well, the BOBs are done and the reviews are in…

big thanks to Ms. Blount who gave me something productive to do during TV timeouts from yesterday’s football games… πŸ™‚

“the geeks shall inherit the earth” – this would be the book I showed you last week for dialectal journals – that the sixth grade freaked out on when they saw “bad” words later in the book – shockingly, sometimes high school kids use bad words to describe other kids – I know this came as a crushing blow to most, but I knew that – what I found interesting – I found lots interesting in the book – was that the author thought teachers were just as cliquish as the students they teach – that b/c they live in an adolescent world, they are adolescent-y – honestly, I don’t think teachers are less mature than other adults – I think lots of adults have petty fights – but I do think teachers should show a better example so the book made me question whether mr. scott and I should let other teachers sit at the cool table…

“the missing girl” – BOB – last one I finished – I put it before the Jobs book for reasons that will come below – missing girl is in a word, creepy – on the flip side, it’s a great “how to” for abducting 13 year old girls and trapping them in your house – again, creepy factor was way high – however, it did fit my BOB rule from a year or two back which was that I could stand any bad book so long as I could read it in a day – and I sped through this one – so mission accomplished and it could’ve been worse – I’ll obviously be curious what the feedback is when ya’ll read it

“steve jobs: the man who thought different” – now, this is the way to close BOB – wonderful book – sad book – jobs was highly gifted – he was a flawed genius – if we had the time, i’d love to discuss in class whether it’s better to be average – and good – in life or to be a flawed genius – I would think the answer is that it depends – but we definitely need those that are brilliant to give our daily lives a richness – I think probably all my kids should read this book – and even better (for you all), it reads quickly:)

reading goals for next week – I have a book on advanced mathematical principles and “the simpsons” – can’t wait…


55 thoughts on “well, the BOBs are done and the reviews are in…”

  1. Actually, I think the capital of Australia is Canberra, but maybe not. And I have started on my first BOB book. Good so far, yet strangely different.

  2. the capital of Australia has been imposed upon the continent by the british with it’s western views of some cities being better than others – and so therefore, the capital should be all cities because all cities are special – just like sixth graders… πŸ™‚

    simpsons’ math number fun fact no. 1 – in episode one of the series, well the regular episodes, bart is placed in a gifted school – and the math teacher has the kids solve for dy – which is r d r r – har de har har – everyone gets the joke but bart… πŸ™‚

  3. labor day shopping sales – I found three “twilight” shirts – instapoll – should I get…

    new moon with Edward and bella
    breaking dawn with Jacob
    or twilight, the original, with something about hanging with vampires???

    decisions, decisions…

    congrats fred on your major accomplishment

  4. we’re definitely counting – although, i’m not sure anyone else is – like, there was an early weather forecast this morning, but it was the totally wrong one (bright sunshine, no rain) for twilight shirt shopping

  5. I think you should get the original twilight shirt and wear it tom. And kol. I thought Sydney was the capital of Australia. And I am gonna try to read some bob books tom well after I finish red pyramid cause my mom and dad say I keep on swapping on books and not reading them. Have a AWESOME Labor day Guys! πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

  6. Matt and Derek were talking and Derek told Matt that a girl is coming over to see if Derek and his Family is a good home for frank. So Matt came up with a crazy idea to take frank out of the house and hide him so the girl will not be able to miss her flight witch leaves that night. He said she would not want to miss her flight so she could find a monkey! But Derek said no. But what they weren’t aware of was that Swifty (a guy that Matt used to be friends with and did not like Derek) was listening to there conversation. So that after noon when he was at the studio Derek got a call from Matt and Matt said he went over to his house to check on frank and he was not there!!! But then Matt and Carly (a friend of Matt and Derek) saw Swifty holding Frank and he was on his way to his dads workhouse! So Derek said meet me there in about 15 min so he got Ronnie witch was there with Derek to drive him to the warehouse and Tanya Billings came along. When they got there they barged in and saw Frank and Swifty standing there. When Swifty saw Tanya Billings he let go of the cage door and Frank ran out of it so they had to find him and when they did Frank was sitting on levels of shelves and Derek counts the number of shelves to Frank (5). when he gets Frank down he and Tanya had to get back to the studio fast. That is all I had time for today read tomorrow.

