here kiddie, kiddie, kiddie… have some milk

so i have to laugh – i guess – but the opening activity today with first grade – as suggested by my trusty teaching manual – was to give kids milk and tell them we’re going to learn about a lady who gave milk to someone today – from Judges 4 – and if you don’t have a bible or you don’t remember the story – yes, Jael does offer milk – but it’s sort of a trap (if driving a stake through your head is a trap:)

oh, how i’ve read this week…

“operation yes” – an elem BOB – it was good – again, elem BOB pulls ahead of middle school this year in choices – very impressed – and if memory serves me, “yes” and “3 times lucky” both involved middle school characters – i guess kids like to read about the grades just ahead of them and fancy a wonderful time to come

“a field guide for missions” – creative – looked for things to incorporate into class – mission accomplished

“1001 tips for writers” – surprisingly short – just quotes – b/c “everywhere is a quote” 🙂

“self-driven learning” – book on helping students see how to motivate themselves – good book – lots of pages i liked and will copy this week – the book emphasized the relationship over the information when teaching – that students will do a lot, learn a lot, when they enjoy a class – vs. just getting a bunch of info – the author’s background as a community organizer was a boost

“conversations with steve martin” – i have learned a lot – second book on martin in the month – he’s a really creative mind – great example of creative talent – b/c he went from stand-up comedy to movies to screenwriting to playwriting to non-fiction/memoir to novels to kid’s books to twitter to banjo song-writing – pretty cool talents he’s developed

nicole and the detective are at fred’s now in the book – they’re conversing over what happened at camp – fred is desperately trying to get the girls to see that the real evil isn’t tragedy bear – it’s ann marie and waffles… 🙂


77 thoughts on “here kiddie, kiddie, kiddie… have some milk”

  1. On the shoulders of giants is a great book so far though i am still in Copernicus’s biography but i have yet to see any of his work i looked ahead it is like 100 pages till i get to see his work which is why i checked out the book

  2. today’s story bit from alabaster…

    “Who are the judges?” asked the Detective, who secretly wanted to marry a judge, probably an elf judge (she just didn’t know that part yet).

    “My binder says Mayfield, Corbo, Queen Jamio, Prince Harry, Hello Kitty, and St. K.”

    “Well, we all know Corbo hates reading so there’s one vote for the campers,” Morgan Elizabeth said, “My marketing genius would guess Mayfield would be on the opposite side of whatever Corbo’s on. Prince Harry will probably go with whatever side sings one of his hit songs…”

    (good book choice young homer bear – even at 3 am in the morning)

  3. Speaking of Corbo-
    When we went to Jack’s for breakfast, the sign said “Big Jack Combo.”
    I thought it said “Big Jack Corbo.”

  4. i saw puppies and strollers in alabaster today during my grand lunch run

    it was hot, in case none of you knew:)

    i wish i could go back to writing about the detective instead of sitting in meetings:(

  5. I’m helping my mother babysit, reading Around the World in 80 Days, and writing about fairies. 🙂
    It’s a good day.
    Tonight, I’m going to Binder Girl’s, where we shall write a story.

  6. i’m helping the county babysit young, inexperienced teachers:)

    i just requested a book from coco channel

    have fun at binder girl’s – she’s SMACKed you a ton in the story

  7. Rachael, oh… Rachael? Where art thou Rachael? You are being summoned by the Greybeards…. they would like a word with you…..

  8. 6th graders, and Homer Bear;
    Do good on your ACT/SAT so that u can come to vandy. The guys here are like brothers like i always wanted (except daj who reminds me of joseph) my proctor is great… So if u can take the test DO IT WELL!

  9. awesome news billy – glad it went well – yes, i think one of the cool things about going to good colleges is that you realize there are other kids just like you – to an extent – that the world, shockingly, isn’t just columbiana and its likes

    i have on my orange shoes and shorts for the Dutch today – i hope they beat spain in the world cup

  10. here’s some fun bonus: identify the pun – and allusion – in the last line before fred left the courtroom – again – bonus for the fall (just remind me)

    “Maybe I’ll ‘Change My Mind’,” Prince Harry said.

    “Alamosaurus dogs! Get your red, hot Alamosaurus dogs right here!!!”

    “Do you have the vegan kind?” Mayfield asked.

    “Oh Dear Heavenly Hello Kitty!!!” St. K said. “I threw you out already. This isn’t like a diner with an open door. You’ve been excommunicated. Get thee to a diner-y!!!”

    Fred left, dejected. He promised to return.

  11. Is something wrong with Columbiana? I haven’t been since Wednesday.
    Then again, it is full of Shelby’s finest.

  12. i was there this morning – but i wasn’t on the roof tarring schs

    is that it fred??? the tar fumes are killing your brain cells??? i’d believe it

  13. You guessed it maf, they didnt know where columbiana even though they played us in football for like 2 years straight

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