is it me, or do we just have three weeks left until break???

so i think this week will be one of two left that you have to blog until finals…

“church zero” by jones – a book written for pastors about how to hit the reset button in the way that church is currently done – and that to hit the button, you have to go back to the way church was done in the past – ironically, the author comes to us from the future b/c he’s spent the past years in europe – where he thinks the US church is headed – there’s Bible in there – there’s also Star Wars – and Voltron – which i’d forgotten as a kid – done a good job of forgetting as a kid until the reminder:) anyway, for a pastor book, it reads well for the rest of us

“losers in space” – book i got from hearing about it at a conference – the language makes it high school – well, that and the fact that the protagonist destroys the antagonist – slowly, after getting to the guy’s father first – so probably not a good lesson for ya’ll to learn yet about revenge:) anyway, now that i think about it, the pink elephant that was actually called a horton probably also made it too mature for you – i was ready to give it up myself after 50 pages but i plowed ahead through the space terms and finished the other 400 pages – even though i never did figure out why one kid had to die for being stranded on a space repair – meanwhile the aunt was blown apart from the ship and survived – i’ll have to reread the book more closely when it’s a high school BOB next year (which i would hate:)

“hills, hawgs, and ho chin minh” by kardong – running book – collection of essays – like and then not like his first book 10 years before – still about aging – still about racing – less about running fast though – more about the odd experiences one can run through – my favorite essay was on shriving tuesday – which is also mardi gras day –Β i have a new holiday to celebrate:)


79 thoughts on “is it me, or do we just have three weeks left until break???”

  1. Today I’ve been studying some different literature tecniques. Noticing the difference between passive and active is one. I’ve also written some different sentences on them both.

    *Acitve have an actor(the subject) doing some act.
    *Passive place the DIRECT OBJECT as the subject and usually uses “was_______”.

    1.)Steve is the default mine craft skin.
    2.)Steve always kills Creepers, Zombies, Skeletons, ect.
    3.)Steve uses tools like axes, pickaxes, shovles, and swords.

    1.)Blaze was hunted by Steve.
    2.)The Enderman was hunting Steve and his blocks.
    3.)I was about to kill a Ghast when I was killed by a Blaze.

  2. Yaeh, I bloged πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  3. BOOK:Trackers-Book Two: Shantorian
    PROMPT:Author’s Purpose, Soapstone, Creative
    SIDE NOTES:Yeah, it was short, but it was still good. I also finished the Trackers seires in two days, but they were both good. Also, Camden will soon be joining us in blogging, or so he says, he doesn’t know how to blog… AnnMarie, I have won.

    The author of this book, Patrick Carmen, wrote this book, not only to entertain, but to show how dangerous and tricky hackers are. It also shows how, when under pressure, friends begin to mistrust friends.

    Subject-Adam Henderson
    Ocassion-Adam is being interviewed about missing billions that were “stolen.”
    Audience-Young adults that like technology
    Purpose-To show the dark side of the technological world
    Speaker-1st Person, Agent/Interegater Ganz
    Tone-Dark, Mistrusting

    Slenderman never enjoyed staying in the light too long, even before he was Slenderman. I knew this. I had one piece of paper left to find, when my flashlight died. I suddenly felt slow and tried, but I knew what this meant, so I ran. I found the last piece of paper, knowing that I may have thought wrong and killed myself, but I didn’t. I don’t know what has happened to Slenderman since then, but I know he’s still out there, hunting for prey.

  4. Oh! Why did i Have to go off and forget to blog! Good Grief! Have i mentioned sixth graders and ninjas… or is it just me that notices.
    Well Fred’s different… He likes dinosaurs, while everyone else likes waffles.

  5. Going back through the blogs I finally see that… NO ONE HAS ANY RESPECT FOR YODA!!! SERIOUSLY WHATS SO WRONG WITH YODA! He’s like the jedi ninja!

  6. Well since no has any respect for him i’ll blog like him from now on. I mean… Talk like Yoda, I will. So if you sixth graders will please learn some respect for yoda, quit talking like this, will I. Herh herh herh.

  7. Okay so my blog yesterday was pretty long but I decided I must as well just go ahead and blog again because I have nothing better to do anyways.

    The finale of The Bachelor is in TWO WEEKS and I am freaking out! IT IS SO EXCITING!

    So I finished Life of Pi and I have finished Beautiful Creatures and I have finished this book I read called The Hero’s Quest. So currently I am reading the book The Raven Boys.

    It’s pretty good. It’s pretty Twilight-y but it’s written well.

    Blue and her family are witches.. Lol duh. And they read people’s futures.

    At the same time this guy Gansey who goes to a Prep School meets Blue and she gets a vision that she is going to fall in love with him.

    She stays away from Gansey and Gansey is on a mission to find this thing called The Ley Line which is wear the spirits of people who have died lay to rest.

    And whoever knows where the Ley Line is immortal and has a neverending energy source and gets powers from other people.

    Gansey finds the Ley Line and then he starts getting haunted by all these ghosts and then of course he falls in love with the girl, blue.