  7. I’m glad my nationality is a big issue on the blog. πŸ™‚

    Yes sixth graders- I’m Austrailian. Just ask Billy, if he doesn’t flirt with you first. πŸ™‚

  8. Ok i read Percy Jackson & the Olympians: the Sea of Monsters By Rick Riordan. In what i read in this book Percy heads to camp to find 2 pure bronze bulls that breaths fire attacking the camp therefore Kronos (The highest Titan) is behind it after convincing Hephaestus (the god of machinery) and tries to destroy the camp but when Tyson (a cyclops who found Percy and became his friend) attacks the bulls and smashes one’s snout in the other one Percy sliced with Riptide (Percy’s sword) and Clarisse (one of Ares’s [the god of war] daughters) finishes of the second bull. After that Percy goes to Chiron (a greek centaur who taut Perseus [a greek hero] and became the half-blood hill camp activities director) and finds out he has been fired. Later at dinner he meets the new director…………

    That is what i read that i can put into a summary so for now goodbye blog!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  9. BOOK: Eldest
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: I’ve got a Gameboy Advance that I use to play older Pokemon games. So far I’ve gotten through Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Gold, and Fire Red. In the DS games, I’ve gotten through Soul Silver, Black, Pearl, and Diamond. AAAAAAND… I’ve gotten off subject again, sorry.


    Once upon a time, a magical rainbow puppy could fly. The End

    Real Creative:

    I was in a dark alley. I could have attacked anyone I wanted. But I didn’t. I didn’t even think about it. Strangers walked by all the time. Guns, still working, were often dropped into dumpsters. When ever police asked me anything, I told them every thing I knew. (TBC next week)

  10. I have a question why are people getting on the blog at like 6 in the morning I think some people are a little obsessed and need to take a BREAK for a little bit * cough FRED* For actual blogging I am on to another Lois Lowry book ” Messenger” I finished the other two last week ( I know BIG shocker) and the author and the writing are very interesting. I haven’t read enough yet on the new book to properly make a blog so I am going to entertain you with a STORY!! Or as the famous Queen of waffles said ” STORY TIME”

    Once upon a time there was a duck named Dr. Quackfield the other ducks were mean to Dr.Quackfield because he was different not in the weird different like loving and being obsessed with One Direction…….wait that was a bad example but anyway you get the point he was smart not like a mouse through a maze but UBBER SMART he used big words and talked so smart and was thought so highly of by the little ducklings that the other teachers I mean DUCKS tried to DESTROY him!! Dr.Quackfield was strong well figuratively speaking πŸ™‚ anyway. Dr.Quackfield trained everyday by trained I mean ran so he could get faster and ” stronger” but the real reason was so just in case they tired anything that he could get away easily while they were a mile behind. Dr. Quackfield had a secret plan he had sixth graders around him at all time sin the classroom hallways just incase he choose them very carefully so if the the other duck did make a move he could snatch a sixth grader up and chunk them at the other ducks they would go down like bowling pins. Dr.Quackfield was such a perfectionist that he made everything PERFECT !!! The plan was bullet proof so to speak and the other ducks knew this they finally gave up and just whispered and murmured under their breath when Dr.Quackfield was given and award, sang a 1D song, was given a grant, students bragged about him, or when he wore his unethical pants to school( which everyone enjoys)
    Dedicated to the one and only Mr. Mayfield πŸ™‚

  11. Australia huh. I thought the issue would be Canada for sure, Billy don’t flirt with the sixth graders, and Fredric’s Australian I guess that explains a lot… pep rally in two days, Band has a lot to practice. Fred practice wouldn’t want you to lose your chair to Lily when she can challenge you.

