it’s a “super” sunday when you run 18 miles with your mommie:)

i am soooooooooo brain dead now – the title should explain how far i went – and i have a handy chart to explain how stupid i get when i run – so no promises on this blog…

“every riven thing” by wiman – we read a poem by him in early january – the book was a collection of his work – probably the first book of poetry i’ve read in my adult lifeΒ – and i really enjoyed it – he’s not too obscure for me

“bigger than the game” by weinreb – book about how sports changed in the mid ’80s – superstars began to rule – story of bo jackson, len bias, the boz – what was sad was that even though the book is relatively knew, some of it was dated (Joe Pa was treated like a great guy, jim mcmahon before his brain damage became noticeable and public)

“without reservations” by marriott jr. – we will blog on some of his thoughts – 80-plus year old and former head of the hotel chain with his last name – just amazing that someone can lead a company for so many years and stay humble about it

“the most important thing happening” by steele – as i told you, “the monsters win” πŸ™‚ really did enjoy this book – surprisingly because i’d sworn off Christian fiction – and this one was very different than the genre it’s placed in – basically, a collection of stories about story – the word play was great – but the monsters won so that was sort of a bummer…

“calico joe” by grisham – the good part was i read it in a day – the bad part was that it was pretty simple – the worse part is that the cubs are still losers – thanks mr. grisham for the reminder…

i hope your week to come is great – GO SCHOLARS!!!

maf, the guy who knows the kid that’s king of the dinosaurs – that would be fred:)

85 thoughts on “it’s a “super” sunday when you run 18 miles with your mommie:)”

  1. Did you hear about the power delay

    Big guys block
    So that thin guys handoff
    So that muscular guys can run
    So that bigger guys can sit on the couch and watch commercials.

  2. what up peeps? super tired right now…..i have to wake up at 5:25 each morning, so….ouch. rubbin’ my eyes now……. πŸ™‚

    it’s ridiculous how early i have to wake up to get to school on time. sometimes, not even on time. πŸ™‚

    well, i’m early for blogging again.

    whoops. spoke to soon, because the first bell JUST rung. i’ll be doing some more blogging during lunch study.

    my GONE book has gotten really interesting, btw. i’ll blog about it during lunch study.


  3. Here again, blogging again… it seems that we have the same day over and over. Wake up, eat, school, eat, eat again, blog, eat, sleep. At least, that’s my cycle anyway. (I eat a lot)

    As you know, I’m reading Eldest, by Christopher Paolini. (Not to make fun of Paolini but his last name could probably pass for a sandwich) There is a Blood-Oath celebration going on in Ellesmera, the capital of the elves’ dwelling in the forest Du Weldenvarden, and Eragon must create something for it, as well as the dragon Saphira.

    Eragon creates a poem of how much he has been through since he found Saphira’s egg in the Spine, a mountain chain that runs through most of the eastern side of Alagaesia. His poem was good enough for the elven queen to put it in their special library. He didn’t think it would’ve been that good, so he was surprised. Saphira burned a rock with the fire inside her and licked the molten rock to make an art design.

    Dang, I’ve blogged this much already. Five minutes of blogging feels like one minute of prompting in the morning with Writing Journals. That’s all I’ve read today, and I will blog tomorrow of course, and you know, the rest of the week.

    Fred- King of Dinosaurs, ninja, etc. out!

  4. Ok, I’m starting my blog like AnnMarie does:
    1.Super Bowl was a good game last night
    2.It was funny when Jones was making touchdowns ’cause he kept doing a little dance =)
    3.I’m turning into AnnMarie-This is formatted just like her blogs are.
    It probably sucks being the idiot who caused the Super Bowl power delay last night! πŸ™‚ Anyways, that was kind of funny, and the Ravens creamed San Francisco last night. (Anna watches football, too.) (Sometimes.)
    SOOOOOO, since I am copy-catting AnnMarie today I will do a dumb poem and then put the meaning of it. (We all care about those meanings that come from “deep within your heart” and love to feel like pre-schoolers loving to learn to share and all that junk.) (haha =D)
    OH! And somebody email me!!!! I get bored and text everybody and then they respond like this:
    ME-Hey whats up
    Them-nutting wrud?
    ME-texting duh
    Them-haha gtg bye
    ME-you texted me for less than 2 mins wrud thats so important
    Them-IDK i dont like texting bue
    Then they will start wanting to have a conversation at like 5 something in the morning. They need to put the word TIME in their vocab.
    SOOOOO….homework in next blog:

  5. Typos: bue supposed to be bye
    This is the time when flowers begin to bloom,
    When the ponds are constantly rippling from the raindrops,
    And when birds come back and sing their tunes.

