the answer to the open-ended question is “yes!!!”

figured i’d give an extra credit boost to those of you that read before monday’s final:)

“intentional walk” by raines – book on the faith and the story of the st. louis cardinals 2012 season – it fits the “Christian testimony” genre, if there is one, but the book went well into what you would expect – it greatly encouraged me, and i’m sure my baseball/softball kids would enjoy reading about professional athletes that intentionally try to make their walk match their talk

“see to play” by dr. peters – durham eye doctor’s lifetime work of theory and exercises for the eyes – how the eyes affect play – how you can train your eyes to help your performance – he recommends starting early – i would think, again, my baseball and softball – not to mention those of you that have sports coming in the fall – would gain from getting the book and doing the exercises – i think the theory stuff at the front is a bit beyond you, but you’d enjoy the results behind 10 minutes of practice every day

“the redsox years” by francona – tito was manager of the barons when dad and i first had season tickets – he was a great, great manager – he was here when jordan played his one year of baseball – i enjoyed reading his story – and what happened with the redsox during his reign – lots of lessons can be learned – just from tito, like as a teacher, how you manage personalities in a classroom – how you get everyone on the same page – how you get the king of dinosaurs and the queen of waffles to quit eating chicken in the clubhouse during games (this was a problem with the pitchers in 2011)

happy test week

31 thoughts on “the answer to the open-ended question is “yes!!!””

  1. Pooey I’m second. Ok, whatever. I would have been first but the stupid daylights saving thing but whatever, bye

  2. annmarie, to blame DSL is an interesting theory – i blamed it today for why i saw a christmas tree in the middle of the road of my subdivision – and why i saw a flock of deer running by the elementary school – scared me to death b/c it was so early in the morning – 5 am – when i was running – by the way, what’s a group of deer called anyway??? i’ve never seen 8-10 together before – i think they were plotting evil the way they broke up and ran away so quickly

  3. I’m in the top three for the third week in a row, and first for the second. I’m trying to break the record for most first blogger, if you know what I mean because that didn’t make sense.

  4. They were DIFFERENTLY planning to ambush you and smash the living…..”DAY LIGHTS”!!! Out of you. Get it?? DAY LIGHTS saving time…..the living DAY LIGHTS!! Ok, whatever the bad jokes are over. bye

  5. And for your information *cough cough* A group of deer is called a “heard” or “mob”. Colt would be SO proud.

  6. BOOK:Harry Potter And the Deathly Hallows
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: First person to blog that doesn’t talk about being “first to blog” or deer. PLAY GARRY’S MOD. That was NOT a robot, that was me… 🙂 I’m also the first to use a smilely in a blog other than Mr. Mayfield in a while. 😀

    This is a poem that is random.
    No, I’m a panda.
    I can fly.

    This is not the second stanza, this is the third.
    You just looked back to check.
    Hi, you’re a panda, too.

  7. So, I looked at last week’s blogs and no one tried to guess what the number in my blog was called, so I get to keep ALL the cookies!
    Oh, and Mr. Mayfield, you were wrong about …, because it was ME!

  8. Last week when I made a bet about John 3:16 I said ” people in are class” well to be more specific Dr. Maf’s last block ( 5th) and that is the 6th grade class not any one else , and AnnMarie’s john 3:16b didn’t count you have to say it in front of people how does anybody know you didn’t look it up. Just saying. What is this about deer I hear?

    Always looking behind you afraid of what might be their
    Taking percautions of what might come
    Looking at the doornod praying it won’t turn
    Sinking into your seat hoping no ones behind you
    Door locked, bolted and drilled shut no one can get in or out
    Switching house to house, car to car looking back hoping no ones following you
    light over comes you but when darkness touches you, you break down in tears
    a black room terifies you, you can’t see what is in the room or the corners
    you feel as if no one can help you
    living your life in fear
    your eyes are covered in tears all the time
    when you look in the mirrior you are disgusted
    You push any one away
    You are so tired but to afriad to go to sleep you lay in your bed with a bat under your pillow and have such tight of a grip on it your hand has blisters you don’t even feel pain any more you have comepletly shut down

  9. oh, well, the thing about deer and pandas is this… unfortunately, deer and pandas have been secretly meeting to plot a takeover of CMS – it seems that deer have always coveted this school – it’s a place just far enough in the country and just near enough some good rural roads they can run across the middle of the night to scare people (although, the scariest animal i ever encountered was a black cow after a night baseball game – that’s a good story) – as for the pandas, they just want to try something new – and nothing says new than leaving asia for CMS:)

  10. BOOK: Harry Potter Book 7
    PROMPT: Creative-The Attack of the Deers And Pandas
    SIDE NOTES: Shelby, his name is Jon, not John, but it is pronuced as John. Also, you can’t “drill” a door shut, but you can drill a door open. The Mob Leader started blogging… too bad that Ethan stopped blogging, these are the kind of things he needs to track…

    It was a cold day at CMS. I knew we were in trouble when I saw … blog, I knew that was the pandas and the deers warning us that they were going to attack soon. I prepared by telling everyone I was a panda, and that they were a panda, so as to protect us.

