if rach(a)el spells her own name wrong, can fred kidnap the right person???

ah, sundays… šŸ™‚

“to be a runner” – national news writer, current cross country coach, wrote a great book two years ago about the lessons we learn as runners – he tried to make the book appeal to a larger audience in that he said your “running” could be like “marching band” – aka, some other activity that you have to work at – that claim was a bit of a stretch though – people aren’t going to read it unless they run – so the book’s audience will always be small – and all activities aren’t the same – of course, maybe my metaphorical thinking is off…

“grave mercy” – ah, the book I told several classes about:) first, it’s a high school BOB – I just think I have to explain why I end up reading 500-page romance books about young girls who leave their convent to kill men – except when they fall in love – and then the guy gets poisoned – then, they have to unravel the French plot to overthrow their empire and save the princess so that they can leave the convent and marry their love – whom they rescue by kissing the poison out (that’s some kiss…) I guess from this book, to do a journal, I would tell the book from the guy’s POV – and learn how he can get such a great girl – in that way, this book could’ve saved my dating life:)

“rising tide: joe Namath, bear Bryant, and Dixie’s last quarter” – story of the 1962-64 Alabama football teams – and its quarterback joe Namath – and coach bear Bryant – and how that team and that player lived through a rather tough stretch in our state – as many books as I’ve read about Alabama football, I still actually enjoyed this book – I was leery going in – if you ask me to read a book about teaching sixth grade, i’d be like “why? I already know everything and you’ll just make me mad b/c the author’s won’t” – but in this case, the authors did a great job – and, as always with civil rights, I could go back and talk to my parents – who lived through Tuscaloosa and Columbiana’s 1960s

happy return to writing

94 thoughts on “if rach(a)el spells her own name wrong, can fred kidnap the right person???”

  1. fred, you totally can start being first if you’ll kidnap her – pretty please, for the team???

    oh, forgot – anyone know what machi tape is??? I bought some with 1D on it yesterday:)

  2. Iā€™m not sure who to kidnapā€¦. Rachel has been first way more than Nicole, but Nicole hurt my feelings.

    I ask the people of the blog to give me the answer: RACHEL OR NICOLE??

  3. Ok! Here is the current vote!!!!

    Rechal: 1
    Rachel: 0
    Nicole: 0

    I only asked to vote from twoā€¦.

  4. I guess everyone forgot about little ol me Huh?

    well, this little blog should rekindle your long lost love for all of my very original creative stories that made you laugh cry and appreciate me that much more.

    Well, i miss it to, but thanks to my lack of wifi ( im doing this at the library)
    i would still be making everyone laugh cry and appreciate my that much more.


  5. You know, all you guys are doing is giving me more ways to spell my name. Fred, I want to do scholars bowl…but, you can kidnap me as long as I’m allowed to have my purple pen and a notebook.

  6. I think you should kidnap all three. Rechal, Rachel and, Nicole.

    Right now i am reading “Story Time” by Edward Bloor. It is a very good book, it is about these two kids who start going to this school and this weird stuff stats happening (well weird stuff had already been happening but no one had noticed till now cause it wasnt as bad i guess), people start getting possessed by demons (pogo, one of the people call the demon “Jack’)

    It is a really good book and right now i am on page 353 out of 424. YAY!! But im recomending it to bailey, which means its really good because me and bailey always recomend books for eachother and then we read them. so yeah.

    I quote from Will. Go 1st block!!!

    BYE!!! We’re gonna go pick up my aunt from the airport

  7. I am reading a book its not a library book but while I was looking for the book Mr. Mayfield recommended I found this one.

    ” Shakespeare’s sonnets and poems”

    ” From fairest creatures we desire increase,
    that thereby beauty’s rose might never die,
    but, as the riper should by time decease,
    his tender heir might bear his memory.
    But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes ,
    Feed’st thy light’s flame with self-substantial fuel,
    making a famine where abundance lies,
    Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
    Thou that art now the world’s fresh ornament
    And only herald to the gaudy spring
    Within thine own bud buriest thy content
    And, tender churl, Mak’st waste in niggarding.
    Pity the world, or else this glutton be-
    to eat the world’s due, by the grave and thee.

    If I actually got this sonnet than its about the shortness of life.
    Aslo I think this poem is directed to a person like they are telling them something I forgot the lit. term for it…..
    This sonnet also says that time and death can and will destroy the most beautiful of living things and the only way for this beauty to last is to reproduce so to say and the and I think the couple of lines are like responses of some kind I just don’t know what to…. ANY HELP !!!!!


