march is about to get a little madder… :)

yes, wait for it… the return of the blogs!!!

yippee – fourth quarter time – it’s our time – it’s winning time – to quote bama’s strength coach that appears on the jumbotron to start the quarter:)

i hope all had a wonderful spring break – it looks i read more than i did…

“pilgrim theology” by horton – this book was what slowed my pace the previous week – thick – heavy – but a really encouraging read – obviously things i learned that i didn’t know – the encouragement was much of it was review of things i’ve been told since i was your age – one interesting note i found was the author pointed out that there are two current strains of thought in society – those that say we can reason our way to anything – and those that say we can’t know anything at all for certain

“twerp” by goldblatt – oh, i was excited when i was invited to read this one – it comes out in may – and it’s really good – i’m sure a bazillion people will compare it to wednesday wars – and do it in a good way – but this book adds some complexity that WW doesn’t have – and all through the eyes of a sixth grade boy – and for our class, it’s worth noting that it’s a highly perceptive, very gifted little sixth grade boy – read the book in a day – and i’ll be curious to get feedback when my kiddos read it

“the future” by al gore – in short, the future is dark – we’re not taking great proactive steps right now as a country to lead and solve some of the long-standing problems we have – in the environment, in banking, in democracy, in aging, in science – in a about six areas – gore outlined the problems with much thought and had interesting solutions – but on the scale of dark to light, dark book…

“teaching advanced learners in the general education classroom” by smutney and von fremd – i think this book’s title basically describes what i do:) anyway, it’s good to read books about teaching when i’m not teaching – otherwise, the students (yes, i’m talking to you anna) just make me too mad to keep reading about teaching – so this was a good break book and i have some ideas to try for the fourth nine weeks – which is what it’s all about


68 thoughts on “march is about to get a little madder… :)”

  1. and go bluejays tonight vs. duke

    (congrats on the high honor of being first to blog this nine weeks – you win the grand prize – remind me tomorrow – and as for fred, i guess we can just assume he doesn’t care about the class anymore…)

  2. What?!?! I’ve been first the past three weeks!?!? Oh wait, it’s just to make Billy feel better because he’s never been first to blog.

    I’m ok now.

  3. BOOK: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    PROMPT: Creative – The Attack of the Evil Pandas Part Twooooooooooooooooo!
    SIDE NOTES: Who says you have to “read” when you can make a 20-minute creative >:D. Fred, you will get first next week, I can see the future! BTW, Fred, if you don’t care about the class, THEN WHY YOU BLOG!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Hi, Billy, from now on I will see you everyday (not my choice).


    The Pandas were closing in on the school. We had converted the Deer, but the Pandas refused to be resonable. We even threated them with the Golden Waffle. They said some words I should not say. (Yes, I do think they were trained by Anna.) They insulted the Golden Waffle! Not even Bob could stop them at that point, I even think Emily lost control of them. They went on the dreaded Rampandage. They invaded the school, with no tactic, although most people ran, so why have a plan?
    The only thing that could stop them was… The Waffle Bird. It took us days to figure out how to get him on our side, it seemed he did not want to get involved. When he finally joined us, he stopped the Rampandage. We had finally stop the Panda Revolution.

  4. This poem goes to a friend of my family’s aunt she recently passed away and this is the poem I am going to give to the friend of the family . Hope you all enjoy it 🙂 .

    Apart of your heart is taken away but in time it will heal
    Your tears feel like razors apon your check they will soften and come less often
    There is nots and pains in your stomache it then stops and you look back at the time you spent with her and your stomache feels like you have butterflys
    You feel anger and pain then you just stop and remeber , new emotions come……better ones and a smile appearson your face
    You feel yourself looking at old photos, videos, and then memories start flooding into your head something clicks and you find yourself almost whole agian then you look up you realize she is looking down and doing the same
    When you sleep she watches and says goodnight
    When you or your family does something great she is looking down and cheering you on
    When you think about her she smiles
    She watches over your family
    Her love did not fade but grew stronger
    She waits for you and your family the day God calls you home

