i can’t believe the espn guys have to bum gum…

so there i am, two minutes to go in the SEC championship game, on the bama sideline, tension great, and an (unnamed) espn anchor asks me and others around me “hey, have you got some gum?”

yes, i safely think he was the only one more worried about his breath than the game at that moment:)

“tragedy paper” – wonderful, wonderful, wonderful book – highly recommended for high school BOB next year – for high school-ers this year – for midde school (at least mine) that can deal with the fact that characters are older than they are – really enjoyed the way the book played out – some of the tropes (motifs) – comes out in january – get in line early:)

“erasing hell” by chan – book about what the Bible says as to the existence of something that lots of people choose not to believe in any more – good point in the introduction that if you do believe in hell, that should definitely affect how you relate to every one – every day

“how good do you want to be?” by nick saban – i’m sure my reading this book made the difference in the game – i probably should’ve used that as a conversation starter with him – or with his wife – or with his daughter – but i just sort of kept the awkward silence when i was around all three rather than spoil the moment by being completely stupid (for those following at home, awkward silence is stupid too:) i hadn’t read the book since ’07 so i was surprised, a bit, on the reread – he’s just more personable when you read the book – and the work does inspire if you are a fan of his program – inspiration to work hard and motivate others by putting them in situations where they can be successful – mr scott and i talked a bit late in the week about how to do this at CMS

i think we have two weeks before finals – so last chances to get in some good posts – and congrats and welcome back to my nanowrimo folk – you’ve been missed


70 thoughts on “i can’t believe the espn guys have to bum gum…”

  1. YES, Anna Carden is actually blogging again. (Yeah I know you missed my AMAZING/stupid/pointless intros and all!)
    I am STILL am not finished with nanowrimo (after a month’s worth of writing, ironic, right?) although I DID manage to meet my word-count-goal of 6000 words. (Woop woop) SO, I was just working on it and i therealized I had to blog again so that’s what kindof got me on this site.
    I will do a SOAPSTONE on ‘The Running Dream’.

    Speaker-The speaker is a teenager named Jessica.
    Occasion-The occasion is that Jessica loses her leg in a car crash.
    Audience-The audience is going to be 10-13 year old runners or people who have lost a leg.
    Purpose-The purpose is to tell a hopeful story about a runner who loses a leg.
    Subject-The subject is running and amputation.
    Tone-The tone is ‘hopeful’ because the book is about Jessica wanting to run again using a prostetic. (sorry-can’t spell that word!)

  2. TYPOS:
    therealized (then realized)
    prostetic (you know what I mean, right?!?)

    (standing behind my chair giving me weird looks)

  3. THE BLOGGING HAS RETURNED! NaNoWriMo is done, and congratulations to all of those who met their word count goal of 6,000 for 6th graders, 7,000 for the seventh graders, and… you know the last one. Anyway, I finished the Ember series. Long time ago. Ancient history. If you don’t know what the Ember series is, then does The People of Sparks, or The Prophet of Yonwood ring a bell? Yeah, they’re in that series.

    I’m in the middle of a book called Alabama Moon, and I wouldn’t be there if I wasn’t sick at home thinking: Blogging starts on Monday, so I’m going to go ahead and read and skip the boring beginning of books and cut to the chase. FYI: The phrase Cut to the chase is used in the movie business; this is just to say. Haha I used the name of a poem that we looked over in a sentence. (It was 100% intended)

    Now, I need to cut to the chase and finish this blog (which is a lot more fun than I thought, but you know: we all miss the familiar sensation of telling all of our classmates what we’re reading, it’s exciting) before I have to practice trumpet for band. Yes, I am in band, so laugh all you want until you’re ready to move on. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock- HURRY UP ALREADY!!!

    (Sigh) Now, in Alabama Moon, Moon (Yes, that’s the name of the main character, but don’t laugh, it’s rude) lives in the forest, when his father, dies of an infected leg. Now, the police take Moon to a boy’s home, which Moon doesn’t like because he and his father hate the government, and before his father died, he told him to head to Alaska, because more people like them were up there. (Haha, he told him to go to Alaska from Alabama without any transportation… except walking.

    Anyway, Moon escapes from the boy’s home with two friends, Hal and Kit, and Hal, (who’s fourteen) finds the keys to a school bus and takes the whole boy’s home (they wanted to go, at first) to Talledega National Forest, and when they got there, everyone other than Moon, Kit, and Hal starts crying about wanting to go back. So the three that wanted to leave, leave them all on the side of the road in the middle of the night and begin to hike in the forest.

    I will inform you tomorrow about what I read then. Right now they are about to cook a snake. STAY TUNED!!!