    Children come outside again, and they are prancing;
    The sun is no longer shy; it is coming out again.
    April’s tornadoes are coming back as well, and the wind is dancing.

    But spring is here once again!
    I can hear the choir singing!
    Enjoy the warm weather, winter is gone, come outside of your den!
    Supposed to be imagery-ish, not all that great at poetry.
    But hey, I don’t make you read “meaningful” and “educational” poems.
    AND I don’t type about dinosaurs πŸ™‚

    (4-5 minutes spent-i will blog more some other time.)

  6. it’s me again!! told you i’d blog during lunch study.
    okay, so i was gonna tell you guys more about GONE, the most awesomest book EVER for teens.

    by the way, you guys missed my book endorsement for GONE like, idk, 3 weeks ago…..!? πŸ˜€

    but, anyway, GONE has gotten really interesting. Sam just found out that Caine, a student from COATES Academy, was his brother! And Caine is MEAN. MEAN, MEAN, MEAN. Cain reads 6 bars, (which comes from a strange signal inside the being that tells you how strong the power OF the being is), which means he can elevate ANY being he please, and throw him against a wall with tornado-force power.

    also found out that when you turn fifteen, you just dissapear like anyone else did on that fateful day. found that out by reading a section where Sam’s ex-girlfreind’s sis just dissapears…..and that wasn’t all, but they were…………..TWINS!! six minutes apart….so six minutes after, the ex-gal dissapears, too.

    i think that Grant (author) is trying to post the ideas of what would happen if everyone fifteen and above dissapears. interesting topic, Grant.

    i guess it’s creative writing time. this is my “wwfd” poem, plus another.

    What would Fred do if you made him mad?
    He’d write a poem ’bout dinos
    That’s really really bad!

    What would being mad make Fred do?
    It’d make him so mad,
    He calls up his dino crew!

    What would Fred do if you made him mad?
    He’d kill all the dinos,
    And we’d be so sad!

    sorry if the poem is bad, it’s all i could think of. πŸ˜‰ now, here’s my creative one.

    It fuels the imaginations of the young
    It is the dream that floats softly above
    The black night
    Filled with magic stars
    And the light of the world has just begun.
    It is the sun sainling gently down
    like a golden peach
    on a sunny magic afternoon
    Whereas, the youth begin to fall into the magic slumber
    whereas, the magic of the stars and dreams take place.

  7. how they croaked- the awful ends of the awfully famous
    by:Georgia Bragg
    im reading the awful ends of charles dickens. the sub title for the peice is the tale of two brains. turning it around and copying his book the tale of two cities.when charles was 12, he had a job of pasting labels on jars. what fun!!and by age 17, he was a court reporter. after he quit that job he became a real writer. before he would write everyday he would walk 10-20 miles a day. most likely to get his creative juice flowing.he published his first book at age 21 and turned out to be an admired and succesful author at age 25. when he wrote the christmas carol, he didnt have to do much work to come up with a nasty rude character like scrooge. he pretty much described him self when he wrote about scrooge. he was very mean to his wife, catherine and never said anything nice to her. and dont even get me started about how he treated his 10 children.

  8. First things first( I think I said that right) the super bowl last night was an Amazing game the end( Or 00:04 seconds) was the best part to me others may diagree( But really I don’t care).

    Super Bowl

    Playing hard and tension fills the stadioum
    Crowd goes wild cheer leaders pump up the players
    The crowd is electrified (hehehe)
    Time flys by next thing you know it is half time
    The half time show comes on
    People dancing and singing
    Lights flashing half time is over( Secretly thinking how much that cost)
    Lights go out( They don’t come back on)
    Lights come back on game goes on and Ravens Win !!!!!

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I have some inside jokes if you haven’t seen them by now. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  9. Well i’m devastated the Ravens won :'( i’m a San Fran Cisco fan so i’m mad.

    The Super Bowl

    Funny commercials
    Sad turn out,
    One awesome interspersion by the ravens,
    Wish we could do it again 49’s but we lost,
    Well now i only have one thing to say…
    Go 49ers :'(

  10. Hey, it’s AnnMaure no poo. I’m not in the best mood right now so……..yeah.

    I’m not gonna tell you why I’m in such a bad mood but today is officially the WORST DAY EVER!!!!! I HATE THIS DAY SO MUCH!!!!!