    ( Tell me what you think about the poem negative or positive anything is good to me ) 🙂

  5. I’m pressed for time so I’ll make this quick.

    Fun, Enjoyable,
    Reading, Blogging, Finishing,
    TV for your head,

  6. Yellow my homies! Ok this blog will blow away everything away. From Dino’s to ninjas to other, stuff…
    Ok are you ready…wait Some vewiers are advised

    Bright, it’s sunshine
    You see it throughout time,
    The Dinos’ are taken from the Dino King

    The ninjas run, when they see the sun.
    There’s no shade, they slowly fade.

    The waffle gets sunburn, as the yellow turns.
    To face the other, stuff…

    Haha tell me how you like this poem. Fred I’m sorry to say that the sun took your Dinos. And that the ninjas can’t um…Hide.

  7. Ok, (oh no) I realize I wasn’t first to blog. I would have been, but i’ve been a little, whats the word? out of it, this week (what am i talking about the week has just begun) I woke up an hour late this morning and almost missed the bus, good thing there’s this thing called running.

    All of you should be happy to know that i have in fact finished TWO books since i started 6th grade. not including anything i HAVE to read for any other subject. I finished “A view from Saturday” and “the Wednesday wars” i later figured out that “the Wednesday wars” was written by the author of a book called “ok for now” which is a great book that i read in 5th grade by the way and i differently would recommend it to anyone that likes to read big books. And just for your information over the summer before i started 6th grade i read 28 books, not because someone made me, because i wanted to. and thats only a few books away from how many books maf read over the summer (32 i think)

    I think next ill read “journey to the center of the earth”. Thats by the same person who wrote “around the world in eighty days” right? then ill get extra credit right??

    Im gonna get the book tomorrow anyway, regardless of whether i will get credit, i really want to read it. Im gonna blog about the book, but i haven’t got it yet (really sorry) so tomorrow ill just do two blogs.

    BUT!! whatd i just say
    *you answer* but
    well you’re just a little potty mouth
    lol whatever.

    but i still am going to do a poem.

    Roses are red
    violets are actually purple.
    nothing rhymes with purple,
    omg, NOTHING rhymes with purple.
    or orange.
    orange is a color.
    something probably does rhyme with color.

    you totally loved my poem right??

  8. Shelby your poem was great and beautiful but how did you manage to spell knots wrong?? Now stomach I kind of understand, but knots?? Seriously Shelby, you are not helping yourself….

  9. OMG you spelled “remember” wrong to, I think that one was just clicking the wrong keys. But “butterflies”?? REALLY?? Who spells it butterflys?? Well I guess you do…

  10. adison couch the most awesome person in the world doesnt even have time to type as much as he wants but types alot because hes that awesome says:

    i have been reading screwtape letters by C.S. Lewis and it has been good so far the sixth graders would not know what the book is about hahaha. anyways i will do my point of veiw. I really like how he adresses every topic and how this book is made from a bunch of letters and he will take a diffrent view of christianity to you and you will learn more just like i had recently read mere christianity. in the first few pages he takes a story of a man that read outside of a british museum and then he could see that he was falling away from god daily who was a sound atheist. people who put themselfs up to the questioning of an atheist is rough they will test you for days and you have to defend your god it is doable but verry challenging.

  11. Of course, I’m reading Inheritance, however, I actually read today, so here it is.

    Roran and his companions have just arrived at Aroughs, and he gives the orders Nasuada asked him to give to a man waiting for Roran to command them. Roran says that before they do any fighting, he will sleep first. The man declared that he is crazy and says that the siege will be hopeless if he sleeps. Roran says that they will follow orders or they will be whipped. This gets the man quiet. Roran goes to a tent set up for him and sleeps. He sleeps for two days and then he converses with them. I stopped at a point where they’re about to fight and are preparing.

    I will blog tomorrow, and that’s it!

