the wifi at Fred’s Dino Diner runs slow than a, um, dinosaur…

so greetings for the week from fred’s dino

currently, Nicole is busy playing Operation: Dinosaur – which is sort of like the game Operation except in this one you have dino bones and instead of a BEEP when you don’t get the object out, you get a ROAR!!!

Nicole isn’t that skillful at the game so I have plenty of time to write – sadly, little time to read – in fact, slacker now that I am, this is the first week in forever I haven’t finished a book…

“Boston Marathon” – so i’m like 470 pages in – 130 left to go – so I have failed to finish a book this week – and it’s ironically about something I actually enjoy reading about – oh well – sorry to disappoint all my fandom – in my defense, I am enjoying the book and I’ve been in no rush to get through it – I guess what I enjoy most about the book is every year since 1897, there’s been a success story – someone who pushed the edge, who worked and planned and hoped and dared – and it all fell together on one special day – and so I read every year’s story and think “how cool would it be to have a story like this when I run?”

the scrambled dino eggs were wonderful this morning reech-al – everyone knows you don’t have to eat “to go” outside – it’s just code for fast food workers to get your meal together quicker


83 thoughts on “the wifi at Fred’s Dino Diner runs slow than a, um, dinosaur…”

  1. first definite – but I would avoid No. 1 combo meal at Fred’s Dino Diner – eating the meat of a plant-eating dinosaur is just plain wrong…

  2. and let me tell you, Nicole is a ferocious putt-putt player at Fred’s Golf Emporium in the spacious caverns of the Diner – nothing gets you ready for more scrambled dino eggs than winning a game of golf from a ricochet off hole 18 – the “asteroid of disaster” hole

  3. one chapter – roechel’s quest for the truth – and messing up on question 2 eternally…

    next chapter – nicole playing on another fred fun ride:)

  4. nicole, if evolution has taught us nothing (and it might have:) it’s that bacon had to evolve from other things – obviously at fred’s diner, there’s no bacon b/c chickens had to come from rocks – or something like that – further down the line

    get off the wifi – your lunch of a Bronto-burger is being served

    riy-chal still hasn’t guessed right…

  5. Geez Rachael, I understand you don’t have anything to your life except spelling your name wrong….. but you don’t have to kill people\

    If anything I will die of starvation at Fred’s!!!(Still no Baconnnn)

  6. hey, did the dinos die of starvation???

    heck no, they were blased off the face of the earth with an astroid – or gas – or something

    anyway, point being, plenty of plants and dino-flesh to enjoy my dear

    detective y-rachael is slipping…

  7. I’m egonna stay from the whole “skills we don’t really need because we already know them” thing.
    I’m going to talk about a specific game me and some other people, “cough, cough, Cali”. The not-so-offical name is Ender Crystal.
    so far we have the suond track, which was blared during mrs. martin’s 4th block test in the computer lab.
    we also have some othewr important stuff that I’m not aware of, partly because i just got the info., and flashdrive, back to day and i haven’t had a chance to look at it.
    tomorrow, or in five minutes, i’ll get some more intel on the game.

  8. HEYO!!!! I am going to write a poem today:

    Anxiety, depression,
    “Oh, I don’t have that.”
    Most people would look you straight in the eye and tell you:
    They don’t cut, they don’t cry.
    But we alll know its not true.
    People commit suicide all the time.
    Anyone can fake being happy,
    and sadly people fake it all the time.
    Some people even think they deserve what they do to themselves,
    no one deserves to die out of depression.
    Always be there for someone,
    you never know what they do when no one is looking.

  9. Haha you guys think you can spell your names wrong:

    Ann Marie
    Ann Mary
    Anne Mary


  10. Prisoner B-3087
    Yanek said, โ€œIf I had known what the next six years of my life would be like I would have eaten more, not complained about brushing my teeth or taking a bath, going to bed at 8:00, I would have played more. Laughed more.โ€ He had know idea what was about to happen. He was sitting in his living room and they saw on t.v. that the German army has reached Krakow! His father said, โ€œNo! It has only been six days, WHERE IS THE POLISH ARMY?!โ€ Then all of the sudden they all herd a loud BOOM! They ran to the window and saw dark smoke crowding there house. If they had known better they would have packed a bad and ran into the woods and never came back, ran as far as the U.S.! But they did not. They just sat there in silence.
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  11. Sup guys! i’m about to write a Corbo story since our not-so-dearly-beloved Corbo the Least hasn’t sent in his Corbo’s adventure’s in Corbotia stories to add to Corbo the Second Coming novel. Here goes nothin’ (Sethland is going to be a lot like Camelot, just to let you know… it’s like Mississippi).