  12. Totally get the one with Jacob, I know like nothing about Twilight but i just know Jacob is the way to go. So today I decided that even though I might totally fail I am going to try out for scholars bowl (hehe I spelt ” scholars” right the first time) and so yeah…I’m really good at family feud and chain reaction (and no that’s not because they show you the answers, because they don’t)

    I figured today, starting off the week (well the school week, technically) I would write a poem, since tomorrow I am going to go to the library and get myself a new book because Stowaway isn’t very good of a good. Sooooooo yeah

    Poem time(happy pre-hump day everybody):

    but not read.
    but not spoken.
    We do so many things we never let anyone see.
    That note you wrote but didn’t send,
    no one read it.
    The thoughts jumbled up in your head,
    no one heard them.
    Why do we keep stuff inside?
    Is it because we don’t want people to see,
    or is it because we’re afraid what will happen when they do?

    Yeahhhhh…..not explaining this one.

    Okay bye peeps. and if you just read my intro skipped the rest then went to here I dont care, as long as you know that i am wishing everyone a happy pre-hump day.

    *whispers* pre
    *now going all camel* HUMP DAY

  13. See Mr. Mayfield, I’m not the only person that stalks Fred, Shelby does it too. Plus, I don’t stalk him. Furthermore, Shelby stalks Fred, not me.

    Reason: she is paying attention to what time Fred blogs. Shelby has no mentioned anyone else about how early/late they blog. Thus, defining Shelby as Frederick Bonnies stalker. (Now my brain hurts)

  14. Ok so I’m still reading imaginalis by J.M. DeMatteis and Mehera is getting these weird text messages from UNSYS and it popped up from UNSYS but Mehera looks in her contacts but she doesn’t have a name set as UNSYS. But her and her best friend Celeste are thinking its this weird kid that has a crush on Mehera and he is all into this technical stuff so they are thinking he got Mehera’s phone when she wasn’t looking and did something to it. So they have this plan! They are going to text UNSYS back and if it really is this kid the he will pick up his phone and text back! The girls were watching the kid on every breathe, laugh, twitch, blink, the kid made. Well Mehera got a text back but Andrew wasn’t the one who had texted them because he didn’t move! Well that’s all I’ve read so far and I can’t find my journals so I’m gone have to come up with something

  15. Creative-
    The Wizard of Odd
    Once upon a time in Dino Land there lived a lonely orphan named, Amanda. Well one day there was a terrible tornado, and it spun Amanda’s box around and around until Amanda fell and hit her head.
    “I don’t think I’m in Dino Land anymore.” Amanda said as she stood up.
    “Your not,” announced Harry riding up on his broom stick, “your at Fredwarts, The School of Ha, Ha, and In Your Face. Come on I’ll show you around.”
    On their trip Amanda knocked over some pretty important stuff, so she had to report to Dr. Mafield, the head ha, ha at the school.
    “Dr. Mafield,” Harry said, “I found this orphan outside and I was showing her around, but she broke your Magical One Direction statues.”
    “What!” Exclaimed Dr. Mafield, “how dare you destroy my statues.”
    Amanda shocked by his anger then replied, “Can’t you just fix them with magic or something?”
    As you can tell Amanda’s not the brightest orphan in the cardboard box.
    “No I can’t.” Mafield said.
    “How come?” Amanda asked.
    “Because to make them you have to carve the statues by getting Harry Styles to sing, That’s what makes you beautiful, oh, oh, and I can’t do that so get out.” Dr. Mafield commanded.
    “Can I come to the school?” Amanda asked.
    “You, you want to come to the school…

  16. I have made progress in the book but its still not enough its one of those books that starts to get good towards the end so it makes it difficult to read a substantial amount at one time. SHOUT OUT to MR.MAYFIELD story time was really great today with the box and orphan child. I am going to do a POEM that’s right you all can benefit from reading my poetry not to brag:)

    Writing is a passion
    You are driven to make it perfect
    Every word comes naturally
    Every letter fits like a puzzle