    And that is pretty much it so far. I don’t really have that much left to read in the book.

    That is all


  8. Mr. Mayfield was right. He told me you have to read 100 pages for something new to happen in Brisingr. Fortunately, I didn’t have to read 100 pages, (although I would if I didn’t have to practice trumpet) and something new finally happened!

    Eragon was visiting a room with his guards when seven dwarves that were considered crazy attacked them, with swords and axes. The guards tried to protect him, and one died in the process. Eragon and the rest of the guards succeeded in defeating the rest of them, but they left win a load of wounds. Eragon vowed to his guards that he would punish whichever clan was responsible for attacking his own clan, since the previous dwarf king adopted Eragon into that clan.

    For the first time, I read under the point of view of Saphira, and she was flying for most of the chapter, thinking about how lonely she was without Eragon, when she sees Roran and his group, which remained of only two others returning. Later, when they arrive, she lands to hear their tale of what happened. Afterwards Saphira asks Roran to tell her stories about Eragon before she asked when he was rested and had the time to do so. Roran said he’d be honored to.

    Wait, I just realized I didn’t have to blog because of the essay I turned in for teacher appreciation. Oh well.

  9. Alright whats up? So I’m just sitting here blogging……yep……uh huh. Hi. I’m multitasking yay!!!!

    Poem Time:

    There are different ways people act,
    around their friends,
    by themselves,
    around adults,
    and around their girlfriend/boyfriend.
    No matter how “open” you are,
    you still act different.
    No matter what.

    Terrible poem I know. But whatever.

    AnnMarue, queen of waffles. OUT!!

  10. So, I am blogging from my I pod.

    I am reading the hunger games and it is getting all mushy gushy and stuff. I didn’t think it would turn into a love story of two people living in a cave. But what happened is that rue got killed and then katniss shot the guy who killed rue. Then katniss had to go find peeta after the rules got changed. Katniss found peeta badly injured and started taking care of him. Katniss had to go to the feast and get the medicine peeta needed to survive. Then the mushy gushy lovey cave stuff continued.
    That’s as far as I got


  11. Heyy, tomorrow is a big day first there’s Kona Ice then Physical and we might know who class favorites are! Ok here is my last poem in the series “Night”

    You look down. The earths mouth has been opened and the void has fallen through. You smile, pure joy stricks your ruby face. You look out to the golden plains that lie ahead. A town sits there absorbing the sun. You look to see people laugh as they see the void is no more. You look to see awe struck faces as they look at you. Emerald, diamond, gold, and ruby fills their eyes. You smile then wave. They look. You start to rise as the gates of heaven open before you. You look down on everyone now, while they start to fight the new arisen void.

  12. Man! My blog just got deleted, and it was really long! Well here is a short poem.

    It shines through the night.
    It shines in the daylight.
    People come to see the diamond light.
    Oh, how bright.
    Oh, how bright.
    People look.
    At it like a book.
    Oh how bright.
    Oh how bright.


    Waz up? Tonight, I am going to do a soapstone on Cosmic by: Frank Cotrell Boyce.
    S-A very tall boy.
    O-Present, Bootle, Liverpool, England
    P-Says don’t be someone you’re not-it might get you in trouble
    S-Liam Digby

    Now, I will write a five min. poem.


    I take my morning stroll,
    and stare down the street ahead.
    That is my destination.
    Two down, who knows how many to go.
    When I get there, I am recognized.
    This is my perfect disguise.
    I ready myself.
    There goes one, then two, then three.
    Then four, then five, then six.
    Seven, eight, nine, ten.
    Eleven, twelve, thirteen.
    When I get to twenty-six,
    I then go.
    I am Adam Lanza.

    Ok, ok. No comments about that one. I do respect the tradegy, but I thought it ould be a good poem. Lay of the Haterade, I will always remember Sandy Hook.

  14. Okay so I have to do two blogs today so I have a total of four so its a good thing I’m reading two books. This onw will be the short on but the other one will be longer. (How does annmarie make 10 paragraphs of this stuff?) Okay so now on to the blogging part.

    I’m still reading alice in wonderland but I’m like (–) that close to finishing it. My heads hurts otherwise I would have read more but for some reason I can’t focus today. So alice has met the mocking turtle and they start to sing this really weird song that makes no sence what-so-ever. The mocking turtle also tells alice about his education when he went to school in the sea and that’s really weird too. So alice is about to leave the mocking turtle and go back to find the queen. Yay.

    Bye!!!! (Waving the odd, ubnocsious wave annmaire does)

  15. So here is my second blog for today and this one is going to be longer so no introduction.

    The tenth book in cirque du freak (I have yet to give up on this series) is amazing. Mr. Crespy dies in the lastr book and darren is completly broken but cannot cry because of all the hatred that is filled inside him. He has no gone into this really weird world were he is alone except for his friend and they are trying to survive sun rays, animals, and weather while trying to kill a panther find a giant toad, and a pool filled with lost souls that were trapped on earth. Darren has killed the panther but might die as the toad drags him into the giant mosterious mouth….