    Corbo’s Adventures in Sethland, Part One, Prologue to Book One (It’s going to be a long series).

    Well it all started one day when Corbo the great had went missing from his Castle and no one knew where he went… Except for Ichabod, when he wasn’t screaming at the fire flies, He had saw A shadowy figure in the carriage that resembled that of the Craig’s. Although it couldn’t have been Craig’s for Craig had fell out the window of Corbo’s Castle, So naturally Ichabod fell out from the terror of the “possessed” carriage. little did he now that it was Craig’s carriage and the only specter it was possessed by was Corbo. You see Corbo knew Ichabod was abnormally superstitious and he would use this to his advantage as soon as he could, and that was tonight since poor Craig had fallen out the window and onto that oddly placed guard pike in the “Royal Moat that was feed by Corbo’s Porcelain throne” otherwise known as the Imperial poop trench, How In Corbotia did a pike get there? I’m afraid we’ll never know.
    To be continued in Chapter One.

  12. hey you guys im blogging for yesterday but i dont have much time b/c i got to catch the bus. so here is my short peom.

    running running running
    from freds dinosaurs
    crying crying crying
    at the sound of josephs whistling
    laughing laughing laughing
    because the bird is a waffle
    smiling smiling smiling
    because one d just realeased my new favorite song!!

    sorry that was really bad ๐Ÿ™

  13. Can anyone guess what I am watching? Billy, you should know, I pet the little dude everyday! ;P

  14. I also can spel my name wong but noy as mant time as “The Queen of waffles” some people spel it “Sara”

  15. lots of progres since yesterday. we now have made it to where there art two acts and actual LEVELS to go through before you go against the bosses. the entire plogect will also be coded in javascript, which is totally different from java. also, we have some basic designs for the actual level backgrounds, the enemies within the levels (there are different worlds so there are about 6 different enemies per new world). how ever, I’m not aware of how exactly the main character/protaganist will get to the worlds. in the game, i think we’re doing the whole block thing like minecraft, not quite sure. Ineed to talk to Cali about that later. more intel on monday, november 4, (we all kwn what year it’s gonna be).

  16. nicole, cartoon or “real” version??? b/c isn’t the real pg-13??? i don’t want your dinner at fred’s diner to be upset with nightmares tonight while you rest on dino-cots…

  17. This is going to be a quick poem because I have to go somewhere.

    Family is…….
    The people at your house
    that love you most.
    The people that always boast
    about you.
    The people who feel you
    and look just like you.
    They are the people that
    ache your losses and cheer your wins.
    Those brothers and sisters
    you know the ones you fight with?
    Yes those kids are your family too.
    Even though sometimes
    you want to leave them out on the curb.
    You know you really love them
    and they love you too.

    This made me think of the Barney song!!!!
    “I love you, You love me
    Were a happy family……..

  18. Prisoner B-3087

    Yanek walked home, from the giant wall. When he got home people were poring in and were begging for homes to live in. There were not enough homes for everyone. Yanek’s mom walked out and invited a family i and 2 more. It was then law that each home has to have 4 family’s in it. So she invited 1 more in. There was no longer a room to someone by themselves. Except the kitchen. Sometimes Yanek would go out into the hallway. “If we invite one more family in I Will have to share the hallway!” He thought to himself angrily. He was sleeping in the hallway one night and he woke up to a creak. He looked up and asked, “Who are you?” It was his dad, with his winter coat on! “Anyone found outside there house after curfew, WILL BE SHOT ON SPOT!” Yanek said, nervously and stern. His dad said, “GO BACK TO SLEEP!” Yanek refused and said, “I want to help!” His dad said, “Fine but be quite!” Yanek ran and put on his coat. They walked down the stairs to a door that led outside. They started walking; however, Yanek looked back and saw the foot-prints in the snow. Then he thought, “These tracks would be to easy to fallow!” But the snow was already covering some of them up already. Then he finally realized where they were going to the old bakery! When they got there they worked for some nice people and they gave them 3 loafs of bread. 2, to sell and 1 to eat. On the way home Yanek was worried that they would not get home safe.
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  19. I fear that half of you dont know who i am!!!! Oh no, everyone needs to know about me and my greatness (lol i wish, i mean *cough cough* yeah) I am AnnMarie Yednak, most people just call me AnnMarie, for short oof course (i wonder how many of you took that seriously and didn’t get what i said)