    Soooooooooooo…….I forgot my book and at least I’m sitting here in my favorite jacket. But that really doesn’t help that much.

    Poem time, ugh, even THAT doesn’t make me feel better.

    I would not do my blog then do two tomorrow, but I can’t do that so…….yeah.

    Poem Time (said sadly):

    Why does everything bad come at once,
    why can’t it come monthly,
    yearly if we’re lucky.
    It seems to be,
    when something goes wrong it’s like domino’s,
    falling one by one,
    until you can stop them.
    It’s like people TRY to make sure your life stinks.
    And then this magical thing happens,
    and it just gets worse.

    Told you I was sad. Bye

    AnnMaure no poo, queen of waffles, very sad out (“out” said sadly)

  11. Hey guys! Thought I might as well do my blogs on my phone (for once) so if you guys will bear with me I’ll tell the legend of the dragon and emporer!
    Long ago in a land closer than you think, the crazy Dragon and the smart emporer Mafeld fight epic battles that oddly no one wins… so anyways the dragon or my twin brother flame of death or odd-ball, I wonder why?


  12. Hey mr mayfield I will blog for ten minutes on creative so the Super Bowl is on me and Jackson have a devious plan nobody knows about it so it will be easy to do so we sneak out and turn off the lights then run to a spot where nobody can see us but we can see the power source and then as they were looking they had no idea who did this as soon as they start checking… CRAP THEY SAW US.. we take off running and get out of the stadium and now we are running down the street and cop cars gather up to chase we hide off in some woods near the house where we parked for the game as soon as we waited for a while we got into the car and zoomed off to safety

  13. I’m still reading Eldest, and I know I have to finish it but by Friday, with a little bit of luck, I’ll be finished.

    I read under the third person point of view of Roran, Eragon’s cousin. They made it to Teirm, and found Jeod, a friend of Brom, who is now dead from the last book. Anyway, Jeod told them about how Eragon and Brom came here and how Eragon was a Dragon Rider, and him beating the Shade, and all of the other supernatural things he did. After that Roran and Jeod came to an agreement to pirate a ship and take the village of Carvahall to Surda, a country that supports the Varden, the rebel group fighting the Empire, or Alagaesia.

    There goes another five minutes. I need to get ready.

  14. what up….yeah, me again.
    one day i actually asked one of my freinds that, and she gave me a list of things that were “up”(the clouds, birds, air, the sun, etc.). good way to answer stupidly.

    oddly enough, anna was right there behind my freind……weird……..

    i have no idea why i’m blogging about random stuff……?? well, i gotta leave now, bell rung.

    i’ll blog some more later! πŸ™‚

  15. Uh, Emily, I WAS that friend, and don’t worry, my specialty is answering stupidly.
    So I’m reading the Grimm legacy and it s really cool. This girl stars working at this crazy library where they have objects instead of books, she’s working on stack 2 with this annoying guy named Aaron, I think. That was actually 5 mins, I will do extra tommorrow!

  16. they find Dr.zetlin,he was one of the racers that almost hit him.they ask him about the origin code so they can shut down the reality first he didn’t believe them, then finally he believed them and gave it to them.the origin code was “0”.he told them that the phaders would try to guess a long string of codes so he made it a short number.then the building started to rumble after the code was imputed.everybody was starting their jump again.also the reality bug was coming to life………..

  17. Julius Caesar
    When he grew older, Julius wrote 10 books about his so called “wonderful life”. People would say that he was tall for a roman. Which means the complete opposite. It was actually code for short. His so called battle cry that he would say before every attack was “Happiness!” Julius made soldering a real career. He even made his own birthday a holiday.
    After he went to Egypt to try and conquer, he met Cleopatra and his plans changed. He liked he a lot and they even had a kid together. To later find out that Julius Caesar had 3 wives at the time that they had a child, and Cleopatra was NOT one of them.

