“midnight memories” in the magic city…

so it seems like I was really, really productive this week in the books – dunno, I’m just awesome that way…

“flipped” – I had a girl give me this one to read – and one thing I know, you must read the books given to you by girls:) so flipped was read – enjoyed – it was cute – it was very predictable – it will probably lead to tragic misunderstandings b/ween girls that have crushes on boys who think that those boys, even though they are currently jerks, will change some day and develop crushes on the girl – and that never happens – you could tell the book was written by a woman – but hey, cute book about chicks:)

“notes from a totally lame vampire” – just creative and funny enough to keep me interested – and to like it a lot – basically, the story of an awkward teenage guy – and who doesn’t like those stories? he does transform from lame to awesome in the story, spoiler alert, but I think everyone would’ve been like “so what?” if there hadn’t been a change

“bro code for parents” – legendary book – legendary author – everyone should have four copies of this book – but maybe at like 18 – or 25 if they’re fat:)

“david and goliath” by gladwell – story of underdogs and giants – and how even though we think impossible odds get conquered every day, typically, the story is less heroic – there are typically logical reasons why the david’s of this world succeed – and we can all learn from those situations – to not have the pride and overconfidence when we’re in “our element” and to look for ways to attack when we’re overlooked – great read – the book got bad national reviews – but people can raise their expectations too high sometimes

“in the zone” Olympic medalist – two times – shared strategies of how to succeed in life – which he believes starts with faith in Christ – the guy had an awesome story – a story of overcoming long odds and difficult personal matters – very encouraging before I ran today – a race I totally rocked, by the way (ask me about my medal for bonus:)

happy thanksgiving – yes sixth grade (sarah b), you have to blog thanksgiving and black Friday – and during the iron bowl – slackers…


60 thoughts on ““midnight memories” in the magic city…”

  1. well, the medal also serves a can opener – I’m guessing beer – but the other medal was first in my age group

    yep, I just am that good…

  2. Dang, i dont have enough time to be first in line in nashville to stake out krispy kreme. I also have to save for the Vandy game(so i can get something there), so excited!!!!!!

  3. Fred, she will……. She post it ALLLL over this blog like everything else, as if it matters….. At least to her, and maybe Dr. Roy…

  4. What’s up!? I am super pumped about tomorrow! I actually get to go home after wrestling practice on Tuesday, Tuesday I say! I won’t bother with a Corbo’s adventures in Sethland story this week (or single blog) since I literally have no ideas for a story from where I left off, if anyone has any ideas please help a brother out!

  5. can’t go wrong with stories of corbo’s alter ego – mack

    corbo could go conquer another planet too – with the sarah elizabeth romance novel i’m working on, we need more guy stuff:)


  6. if so, may i call dibs on her binder – i’ve always wondered what all is in there – plus, original artwork from brennan on the outside… ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Tyler Jones- LEAVE. NOW!!!!!!!!
    Tyler Hammerick- you will probably forget this website as quick as you “forgot” your journals
    And Tyler Morris doesn’t say “sup”

  8. rai-ch-pheel – I’d believe the 33 – I’m just glad the sun is out in Columbiana today – makes a run feel 10 degrees warmer

    fred – November “fun” facts??? wow, thanks coach… ๐Ÿ™‚

    billy – we actually got to Halloween fun facts at the end, didn’t we??? by the way, the field outside was incredibly soggy – that was NOT a fun evening run

  9. No school for 4 more days so yes I will not see anybody(except Keaton) form school for 4 more days so yep I will blog for so long.

  10. 366 until the next thanksgiving – I need to de-thaw my turkey

    leahcar, you are in Tennessee country, correct??? I had an eighth grader yesterday that was going to California – that I’m pretty sure takes the cake for “furtherest”

  11. Oh, I forgot to say! I made second chair. Don’t laugh Fred, Sarah played good, and beat me… Happy day before Thanksgiving.

  12. I have less than 1000 words left in nanowrimo, barely, but also a 3 hour drive one way to Memphis from Nashville. So I have a legit reason.

    and Roascheeal- how do you know that she played good? she could have played bad and you could have played worse.

  13. Ahhh Rachel, I’m one step ahead of you, again. I knew the exact order of the chairs a day before even you did…. I have skills like that. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with second chair. It’s not as bad as third…

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone

  14. ah, fred – so consoling – speaking as a first place finisher this week, I can tell you second place is first loser – everyone knows that

    plus, you take on a sarah Nicole, you take on all sarah nicoles – and you just have to respect that game

    third, raykel was locked in the closet of your diner during her tryout – so that probably impaired her abilities

    I have on socks with turkeys on them – oh yes, it’s a festive day, me and my book… ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. I’m watching Nanny McPhee and screaming ‘Happy Thanksgiving!’ To my grandparents over the phone and watching commercials for the upcoming Harry Potter marathon. This was a random blog post about nothing, so continue with your day and stop reading this post.mI watched Catching Fire last night. I love hunger games!!!

  16. no turkey fred – not even the tofu kind – just turkey socks:)

    back to watching doogie howser season three – I’m about to spring break – which should warm me up

    fred – you’ll be glad to know that the playground was empty when I ran by

  17. Thereโ€™s a Harry Potter marathon???????? Count me in!!

    Thanks for letting me know about the playground. Iโ€™ve been getting worried about it since I have not had the chance of getting on there often.

    My Thanksgiving was great. I feel like I gained ten pounds. (Not always a good sign)

    I get the pleasure of putting up Christmas decorations todayโ€ฆ. this time of year I always have people asking if Iโ€™m the one who lives in the house with the leg lamp from A Christmas Storyโ€ฆ It makes me wonder how they knew where I lived in the first placeโ€ฆ..

    Happy Black Friday

  18. Yes. I’m watching Harry Potter right now. Watched Catching Fire last Saturday. And now for the final statement, NaNoWriMo was an epic fail for me, my flashdrive is dumb and didn’t save ๐Ÿ™‚
    -The strange gifted kid,

  19. Yes. I am watching Harry Potter right now.

    I watched Catching Fire last week on Saturday.

    A now for the final statement- NaNoWriMo was an epic fail for me thanks to my flashdrive not saving correctly:)
    -A strange gifted kid
    Nicole and her incredibly dumb flashdrive

  20. i almost bought breaking dawn part 2 this morning at target – or walmart – just b/c i haven’t seen it yet – but then i figured it would make no sense to buy the last one when i don’t have the other ones – not that i want the other ones – sigh… ๐Ÿ™‚

    i had great success getting a Christmas “swag” for my mother at home depot – even though i had to search through the dark in the garden area by myself – it actually could’ve been part of a great Christmas horror movie: “The Blackest of Black Fridays” ๐Ÿ™‚

    and I’m smiling, unlike Nicole and Fred, b/c i don’t have to finish my story AND i don’t have to put up Christmas dรฉcor

    Nicole, remind me when we get back, but i think we can “fix” your nano account – so no worries

    fascinating fun fact on the 4 am national news: 30 percent of men say they have trouble shopping – i don’t even know where to start with that stat, except to say i think there’s lots there to analyze (for starters, the other 70 percent are liars:)

  21. And Mafeld, you can borrow our movie if you want, and well at least I still have 3,947 words for NaNoWriMo, haha ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. All of our decorations are put up- look for the leg lamp in our front window if you run by our house anytime soon Mr. Mayfield.

    Now, time to get some popcorn and sink a few hours in front of the tv and watch Harry Potter ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. My family says I don’t have a heart because I’ve never cried during any movie, and everyone in my family has. Usually it’s my mom who says it and she will start crying during the Polar Express. ๐Ÿ™‚

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