  17. taking things to the extreme to make your writing be noticed
    shifting in your seat anxious for your turn
    thriving for the perfect word
    You can’t stop writing even if you r arm is about to fall off
    Writing isn’t something you dread to do its is something you make come a live and jump of the page
    You want to make people laugh and jump to see there reactions
    You study hard to make your writing amazing
    You want people to not be able to tear their eyes away
    You are starving for some one to give you advice one how to fix and tweak to make it unbelievable
    Hope that your work will be noticed and appreciated
    You know that it will develop and you will be Stunning

  18. Shelby – awesome work – per usual – just to shout out and all… πŸ™‚

    Sidney, I tried to give you many papers today – my sixth grade peeps kept telling me you weren’t there…

  19. Yay! Pep rally tomorrow. All 7th graders: please, when it is our turn to try to win the giant megaphone thingy, please try you’re hardest. If you don’t that is okay because I will not be able to scream/shout because I will be with the fellow band. (When I say it’s okay not to try, I actually mean that you must try or I will get my orphan and all of the other band people to hunt you down and I will make you listen to Mr. Mayfield sing One Direction for hours, but if you like One Direction or Mr. Mayfield’s singing, then I will watch you suffer as the poor orphan Amanda sings any song I choose) HAVE A GREAT DAY

  20. When Derek and Tanya Billings got back to the Studio Derek did his last stunt and failed over and over again so when he and Tony had a supportive talk Derek found the courage to do it right and he did it perfectly. Then the next day at school all Derek could think about was a girl coming over to see if they were the right family for Frank. When he got home he waited and waited for the woman to arrive finally she got there and they had a long discussion and the woman said she would give them a call tomorrow and the next day the woman call and said they could keep Frank but she wanted to have one last talk with Frank.

  21. Tuesday- I finished The Enemy and it ended different than most books. It didn’t really have an ending, like the author just decided it was over and so it was over. There wasn’t an epilogue to explain what happened after the disaster or how the world was rebuilt. The Enemy ended with Sam escaping with the Kid, and some kids that lived in the London tower took them in. They promised to eventually reunite Sam with his sister and all of the kids from Waitrose, but the kids keep moving and he has no way to find them. Sophie, the girl that shot Arran, told Maggie that her people were leaving because they didn’t want someone to boss them unless he or she was a good person. Maggie decided that her group needed to leave too. Archilleous used a can of spray paint and wrote Freak Lives on a statue at Buckingham Palace and signed it Akky-Deaky. Freak wrote Arran lives and signed it Freaky-Deaky when Arran died, Freaky-Deaky being the tag him and Deak used when they were still vandalizing things.
    Wednesday-Now I am reading The Old Willis Place by Mary Downing Hahn. On the cover it looks like something out of a horror movie with a girl and two ghosts. By the first couple of chapters, it is more of a light-hearted story about a brother and sister who are ghosts. The brother and sister live in the shed of an old abandoned house that the county owns and they send people out to live in a trailer behind the house. So far all of them have quit because the ghosts mess with them and the previous owner of the house died inside and stayed for a week until someone found her. A new girl moves in with her single dad and the girl senses the two ghosts in the woods watching her somehow. The ghosts steal her bike and wreck it, and the people call the cops. They say that there are some teenagers that like to come and steal from the house so the ghosts get away with it.
    Thursday-Creative- Sitting at a bar, a drunk man comes up and sits next to me, thinking that i am his friend. He decides that I needed to know “the truth” about what he did. i have no idea what he did or anything else that he says, mainly because I can’t understand his slurred words. He starts to confess about how he hated one of his coworkers and how he overreacted to his anger, all of those things. I told him that it was probably fine, that he just had to ask the person to forgive him, because a drunk will just argue with you until you listen to his story. I knew this from experience. i spent a lot of time in bars undercover because most criminals go to a bar at least once a week. Then he told me that he burned the body, but when that didn’t work he put it in concrete and threw it over the bridge.