  18. OK, people I know you were all just waiting by your computers waiting for me to blog so you could read my awesomeness, yep that’s totally right.
    1. I’m on my computer so I can have a blog as long as I want (yep I can hear the screams now) and I have spell check
    2. Yesterday I was wondering something, what if some non-gt-weird-mental person found this blog and started typing all this stuff and we didn’t know who it was and……yeah that would just be weird.
    3. OK, I lost my coupon book thing that we got and I’ll pay the $20 if i can’t find it, but I kinda want to find it sooooo…..yeah. Lets just jump to the case, Mr. Maf is you have seen the coupon book thing you can give me a lecture later but if you have come upon it and was thinking “Oh My Cabbages, some idiot student lost their coupon-y thing and I’m just gonna throw it away so they have to suffer and end up dying alone” just save the hassle and give it to me. Thank You (in advance)

    Haha I just remembered something I have it says: One day Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are going to combine to make one time wasting, stupid, generation ruining, idiot used, thing called “You-Twit-Face”

    OK, poem time:

    One day everything will change,
    one day everything will be different.
    Right now everything looks bad,
    everything looks like it ends in sadness.
    But you need to live in the moment,
    because later on it becomes all good,
    but you’re going to miss this moment.

    “You’re gonna miss this
    You’re gonna want this back
    You’re gonna wish these days
    Hadn’t gone by so fast
    These are some good times
    So take a good look around
    You may not know it now
    But you’re gonna miss this”

    “You’re Gonna Miss This” – By Trace Adkins

    Love that song. Also love “Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain)” By Gary Allan

    Peace out homies!!!

    Oh wait that’s not my signature ending of my blogs. This is:

    AnnMarue no poo, queen of waffles OUT!!

  19. Okay! I think I am such a good multi – tasker. Just sayin’ beause I am suprised I’m still focused on this blog, while i am listining to music! And texting;P

    Ok so I am reading How NOT to be Popular. Ok there is a girl and she is new at this school and she has been to 11 different high schools. And at the beggining of the book, she tells you how NOT to be popular. So I’m guessing she is like the nerdy type person who doesn’t talk or anything and she just tells you what she does and that makes her not popular. But i don’t know for sure. Or she could be popular and she is like telling you what the non-popular people do. But i’m not sure. I haven’t gottin that far yet.

    But I was lookin through the music that was on my computer when i got it and there is an album names “ninja tuna”!?!?!?! I have no idea what a song would have to do with a ninja tuna fish?! So yeah, i just had to share that…..I mean WWFD????

  20. Wazzup here are my blogs for Yesterday and Today.
    I will be doing a dilectical journal for the end of Eragon.

    Fact: Eragon attacks the shade Durza.
    Opinion: I would have attacked the Urgals around me then run from Durza as fast as I could.

    Fact: Eragon took the slide down instead of the stairs.
    Opinion: This was a very dangerous thing to do, I would have gone to Ayra and asked what I should do before I do it.

    Fact: Eragon hops off of Saphira to fight.
    Opinion: I would have not jumped off of her.(For my own safety.)

  21. So I read 2 weird books to day Book 1: Squirrels Book 2: Opossums
    So i will be compering these two books

    Book 1: When Squirrels see a predator they run and hide
    Book 2: When Opossums see a predator they show their teeth and scare the predator away
    Book 1 and 2: They both live in the same areas
    Book 1: Have big bushy tails
    Book 2: Have no hair what-so-ever on their tails

    Okay so, i need to get to work on my make up work and do my make up jounals so i better start reading another book!

  22. I just got finished with basically three hours of softball practice and I..think….I might……have pulled something. Now I have to blog and finish my other home work and this is my first priority.


    Old- has a story,background,history
    Worn Down- Its been used to the limits, beyond repair,
    Rusty- been left out to many times, mother nature took its toll
    Dusty- its been reject, horded, left, forgotten
    Broken- people, or children took its toll on it
    Relic- thing of the past
    Out dated-to old to use or to be seen using or even use it for that matter
    Unique- not many left
    Rare- uncommon
    Admirable- insperation,

  23. Oops! I’m late, I’m late for a very important blog! No I’m not reading Alice in Wonderland (by, Lewis Carroll), that’s where i got the “I’m late, I’m late for a very important date! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!” if any one was wondering (hey Trent, Quince’s prologue from the play, remember? that’s what I did to it at first). But what i am reading is… Classified, to all but the people who read the wall. READ THE WALL!

  24. Okay so this will be a make up journal

    So i just finished the first chapter of Dracula and the whole first chapter is Jonathan Harker’s journal.

    So journalist Jonathan Harker Just arrived in Transylvania, and he just finished his supper and, now he is going back to his hotel and gets a call saying his partner need him to come over to her apartment so he go’s over to he apartment and she tells him that she might have a lead on wear Count Dracula’s castle is located. The next day they head over there and, turns out that it’s not Count Dracula’s castle it’s just some little abandon farm shack that is beaten down and might have been able to house 3 people IF that.