    Peace out.

  4. Dear Anna,
    You can stop talking to your self now
    Will Frie

    My alternate ending is on the 2012 SEC Championship.
    In this I am old enough to be an old guy and do play by play with Terry Donahue.
    He starts talking about how good Georgia’s defense is when Imari Cooper drops a ball with no defenders around him and I say,”I say it’s Imari’s fault because he was open in the wide open field and he dropped the ball.” I also add I am willing to fight about this. Immediatly we both grab our canes and start hitting each other. Eventually I hit his temple and kill him on television. That is why I’m typing this from jail.

    Well, the good part is that there are no more biased announcers and no Alabama haters in the world.
    And that is my happy, bunny ending.

  5. Well, I had a good blog going but then my iPod died and now I am starting over so here we go … HI HELLO BONJURE ALOHA WAZZUP HOWDY GOOD DAY
    Anyway, still reading return with honor but almost done with it. Slow reader I know.
    So Scott O’Grady gt rescued and right after he drank down a canteen of water in three gulps the choppers came under fire from Bosnian troops and AA guns. However the helicopter made it out of the Bosnian airspace with only a damaged prop. Scott was welcomed back gratefully and his family was ecstatic and everything. Scott lost 25 pounds while surviving behind enemy lines. I don’t know what else could possibly be in the book but I will find out later by reading, duh, so WORD UP HOMIES

  6. I am doing what we would do on a poem in the class room. I am going to list the pom because you probably don’t know the athour let alone the poem.

    Ode On The Spring by Thomas Gray

    Lo! where the rosy-bosomed Hours,
    Fair Venus’ train, appear,
    Disclose the long-expecting flowers,
    And wake the purple year!
    The Attic warbler pours her throat,
    Responsive to the cuckoo’s note,
    The untaught harmony of spring:
    While, whisp’ring pleasure as they fly,
    Cool Zephyrs thro’ the clear blue sky
    Their gathered fragrance fling.

    Where’er the oak’s thick branches stretch
    A broader browner shade,
    Where’er the rude and moss-grown beech
    O’er-canopies the glade,
    Beside some water’s rushy brink
    With me the Muse shall sit, and think
    (At ease reclined in rustic state)
    How vain the ardour of the Crowd,
    How low, how little are the Proud,
    How indigent the Great!

    Still is the toiling hand of Care;
    The panting herds repose:
    Yet hark, how through the peopled air
    The busy murmur glows!
    The insect-youth are on the wing,
    Eager to taste the honied spring
    And float amid the liquid noon:
    Some lightly o’er the current skim,
    Some show their gayly-gilded trim
    Quick-glancing to the sun.

    To Contemplation’s sober eye
    Such is the race of Man:
    And they that creep, and they that fly,
    Shall end where they began.
    Alike the Busy and the Gay
    But flutter thro’ life’s little day,
    In Fortune’s varying colours drest:
    Brushed by the hand of rough Mischance,
    Or chilled by Age, their airy dance
    They leave, in dust to rest.

    Methinks I hear, in accents low,
    The sportive kind reply:
    Poor moralist! and what art thou?
    A solitary fly!
    Thy joys no glittering female meets,
    No hive hast thou of hoarded sweets,
    No painted plumage to display:
    On hasty wings thy youth is flown;
    Thy sun is set, thy spring is gone—
    We frolic while ’tis May

    The wording is a little off this athour is from the 1716 – 1771.

    Rhyme scheme~

    Ode Poem~ Tributes to something or someone in the poem

    Ballad~ Tells a story in a poem

    Lo! where the rosy-bosomed Hours,
    Fair Venus’ train, appear,
    Disclose the long-expecting flowers,
    And wake the purple year! : Translation spring is awaking and flowere=s are blooming

    Poor moralist! and what art thou?~ He ask questions to him self

    I would have done more but this poem is old and yet very confusing.

  7. Ok, this is like the only time my username is going to be “AnnMarue Poo” so be happy people. Ok, I haven’t blogged in SO long it kinda feels wierd, I’ll get over it. Sooooooo well Mr. Mayfield you figured out I went to Tennesse on Friday…..uhhhhh……I mean *cough cough* that I was sick Friday. Well haha. Ok so I’m going to do a really long blog cause I know you guys miss them cause I’ve been doing Nanowrimo and you guys missed my funny, awesomeness, yep that’s right I can read your mind and that’s what you were thinking. Ok here goes a poem. Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala (oh incase you were wondering that wasn’t the poem, haha) :

    Love is an undefined word,
    It mean everything.
    You give love your own definition,
    You tell others what it means.
    For some it means just liking someone enought,
    To other it take a whole lot of trust.
    But to me love is something you define.
    Your life is a book,
    Love is in there.
    You just have to find it,
    And define it.