  8. Well, I respect people on Scholarā€™s Bowl, so youā€™re free. It seems like my kidnapping victim is Nicole!!!!

  9. okay. down to REASONABLE things. this week i have n’y even impreved my spelling (thanks to not looking up whole typingf), that and I had tp skip morest of the book to get to a more important little skill/techniqe. so instead of pg 38, i’m on pg 43.

    understanding thesise and support (2nd block)
    okay, if you have a fiv paragraph essay, then you need to have a thesis inthe introductary paragraph (duh), and support for the tesis in EVERY sentence.

    this one seems kind of short so ill try to get a longer, important (not really), skill to cover.


  10. And find music to play on my alto. If anything, I’m starting to get good. Good enough to challenge claire and take my rightful place as 3rd chair. I just wonder what to use agenst her……..(pondering, pondering, podering)…

  11. I think you should kidnap all of them.
    Nicole is mean to me
    Rechal can not spell her name
    Rachel is first every time

  12. Autumn woke up and saw out of the corner of her eye Fancy .She found your notebook. You wrote in it last night and forgot to hide it! NOW FANCY HAS IT!!! Autumn said, ā€œDonā€™t you read that!ā€ Then Fancy backs up and has a look on her face that says I am confused and I am not doing anything wrong. Then Fancy says, ā€œDid you get this cute notebook for me? I love it!ā€ Then Autumn has had enough, and jumps out of bed and says in a stern voice, ā€œGIVE ME MY NOTEBOOK BACK FANCYā€ She swishes it away and then Autumn wants to scream and yell at Fancy but she doesnā€™t because Fancy is special needs. So if she did mom would come in and make you give the notebook and not even let you tell your side of the story! Finally they make a deal that makes Autumn have to tell Fancy a story at night.
    That is all for today read tomorrow!



    sitting in her lonely box, the orphan child cries in dispair.
    she has no one.
    no one to care for her.
    the poor girl is always alone.
    she draws pretty pony pictures to keep her company.
    but is always going to be sad.
    she is
    a lonely orphan.
    all alone.

    YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! that was my depressing peom of the day! anyway right now I am working on my 1D birthday party plans!
    And I will end on an important note…. GO ORPHANS!!!!

  14. hey what is for red ribbon week 2morrow, and all the days after that, I forgot.

  15. I should kidnap all of them and get them out of my way….

    Just wait…. (Nicole, Rechal, and Rachel) Enjoy your last hours of sunlight….

  16. Iā€™m glad I scare you, thatā€™s part of being a kidnapper isnā€™t it???

    Iā€™m back in the journaling business, and let me just say I have read, and read, and read. Itā€™s only the second day in the nine weeks and Iā€™ve already read a thousand pages. Pretty impressive in my opinion, seeing as it took me six months to read almost all of the Inheritance Cycle. I still havenā€™t finished Inheritance yet. Perhaps on a rainy dayā€¦

    Ok, so to make up for yesterday, Iā€™m going to do a creative and a brief overview of what Iā€™ve read over the weekend and this week so far.

    Torn- The fourth book in the Missing Series. By far my favorite. Jonah and Katherine are sent to the 1600s, on Henry Hudsonā€™s ship, and when the mutiny takes place, time messes up, due to a man named Second, a time traveler from the future who messed up time by manipulating past people into doing what he wishes. In this case he created a Northwest Passage so Henry Hudson will find what he was looking for, and time could fall apart.

    Middle School: How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli, and Snake Hill- Great read. A picture book mostly. However, itā€™s the fourth book in the Middle School series, and Rafe is sent to summer camp that has four hours of school everyday because of his dreadful school performance. At this camp areā€¦ you guessed it: bullies, broccoli, and Snake Hill. I will stop here because this series is amazing and I donā€™t want to spoil it for you.

    Ok. Now for my creative, I will be doing a poem of course. Iā€™m almost positive you missed my poems, the ones that were so heart filled and dinosaur-ish.

    Sixth Grade

    Donā€™t you remember sixth grade?
    Being the smallest, being the ones
    that no one noticed? (Probably because we
    were so small)

    The ones that no one took seriously?
    The ones that couldnā€™t do anything?
    Like join a sports team
    Or be in the upper middle school band
    Or even stay the longest at the dances?

    The ones with no freedoms, the ones with no
    spirit, the ones that were too shy to do anything.
    Oh, donā€™t you remember sixth grade?

    What a masterpiece.

    Iā€™m sorry if I crushed any sixth grade spirits out thereā€¦..

    Let me know who made Scholarā€™s Bowl (sixth and eighth grade)


  17. “My Sixth Grade Stalking Ways”
    By Mafeld

    People say you’re tiny,

    How very untrue…

    You see…
    I need you for my grand

    the plan to rule the world
    begins with you

    and so I wait

    I watch and I wait
    for the time to
    spring forth this fall,
    forever entrapping
    you with

    and his dinosaurs.

  18. today i have other priorities so ill make this short

    developing a thesis Like we’ve never done that)
    thesis statement-you clame in the arguement.
    allong with what i said yesterday, there need to be a lot of detail in the thesis statement and supporting the thesis.

    the book really doesn’t go into much more details so there’s not much more to say.