  16. My internet wouldn’t work so I’m blogging 4 times today

    Monday- Daniel traveled back in time to the Dark Ages. He met up with Merlin the sorcerer and Arthur that pulled the sword out of the stone and became the king of England. Merlin was actually the Daniel of his time. He hunted aliens and had a version of The List that was bound in leather. They plan on destroying Number 3 when he arrives but Merlin won’t focus on the task. Daniel decides to hunt down Number 3 and gets him underground. His dad appears when all hope is almost lost and Daniel is almost dead. Daniel’s dad tells him to put the dragon out with water so Daniel uses an underground stream to almost put him out.
    Tuesday- Merlin melts his pump because he says it has to be Arthur to keep history right. Arthur hesitates right before the death blow and the last bit of Number 3’s fire escapes into the ground. Daniel goes back to the future and is no longer in the car. Daniel and his friends go to the stones that were placed in a circle thousands of years ago. Number 3 turns into a huge fireball and heats the stones. when heated, the stones make a magnet-like thing in the sky that sucks Number 3 into the sun and kills him. Daniel is burned really badly but he lives. Merlin fixes the dragon and finds out that it was Arthur’s cousin, who had been acting as a host body for Number 3.
    Wednesday- I finished Daniel X: Demons and Druids so I am reading The Fire by James Patterson. The main characters are Whit and Whisty, brother and sister who’s parents have been killed by The One who is The One. They have magical powers and Whisty is a fire specialist. Daniel can shape-shift and heal people. They were big leaders in the resistance from The One who is The One. Most of the kids were killed when he bombed their headquarters and a huge sickness is going around. The Blood Plague is a sickness that is lethal in all of the poor places in the city. The One who is The One is letting it happen so that he can got take over those parts without anyone getting in the way. A girl and her family took in Whit and Whisty when Whisty was sick and they were both the most wanted people by The One who is The One because they are the only ones who can beat him.
    Thursday-The city is being bombed. Nobody will believe me because they think I’m crazy. The nation’s capital is never going to be the same and the government will never be able to come back without the original documents that this country was founded on. I have to find some way to break in and steal all of the documents and get away from the bombs. There is one way in and one way out of the building. Luckily, there are no guards from 1 o’clock to 1:05. That should leave me enough time to get in. I’ll probably just wing it from there. The cases are made from glass that I can melt with one of my inventions that heats anything like an electric stove. The guard just left so now is my one and only chance to make my move.


  17. So, i am sad to say that she don’t go and grab the 2-way radio she says that it was to risky that the boy might walk back in when calling for help and then she dont know what would happen to her then mabye Dr. Reyes would inject her with somthing that would either put her to sleep for a little whilr untill they got the money or the worse option get the money then kill her with some kind of leathal injection or just throw her out on the side of some back road that only about one or teo people come down in a year so that there would be no chance of her living or she would be crushed by impact of being thrown on the ground and then she would bleed out…

    OH YEA, ALMOST FORGOT THIS IS WENSDAYS JOUNAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Tonights blog


    So she is still describing the day before so they are now at the third anual Kid-To-Kid day and they have just got done anounceing all the awads and stuff and now one of Chairitys freinds just found out that some of the other peoples maids have been talking about her and saying things about her maid and buttler and how they are about as useful as a maid with out a proper english name like billy or somthing not proper her maid said and that set her off then she started to nit pick at everything sombody said about her i bet she would argue if someone called her smart she would argue that she was dumb as a box of rocks well thats all i got for this blog CYA!!!

  19. ok i was really busy wednesday and yesterday so i will blog for both

    i am reading Lily and Jake. (i finished the other book) Lily is an all out tom boy. Lily actually gets in trouble sometimes on purpose because her punishment is to go to the Cool-it room. The Cool-it room used to just be a boring room with nothing in it until Lily took some of her toys up there and made it fun. Jake is more of a quiet, good guy. lily and jake are twins. jake does boast about being 11minutes older. Their grandfather used to be a hippie, until grandma died. He started to become semi-normal. Lily and Jake are not normal in a way…

  20. now i will blog for thursday

    lily and jake have this weird, power-like thing called goombla. every night on their birthday, they have the same dream, no they are IN the dream. They walk along train tracks holding hands, smelling pickles. lily and jake were born on a train, the California Zephyr. their mom had jake, then 11 minutes later lily. their dad just ate a pickle. Other things happen in goombla too. they always know where each other is. well something goes wrong and jake joins a bunch of kids called the death rays and look for goobers. lily feels left out

  21. Billy and I were the only sixth graders at the Reading Buddy thing. It was okay, we read Dr. Seuss books to little kids and had cake. If you don’t believe me you can check the Reporter in a day or so and see me in the picture with my name.

    Will go to the Shelby County Arts Council thing next Wednesday and listen to the author, and I bet I’ll be the only sixth grader there.

    Fred, King of Dinosaurs, Ninja Master, Out!

  22. Anna was here. I apologize for the typos, doing this via phone. So-
    ereh saw annA
    Thats says Anna was here.

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