  8. Waz up my peeps? I am currently reading “Through My Eyes” by Tim Tebow. Tonight, I will give an alternate ending to what I read Friday.

    Tim was always very competitive with everybody, especially his brothers. Once during a “little league” baseball game, with the game on the line and the winning run on third base, the ball was hit to him at shortstop. He fielded the ball, and ran down the runner at home plate. Luckily, Tim was able to complete the play, but was confronted by the coach afterward.

    When asked by the coach, why didn’t throw it to the catcher, Tim replied “Because he can’t catch.” The coach replied “Well, he’s the catcher. You’re supposed to throw it to him for him to try and catch it to get the runner out. That’s how you do it.” Tim thought the exact opposite. He would be generous at the beginning of the game, but only trusted himself when the game was on the line.

    To give an alternate ending, let’s do this. Let’s say Tim throws the ball to the catcher, and the catcher misses it. Then, Tim is frustrated with the boy, and a friendship could be lost.

    Thanks for reading my blogs

  9. Heyy Mr. mayfield…..i no you totally missed me bloging every nght. I know it has been such a heart break,but you know somethings you just have to get iver them and move on.

    So i am reading Bye For Now by Kathleen Churchyard. So far the book is really interesting and I had to stop at a really intense part becaause the bell rang. So the main character is Robin, and she wakes up, on her birthday, and decides to play with her little sister outside! And then BAM!!! they bonk heads except sophie, her little sister, hit her head but Robin gets hit in the eye. As soon as it happened Robin felt dizzieness, pain, and the throbing was horrible. Holding one eye with one hand and out the other she could see Sophie about to make millions and millions of water works! She said oh Sophie I’m so sorry…. then sophie ran as fast as she could inside the house. And Robin counting down 3-2-1 she heard her mom yell “Robin get your but in this house right now.” When Robin moved to go inside the house, her pain was unreal she thought. Then she looked in the bathroom on her way to her mom’s room and figured out that she had a black eye, But it just had to happen today out of all daays today, on her birthday!

  10. hey mr mayfirld i havent been feeling to good so far afterschool but i think its just sinuses right now i will blog for five minutes on creative. this week we play two away games and i think that this is benifitial and hurtful because with two away games that means there will be more people from that school screaming and hollering but its benifitial because there wont be many parents there yelling at thier kids.

  11. HEEEEEEEEY! 😛 THAT is what almost every 6th-9th grade girl does. (Really it’s mostly Janie and AnnMarie or should I say AnnMaruePOO?!?)
    BUT I really don’t do it that much and all so I don’t know why I did.
    Crud now I just confused everybody.
    OH! Fred JUST NOW learned my name. I think he would have known that by now considering it’s like-almost 3rd nine weeks!
    HA! And to prove to AnnMarie (most commonly known as AnnMarue-Poo) I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN’T PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!
    BUT I am the only one who doesn’t get jokes and I actually went to the office yesterday and told her not to cuss on the thingy. 😀
    YES, I am not stupid but I really was hungry and tired so I wasn’t paying attention THEREFORE I actually went up there.

    Speaker of ‘The False Prince’ Is Prince Jaron.
    Occasion is the death of three royals.
    Audience is people who like fantasies. (Castles & Stuff)
    Purpose is to tell a story of how an orphan is an undercover prince.
    Subject is castles and royalty.
    Tone of this book is mischevious and stealthy.

  13. Sorry about the typos! Also, I forgot to put my name in the first blog, so pretend I did that!
    girls do=girl does

  14. Poem:
    It is all you have
    It is all you need
    It is everything
    So when you throw ‘it’ away, remember
    You love ‘it’
    ‘It’ saved you
    Monsters were in your closet
    You were afraid of the dark
    And ‘it’
    saved everything
    ‘It’ is your favorite Teddy Bear

  15. Good evening my peoples, persons, you know it. I have some very important business to clear up and it has to do with Anna Carden. I know she said I just learned her name but the truth is is that I knew the name Anna Carden, I just didn’t know who WAS Anna Carden, just like I didn’t know who WAS AnnMarie, or what everybody calls her now, AnnMarue Poo. I feel sorry for you AnnMarue Poo, I would hate to have a nickname as humiliating as that.