    Shelby, tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. HEYYY!!!!!!!This will be my most awsomest poem ever!

    Deep down you see the real person inside you
    On the outside you have created this hard shell to protect yourself
    You wear a mask and don’t show the real you
    Your voice is weak but you are not
    Your head is hard but you are not stubern
    Your clothes blend in with other people but you stick out
    You are smart but you don’t show it you are affraid people might make fun of you
    You talk but it dose not sound like you because it isn’t you
    You hide in the dark but your true nature is not that but the oposite
    You don’t act like this around me……Why is this ?
    Do you love me ?
    Do I love you ?
    Would you love me back?
    ” Yes I would “

  13. um havent blogged in a while and dont know wuts goin on… typical. Shelby ur poem was good… with lots of spelling errors 🙂 but ur blonde so it doesn’t count. and obviously “the queen” is ann marie (it didn’t take me long to figure that out) because the blog was soooooooooooo long. nyway will ur poem was really really really good 🙂

    i am reading THE SORTA SISTERS by ummmm i forget. nyway its about this girl who sends letters to this other girl in another part of florida. they are kinda like pen pals. well they ARE pen pals. Anna is one of the girls and she is in foster care because her parents died and her relatives either were dead or already had lots of kids. She really really really really really likes her foster mom. the other girl lives with her dad who is a captian on a boat. her name is mica and her mom and dad got divorced when she was two. mica doesn’t live in a house, but as you guessed it: a boat. the girls are writing alot to each other and both know this guy ben. that is where i ended 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 i had to catch up on smiley faces

    – my very long name

  14. ok blog for tues.
    bobey i guess is who i will write about.

    Bestest friend in the world
    Orange is his favorite color
    Blue hair
    Eight hundred million pounds
    Yellow is his enemy

    i really wanted to do a random blog ok. don’t be weirded out 🙂
    recently bobey has been replaced by my new invisible pet llama bob. bob is totally awesom… ask anna. 😛

  15. Ok, (opps) i am sad to say that
    1. I didn mean to do this
    2. I forgot my math book to do my homework
    3. My bus was REALLY late today
    4. I forgot my book at my house and im in the car so i cant tead it ao i have to do two blogs for today and yesterday
    5. My book is NOT “Journey To The Center of The Earth” because the library didnt have it

  16. Crap it didnt save the rest, hopfully i did. If it didnt im going to scream! I’ll jist do my blog for today and hope the other one saved. (F.Y.I Im on my phone, thats why it didnt freakin work.)

    Anger makes you say words you regret
    Happniess makes you smile like a stupid person
    Sorrow makes you cry
    Emotions are something some people hine
    They bottle them up because if you show certain emotions you are conciderd a “wimp”
    Emotions are things that dont show sometimes
    Sometimes they do
    Heart break is also an emotion
    But thats another story

  17. Monday- I finished The Gathering. It was a really easy book and i just got it to get a book that i could finish before spring break. Now I am reading Ranger’s Apprentice because I couldn’t find the first book for The lord of the Rings. the prologue was about a man that was rebelling against the Baron with an evil army of beasts from the woods. He had already failed once but he was training the beasts for another attack. The actual book started with a boy that lived in basically an orphanage for kids who’s dads died in battle and they didn’t have a mom. Will was abandoned as a baby with a note that said his dad died in battle and that the baby’s name was Will. They took him in because it was right after the attack and the story made sense.
    Tuesday- When the kids reached fifteen in the orphanage they were assigned to a craftmaster who trained them. Will wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps, even though he never knew him. To do this he would have to be big and strong. He was a small kid, even smaller than the two girls that were his age at the orphanage. he wasn’t good at cooking or writing or anything except for hiding and climbing. He had broken into three of the four towers in the kingdom. When it was time for the craftmasters to pick their apprentices, nobody picked Will but for the first time in a while, a Ranger came. A Ranger was thought to practice magic and many people were scared of them. The ranger wrote the Baron a note and Will wanted to read it.