  22. HUMP DAY!!! What what! Pep rally tommorrow, so excited! But Billy don’t try to flirt with the sixth graders tommorrow, I will know. TRUMPETS ASSEMBLE!!! make the right choice, join the band… OR ELSE! orphans beware of Grigsby…

  23. Hey yall, what’s up?? I got a new book today called “Deadly, how do you catch an invisible killer?’

    I like the beginning of the story, the first part of the book says (and yes I am about to type it)

    “I know that one day I won’t be on this Earth anymore. A world without the physical me-what will that look like? I’ll seep down into the soil, become a plant, a tree; I’ll be falling leaves, yellow, crunching under a child’s feet until I am dust. Nothing. Gone”

    I don’t know why I like that from the book (I guess today I am doing that thing we did in class about the quotes from the book and how we feel about them) I guess I just like it because it’s telling the cold hard truth, when you die, your dead. You dont become anything (well, an angel, but beyond the point) you’re just dead. You are nothing anymore.

    (More quotes I guess)

    “I want to be able to go somewhere and do something important and return home in the evening with soft bills in hand. Is it foolish to want a different type of job than Mrs. Browning trains us for, something more, something bigger than myself? Truthfully, I hunger for a job that’s meaningful”

    I like this because she is pretty much saying: I want to be able to do something great. I want to be able to do a job that means something, not one I do just because I need/want the money.

    Yeah okay, I will blog better tomorrow, I have to get on to the story we are writing in your class.

    Twilight: Breaking Dawn –> Twila: Killing Dawn

  24. Right now, I’m going to do a creative poem, the nlater reflect on what I’ve read this week.

    The Grind

    Luck is the backbone for people who believe winning can happen as as accident. Sweat on the other hand, is for those who know its a chioce.
    Football is a test.
    A test of dedication.
    If you cant perform through the grind, you might as well hang up ypur helmet.
    100% isn’t just for special occasions, its for the whole season, on and off of the field.
    All day,
    every day.

  25. I’m done with hells guest but I really wish that it was a series because it is so interesting you just want to read more, and plus the library doesn’t have any books like hells guest and I’m not gonna tell the ending but I did find another book called chasing Lincoln’s killer because I’ve heard it’s good from several people, okay back to blogging. Well I just started it and its talking about John Booth and why he hates Lincoln so much. It tells about how John Wilkes booth was a famous actor and how he hated the segregation by the civil war and he blames it mostly on Lincoln. He goes to get his mail and finds some information that shouldn’t have fallen into Wilkes hands. He finds out that Lincoln is coming to his town in a theater right by him. The book say that he had been waiting for this moment but he didn’t think it was going to be simple, because first of all he’d have to Hunt him down then he’d have to do the dirty work, but now it’s 50 percent better chances because he has Lincoln basically coming to him, we’ll that is as far as i got and fifteen minutes . Later!

  26. Why did that person have to create the commercial that started the whole “Hump Day “mishap. I finished the book messenger today and its was a bummer at the end the kid dies and you were routing for him the whole time so your basically like willing for the book to change but then back to reality you get odd looks from people in your lunch class and you don’t realize that you look like a total weirdo talking to a book closing your eyes then opening then after that it is to late ( ahhh Nightmares) I am reading another book by the same author “Lois Lowry” I don’t quite understand my new book fully but I am working on it. POETRY TIME dundundun!!!!!

    If you look closely you can see

    Life is a circle or a web some might call it
    You hear the saying life is short it really isn’t
    It all depends on how you live it
    The saying live life to the fullest it isn’t true because people are different so are their views, standards, etc.
    One can’t live life to the fullest to do so you must accommodate for all the good and bad they have done and even then you still can’t
    The average human starts to lie at age three to four we can’t help it do that is in are nature “we are only human”
    We apologize and then turn back around and d o things again
    People act different than they are with other people like they live two or three different worlds with each set of friends
    People can name the artist of a song and can remember millions of lyrics but not many can quote Shakespeare let alone scripture
    People act out to get attention they do things to fit in
    “You can’t have your cake and eat it to”
    Next time your at a football game, church, school, etc. don’t interact stand back and watch what people do when they think no one is watching you will be amazed it can be as simple as hearing things in the hallway at PE stop and look closely