    So now on to chapter 2!!!!

  25. THE ONE AND ONLY, GREATEST, ORIGINAL SQUISHY POTATOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHO IS THE MADEST PERSON ON EARTH RIGHT NOW (andrew west, for those not cool enough to know) says:


    i will blog wed. and thurs.

    πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  26. So my tooth is really loose and only one corner is still in there and I m trying to pull it out and there’s blood all over my fingers and EWWWWW!!!
    I’m reading the Grimm legacy and its really good so far. Anjali told Elizabeth to go down to the Grimm collection and switch the magical boot s for the not magical boots. Anjali gave her her key, a bobby pin thing, and Elizabeth went down to the dungeon. She ends up getting trapped in there and realizes the room is full of magic. She contacts angali by sending a pneum to her.
    Well, I’ve gotta find somebody to pull this thing outta my face!

  27. Alright Happy Scholar’s Bowl Week.
    I am actually am pretty excited for the competition on Friday I think we will do pretty well.

    Even though they won’t end up asking any geography questions probably-_-
    You were missed today even though your mother is pretty amazing too

    So I started reading The Scorch Trials last week which is the second book in The Maze Runner series. I read The Maze Runner last year and for some reason I just never had any desire to finish the series. I wasn’t crazy about the Maze Runner I just felt like it was yet another dystopian novel.

    I mainly got The Scorch Trials because I didn’t know what else to read and I was all out of other books.

    I will say that so far The Scorch Trials is much better than The Maze Runner. I am actually enjoying this books.

    Basically, Thomas and the other Gladers made it out of the Maze and WICKED has them locked up in a building.

    All of these zombie people are trying to attack them too because the Earth isn’t in a very good condition.

    Thomas loses his weird friend Theresa who he is telepathically connected with through his mind.

    Thomas wants to be able to find her.

    One day, a man tells the guys that they will have to cross The Scorch which is the world’s hottest part of the earth and in reward for making it across the Scorch (if they even do) then they get the cure for the disease that they have all been infected with.

  28. I am officially not starting any of my blogs from right now with “OK,” because it has become a terrible, horrible, annoying, habit. I’m gonna blog today (well no durr) and I’m gonna write a poem (that’s a durr too) Now that I’m done stating the obvious lets state the non-obvious. Uhhhhhh……..I have two pinky toes on my right foot!! Ha ha kidding, I don’t, that would be kinda weird, yeah, I don’t ave 11 toes, but I don’t have anything non-obvious to tell yall, sorry. Yeah so I’m just sitting here trying to do my blog and I hear this girl scream!!!! Oh no!! Kidding there’s no screaming girl (If there was it would be because Fred’s dinosaurs attacked her) but I had to have something interesting sounding in my blog. Because my life is a boring square, KIDDING, if all its a boring circle, I like circles. Ha ha kidding I like squares. (inside joke between me and Bailey)

    It’s poem time now, since I just wasted like 10 minutes of YOUR boring CIRCLE life. I am now going to waste more of your life because you have to read it, or you can just skip it and go to my awesome ending which is almost as cool as my awesome beginning because you simply don’t want to read my terrible as always poem:

    The cells of your brain,
    there’s hundreds of them.
    The pictures in your mind,
    there’s thousands of them.
    The people in the world,
    there’s millions of them.
    But only one matters,
    the only person that matters is the one that,
    fills the cells of your brain with wonderful thoughts.
    The one that stays in your mind forever,
    there’s millions of people in the world,
    but you only think of them.

    That’s it for today folks! But seriously, that’s my poem for today.

    I think from now on I’m gonna put some lyrics of song on there:

    “Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain)” -Gary Allan

    “Every storm runs,
    runs out of rain.
    Just like every dark night,
    turns into day.
    Every heart-ache,
    will fade away.
    Just like every storm runs,
    runs out of rain.”

    That’s the chorus.

    That’s all I’ve I got for today,

    AnnMarue no poo, queen of waffles OUT!! ( <– that's my signature blog ender now I guess)

  29. THE ONE AND ONLY, GREATEST, ORIGINAL SQUISHY POTATOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (andrew west, for those not cool enough to know) says:

    So, since i am still mad about the other blog that got deleted. I have nothing funny to say

    Reading no easy day. And will be. Until the end of time.

