog:
    AND THEN poor king tut`s real death was discovered-a mosquito bit his leg, he got a disease, his leg got really infected, and he died.
    THE END!!!!

  18. CENSORED EXTRA FUNNY!!!! Don’t read unless your not afraid to laugh your butt off
    Yeah. Whoop whoop so far I have ONE person who as replyed “yes I like waffles” which is Anna sad sad sad shame. Ok today my blog is going to have MANY features encluding:
    • Diarys/blogs of a 6th grade boy ( 5th block joke ) but even if your not in 5th block you’ll still think its funny. I think I’ll do ONE or two every week ( cause that’s what 6th grade boys do, one or two every week )
    • Me and baileys waffles song. Me and bailey did NOT make the song up ourselves. And just to let ya know I have greatly encourged mr. Mayfield to sing the song in class so ya know…ask him!
    • Reminder for everyone ( even if I for know you ) to reply “yes I like waffles” somewhere in your blog. KEEP THE MOVEMNET GOING.
    • An extra long intro ( like always )
    • And the ACTUAL blog, can’t forget that even if you try.

    Ok here’s the poem!!!!!:

    The sky are gloomy,
    It’s raining.
    It’s the prefect time for this to happen.
    PERFECT timing too,
    You just figured out that your mom died.
    It’s a Monday, everyone hates those,
    The sky is dark, everyone around seems so happy.
    Your not,
    Perfect day for everything bad to happen.

    Ok here’s my “6th grade boy blog/diary” :
    Hi my names Albert no no no Bob. I’m reading dairy of a wimpy kid it’s a good book, radical stick figures dude, I’ll keep ya updated on the book.I read like 3 pages of this new books called Barney’s adventures too! BYE!!!

    Yes in that “6th grade boy” blog I meant for the “guy” to say dairy instead of diary.

    Waffles song:
    Do ya like waffles!?
    Yes I like waffles!
    Do ya like pancakes!?
    Yes I like pancakes!
    Do ya like French toast!?
    Yeah I like French toast!
    Doo doo
    Don’t forget to say “yes I like waffles” somewhere. Remember if you do I will recognize you in my blog. WHAT AN HONOR!!!

  19. Hey my peeps hehe PEEPS! =)

    People are human beings and can not be bought
    if they can they are not people but a mir image of a person that is hallow in side and feel no pain
    People can feel pain the others are hallow inside and can’t feel any emotion
    that you need to have to be human
    People can feel love the others just see love as a stupid emotion and will never find love because they don’t believe in it
    People can feel anger the others do not feel they just see anger as a simples emotion that you don’t need to have but without anger you can not have forgiveness
    People can feel sorrow the others don’t feel sorrow nor are they sad mad or any other comman emotion
    People can feel forgiveness the others don’t even the the meaning of the word they see emotions as just useless words to describe how we are feeling to make us feel better that what we are feeling has a name for it and we can get over it

    This is my creative

    Yes I like waffles 😉

  20. yes i like waffles, and this book I’m reading. i know all of you are bored to death every single blog post about The People of Sparks, but i have like twenty pages left so i might end up finishing it tonight.

    so there was a war between the people of Ember and the people of sparks, and the people of ember set the plaza on fire, which burned up the pine tree and the town hall. Lina, Doon, and several others were against the ember’s will to fight so they helped put out the fire.

    i think the author’s purpose was to show that war ended up being bad for the both of them, and that some of the people of ember were on the people of sparks’ side.

    p.s i like waffles with syrup too.

  21. Yay that’s TWO people Anna AND Mr. Mayfield himself. It’s ok buddy let it out. I DID say I would recognize EVERYONE who said so. That means I have to read EVERYONE’S blog ughhhh…. BUT IT’S WORTH IT!!!!! Hehe the movement is ALIVE, IT’S ALIVE!!! Or is that Frankenstein

  22. Hello Mr. Mayfield this is my creative piece of the week (my journal for Monday is in my Homework Journal)

    “Middle School”

    They walk down the hall, focused on one goal. As they walk the haunting classrooms slowly reel them in. Then the mournful ring of the bell is heard and the hallways go empty. The teachers then start the future of all.

  23. OMG MR. MAFED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and AnnMarie knew you would come to your since and admit it. 🙂

    Creative Writing


    The hallways are quiet, until the bell.
    Children in class, listening, learning.
    Lockers are closed, filled with secrets.
    A stream of laughter falls from a room,
    leaving the joy in the air.
    As I walk down the hall, doors shut,
    no one in sight.
    I walk in the last door, “Your late.”


  24. Tuesday

    I finished the Aurora County All-Stars so now I am reading SCAT by Carl Hiaasen Right now a mean teacher just got into a fight/argument/pencil-eating-competition with a bad student who’s father was in jail for burning down a building. I predict that the teacher will go missing because there will be a perfect oppurtunity for the crime when the class takes a field trip to the swamp and because she can’t mess with this kid without something happening. The main character’s name is Nick and i think that he lives in Louisiana or Florida because of the swamp. He likes a girl named Marta and he even walks a few extra blocks so that he can walk with her. He goes to a private school and his dad is in the National Gaurd. I also predict that the bad boy, Smoke, will get blamed if the teacher, Ms. Starch, gets kidnapped or disappears. If she doesn’t disappear then I think that she will get revenge on Smoke wether it be through school and extra homework or illegally.