  19. Fancy

    Iā€™m so mad! It is all mommiesā€™ fault! She is like, ā€œLater maybe you can go to the store and buy candy, and then maybe go to the park with your sister Autumn.ā€ She is worried about everything, and then later she says, ā€œMaybe not the park because I am worried that you will get your feet wet and get a cold, and you know I can not afford another trip to the doctor!ā€ (That is because last year I got my feet wet and I got pneumonia.) Every day she says, ā€œDonā€™t just run across the street, look both ways! Donā€™t go in the woods! Donā€™t talk to strangers! Donā€™t eat too much candy! Donā€™t go out without your boots! Did you do all your work at school today?! Donā€™t forget to brush your teeth!ā€ (She is sooo annoying, ā€œDONā€™T DONā€™T DONā€™T!!! I AM SOOO TIRED OF HER SAYING DONā€™T!!!)
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  20. Hello fellow geeks, and nerds ( not really) I will be your host this evening. Another Shakespeare’s sonnets.

    When forty winters shall besiege thy brow
    And dig deep trenches in thy beauty’s field ,
    Thy youth’s proud livery, so gazed on now,
    Will be a tattered weed of small worth held.
    Then being asked where all thy lusty days,
    to say wthin thine own dee[-sunken eyes
    were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise.
    How much more praise deserved thy beauty’s use
    If thou couldst answer ‘ This fair child of mine
    Shall sum my count and make my old excuse,”
    Proving his beauty by succession thine.
    This were to be new made when thou art old
    And see thy blood warm when thou feel’st it cold.

    In this sonnet I think it is supposed to address some one like a response to something.
    It might have juxtaposition because it talks about two different futures one where this person died lonely and the other were he died but had a son and I know this poem has something to do with the beauty of youth and the other thing is how time can damage not only in beauty but in the management of time and how when you get old it is treasured but when your young and heince youthfulness you just take it for granted

  21. 1st blog ever BABY!!!!

    Baseball is my favorite sport
    You leave practice in dirty shorts
    Blood, Sweat ,Tears is the name of the game
    When you step on the field your as fierce as ever
    Your mind is set to play
    You hit the ball with all your might
    And watch it fly to the sky
    While everyone screams Goodbye!!
    1,2,3 your out
    Then you go and pout
    Baseball, Baseball, Baseball
    As good as it can be

  22. Monday- I finished The Graveyard Book so I’m reading Death Run by Jack Higgins with Justin Richards. We looked through the old yearbooks today at lunch and saw Mr. Mayfield with long hair. So in Death Run two kids live with their dad after their mom dies and he is a secret service-type person for England. The book starts with the twin brother and sister going on a vacation with their dad. They have to take a detour because their dad got the tickets and vacation free because Mr. Chance, their dad, had to kidnap/save a man with half of Chance’s boss’s bank account numbers. Chance’s daughter doesn’t want him to smoke or drink or gamble anymore because that’s all he did when his wife was alive. He saved the guy and broke him out of a casino and got him to a limo shuttle away from the casino. Then the Chances go on their vacation where they run into more trouble. A mob is after Chance and they follow him. Him and his kids split up hoping that the guys would follow Chance instead of his kids.
    Tuesday- The kids go back to the hotel room where the mob guys are waiting for Chance to come back, but instead Rich, the brother twin, gets kidnapped and put in an old theater. He is put on the stage and his sister, Jade, follows the car and breaks into the theater to see what they did to Rich. He is tied up on the stage so she texts her dad and helps him find the place. Chance distracts most of the guys and all of them except one run outside to see who vandalized their car. Chance runs around to the back door while Jade climbs over to a curtain. She slides off and down it to drop kick the one mob guy left. She takes him down and frees Rich, and they find their way out of the theater through the back door, where they meet up with their dad. After that they run to a canal and jump in a gondola since the mob guys are following them. They pay the driver to row as fast as he can and they jump off before they reach two mob guys waiting for them on the bridge.


  23. so fred. when r u kindnapping reycheall? anyway!!!


    hot sweaty
    see you at the pool
    snowball fights coats and boots

    i think that is a peom but ya know im not sure. WELL G’BYE AND GOOOOOOOOO ORPHANS!!!!!!!!!!! šŸ™‚

  24. Alright, I’m going to tell you about my current readings.
    Rigth now, I’m reading the book after Eagle Strike in the Alex Rider Adventures series, Scorpia. Before Yassen Gregorovich died on Air Force One, he told Alex to find Scorpia, after alex questioned him. In Scorpia, Alex and his friend Tom were traveling to Naples to visit Tom’s brother. On the way, they stopped in Venice, where Scorpia is located. Currently, Alex is entering the “Widow’s Palace” after seeing a boat with a giant silver scorpion on the side stop there.