  18. I am here to retype the blog that my phone didnt send right (this ALWAYS happens) I am on my computer this time so I can blog as long as I want:

    Ok, (opps) i am sad to say that
    1. I didn mean to do this
    2. I forgot my math book to do my homework
    3. My bus was REALLY late today
    4. I forgot my book at my house and im in the car so i cant tead it ao i have to do two blogs for today and yesterday
    5. My book is NOT “Journey To The Center of The Earth” because the library didnt have it
    6. This blog is on my computer
    7. My blog for today already had been done (the poem that actually got saved)
    8. so now i will either retype what i had before or i will make up something totally different
    9. oh and I also have to finish my short (yeah right) story on the 5 labors of gt. can i just type it on here, ugh never mind, ill just write it.
    10. I just wanted a 10

    Hey did you guys know I have a cousin named Caleb and he looks just like Caleb (Jinright) or at least he looks like Caleb (Jinright) used to look. (Since my cousin Caleb is younger)


    Ok, the books Pathfinder (A.K.A the book that I just payed a fine for because I turned it in late a long time ago and never payed the fine for, but i did today) on the back it talks about how this guy is falling. and ya know how falling is all qick and fast and then gravity takes over and you *splat* well this guy is talking about how he is falling, but its like in slow mo i guess but everything around him is like all fast and stuff, but hes like falling slowly. And like he could move his eyes really fast and take his attention from one thing to another really fast, he couldn’t move any other part of his body. weird huh?? And then, heres the freaky part. he could see like paths out in the distance and they started thinking and turning into people. (I think hes a hippy or something)


  19. I hope you’re not mad and i hope i dont get in trouble but i =m typing my labors thing. it much faster and neater and its all 100% me. why would i copy (no ones more original than me) just wanted you to know ahead of time

  20. The End of Catching Fire

    I’m reading Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins. I’m at the end where Katniss and another girl are rolling out string for Beety’s plan to kill Enobaria and her ally by putting a wire that has electricity flowing through it into a little beach hat will electrocute the ground around and therefore kill them. She gets stabbed by he girl and then a hover craft appears and takes her but this time the hover craft is not the Capitol ‘s, it’s the head game makers and they are going back to district thirteen where they will find refuge and survive. She figures out on the ride that there is no district twelve because the Capitol burnt everything.

  21. I’m actuallly blogging with a purpose. Gotta do my last 2 journals

    The 6 labors of scholars bowl (excert)
    “Carter!” Fred shouts then turn to the evil twins and says, “Sorry we had tacos last night and Carter forgot not to eat the beans AND let his gas out once he realized what he did. When he doesn’t, he sleep-flys which is kind of like sleep walking if you eat a lot of beans.

    Thursday (when on the blog, do as everyone else does)
    My Bad Dino Poem
    Dinos are big scary creatures
    I wish I was the king of Dinos
    Nobody is tougher than a dino

    Spoiler alert: They all die eventually

  22. This is going to be a amazing poem even better than the last one (well probably not but)

    Standing alone because you don’t want to stand near me
    Not talking because you don’t want to talk to me
    Not smiling because you don’t want me to think its because of me
    Not laughing because you don’t want me to have the pleasure of seeing you laugh
    Having lonley nights just because you don’t want to spend them with me
    Not loving because you can’t love me
    Not having fun because it reminds you of me
    Not caring because I don’t care about you 🙁

  23. Yay I haven’t blogged at all so I GET TO DO IT ALL TONIT!!! Yaaayyyyy
    Since I don’t have time I’m going to do one big blog for 20 instead of 4 for 5. (Do da math, brudda!!!)
    Mon-I mean, THE blog:

