“U-S-A… U-S-A… U-S-A…”

by the way, I learned at the ’96 games that every country pronounces their name in a three-syllable chant – thus, at those games, I heard for the first (and likely last) time “Tun-ee-shee” (Tunisia)

“Steinbrenner: The Last Lion of Baseball” – great baseball book to get me hungry for the season to come – Steinbrenner bought the Yankees for $10 million in 1972 – they’re worth over $1.5 billion today – he was an iron-fisted leader for much of his early years – lots of what I thought I knew about him, I didn’t

“Never Quit” – story of the closest US miler to break four minutes before and shortly after WWII – the guy’s story was what my grandfather’s story was – out poverty and hardship into the modern life – so reading the book made me miss my granddad – but in a good way

“Olympic Dream” – sad biography of a Kenyan who set four world records in less than 100 days – just amazing – and amazing in a sad way, he never was able to compete in an Olympics – boycotts and then age did him in – just makes me appreciate how rare it is to run and run well – and have a chance to win things

“The Heart of the Sea” – my favorite reader, WillRo, read it and said good things about it – so I was curious – he was right – gripping story – I’ve read Melville and read other books by Philbrick so I had more background than a seventh grader, and it still was an amazing read – field trip to Nantucket!!!!

remember, no serious blogs this week b/c you’re memorizing monologues


90 thoughts on ““U-S-A… U-S-A… U-S-A…””

  1. fred is first like the eighth grade scholar’s bowl team

    rahchel is first like the seventh grade scholar’s bowl team

    Nicole is first like the sixth grade team

    and tyler, ironically, is first like what I can guess the high school team was… 🙂

  2. Oak Mountain is just evil. Evil evil evil evil Evil. They killed us in math team, they killed us in battle of the books last year and the year before, and now this… I think they must just not like me.

  3. billy, just to dot all I’s and cross all T’s – are you talking about the biathlon or cross country skiing???

    there is no “marathon” ski

    (just get peeved at people who use marathon as a random distance – it’s 26.2 miles – exact – well, technically, it’s like 26.22…)

  4. Creative Writing Mon-Tues

    I was about to take the ride of my life……

    I had a 84.56 on my first run of the Snowboard Freestyle. It was good enough to get me in 4th place. I would have to get a 96.97 to beat the leader Michael Peterson who was the favorite to win. He had two great runs with a 95.45 on his first and a 96.96 on his second run. He was part of the Russia team. They had an advantage because it was in their home country. But I wasn’t really suprised when I saw the leaderboard and saw Michael was the man who I had to beat to win the gold medal for me and the U.S. It was now my turn and I got onto my snowboard and strapped my feet in. The official said whenever your ready you can go. Not alot of the competitors were watching me, they were all going over to Michael and telling him congrats because he had automatically won a silver but if i didnt beat him he would have won the gold for Russia who was dominating every competition so far. I went down the first hill and did a 360 jump on the first jump. Then I slide across

    TO BE CONTINUED had to change classes

  5. Hey, let’s play in the snow tomorrow! I’ll be riding my imitation luge sled down my driveway!

  6. I’m still dead and the name is still a pun. So what’s new…(besides me FINALLY downloading FlappyBird on my laptop)… I really don’t get why everyone is so competitive on that game. So a bird that souldn’t even fly(due to its small wings and massive body) can fly through a pipe, so what! It’s getting annoying hering “My score is 114.” and “Well mine is 119.” It makes no sence what so ever for people to love that game anyways. Even though the makers of that game are being sued by nentindo because they ripped off of Mario, everyone still LOVES the game. I myself have no life but listen to this guys.

    A married man had literally nothing better to bo so he downloaded the game to see why everyone liked it so much. he played and played until his wife noticed. [Note to the Guys: someone always gets in trouble when the wife notices something is up] She was fed up and threatened to move and devorce him if he didn’t quit playing the game. he didn’t quit so she packed up and left him. All over a game that people hve blown out of the water. Seriosly?! Is tapping on a screen so important that you lose someone dear to you.

    I’m use to not being on the computer and stuff. My dad is almost completely against technology. He has a push-to-talk phone and that’s it. Anyways I gottsta get off. Peace off

  7. I’m just glad I’m not in billy’s marathon that allows shooting and throwing of skis

    rachale – you’re in my princess story this week – it’s going to be LEG-en-wait for it… DARY!!! Legendary!!!

  8. notes as I remember them…

    dinos are already in figure skating – they’re called Russians… 🙂

    more invis-a-snow – I took first in solo tracking (good job ricky, fred, and willRo with the snow plow this morning in Columbiana)

    litBri – congrats on finding the blog – now help your sis find the missing girl…

    I got planes from the public library – is it good???

  9. I don’t need help finding the missing girl. It’s:
    A) In the library
    B) Removed from BOB
    C) At Fred’s.

  10. Why is Mr. Teacher-Man not happy? He will still get his triathlon, he’ll just have use wet grass instead of snow.

  11. mr. teacher man is upset b/c he got stomped by omms last week – unlike the real teacher who led his team to victory

    and detective, fyi, if you’re soooooooooooooo smart you know that the missing girl is at fred’s diner, why can’t you ever bust her out of there??? keep it up, and her wedding cake will have to be the dino cookies

  12. It’s simply impossible for Detective to find Fred’s. It wears a giant invisibility cloak shielding itself from me. Tell the missing girl to enjoy her wedding. I’ll try to find it, but I may be delayed due to not-snow and Mayfieldian Olympics.

  13. those kids from Canada ain’t got nothing on the Shelby kids – they can shoot, ski, and drink (a coke from fred’s diner, of course:)

    Nicole is marrying one of the truckers that frequents the diner – he’s technically a hobo b/c he lives in the truck too, but in her world, this is better than living at the diner – and frankly, I’m sort of tired of having her still here and having to babysit her b/c you can never get around to cracking the case

    and Carmen sandiego is very, very disappointed…

  14. 🙂
    I’m not-snowed in at the courthouse with my dad. I’d rather be practicing for the luge, or hunting the diner. It’s hard to hunt a diner when your ipad is at 3% battery and you have no charger.
    Tell Nicole I said to enjoy her wedding. Once she’s gone, I can go on vacation and never return.

  15. what twins from Canada? BTW- I don’t know about you but, I woke up this morning to no snow and Grandma called from Cullman and said they have 3-4 inches of snow.

    #lucky Grandma
    # sad troll

  16. YES- i FINALLY got FLAPPY BIRD on my tablet! I am horrible at the game with a score of 12 but games are for fun not for competition. Unless its soccer I used to have a reputation for getting like three fouls every game!

  17. GET READY FOR GOOD NEWS!! NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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