    Mark was on a deployment to find a missing in action army soldier. They found some talibans and had to fight and kill them. Mark broke of from the main group with a sniper and EOD to go after some of the talibans on a moped. That is a funny picture. TWO TERRORISTS RIDING A MOPED TO ESCAPE THE NAVY SEALS!!!! πŸ™‚
    But really, the talibans jumped off the mopeds and hid behind a hay bail.
    Mark told the sniper and the EOD to break off and circle around the hay bail. Mark ran straight at the bail with a grenade. He got right up to the bail and tossed the grenade over. The grenade killed both the talibans. Mark and the EOD set charges to blow the weapons. When they went back to make sure everything was gone they found 3 human hands.

    OUTRO OF FACES πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™

  30. Janie, if you’re asking what would I do if I had an album called ninja tuna fish, I would congratulate the tunas. It’s not everyday when you find a ninja tuna. Also, I NEED MY HUNGER GAMES BOOK BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeez.

    Ok, now to calmer blogging. I need to blog because I’ll be gone doing the Scholar’s Bowl Competition tomorrow, and we are going to win! (If we lose I never wrote this blog)

    Have I done a poem yet this week? I don’t think so. Let me check… I have not! Yes. Time to torture you with horror poetry.

    Scholar’s Bowl

    The ones who win are at CMS,
    no, not Chelsea, they’re afraid of us.
    This poem is really bad.
    You can tell, it makes me very sad.
    I hope they don’t ask and poetry questions,
    but, if the question is β€œWho writes the worst poems in world history?”
    the answer would be β€œFred Bonnie.”
    That would be bad,
    because Fred
    would turn red,
    and then, he’d hide his head,
    with his hands, and then he’ll pretend to be dead.

    If you’re still alive after reading this, I’m very impressed. However, the Ninja Tunas would easily survive that.

    Now, for tomorrow’s blog, I’ll give a brief viewing of what I read today. (I’ll give a snippet of all of it because over the course of the day, I read like 60 pages)

    Reading Eldest, almost done, ALMOST, and he has left Ellesmera and joined the Varden at the Burning Plains. They are about to have a legendary battle against 100 thousand of the Empire’s troops (that reminds me of star wars) and they are extremely outnumbered. However, they will probably survive, especially Eragon, because if he died, they wouldn’t have two more books in the series. Duh.

    Now, that looks like that covers that. Now, message to Evan Key: MAKE SURE YOU GET ALL THE β€œDUH” QUESTIONS TOMORROW!!!!

    I must go now… I have duties as the King of Dinosaurs and must tend to them. Peace out!

  31. This is my blog for wensday, and I am going to do one of my glourious poems. They should have an award for something like this( wait….do…they)


    A place to feel safe
    A place to call home
    A place to worship
    A place to pray
    A place to love
    A place to beloved
    A place were everyone is your family
    A place to believe in
    A place to have and to hold
    A place to work at becoming better
    A House of God and a Heart of Gold

  32. This is my blog for wensday, and I am going to do one of my glourious poems. They should have an award for something like this( wait….do…they)

    Church( on sunday)

    A place to feel safe
    A place to call home
    A place to worship
    A place to pray
    A place to love
    A place to beloved
    A place were everyone is your family
    A place to believe in
    A place to have and to hold
    A place to work at becoming better
    A House of God and a Heart of Gold

  33. This is my blog for wensday, and I am going to do one of my glourious poems. They should have an award for something like this( wait….do…they)


    A place to feel safe
    A place to call home
    A place to worship
    A place to pray
    A place to love
    A place to beloved
    A place were everyone is your family
    A place to believe in
    A place to have and to hold
    A place to work at becoming better
    A House of God and a Heart of Gold

  34. Bobby,loor, and zetlin run from the reality bug to the water course. When they get there they load up in these racers and take off. They race through the water and look behind them to see the reality bug changing to a under water they get to the jungle room and the beast changes again to a giant bug,while the bug is charging they try to rotate the building back up.the bug gets closer and they decide to run to another room.

  35. Hey guys, you know how last time i said that the book I’m reading is classified? Well it isn’t because I need a new book! So in Mr. Mayfield’s class i just grab 20,000 leagues from the shelf. It’s a really good book actually. It shows you how dangerous yet beautiful the sea is (so far). So i would suggest not to go whale hunting for a beast of the sea because you might run into Captain Nemo in the Nautilus, or some other crazy person with submarine.

  36. seventh grade is impressed – and telling war stories (that probably aren’t true) of how good they were doing last year before break…

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