    ONCE UPON A TIME, there was a raccoon zombie named Steve. Steve loved unicorns. Eating unicorns. Once Emperor Cow learned that Steve was killing all the unicorns, he freaked out and phoned bob for help. Bob refused to help because he was busy doing the 5 labors to save the western unicorns, but the eastern unicorns needed help, too. So Emperor called Annmarie next. He told her that he would keep bob away from her if she would go help the eastern unicorns with the raccoons. But the problem about steves is that they turn into cannibals if you don’t stop them soon enough. So the raccoons started eating each other and some cows. the queen went to cms in cow landia and ordered the cow children to eat the STEVES. so the kids (reluctantly) started eating the zombie raccoons, who had multiplied to CRASSY NUMBERS. The monstrous raccoons began eating cow children. It was a eat-or-be-eaten kind of thing. In the end, Annmarie killed everybody because Emily’s voodoo dolls took control of her. The world exploded. And Andrew west was mauled by a bear. The end.

  24. Yaaaay that was really about 15 minutes, not 20, so I will just do the other 5 later. Yay!!!!!!

  25. Are we having Write In The Middle this year? Is that still a thing?
    Just wondering since we haven’t really talked about it. I look forward to Write In The Middle because FOOD. And it’s a whole day to get out of school.

    Alright so while I was on my extremely interesting trip to New Orleans I read The Theory of Everything in my free time.
    I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.
    Normally with teen fiction I find them enjoyable but they are only “okay.”

    Then every once in a while it is possible that I find a REALLY good teen fiction book. There are a few out there that I am able to find every once in a while.

    The Theory of Everything was one of them.
    I agree with what you said about how it wasn’t a typical teen fiction book.
    I really liked Finny being her best friend. I want a friend like Finny because he is fabulous.

    The book was confusing in a few parts but other than it was pretty easy to follow and I really enjoyed it.

    I am currently reading a book I got on my Nook called Wondershow that my brother told me about.

    My brother doesn’t really read Teen Fiction but when he does and tells me that I should read it, it means that it is really good.

    I am only 40-ish pages in so I don’t really know how I feel about it. It skips around quite a bit so I am having a hard time following it.

    I know it’s about a girl named Portia who’s family is dead and she gets to sent with some creepy dude who only has girls be his servants.. So he isn’t a cool guy.

    That’s all I can tell you about that book so far.

    That is all

  26. So, I am back to reading no easy day and now that the seals got bin laden they are returning to base. The littlest guy, Walt, sat on bin ladens body the whole ride home. When the seals got back to base the army rangers came to pick up the body but the seals were going to see this all the way through. They proceeded to follow the rangers back to werever they went and were then debriefed. On the flight home mark popped two ambiens and went to sleep. That’s all I got so far


    Peace out homies

  27. Reading Inheritance.

    Roran and his men have made a plan, and they began to work. That’s when the chapter ended.

    Eragon and Saphira are flying to Dras Leona, and they passed Helgrind, and Eragon wants to destroy it. Then when he sees the cathedral that the priests that have gruesome customs, he wants to find the name of it so he could understand it more, but he also wants to destroy it at the same time.

    As they march into battle the next morning, Eragon realizes while looking at their poor equipment that by the time they reach Galbatorix, they’ll be more vulnerable.

    Meanwhile, back with Roran, they’re about to be attacked by cavalry and he needs to come up with a counterattack.

    That’s what I read. Unbelievable, I actually read.

  28. Wazzup my Homies, waffles, ninjas , and…others? Ok here is a blog for Tues and today.

    You have come.
    You have come back.
    A feeling of great awe I feel.
    You have won,
    So many battles,
    So many wars.
    You have returned,
    From them,
    From the war.
    You have come back for,
    Your family,
    And the world.
    But how did you make it out of,
    The dark you said surround your face.
    You said you fought.
    I beleived you.
    Why did you lie,
    Did you return to a different face?
    Why did you?
    You lied to us…

  29. Anna I do not love bob, bob is just a figment of your imagination.
    Billy if you are going to do that don’t put King Fred and Queen AnnMarie (it sounds like we’re married) put Kind Fred of dinosaurs and queen AnnMarie of waffles. Because last time i checked me and Fred weren’t married. I think he will agree. My 5 labors was pretty good, 11 sized font, times new roman, single spaced, 4 pages, if you wanted to know. But i bet you didn’t want to know, but i still wasted your time for you to read it. mwah ha ha ha ha.