    That’s where I am, I’ll do a creative blog later.

  25. Amanda, if you write a poem called Seasons, then you have to include Fall and Spring. Otherwise, that would be ā€œseasonistā€

    Today is going to be a short/long blog, mainly because there is not a lot to write about on my new book, ā€œWhere Did You See Her Last?ā€ Which is by Lemony Snickett, and is the second book in his series, which I think is called ā€œAll the Wrong Questions.ā€

    So anyway, in this second book, the main character (Lemony) is an apprentice to one of the worst detectives in the area. Lemony chooses her to be apprenticed to because he believes he can help her. So, Lemony and his chaperone get a case, about a missing girl who is from one of the wealthiest families in the town, a town called Stainā€™d-by-the-Sea. They go to the missing girlā€™s house, where her parents are in shock and the mistresses are the ones who are crying over her disappearance. The detectives investigate the bedroom of the girl, and find some clues, such as a blank piece of paper with writing indentions on it, as if written in secret ink.

    That was all I was able to read today, I will be back on tomorrow to wrap up this week of blogging, where there is a chance I may have the book finished. Anything is possible with my reading skills back. šŸ™‚

    Hope you had a great Hump Day.


  26. yeah! now in chapter 3 in the clledge pattern book. now skipping capter 3.
    okay i want to try and stay within this chapter. so i’ll just do one on “eliminating awkward phrasing”.

    nice i pick one that sounds reasonable, and the book shows me up again. fine.
    in awkward frasing, you basicly find any thing that sounds weird when you yourself reads it. it should sound fluid and smooth whithout having to rephrase the sentance when prasenting

  27. shut the blinds and lock the door, Blue Hood is in the house!

    okay, was that cheesy or what? šŸ™‚

    anyways…..i have gone through, like, what, four books….? since i last blogged. i am on the FINAL (yes, final) book of the GONE series (HOW DO YA LIKE ME NOW, SUCKERS!?). i find it odd how i can go through a novel about five inches thick in less than a week, +/- (more or less).

    anyways, the last book is about the FAYZ wall itself, basically. there is a black stain on the wall, and it keeps moving upward at an alarming rate. Caine is back from the Brattle-Chance Island, and WAS ruling the Perdido Beach area until this sick, twisted girl named Penny gave him some sleeping medicine and encased his hands in cement. and then, for a mock, she made a tin foil crown and stapled — yes, stapled — it to his own head. creepy, right (speaking of creepy, i’m gonna be a NYAN CAT for Halloween)? Penny has the mutation of being able to make you hallucinate. if you want an example, she actually made a kid tear his own EYES out, and made him think his wrist veins were Red Vines.
    Diana is pregant, and Little Pete died, so the story is getting a little interesting. Drake is trapped in one body with another girl (who just so happen is a zombie also), whose name is Brittany. and finally, for the first time ever, the book is giving chapters about the outside of the FAYZ wall. Mary Teffiano came out of the FAYZ mutated, as in she looked nothing like a human. same thing with Francis.

    (gasp)….phew, i think i might be going too fast. anyway, i can’t wait to finish the series

    here’s my creative “peom” for the week.

    “This is Life”
    ~by Blue~

    This is life,
    we make the most of it.

    Well, that is, some of us do.

    Some spend theirs in bars,
    others with family.
    Some think about nothing but love (the wrong kind),
    Others think about good love.

    We spend our lives
    and multiplied.

    We have time.
    Use it wisely.
    so, anyways, that was my blog for this week. by the way, i told Anna Carden to check the blog out this week, so, we might hear something from our beloved Baconator. šŸ™‚

    *Anna, if you are reading this, then…..I MISS YOU SOOOOOO BAD!!

    bai bai, everybody! Blue Hood is OUT! šŸ™‚

  28. I literally spent on hour on my blog and my stupid computer deleted it all and all I had was one more sentence to go IF I COULD KILL A COMPUTER I WOULD AHHHHH!!!!!!!!

  29. That last post was a mistake.
    Fred! You were supposed to have kidnapped us by now. Anyway, Friday is going to be exciting! Buzzer Test for Scholars Bowl!

  30. I’m reading Defender and it’s about these people that have their own empire and it’s in the dumps and they are invited to a much better one, so they think about it and accept. Cyrus, the main character is a great warrior and the leader of the broken down empire. The empire they go to is called sanctuary, and there are a bunch of warriors that have joined and they take Cyrus and his people through their empire and show them around. They go to the great hall where the food is served first. Then they went to the armory where ironically the dude in charge of the place has armor and it’s worse than Cyrus’s, and that’s saying something. Cyrus’s jaw drops as he enters the place and the guy introduces himself to Cyrus and tells him that they will find armor that’s good for him and that’s as far as I got. Seriously who is Blue hood?! Is that a thing for second block. Do y’all have secret coded names or something?

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