    Now, before I have an extremely long blog like yesterday, I’m going to cut to the chase. (IF YOU READ MY BLOG FROM YESTERDAY, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT CUT TO THE CHASE IS FROM THE MOVIE BUSINESS)

    After three days of camping in the forest, Hal leaves Moon and Kit by themselves. It isn’t because of them though. Hal wants to go back to his dad, who was the best father in the world to Hal, but lost custody to him after Hal’s mom and dad had a divorce. The dogs went with Hal, mainly because they liked him for some reason, which I do not know. After Hal left, Moon built a shelter for him and Kit, and began making weapons to hunt with. That is all I have read today, so tune in tomorrow for another edition of the LONG, AWESOME, AND EXTREMELY FUNNY BLOGS THAT FRED MAKES SO THAT EVERY BLOG NEEDS A WARNING SIGN SAYING CAUTION: EXTREMELY FUNNY CONTENTS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Something like that.

    I just realized something. What if we just blogged on a book we read two or however many years ago, remembered what happened, and just blogged on it? Not that I do that, but not everyone in the world in honest, like AnnMarue Poo, who says she likes waffles in her song, but really doesn’t.

    And just for fun, NEWS FLASH: The Scholar’s Bowl team for CMS is going to Thompson next Thursday! Wish us luck! Or not because we’re so awesome we don’t need it. Not that we’re vain or anything, just speaking the truth. I think it’s mainly just me.

    Now to get started on math homework, UGGGHH…..

    Buenos noches! (That means good night in Spanish to all of you who probably didn’t know that except me!)

  16. SCAMPER on the sentence “I love the walking dead”

    S/Joel loves the walking dead
    C/I love the walking dead,but the season has ended till February.
    A/(police)lat them know what to do if apocalypse happens
    M/I hate the walking dead
    P/Syfy can make there own movie with the old script
    E/I love
    R/the walking dead loves me

  17. Welcome back to blogging everyone! These are my blogs for Monday and today.

    MONDAY: I am doing a cinquain poem.

    Anxiously watching
    Ads, shows, documentaries
    Wanting more and more

    I am doing a line from my book.

    “About a week after he and Lina had seen the man come out of the door.”

    Substitute: take out week and put in the word, day.
    Combine: this sentence then; We saw him that afternoon.
    Adapt: can adapt the sentence to this: About a week after she and Lida saw the women walk through the door. I adapted the sentence to an audience of women.
    Modify: About a week after he and Bob saw… I modified the name Lida to the name Bob.
    Put to other uses: this could be used in a book of mystery or a different contex like fantasy.
    Eliminate: About a week after he and Lida saw the man. I eliminated the last part of the sentence.
    Reverse: After about a week that the man saw him and Lida walk through the door. I basically fliped the whole sentence around.
    Oh yeah by the way I am reading The City Of Ember!

  18. I’m sorry about all this SEC championship hype but I would like to see Georgia play Notre Dame also.

    I’m going to attempt to SCAMPER on Mark Richt( If I spelled it wrong I don’t care)

    “Anyone one who thinks that Arron Murry and the rest of the team didn’t play their butts off are fools.” (that was paraphrased to sound appropriate)

    S- “Anyone who thinks that Arron Murry and everybody else didn’t play their butts off are cool.

    C-“Anyone who thinks that my Dawgs (intentional misspelling) didn’t play their butts off are fools.”

    A- A.J. McCarron could enter the school talent show and do immitations of schools football coaches and make Mark have a high squeaky voice.

  19. wasn’t obviously it wasn’t finished. I accidentally clicked submit.

    M- “Anyone, stop snickering person.” (person=dr. mafeld)

    P- “The guy who sang the pants song would finally get a job with the button.” because I thought some would come out of him

    E- Anyone who didn’t play their butts of are fools.

    R- To be a fool you must think that Arron and the rest of the team didn’t play their butts off.


    “To be a fool you must not have, played your butt off, (beep), think Arron Murry is cool, and think that the Dawgs (intentional) have not played their butts off.” said A.J. in high squeaky voice

  20. Heller Mr. Mayfield. Gosh i really don’t know who that person was that was talking about me. They said I talk to myself….I don’t…..at least when no ones around! I’m just kidding, I DON’T talk to myself for those of you that were wondering!

    Any ways I’m still reading Bye For Now by Kathleen Churchyard. Okay Robin gets a black eye and then remebers that she has a swimming confrence in like 20 minutes. So she holds an ice pack on her eye and slips on her swim suit and hops in the car. Her little sister and her big brother swim to. So they all get in the van and go to the swim meet. Robin gets there and is ready to race and then when she puts on her goggles she yells
    “owww ow ow owww!!!”
    Any ways I got to go but ill make up for this i promise!