    I got to page 55 in “Pathfinder”, which by the way is a total of 662 pages. I should have just put 100 pages, it makes it seem like i read way more. I actually read a lot considering i only had the car ride to soccer practice to read, and then the car ride back. I found out that guy who was falling in slow motion wasn’t a hippi, he’s a guy names Rigg. Well the story starts and Rigg and his dad are walking into the forest the set trapped to catch animals and then later on go get the animals furs from the traps they set yesterday. Well the first thing you need to know is Rigg has this special power i guess, He can see paths, and i know that just sounds lame ad confusing but let me explain. lets say im walking past the school at 5:00AM, i could be long gone and he could walk past at 7:00 and he would be able to see my footprints (my path) in probably yellow (because its more recent) he can see paths from long ways back, paths from people and things that walked before he was even born. he can even see his own path. the only path he can’t see is his fathers. well his father tells him to go get all the furs off the animals from the traps from the day before and that he needed to come back to where they were at that moment, then go find him. (some challenge or something) and Rigg is all like: how am i supposed to find you if i cant see you tracks. and hes all: well ill just step on sticks and stuff and you’l be able to find me. well when Rigg comes back he doesn’t see ANYTHING. after a long while he here’s something, i faint yelling. he follows it. when he gets to the place his dad is, he can here him close enough but he can’t see him. his dad turned out to be dying under a tree that fell and he made Rigg promise he wouldn’t go over there and see him, not now, not later. and Rigg promised. then his father told him to go stay with his mom and sister. all his life rig’s dad had told him his mother was dead (he didn’t know he ever had a sister) Rigg was all: where are they. and his dad told him to take all the furs, sell them so he would have money, then go to Nox’s place (a friend, women that they stayed with sometimes, apparently she knew where they were, and yet Rigg didn’t even know his own mother was alive) on the journey into town he has to pass over a water fall thing kind of and the only way to get across is to jump on rocks and stuff, and if you were to fall, there’s no help for you, you’re gone and dead. Well Rigg was going across (picking the best route of ricks from the previous paths, being able to tell who made it across and who didn’t, well not who but which tracks) he was almost across when he sees a femiler boy (from town) jumping from rock to rock right on the part closest to where the water goes straight down on a water fall, down into the river or lake or whatever it is (you know what im talking about) and he falls, holding on barley to a small rock. Well Rigg drops his bag of furs that are instantly carried away by the current and he jumps from rock to rick to try to save this boy he thinks he know. he falls down to make a bridge with his body in between two rocks. making sure he doesn’t fall in. this is where the slow mo thing comes in. he focuses on this one guy (all these people are from the paths, their prints turned into them and he can see what happened to them) well after riggs falls and makes the bridge the guy is still there (he knows the guy is from a long time ago and has probably already died but he looks so real. but the little boy is still there, and losing grip. by the end of it the little boy falls and dies and the other guy just vanishes. when Rigg somehow gets up without falling this older guy (about his age, 13) starts throwing rocks at him trying to knock him over and kill him. he later on figures out that, that boy who is throwing rocks was that little boys older brother, and riggs past friend. rigg later takes the back roads to Nox’s and there are people asking, we want to come in here and search to see if the kid-killer is here. rig is just outside and when they leave he slips in and hide in the pantry and waits for Nox to come in. later on Nox comes in and they both sit in there and talk (she doesn’t know about his powers) long story short she knows where his mom and sister are. and the people come back and see rigg and now nox is trying to straighten things out.