  27. Today The first thing he did in class was read outloud an S.A. tat he had wrote on a book. When the others give their reports Derek sits at his desk and looks at the picture he had taken of Bodi and Frank. After that in Ms. Decker’s clas he daydreams of himself and Tanya getting out of a limo and going to the premere of the movie. They ate lots and lots of free popcorn and there was a make your own suday bar and people were beging for their autographs. When a series of coughs brings him back to reality. It was carly when he looks at her she hand him a note that reads “Stop Grilling!” But all of the sudden Ms. Decker standing beside his desk and says, “What do you think Derek?” And he Says, “Uhm…a monkey?” she says, “No, I’m afraid the person who invented the polio vaccine was not a monkey.” He shugs lets someone else find an answer and thinks to himself, It’s fine, because my limo awaits.

    That was the end of my first blog book!!!!!! πŸ™‚

  28. BOOK: Eldest
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: There was no allusion with the Golden Waffle. It was talking about AnnMarie and the Waffle Kingdom.


    Once a upon a time, there was a fire. This fire’s name was Flame. Flame loved to burn. Burning was his life. He never enjoyed anything more than burning. One day, he stopped burning. He couldn’t do it. He needed to fill a hole in his core. He tried freezing with his friend, Hail (nearly killed Hail). He tried falling with his friend, Droplet (resulting in about 50 causalities). He even tried standing with his friend, Rock (burned a guy’s foot). Nothing filled it. His friends gathered everything burnable they could think of. They told Flame to jump on it. It suddenly sparked. The resulting fire flickered and disappeared. Flame was even more discouraged than before. Flame left the room with his head down. Flame suddenly felt power. He dashed back into the room. He saw a fire burning on the wood. He looked around and saw Hail afraid in a corner. Rock was reassuring Hail that he was safe. Flame jumped into the fire, and a face appeared, it was Flame’s.

  29. I am on my phone not my computer so i have to have a short blog, meaning a poem, sorry. Hehe I finished my story today, Twila: Killing Dawn. Hehe get it?? Instead of, Twilight: Breaking Dawn


    Can’t life just be easier?
    Just, a few things need to change.
    Make things less hard, less confusing.
    Life is made to not be perfect,
    But it’d be better if it was close.
    But whatever

    Yeah, can’t wait to read my story tomorrow, unless i cant, thats fine too

  30. so, whattup ya’ll? just poppin’ in to do some bloggin’!

    hey, it rhymes. heh, heh. πŸ™‚

    so, i’m still on HUNGER, and this kid named E.Z. got eaten by a shark-worm, which is a mutated form of a worm. since the FAYZ, animals have been mutating, like seagulls with talons and rattlesnakes with wings. and a couple of days ago, i actually found out the GONE series is supposed to be a horror series, but it doesn’t seem that scary. it’s definentally sad, though, with a hint of romance. πŸ™‚

    anyway, here’s my creative for the week.

    “The Return of The Groom, The Father, and the Artist”
    ~by Blue~

    The end is nearing,
    so don’t ask why.
    Take this hand,
    please don’t cry.

    What’s wrong with this world?

    Are we turnig into victims.
    We are victims
    of the Darkness.

    He stands waiting,
    She stands,
    but turns away.

    She is unforgiving,
    but He sacrifices life
    just to see her again.

    The Artist paints a picture
    but We trash His

    It is a

    He is coming.

    How dare the Bride
    refuse her Groom?

    yeah, a little bit about this poem; i thought about how ugly and hateful and trashed this world is. and i also thought about us, and the return of God (perfect poem!).

    i might post this again next week, plus another poem, so, just a heads up. πŸ™‚

    see ya! πŸ™‚

  31. valentine took the mortal cup back to his base to began the shadow hunter blood ritual,he was going ti gather kids and make them drink from the cup most of them wont survive. clary woke up from her concussion and found herself in a jail cell and Luke,Lucian, said that he was a werewolf and was here to fight valentine.clary said she had to go to and she came back to the institute where she saw Isabella and Alec trying to clean up the curse.she and luke went to find her mother and jace trapped by valentine . they arrive at the island and head on end ,and after a bit of fighting she finds her mother and goes to the weapon room to find an axe to chop the chain and finds jace ….. and valentine . valentine tells her to sit and she refused so he just “dropped the bomb on her” he was her father. Even i was surprised by this.