  21. Fred I am still not giving you credit for knowing my name because not connecting it to my face is pretty much the same thing. (And I am trying to prove a point to AnnMarue-poo) AND nobody calls me Anna Carden anymore. I am known as Anna Bacon. (Gosh, you miss a lot Fred!!!)
    Really you miss all this because you are not in fifth block.
    I am Anna BACON, not Anna Carden.
    (I answer to both I just like making up fake names)
    Yes, I am saying it again:
    (you are annoyed)
    (VERY annoyed)
    (creeped out at this point)
    (now you are convinced I am a stalker)

    “The Hobo”
    There is a creepy hobo
    Who lives across the street
    Under the neighbor’s porch
    You are reluctant to tell them
    Because you know they will make him leave
    And The Hobo will have nowhere to sleep at night
    You wonder if the hobo has a family
    Why he has no home
    Does he love his family?
    Or is it because they don’t love him?
    What does he eat?
    Does he eat trash?
    And you see his dirty, pitiful face.
    He looks at you
    With puppy-dog eyes
    And once again, you know he is creepy
    You hand him a tuna sandwich
    And he eats it
    But he doesn’t like it
    So he stands
    and screams
    and runs away.
    (This is a story of the sandwich you actually tried to have a fuenral for and nobody came because it is a sandwich and it would have gone bad by now anyway.)
    AND YES, Caleb, Long-Blog-Anna has returned. (haha that sounds weird)

  22. Just to clarify it is Carson’s fault I spelled ‘fuenral’ wrong.

  23. whazzup peeps? i guess its officially time for blogging again. i actually missed blogging and reading the ridiculous comments (no offense!). 🙂

    besides the fact that im so loud in class, i guess i am now a stalker (thank you, anna, for that TRUTHFUL comment). 🙂

    i’m now reading a novel called GONE by Michael Grant. its a pretty thick book, but i’m sure i’ll live. 🙂

    its basicly about what the cover says. it starts out in a school in perdido beach (california) in a social studies class. one minute, the social studies teacher is there. the next….he’s gone. there’s no noise to signal it. it just happens. no noise, just…..blink…..he’s gone. the whole school comes to a conclusion that every single adult in the school dissapeared at the same time. no one knows what’s going on. the main teens are Sam, Quinn, and Astrid. everyone soon knows, all of the people ages 16
    and above just dissapeared. imagine what chaos that would cause! no parents, no police officers, no firefighters, no teachers, no…no….no adults. period. it sounds pret-ty scary if you ask me. imagine! you’re all alone, no parents to take care of you, no way to communicate, no televison, no phone signals, no email…….nothing!! well…..you get the point. no need to be dramatic.

    now, i will do some “author’s purpose”.
    i beleive that Grant’s purpose was to post a picture of “what would happen if suddenly, all adults dissapeared?” and get the readers attention. i really think he is trying to get his readers to see the world in a different way.

    well, i have officially done a blog now since the beginning of nanowrimo! what an accomplishment. 🙂

    of course, i could’ve said all this in class, because i won’t shut up.

    so, i guess i will see you all shortly, because i will always be behind you…….stalking you. 🙂

  24. the fact that anna has ruined my reputation for NOT being a stalker, i will ruin hers!
    she talks about hobos, if you haven’t noticed. and a funeral? for a sandwich? i mean, come on! or is she just paranoid that i’ve told almost EVERYONE about the fact that SHE stalks ME?! and gives ME weird looks behind MY chair?!
    she even has the nerve to send me a nano-mail saying I STALK YOU?! she is always right behind me!!
    she was BORN a stalker.
    no offense, anna. 🙂

  25. Hey everyone, I am going to blog really quick so if I have any typos overlook them because when math starts I will be mad that I have to start this blog over.

    I’m in the tech lab right now, and I feel dangerous because everyone else is playing Coolmath and I’m doing homework!

    Anyway, I’m still reading Alabama Moon, and I plan on finishing this weekend. Kit has gotten sick after about a month Hal leaves. Moon keeps trying everything he can think of, but nothing’s working on him.

    But one night makes Moon lose it. He is devastated over Kit’s sickness that he runs to town to try and get help.

    Sad, I’ve seen the movie so I know what’s going to happen, but the book’s way better so I took the time and began reading it, and I’m glad I made that choice.

    Tomorrow I will conclude blogs for the week and hopefully next week I’ll be on a new book! Adios!

  26. pendragon and spader have flumed to first earth to find saint dane.when they arrived they were attacked by gangsters.they asked pendragon if they were aliens because the still had there cloral clothes on.they escape the gangsters and met with a bellhop who would them hide from the gangster.he brought the them to his workplace at the hotel and brought them in to the construction area. i’ll see what happens next.