    And people thought my blogs where I just do peoms were long, if im talking about a book, and i at least read a chapter, its gonna be long

  30. Hey mr mayfield I think we will play Chelsea unless they cancel AGAIN hahaha we scared them but I am ready they keep on bragging and going cause they lost one game all year yet they played like 2. Anyways I will do a ten minute creative writing on what I think I will do this summer. I think I will sit at home playing Xbox go to baseball hitting lessons and then have to go to football training and I forgot to say ill be able to drive hahahahahAhhahhaha stay off the roads from running 😉 but other than that I will spend time at the pool and hanging out with friends it should be a great summer and I would like to run some if you would just tell me when cause I will need to.

  31. I am a force, invisible, invulnerable, untouchable. I am the king of those who have left this place forever (not the dead of course). I am a Shadow, a Ghost, a Ghoul invisible but heard all the same and these are my words for all to hear and take to heart: I am a Silent yet loud, Great yet small, A Phantom but alive…

  32. I had an amazing spring break but now I’m back in school.But that’s not what I’m talking about.i’m am reading Cirque du freak book nine killers of the beginning of the book they are running away from the vampeneze,through the sewer and are running to the road.they get up then run for the base,while they are there the cops and soldiers arrive they come up with a plan to escape .they would hop out the window and flit away , when they hop out the vampire general takes a hostage and flits away .next it was mr.cresplys turn he and Darren hops out and on landing mr.cresply hurts his leg and they get surrounded .darren is taken to jail…

  33. alright here we go, as i said in one of my earlier blogs i knew that one day there would come a time where i too would get sucked into another fanfic that im sure everyone has heard of. and yes i am referring to vampires and werewolves, here we go everyone…..Twilight. and suprisingly im liking it way more than i should,ive had it one day and two nights now and im nearly through, this is unhealthy. i am really hoping i can get the next one tomorrow because i will not be at school friday, i will be heading up north to ohio. oh and mr mayfield if your reading this, if you could pull a few strings and get me new moon (is it sad i had to google which one came next?) from the library i would pay you a million bucks-you know if i had a million bucks.

    anyway, yes, i will be spending a weekend up in ohio, where i will probably get made of for the way i talk. ohio is way too far north for me, i am completley comfortable staying right here in shelby alabama. but now i have to go freeze my butt off in ohio. its going to be an 8 hour trip! i have three books: twilight, before i fall, and pandemoniam (and then hopefully new moon) so that should keep me occupied for the first 4 hours. ugh!

  34. My, My does no one see me? I realize i’m named Phantom but do you have to ignore me? Sure I read a lot but that doesn’t mean you guys have to ignore me!

  35. Alright so I already finished that book Wonder show that I blogged about yesterday it was only about 250 pages so I read it pretty quickly.

    My brother’s favorite author is Ernest Hemingway and my brother has every single one of Hemingway’s books so when you said that we could read something by him then I figured WHY NOT GIVE IT A WHIRL?

    So I asked my brother yesterday which one I should read and he handed me The Sun Also Rises.

    So I am currently reading The Sun Also Rises.

    I always get nervous before I read a book that was not written in the 21st century because I am always scared that I won’t understand it.

    So last night at around 10 I opened up The sun also rises and I was only expecting to read a chapter or two to see if I could handle it

    And it’s actually pretty good.
    I don’t understand Hemingway.. And he doesn’t write like any other author I have ever read but it’s pretty interesting.

    The only thing I find hard to keep up with is his dialogue because it’s very fast paced and he just writes out the conversation and it is hard to know who is saying what. That’s the only problem I have had with it so far.

    So the first chapter of the book is used to describe a man named Robert Cohn so I thought that Robert Cohn was going to be the main character but no. The main character is named Jake. (that’s probably why this Hemingway book is my brother’s favorite;)

    So Hemingway spends the whole first chapter telling me all the details and life story of a person who is not even significant to the story right now.

    So Jake lives in Paris and his friend Robert is wanting to go to South America and Jake tells him no because he wants to stay right where he is at in Paris.

    Jake and a woman named Ashley Brett have a romance going on even though everyone thinks that Lady Brett is going to marry another man.

    That is pretty much all I have gotten to so far.