  25. hey mr mayfield i will blog for minutes on the authors purpose. i think the author under cuts each beautiful immage in the book sleepy hallow to put some good humor in the book if there wasnt then the book would be super boring because he used no humor and just made a bunch of images. thats all going to catch up on sleep praying for baseball. hope i made it


    but only toaster waffles, not the stupid whole grain kind you make yourself.

    Anyway, and here’s your host, TOOOMMM BERGURON! (crackle) Seriously, how many times do i have to save yall from annoying talk show hosts?

    Anyway, i’m in a rush so i’ll start blogging now. Anyway i read through chapter five and not alot happened. Mike got back from his encounter with the rednecks.(like us) He decide to go fishing with Kyle after all and during their trip Kyle offered Mike a cigarette but Mike refused it. Then a creepy old guy came up behind them and Mike Kyle and creepy old guy had a conversation about the ship out in the sea that was looking for lost treasure. Then Mike and Kyle both got bites on their lines and when they reeled in the lines that creepy old guy had vanished.

    That’s all that happened in chapter five

    (crackle) Hi i’m TOM BURGERON and welcome back to A.F.V. were there is only a 99.9 percent chance that we will murder your brains!!!

  27. YAY YAY YAY!!!!
    That’s FIVE people: Anna, Mr. Mayfield, Bailey, Will Roberts, and Andrew. And I have recognized that SOME people who don’t me just think that they can not participate in this moving movement of awesomeness. I am doing this blog on the bus this morning. And people who are in first block who don’t know me and wont partipate Bailey will TALK to you today with a SPOON!!!!


    Okey dokey, this is going to be my creative, in other words, A 6TH GRADE BOY BLOG!!!!
    (Finishing my creative 2-night, as always.) (AND YES!!!! I LOVE CAPS LOCK!!!)

    bob burgerton says:
    i reead fuutbull nunja poonch expurosiunt. they are means to him but hes nots a bads gooys. on bigs times rushies boy bands kiss peeeerty girlie. whuts a CHIkun noogurt
    my cumpooteier smeellls lukie nooudles
    diary of a pimpy kid rockses
    bob burgerton

    bob burgerton says:
    I read Football Ninja Punch Explosion. They are mean to him but he`s not a bad guy. On Big Time Rush Boy Band person kisses PEEEEEEERTY
    girl. Whats a chicken nugget? My computer smells like noodles. Diary of a wimpy kid rocks
    bob burgerton
    🙂 😀 😉

  29. Yay!!!!! ok people who have said “yes i like waffles” in their blogs: Anna twice, Mr.Mayfield, Andrew, Shelby, Bailey, Fred, Will R. thats all i can think of got to go bye!!!!!

  30. AnnMarie, I’ve said already, and I would like to be acknowledged. Anyway, I finished The People of Sparks, and everything is all happy, and there isn’t a war going on because everyone found out the truth. If I haven’t mentioned Tick yet well he was basically the leader of Ember for the war, and it turns out that he was attacking his own people so they would have a war, and he would be their leader. Doon found out that Tick was doing all this AFTER THE WAR and Tick admitted it. He also said that he wasn’t satisfied leading a bunch of cowards and traitors, so he left with a roamer to another village.

    So that’s it! Get read for the next book in the series, The Prophet of Yonwood. Bye.

  31. annmarie this is 4 u …… I LOVE WAFFLES!!!!!!!!!! (not really) but i like pancakes and french toast. cant 4get about THEM! nyway i will do a creative. 😛
    Mrs. America
    Here she is Mrs. America!!!
    I finally fullfilled my dream!
    Now lots of little girls will look up to me.
    I will reign,
    I will be…
    Your Mrs. America. 🙂

    i will do another b\c that one was short. 😉

    Yes i won the gold!
    i am the champ!
    i am the best skater.
    i am……
    waking up from a dream. 🙁

  32. Okay So this morning I went to the orthodontist and I got some head gear!
    You know the extremely attractive metal piece that I have to wear on my braces at night. Yeah .
    Happy Birthday to me. My teeth will be sore for the next few days. WOOO CORRECTING MY OVERBITE!
    Band Concert tomorrow.
    My Birthday is Friday and I’m bringing cookies. (:

    Okay so I am reading “The Lost Hero” still.
    Even though I have had more time to read it is still taking me forever to finish books. I got to get my groove back.
    Basically, some major prophecy has begun and Jason, Piper, and Leo are going on a quest.
    Hera has been captured by someone and Hera speaks to Jason, Piper, and Leo in their dreams.
    They have to go and hunt down Hera and then find out what evil thing is happening.
    Oh yeah, and they have four days to do it.
    But before they can find Hera they must go to Canada (because Canada is cool) And they have to talk to the wind gods to try and find some stuff out.
    Piper is mad and angry because the people in her cabin are horrible and don’t like her.
    Leo saved a metal dragon that was out in the forest and Leo is trying to fix it.
    Jason has done nothing of any importance because he is lame.
    That is all
    I’m going to put in my headgear now.

