i won my first grade a marshmallow kabob, and life was good:)

it was a good day for first grade – doughnuts and marshmallows:)

“build your running body” – 500-plus pages – my “major” read for the week – and a good one – very comprehensive about running – from nutrition to stretches – and lots of photos to demonstrate proper technique – which was good

“draw-a-saurus” – yep, i got a book on how to draw dinosaurs – my first grade says i’m getting better – i tried again this week to draw them one – you never know if the blue hood will return to make excellent illustrations as in years past (b/c we all know we can’t rely on titus)

“escape from mr. lemoncello’s library” – finally, a bad elem BOB – well, it was good for elem – but very predictable for everyone else – i’ve read the same book a half-dozen times, most recently the gollywhopper games book – so i wasn’t too thrilled

happy father’s day to all you fathers… 🙂


42 thoughts on “i won my first grade a marshmallow kabob, and life was good:)”

  1. the detective comes through – yet again

    library time early monday and tuesday morning for me – i have meetings that start by 10 in alabaster so early visits – i’m hopeful to finish the last BOB for elem

  2. i hope I am second and how is everyones summer? Mines been a “blast”. Been stuck at home all summer and no phone. I could just ask for tragadty bear. ( worst speller ever by the way ) I wonder if Mayfield can arrange something for me before school starts?????
    Happy Summer and you might want to sleep in cause you will not get as much sleep as you do now when school starts again.

  3. I’m back ( i wish i wasn’t).
    The only good thing about being back is that it doesn’t rain EVERY SINGLE DAY!

  4. -mystery books aren’t always mystery books
    -stalking people makes you happy
    -detectives can’t be trusted
    -servants tend to give away too much information
    More to come…

  5. yes, much more to come detective if you haven’t gotten to all the drug references in 80 days:)

    sidney – nice – yes, tragedy bear definitely makes home visits – although, i think currently has him tied up in a courtroom

    billy – thanks for drying things out – go dores

  6. I think I found the 80 Days drug references…
    ‘Stargirl’ was awesome. ‘Love, Stargirl’ is good, too.

  7. love stargirl is good too – i agree

    and i hate that a movie was never made of either – it would’ve been good

    i think i have 15 marbles in my happiness wagon right now

  8. Fogg ends up being 15 minutes late (like spongebob) and gets fed to the dogs. (And his girlfriend dumps him)

  9. here’s a fun one for really just fred (he’s the only one that will get it)

    i’m stuck in training – we’re supposed to be teaching kids to use “academic phrases” – one the suggest is “the mood is heightened by teh additional use of”

    and i wrote “drugs”

  10. waiting for day one to be done – this is from new book – Corbo is talking…

    “I took the liberty of making up some advanced metric statistics that will apply favorably to my opinion. Did you know that when you control for weather and access to Mensa Shakes, the average kid regresses in reading level three months. Three whole months? According to most doctors, that counts as a trimester. I’ve had gun experts analyze the situation, and they say it’s like a 90-day waiting period that actually makes you buy peace and love stickers at the end of the wait instead of the reverse.

    “So is summer reading making our kids stupider? I’ll let you draw the conclusion, no, wait, you won’t draw it as well as I can because I can do some pretty cool things with my “Yes” that you probably don’t know about. By the way, the answer is “Yes” in case you forgot.

    “Here’s another stat: The average family takes 1.3 vacations in the summer months. This stat troubles me greatly, even though I made it up, because it means several things. One, how do we know whether it’s a local reading program or a worldwide event when families are doing crazy things like taking 1.3 vacations. Two, the point-three thing means that some families start a second trip and only get one-third of the way through it when something happens. I think that “something happens” involves the library, that kids are like, “Hey mom and dad, our first vacation was great, but you know, things have to come to an end because I have these like two ‘books’ that I have to read or else, or else, I don’t know what happens, probably evil glares from the librarians because it’s a well-established fact that librarians never forget.”

  11. Did you know in disney’s mind ice can break a sword and that snowmen wish to kill them selves in summer

  12. Well now I am wounded by that and yes we are evil at time detective but I am evil all the time and Nicole too. 🙂 😛

  13. lol I was just playing with you Nicole your not evil that I know of.
    Anyone knoe where I can find tragedy bear?