  27. EMILY STOVES STOP STALKING ANNA. DONT YOU KNOW THATS CARDENS JOB??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    anyway, almost done with return with honor, and yes i know ive been saying almost done with it forever but i have been almost done forever. So, turns out the last few pages are all about Scott and how the media asks him questions. Havent read much so this blog MIGHT be short. Anyways, Scott has finally got to leave his base and spend some time with his family. His sister asked him if he wore the cross necklace she gave him and he pulled it out from his military suit and said “I wore it the whole time.” Scott is really gracious and humble to God and the marines that saved him. Good Book. End.Of.Story.

  28. p.s.


    ITS SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. 1. yeah Fred REAL dangerous, everyone else: *having fun*
    you: “yay im gonna go do homework. haha kidding
    2. anna i realize that Caleb calls you “Long-Blog Anna”, then what a i, “Slightly-Shorter-Blog AnnMarue”
    3. you should all realize that my username is “AnnMarue” ( i left out the “poo” if you havent noticed )
    4. Fred, i got the name “AnnMarue Poo” because my older causin used to call me “AnnMarup” then his little brother shortent it to “AnnMarue” then changed it to “AnnMarue Poo” to impress his friends or something (ahhhh the 8/9 year old life, got to kinda miss it)
    5. You should also realize that i couldn’t log last night so today i have to blog today for TODAY and YEASTERDAY. yeah, so my blog is going to have to be extra long.
    6. i am really sorry that for so long i havent been blogging about books ive been blogging about poems and it really makes me look bad but ya see ever since school started i havent been able to finish a book, ill read the first few chapters then just give up for no odd reason. But i promise ill start blogging about books. Just not today (sorry) ya see i got this book that i thought id like but then i lost it then today i found it in Mrs.Vincents room but ya know the important thing here is that i found it and now i dont have to pay for the book that i lost (YES!!!!)

    ok, here it goes, im sorry i wasted so much time on pointless things


    ~Ice Cold~

    You look at some people and the first thing that comes to your mind,
    Ice cold.
    Their heart is cold,
    Their words and actions are cold,
    Ice cold.
    If their were anyone in the world to be the evil which,
    It would be them.
    Any one to be Darth Vador or Lord Voldemert,
    It would be them.
    You don’t hate them but,
    To you their heart is ice cold.

    Now remember, we dont hate people, we strongly dislike their guts with a burning passion.



    You wish you could go around with everything load and proud,
    with emphasis.
    You hope some day you can talk in ALL CAPS,
    like on your computer.
    Someday you can italisize your words so they mean more to people.
    One day youll make a difference,
    with emphasis.
    You’ll tell people what you want, when you want it, and how you want it.
    Cause you’ll have emphasis.

    We all do WHAT we want, WHEN we want, WHERE we want, and HOW we want……….as long as mom says its ok 🙂

    i just noticed that all my poem ( or most ) ave something funny at the end after the poem is over that ruins the safisticated-ness and just makes you laugh OR something else like a moral at the end. im gonna end up like those mushy-gushy teachers or writers NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    bye peeps. Oh and remember
    1. Anna= Anna Bacon
    2. Lakelyn= Laken Bacon
    3. AnnMarie= AnnMarue Poo
    4. if Caleb tells you to call me “Dying Bird” or “Daranged Goat” dont or you can call me that al long as you call him “Demented Squirell”

  30. ok, i just thought of another nickname for Caleb, since ya know i have two nick names ( well really three ) he has to have at least two:
    Demanted Squriell and Pazessed Dolphin. hehe ok, and Bailey is “Bailey Bunny” “Bailey Baiey Bailey” or “Enigizer Bunny”
    Shelby Peel= Banana Peel or Blondey
    thats all i got right now bye ( again )

  31. Wazz Up everyone! In my blog I am doing an alnernate ending to the end of The City Of Ember.

    In the end of my book they,(Lina and Doon) find that Ember is in a huge cave and that above ground that it is the beautiful world that Lina had dreamed of. That is a great ending, here is my version.

    Once out of the cave Lina and Doon do all that stuff that they did then, they find a city that held all the necessary needs to save the city of Ember! Then they would do all that heroy stuff and it would end right then and there.

    I am now on the second book in the series The People of Sparks.

  32. um hi. TADA!! (i have the best intro :P)

    Shadow’s Cave
    nobody cares
    nobody sees
    i’m just dark and grey
    all alone.
    In the night
    i vanish
    i go
    to the place that shadows go
    i do
    the things that shadows do
    i am myself here
    i can breathe
    i can see
    i can be…
    a shadow,
    in the shadow cave.