    That is all

  36. I read some more of the book, no easy day, which I will be readin until the end of time unless you consider that I finished it yesterday.
    All that happened was that the guy retired. So I will write a creative poem or story or both.

    My poem about expectations-
    What, you expected rhymes,
    Just because this is a poem,
    That’s like being racist against poems,
    This is something called free verse,
    No rules or guidelines like everything else,
    Now a change of subject that you didn’t expect,
    Kittens have fur and ears,
    Bears have claws and stubby tails,
    The Easter bunny is a lie,
    Santa clause is not real,
    Toilets can be multicolored,
    Showers have mildew,

  37. okay blogging for wednesday 🙂 umm i really liked everyone’s story today except billy’s b/c going out with caleb? sorry but no. nyway i think i will blog about whatever i feel like which happens to be ……. be…… be…….
    i think i will do a short story on a day in mafeld.

    A Day in Mafeld

    All the kids were working on their prompts, all except for Caleb, he was asking around for a pencil. Mafeld walks in and yells at Kaleigh.


    Then the kids start working on their poem.
    ” Umm I see some alliteration,” billy says.

    “No billy, that is ASSONANCE. Alliteration is repitition of the first letter of group of words. Okay Tucker what do you have?” mafeld says.

    “Ummm this poem is freeverse,” Tucker says kinda unsure.

    “Yes, this poem is freeverse. Anybody got anything else?” Mafeld asked.

    Nobody else had anything, so Mafeld decides to move on.

    “Turn to page 439. We will be reading the Reluctant Dragon today,” mafeld orders.

    “Can I go to the bathroom? I really really really really really really really really REALLY have to go!!!” Shelby whines.

    “My dinosaurs are hungry and when they are hungry they’re grumpy and might eat your head off,” Fred announces.

    ” I I’m already d-d-done r-reading the st-story,” Saul studders.

    “ThisstoryisreallystupidwhyarewereadingthisstoryIreallyreallyhavetogotothebathroomwhywon’tyouletmego!” Shelby um says.

    “I can’t reach the pencil sharpener. Can someone sharpen my pencil for me?” Amanda says.

    Carden says,”I have an important announcement to make: THE BIRD IS A WAFFLE!!”

    “Tucker are you aware of your library fine?” Mafeld asks.

    “No. What is it?” Tucker responds.


    “Tucker, I told you what your library fine was YESTERDAY,” Mafeld sighs.

    Shelby runs out of the room to the bathroom, then comes back to ask where it is again.

    Mafeld says, “Okay is everybody done with the Relu-”


    All the kids flood out of the room.

    “UGH another crazy day with my”gifted” kids,” Mafeld says.


  38. Wednesday- Will decided to steal the note. This tower was the Baron’s personal quarters and the only tower that Will hadn’t broken into. Will was naturally good at hiding in the middle of open fields and other places in plain sight. He used the shadows of the trees in the wind to get across the field. When he got to the base of the tower, he looked to see the guard at his post. The guard woke up and went to walk around the walls. He was coming at Will so Will went up the tower as fast as he could. He got about five meters when the guard stopped. The guard looked around but he never looked up. The guard moved on so Will kept climbing. When he reached the window, Will made sure no one was in the room. He moved to get the note and a hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed his hand.
    Thursday-There was a man that had a broken tail light. He was driving the speed limit and was taking back roads until he could get it fixed. All of a sudden a cop pulls out behind him and turns his lights on. The man pulls over The cop walks up and asks him for his license and registration, like any other ticket. The cop takes it back to his car and the man notices three white things on the cop’s back. When he looks closer, he sees that they are bullet hole and the white is the t shirt the cop is wearing under his uniform. the man speeds away and his back window is broken by bullets. That just makes the man drive faster and he is at a safe distance. He needed a new car because his tire also got busted by a bullet. He found a repair shop on the side of the road and stopped. The mechanic looked him in the eye and said that he was late, but as long as he had the cash and guns it was okay.


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