  32. Hey Im blogging for 2day and yesterday.
    WEDNESDAY————————————————————————Feeling the cold wind nip at her cheeks and her nose as she ran on the cold december morning, Colleen was running after the mysterious boy who had run away from her approach to him. She was tired and aching but she pressed on. Finally the boy stopped and rested for awhile thinking he had lost Colleen. Panting, Colleen asked the boy why he was running from her. Whithout delay, the boy started running again. Colleen was too tired to chase after the boy some more so she just turned and went home. She decided to keep watch for the boy once more.

    THURSDAY———————————————————————–Colleen was reading a book called GREAT EXPECTATIONS when she caught a glimpse of the same boy that she chased two nights ago. She quickly jumped up and sprinted out the door. After a while of running, Colleen finally caught up to the boy. The boy kept running though. He started to zigzag around a parking lot, then he turned a corner, and ran around an old house 3 times where he finally succeeded in losing Colleen’s trail. Once again Colleen gave up and walked home feeling defeated. Walking home, Colleen had a brilliant idea for her next chase.

    goodnite everybody πŸ™‚

  33. Book: The Missing Girl
    Author: Norma Fox Mazer
    Side Note: I like what “Keaton (king of turtles)” does with the blogging journal thing so I am going to try it out. Hey Mr. Mayfield I need to talk to you when I see you tom.

    Getting to business: The Missing Girl is about these girls named Beauty, Autumn, Fancy, and Faithful. (oops Stevie I mean) Well Beauty signs all of the permission slips, the excuses, etc.. This man is watching them. There every move. Well there father fell of the roof and hurt his back and there mom is a drugaddict and fat. Well Autumn counselor stops her in the hall and says that she failed her last to spelling test. She wants her to keep a “journal” on everything she does.
    Side notes: Well that’s all in that book that I have read so far hope you enjoy and I really need to talk to Mr. Mayfield tom. πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ Have a good Day!

  34. Mayfield, please (x 1000) don’t do that, it’s not you. I unfortunately finished my last book I was reading and forgot to my new book in the car at the Columbiana Massacre, I mean Football game, against Helena(?). So, that’s all I got. Wait, almost forgot… TRUMPETS ASSEMBLE!!!

  35. WEll, this is gonna be a doozie of a blog, 15 solid min. I did five during lunch, but the football game that I got to play in but also got our butts kicked in, has forced me to blogging at this time.

    Today, I read some more on the book Summer Ball by Mike Lupica. By the way, if youre interested in great fiction sports books, Lupica is the one.

    Danny Walker, is still at the “Right Way” basketball camp and he is still enduring tough coaching from coach Ed Powers from Providence College. Danny has been competing the whole camp with Rasheed Hill, Danny’s opponent in the travel championship in North Carolina. Coach Powers has told the group that the ball is Rasheed’s, and has really picked a favorite with him. However, Coach Powers dislikes Danny for the “last minute” decision his father made to go to Syracuse instead of Providence. Richie Walker claims it wasn’t late, but Coach Powers disagrees.

    Danny’s stay hasn’t just been about basketball, he’s also strived to make friends and encourage a sixth grader named Zach, who reminds Danny alot of himself. Zach has been feeling down the whole camp, and Danny tries to cheer him up. Danny met Zach in his cabin after being unable to bunk with his best friends.

    The campus of the “Right Way” camp is HUGE. They have courts used for pickup games everywhere, and have a HUGE collusium that had a wall that is a huge sliding glass door opening to the amazing view.

    A particular counselor, his name is Nick, is pictured as Coach McLaran in my brain…

    Im done peeps!

  36. I read that book, not recently but i remember that it was a good book. Shocker for Mafeld i actually put a decent block or 2 on somebody and i still dislike the sixth grader because i didnt hear any hooping and hollering for me, just polite clapping.

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