  33. HELLO, to all the random people reading this. Emily Stoves is the stalker here! (this should be noted, guy in the back of the room with a notebook) TO PROVE to you she is a stalker look in the back of the room at the quiet girl and know she is watching you.
    (pretend that was in a creepy voice or something)

    Amanda-Haha thanks for backing me up with that whole ‘it`s like what-third nine weeks now?!?’ comment. (Really I think I just creeped Fred out but you proved a point!)

    Will Fries-Now I know that ‘Will Frie’ (I say fries) Is Billy Frier (did not connect ‘Will’ with ‘Billy’) And No I don’t talk to myself THAT much. (It’s only wierd if you ANSWER. No it isn`t! Yes it is! Wait-OFF TOPIC!!!!)

    Emily Stoves-1.I am not the stalker 2.I never stand behind your chair and give you creepy looks 3.YOU STALKER!!!!!

    (thus the writation begins) (under this)

  34. All week’s blogs today

    Monday- Soapstone
    S- The speaker is a third person narrator
    O- Katrina and Roran just told Sloan that they were getting married
    A- The audience for Eldest is people between 10 and 20 that like fantasy
    P- Christopher Paolini wrote this part of Eldest to show that Roran likes Katrina more than he is scared of Sloan and the town
    S- The kids are getting taken into the Spine to be safe
    T- The tone is secure and changing because the kids and mothers are O- secure in the Spine but they just left behind everything

    Tuesday-Author’s purpose- Christopher Paolini wrote Eldest to entertain with a story about two orphans that both protect their homes and the people that they care about and love. He also wrote Eldest because Paolini wanted to show that people can win a battle even when it looks like there is no hope. I predict that Sloan will turn against the people after Roran and Katrina’s engagement. I also predict that the Ra’zac are planning a night time-raid because that is when they are strongest. Sloan took away Katrina’s inheritance from her mother which in those days that’s all that a woman get. Since the kids and mothers that aren’t going to fight made it safely to their campsite, I think that they will be okay.

    Wednesday- When Roran and Katrina told Sloan that they were going to get married, Sloan reacted harshly. He got in Roran’s face so Roran punched him and knocked him to the ground, which embarrassed him like getting beat up by a little kid. That’s when Katrina got involved and started crying. Sloan yelled at her and took away her inheritance. Then Sloan left and some people congratulated them while others cursed them. That’s when Elain took Katrina back to Horst’s house and told Roran to work until night. When Roran got to horst’s house he hugged Katrina and she went to bed. Then he stayed up and talked to Elain, who said to beg for Sloan’s forgiveness. He went to bed and that’s when Katrina walked in. Behind her came soldiers and the two Ra’zac. They killed all of the soldiers but the Ra’zac were too powerful. One grabbed Katrina and ran off. Roran chased them down the stairs and grabbed one
    of the Ra’zac. It bit his right shoulder and left. By then the rest of the family was there. They bandaged him up and are bout to go look for Katrina.

    Thursday-Creative Writing- Mr. Johnston is about to build another new factory for his styra-foam products company. Our school has been trying to convince him not to but he doesn’t care about the planet. He’s old so in twenty years, when we have to live on top of styra-foam cups, he’s going to be dead anyways so to bad for the kids. Since our school can’t do anything about it within the rule books, our teacher has decided to take matters into his own hands. He said that it would probably get him fired and thrown in jail but it’s all worth it to him which is why he is our favorite teacher. So far he has put 27 rattlesnakes on the property, six beehives, and more ants than I have ever seen in my life. Mr. Johnston isn’t even close to being poor. He could retire right now and be perfectly fine. He only teachers for the kids. We are studying the motor of bulldozers to figure out the best way to disable one. Our next step is to break his machines where it will take the longest possible time to fix them. Mr. Johnston is 95 and he’s not in the best of health. He doesn’t have any kin or assistants to finish the job for him so we basically just need to buy time.


  35. Oceans

    The waves drift away the surfboard
    Painted red white and blue
    The patriotic board becomes a fish
    Making its way through the giant bowl
    Children point to the jumping fish
    It soars
    And becomes a shark
    Stalking the fish
    He swallows a guppy
    And becomes a whale.
    Now when he jumps
    Children yell to him
    And wonder why is a whale red white and blue
    This REALLY makes no sense whatsoever but thats okay because I will now ruin the seriousness of it.
    (I copied AnnMarie on the part where I put an arrow and ruined the seriousness)
    -Anna Bacon:)

  36. I’m just going to cut to the chase today. I don’t feel like making a long and pointless introduction when I could just get it over with quickly.

    I’m almost done with Alabama Moon, and Sanders, and mean constable, has caught Moon while he’s at the hospital visiting Kit. After Sanders catches him, he takes him to Moon’s old shelter, where Moon supposedly put Sanders’ gun.