  33. I just read five good paragraphs about Dwayne Wade out of a Sports Illustated book by S.L. Price.It is about Dwayne Wade’s fight for the 2006 NBA Championship. I am doing a Soapstone on this article.


    S- Dwayne Wade’s impressive run to the 2006 NBA Championship
    O- 2006 Eastern Conference Finals, and 2006 NBA Championship
    A- Older Sports Fans (not little children)
    P- To inform of Wade’s stats
    S- S.L. Price
    T- Impressed (Writes about stats, must be impressed by them)

    Yes, I like waffles!


    Back to back
    side to side
    right to left
    left to right
    forward and back
    back and forward
    west to east
    east to west
    south to north
    north to south
    These are the ways you can go in your life
    you make the choose it is yours
    You can go any way you choose just
    as long as it is forward
    People make wrong the dissions all the time be the one to make a diffrence
    and go fowward and preswand others to do the same
    Be the one that made it out and did something with their lives
    you can brag and boast all you want but you are the only person that can tell yourself that your happy and made the right dissions with your life
    instead of reading or watching someone live their dream go out and find yours and do it
    (sorry about my spelling my computer does not have spellcheck)
    :0 😉 I wish it did then I can seem smart and no body will know know they will just forget what i just said :

  35. Ok, I’m gonna do my blog later but I have One thing to say: COME ONNNNNN PEOPLE YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ME BUT YOU SHOULD STILL SAY “yes I like waffles” I have some friend I know that HAVE to though ( Amanda and Caleb ) but Caleb might NOT cause me and bailey sing it all the one and he’s probably annoyed BUT………I have a total of ONLY 7 people:
    Anna x2
    Mr. MAFeild
    Will R.

    That’s ALL. 7 out of 11 of the people who have blogged this week. You also have to remember a lot of people who have blogged before haven’t SO it’s really 7 out of 19!!!! that’s SAD. Come ONNNN people step your game up!!! Or I’m not gonna stop until this movement has brang us all together, I can see the headline on the news already: GT kids, really just kids who think their smarter than everyone else but their just stupid people joined together by a “waffle” song. JK………that titles too long to be a newspaper header! 😉 haha I was kidding about is binging stupid too…………or was I:)



  37. BOOK:Lord Of The Rings:Book 2
    SIDE NOTES:AnnMarie, 1. I HATE WAFFLES! 2.You realize you just called yourself stupid,right? 3.EASY FOR ANNMARIE EDITION! 4.Since when have I done a blog like that? 🙂 Shelby, I HATE TACOS Will M., It is Speaker, not Storyteller 😀 RANDOM CREEPER FACE :C
    -Removed Herobrine/AUTHOR tab of setup b/c of SOAPSTONE
    – –

    Speaker-3rd person omniscient/J.R.R. Tolkien
    Occasion-Writing about previous observations
    Audience-(“6th Graders,” no I’m just joking.)(“Young People,” again joking.)Middle-aged group that likes fiction
    Purpose-to tell about fiction events and to entertain
    Subject-Frodo and The Fellowship Of The Ring
    Tone-Dark and actually mysterious b/c of dark and strange events

  38. I am doin this just for u Shelby: I luv tacos!!!
    BUT if Shelby gets more people than me I’m gonna implode/explode/die/be sad/know that people like tacos better than waffles ( probably )/KILL HER!!!!! I was kidding about the killing part 🙂

    Hey look, it’s a rose @-^–

    Bye peoples………GO TOASTER WAFFLES!!!! – to Andrew
    Ohhh and I just checked and there are MORE people to be recognized YAY!!!!

    Ok so NOW the list is…… DRUM ROLL PLEASE ( this is where u start drumming and the people around you start to wonder if your crazy and u say YES proudly cause your a GT kid and we are all VERY weird )

    Anna x2
    Mr. Mayfield
    Will R.
    Will M.

    Yay!!!! Now that’s 11 out of 25!!!including me Still bad:( but better.
    And I I’m counting the “out of” from all the kids I can remember that have blogged before, so remember that, that includs the ones that started then just never kept bloging and never do anymore so it’s not THAT bad

  39. it was the verge of life or death as steve tries to win 1 million dollars.he has one question to and he down 2 points.he answers what is a prime number and he says 6 when he hears it is wrong he starts to cry. the next person answers 1 and he wins the 1 million.

    steve bets all he has to try to win 20 dollars. steve is not the smartest tool in the shed so he bets his priceless diamond.when he loses he falls down into a sewer and stars freaking out.

    he bets his candy bar to a rat in checkers for a map out.the rat however beats him with one move.steve gets so sad the rats feel sorry for him and take him out.when he gets out he is so hungry taht he steals a little girls candybar and get arrested he bets his life for freedom in a game of hang man and he wins he finally won.he gets free and he wins 1 billion dollars,

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