    Well I started this new book called “Being” by Kevin Brooks. In the beginning it pretty much starts off as a flash back because the narrator (the main character) is talking about what happened to him and he is trying to remember everything but he can’t, so parts of it are vague but most of it is pretty down to detail, he guess is looking for more detail i guess. The main character’s name is Robert Smith. He had gone to a hospital to get an endoscopy (when they put a tube thingy down your throat to make sure everything in your stomach and everything on the way to your stomach is all good) And in the middle of the endoscopy he became conscious again (he couldn’t move so his eyes were closed but he could hear and his brain was totally working) he woke up in the middle of his doctor saying “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?”
    Turns out he had something in his stomach, like metal or something that didn’t show up in the x-ray (weird) and wires and stuff like that (like a robot i guess) so they start doing emergency surgery and they cut open his stomach then he GETS OFF THE TABLE thingy he’s been laying on, grabs the gun some guy in the room has and he takes it, touches it to that guys head and says “That’s enough” long story short he forces some guy to stitch him up and then leaves (since he’s got a gun everyone listened to him)
    That’s all i got (missed my long blogs?) Oh and he was an orphan (LIKE AMANDA!!!!) but he didn’t live in a box ๐Ÿ™ He was abandoned at birth. But he has been with a couple for a few years (last name “Young”)

    OKAY BYE!!!!!! <– I made it all caps so the people who just read my intros and endings know where to start reading again. Soooo…..yeah. I don't know what to say….ummmm……bye???

  20. I now look at my blog and its really not that long……oops

    *shame shame shame*

  21. Mr. Mayfield you should have said that before I went to sleep………………….
    now I am sad and I CANT SLEEP!!!!

  22. there are a few ways to spell my name wrong
    haha i’s soooo smart!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    ok my apologies for the terrible peom this morning.
    i am reading the pearl (still. sorry) and kino is going crazy b/c the pearl is bringing him evil. He thinks it is his duty (haha yes i just said “duty”) to destroy the pearl. he is trying to avoid the people that are trying to kill him. he is sweeping his and juana’s tracks. coyotio (i think thats how u spell it) is getting tired and thirsty. the water in the gourd runs out. It is like a desert, so they are very exhausted. they finally find a beautiful waterfall/spring thingy. they fill up the gourd and drink straight out of the thingy. after a little rest, they keep going on their hard journey.
    and thats all!!!!!

  23. this is my make-up journal for thursday last week

    piano recital————
    I sit down at the grand piano and get ready to warm up.
    I stretch my arms and fingers.
    I play my warm-ups.
    It is about time to start.
    I look out and see that the seats are beginning to fill up.
    I can feel the butterflies in my stomach.
    My piano teacher nods as a cue for me to begin.
    I play my first piece perfectly.
    My nerves are beginning to settle down.
    I play my second piece.
    It is a very fast and difficult piece.
    The crowd really likes this one.
    As I play my third piece,
    I glance up to see my piano teacher smiling.
    After seeing her big smile,
    I can’t help but smile too.
    After I finish my third piece,
    I stand up,
    grab my music,
    and take a bow.
    The crowd is on their feet for a standing ovation.

    I really don’t play the piano, but that just popped in my mind.

  24. Mr.Mayfield, my name on nanowrimo is Rachael.reeves if you want to put me in your class before everyone else. I think I will step out of the ‘name game’ for a while to see how far this goes…

  25. Prisoner B-3087

    1942, came but the British did not. Nor did the French. All the radio talked about was, fighting in Denmark and Norway. (In the west.) Yanek’s mom still never let him go outside. Only because, the Nazis would take random Jews of the streets and make them work for them. Some of them never came back! Yanek always got bored in that old cramped flat. So he took his ball out on the deck and kicked it, until the woman downstairs yelled at him to stop. He was about to go down in the basement to kick the ball. But then he heard a loud scream! โ€œStop, Stop Stop! We don’t have anything for you!โ€ he heard. Then he heard a gunshot! He ran into the living room and yelled, โ€œMom the lady downstairs yelled, and a heard a gunshot! Everyone sat in the living room. Then someone banged on there door!! โ€œOpen the Door!โ€
    Read tomorrow!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. I am about to do another blog, I don’t want to have to blog on halloween! But I still like to blog!

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