  14. tragedy bear can’t be found sidney until you’ve found yourself – are you sure you know where you are???

    after that, you’ll need a lot of honey… 🙂

  15. well no I have no clue where I am I think I am at freds diner. its very dark in her and my laptop is about to die. the only time I don’t have a battery with me and I need one!
    I got plenty of honey though

  16. Tradgedy bear doesnt like honey, he likes tragic accidents.

  17. i sit in thompson high, always hoping the next announcement BING is for me

    detective, how’s my case writing skill going? this is from Corbo’s dissent

    “Now, I get the fact that the campers may have had some help with that earpiece, but I would cite Corbo v. Earpiece, a previous ruling I made, as the precedent for this case. In Corbo v. Earpiece, I was on the public transit, sharing the burden of ‘common folk’ travel for a day while my sweet rides were cleaned up. There I was, staring vacantly away on the Share-a-Hump Camel Ride services when this little old lady started talking on and on and on about her grandson.

    “Since her grandson was not me, I was not impressed, and I moved to play with my ACorbo with its special earpiece. But did the earpiece work? Of course not, that’s why I brought suit. Even worse, the old lady threw my game off so badly that my ACorbo talked trash for weeks.

    “So in Corbo v. Earpiece, I ruled for myself, that I deserved an earpiece that always worked. A good earpiece is worth its weight in fantasy princess league gold…

    “Why am I on this court anyway? I mean, our chief justice is a cat that has nine lives – and is a god so theoretically could give itself more at the end of those nine lives. Then there’s Mayfield, and he’s already lived forever. And then my older sister…

    “There’s no room for me to move up, and unlike Alexa Jenny McCarron, I have real skill that should be appreciated and respected instead of sidelined in this rather ridiculous court.

    “And, finally, and most importantly, what about the giant waffle I was promised?”

  18. i’m now in a fight with another teacher about using current events in the classroom – he won’t use material from Bush or Obama b/c he says it’s too “contraversial” – he just uses FDR stuff – you know, b/c we don’t want kids to know about the world they live in – sigh…

  19. Checked out Dracula after turning in on the shoulders of giants I also checked out a physics book. when I went to actually check them out the librarian said “Doing some light reading” I thought that was blog worthy

  20. homer – definitely blogworthy – keep us posted on dracula – best of my memory, the title is a misnomer b/c it’s not much dracula – much more about the group

    have you read treasure island or dr jekell and mr hyde??? both are good

  21. Sarah is the only one we should worry about if it’s to do with Mars and not earth…. I mean she’s the Aries. (Mars) I am the Cancer, (moon.)

  22. nicole, are we talking about horoscopes or romeo and juliet

    b/c if it’s R and J, Sarah is the Sun, and you are moon dust – and the detective is the asteroid that destroyed (destroed:) the dinosaurs

  23. No Nicole, I have to worry about Sarah b/c I have the ring of power. (Please don’t tell Sarah and don’t inform Sauron) plz guys or ourb world is doomed!
    🙂 😀 😛 The ring wraith (Mrs. Jones P.E) will never get the ring of power!

  24. Sidney, our world is already doomed. Nicole used the one ring in her Binder of Truth.

  25. need help – sarah nicole almost drowned in Fred’s Ball-o-Rama – how many other names are there for a sea of balls??? do we all know the sea i’m talking about??? they used to be at Chuckie Cheese’s – but it’s been a few months since i’ve been to one so i’m not sure if i lose my audience when i talk about a sea – is there a better phrase???

  26. Oh, great. Now we all revolve around Sarah… Can I just let it be known that Binder Girl has no friends and has no foes….. I am on nobody’s side specifically, but on everyone’s side in a matter of danger.

  27. no binder girl, you have many foes – tragedy bear is one – the incoming sixth grade is another – they’ve already taken you to court – they’re about to challenge you to a duel over waffles – it’s pretty rough

    fortunately, fred has a plan…

  28. well Binder Girl you have your hands full because I know many people that are going to the 6th grade and they can take you O-U-T out of the run

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