    When they arrive, Mr. Wellington, a lawyer that lived close to Moon’s old shelter, catches Sanders treating Moon badly. Mr. Wellington and Sanders get into an argument, and Moon takes the opportunity to escape.

    Well, that’s what I read today. Tune in next week for blogs on the book I’ll read next: The Museum of Thieves!

    P.S. I’ve already seen the movie Andrew, and I do agree, it’s good, but not as good as the book.


  37. As y’all should have noticed, I was alittle under the weather. Blame it on Janie (haha kidding) I was sick this morning (alittle) but I desided to go to school cause I didn’t want to have make-up work. At lunch I was fine (me and Janie have lunch together) then after lunch I started feeling alittle bad again but I desided not to go to the nurse cause if I was sick I didn’t want to go home and miss Mr. Maf’s class. (This is true, I’m not lying) but I’m home now and my temp. was 101.9 so ya know. And I’m feeling kinda bad now cause I am supposed to dance in the Chrismas Parade today but I might have to miss it. It might be another one of the dances I do all the time infront of people but it matters to me.

  38. i left my book at home so i will just start reading a new book.
    the older brothers name is peter hatcher and the little brothers name is farley but they call him “fudge”. so far, peter has just found out that his parents are having another baby. right as he found out, he got really angry. he asked if 1 baby was enough. but it wasnt or else he wouldnt have a little brother. Fudge!!!

  39. Jeez I am a horrible person.
    Let’s all take a moment of silence to be ashamed of Julie Smith’s procrastination…………………………………………………………………………………………….

    Not only did I remember that we had journals this week but I neglected to do them until now.
    I managed to come up with an excuse as to why I couldn’t do my journals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
    I have no excuses now so I am being forced to do the journals that I now regret not doing.

    I get so used to Nanowrimo and sitting at my computer writing complete nonsense that it’s weird when I have to blog again.

    Before marching band started I was reading two books a week. Sometimes more. But always two books. And then after marching band I was just so lazy. I didn’t do anything for like the whole month of November except sleep, eat, and watch TV. I should have read.

    BUT I am back to reading now so that’s pretty cool.

    Books that I have finished:

    The Diviners by Libba Bray- It took me FOREVER to read this book. It was like 500-ish pages and it was interesting enough for me to have been able to fly through it but I couldn’t force myself to just sit down and read it.

    Basically, it takes place in the 1800’s in New York City. The main character Evie lives with her friend Mabel and a bunch of weird crimes keep happening and it’s because of a ghost.
    It sounds stupid but was an amazing book.

    Then I read the book Fever by somebody whose name I don’t remember at the moment. It was the second book in a series about people who get an infection so women die when they are 20 and men when they are 25.
    I feel ashamed whenever I read it because it is probably the most stupid story in the world.. But I still find it very irritating.

    Looking for Alaska by John Greene – I don’t know what to say about this book other than it is brilliant. It made me cry. And John Greene shouldn’t be a writer for young adults because I don’t think a lot of people would be able to appreciate his work.

    And finally It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini – Reading it now on my Nook. I am a little bit over halfway through. It’s a quick read I sat down and read it for two hours last night. It’s a beautiful story. It doens’t depress me too badly and it is indeed VERY Funny. I like the book very much.

    ALRIGHT SO THAT WAS MY 20 minutes of blogging.

    Sorry for my procrastination.


  40. I forgot to say that his blog is on my phone so haha no type-o’s

    I have a question Mr. Maf, since we’re not doing the 12 days of GT thing can I do that in my blog (for 5th block only so they will get it and laugh and uoull just laugh cause its funny but 5th block will get whats behind the jokes) and then add on my ACTUAL blog.

  41. super fudge….
    after peter found out that his parents were going to have another baby, he went to his room, slammed the door, reopened it to let in hid dog, Turtle, amd then slammed it shut again. after he slammed it the 2nd time his father came to the door and told him that they needed to talk about the baby. peter didnt want to talk about it. he didnt want his parents to have it in the first place. after he told his dad that he didnt want to talk about it he said he might as well get over the fact that his mom was havong a baby becuse it was going to come if he wanted it to or not.

  42. superfudge…….
    no matter if the baby was coming or not. peter didnt want it. he didnt want it to be anthing like his little brother, fudge, either…. fudge is four years old and peter thinks that he is the biggest pain
    ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peter gets his adidas bag out of his closet and packs his first 2 drawers in it and walks out of his room.he goes into the kitchen and announces that he is leaving. his parents ask him where he is going. he hadnt thought of where he was going until that very moment.

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