  11. I should have disquised myself better.But this gives me a chance to attack freely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Without us the syrup and the tacos would have a war and they did, on the baseball field

  13. I am going to do about four days of blogin but they are going to be in diffrent blogs.



    They show what you have done
    They show what you haven’t done
    They tell you if your doing ok
    They tell you if you need extra help
    They tell you when you lied
    What can I do to change this ?
    How can I make this turn into this?
    ” You study harder”
    ” You stay up later to get more in, not cram but learn”
    Why don’t I get this ?
    ” Because your not studying it”
    ” Your not looking at it”
    ” You don’t want to get it “

  14. Wensday

    3rd Nine weeks

    The time for spring break
    Kids struggling to get work in
    Teachers hurrying to grade papers
    Kids trying to pull grades up in time
    Teachers hunting kids down to get grades
    Kids cramming for bench marks
    Teachers trying to explain the matterial to kids to help
    Kids hoping they studied enough
    Teachers giving extra time in class to help, and encourage kids to study
    Kids gasping at the test infront of them
    Teavher silently lauging in their heads and sayin to them selves, ” I told you to study”

  15. Thursday

    Pencils tapping
    Teachers shushing
    kids sighing
    Teachers glarring
    Doors nailed shut
    Students glued to their desk
    people laughing
    Kids making funny faces
    Room silent
    locker slammed in the hallway it’s so lound sounds like a gun shot
    Teachers waiting
    Students guessing
    Teacher ask, ” Did you check your answers ?”
    Student ” Uhhh……..Ye…….no….wait yes I did.
    Teacher makes funny face
    Student smiles as best as they can
    Paper stacked

    Bench Mark

  16. Do we have journals this week? (i hope not even though allot of people have been blogging i hope that we don’t have them and i am assuming that we don’t since it is finals week…)

  17. I just had to say this because I’m very proud of myself. I finished Brisingr!

    Also, whoever said that the USA is the peacekeeper is so wrong that I laughed when I saw it. Hate to break it to you but we are definitely NOT the peacekeeper. We are the war keeper.

  18. okay, so why is everybody talking about pandas???

    wait, that was a rhetorical question…… because i am the leader of the stalker pandas!!! 🙂

    Mwahahahaha……..!!! (evil Keaton laugh)

    we are plotting an attack on CMS a week from– wait, no….i am not spilling our plans of the secret conspiracy between me and the black-and-white, smelly, fat, furry, cuddly mammals.


    anyway, i came in to do my creative writing for the week, which i also did for the creative prompt for the week in my journal.

    “I wish I was a Fish”

    I wish,
    How I wish,
    Oh, I wish
    I was a fish.

    I could splish
    Like a fish
    In my wish,
    In my wish
    I would splish
    Like a fish.

    I would be
    A magical fish,
    A splish
    In my wish
    Three times,
    No more.

    Of course, the unlucky fish,
    Wouldn’t happily splish,
    But would end up
    Plump on a dish.

    My wish,
    Not to be the unlucky fish,
    But the wishy, fishy fish,
    Who splishes
    Three times,
    No more.

    really i haven’t gone anywhere in my book, except that Brambleclaw went to go to Fourtrees at midnight with Crowpaw, Tawnypelt, and Feathertail, because Starclan foretold that there was a great storm on the way, meaning something bad is gonna happen on the forest.

    I”ll check back in tomorrow. 🙂

  19. oh, I completely misunderstood. in my defense, there was no clue as to say that he was talking about that

  20. Waz up my peeps? Cool name, right?^^^If you don’t know who I really am, ask Will Roberts. I know we don’t have to do blogs this week, but typing is fun (and lunch is boring so just chillin’ in the library beats that)

    Well Mrs. Waites’ class is watching a movie right beside us, and its tempting not to look over. The only thibng that is keeping me from doing so is THE WRATH OF THE EVIL MISS BLOUNT!!! Just kidding…I think.

    Peace out homeslices, KEEP EATING WAFFLES!!!

  21. Hey mr mayfield this is my blog from two weeks ago

    Mon- I finished the lost hero so I started on the son of Neptune. To recap the ending of the lost hero- they all lived and defeated the giant and it was a happy ending( like most of the books I read:). The beginning of the son of Neptune starts off with the famous Percy Jackson running away from gorgons. He says that he’s killed them many times.

    Tues- he starts climbing a large hill and once he reaches the top he gets a sudden sensation that he is near where he needs to go. He starts recalling that he lost his memory and he woke up one day in the wolf house. The wolf god pupa took him in and trained him until he was strong. Then she sent him on a journey south

    Weds- at the top of the hill he hears a highway at the bottom. The hill is to steep to just climb down and he doesn’t have a sled or anything. Then one of the gorgons that’s chasing him come out of nowhere and starts looking at Percy. Percy looks at the tray of cheese and weenies in her hand(she was giving out free samples as a disguise). She always offered Percy one.

    Thurs- then the gorgons sister pops up and tells her sister that she was supposed to sneak up behind per y and kill him. She asks her sister why she can’t offer him free samples first. Them she turns to Percy and tells him that they are coated in gorgon blood. She says that the blood is poisonous.

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