oh, the last week before the sixth grade invasion of the blog…

such a fleeting, fleeting moment…

“Play with Passion” – only Billy could even guess who Rex Ryan is – and he wouldn’t really know until I gave him a bunch of hints – so a head coach book is lost on my audience, i get that – still, it was a decent book – he spent 1/2 the book talking about how awesome his dad was as a coach (the dad wasn’t) and how awesome the NY Jets are going to be (they aren’t) – my takeaway activity is this: he allowed the players to speak with the media – no restraints – but they had to mention at least two other teammates when they were interviewed – the players have caught on to the point that they have a game as to who can mention the most people – i thought it was a neat way to get players to realize there are people around them that make their jobs easier – so i’m trying to figure out how that works in the classroom b/c we don’t have that many interviews

“Cosby” – biography on the Jello man – or the Fat Albert man – or the original Noah – any of those work – even in his 80s, Cosby still hits the road and does his stand-up – which is amazing to me – the book brought back memories of my childhood with “the cosby show” – and the tapes my parents had of his stand up – which is brilliantly funny

“Queen of the Slayers” – in the words of a t-shirt i recently coveted “Buffy should’ve staked Edward to the heart” – my final book this week was fan-fiction – from “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer” – the book wasn’t great – surprised, probably not – and i’ll probably end up reading the other books out that go with the series – there are over 100 – so i have a long reading life ahead of me – but not recommendable fiction:)

band preview is when this week???


69 thoughts on “oh, the last week before the sixth grade invasion of the blog…”

  1. Ask ms hawkins about that chelsea teacher that claimed that we had a math team class.

  2. Haha yeah. We have a math team class.
    It’s called “five minutes during lunch or whenever we have extra time.”

  3. five minutes during lunch is most important for good math instruction – or good math digestion – i forget which it is

    party in my room wednesday – all day – come one, come all – decorating, dvd-watching, free oatmeal and other food while it lasts…

  4. This is my “You won Camp Nanowrimo” email. We should totally do this in class. (I edited it just a little)

    Dear NaNoWriMo Winner,

    Yes, you won! But you didn’t just win—you won in your own singular way. Each story wends a different path through brambly plot thickets, inner editor furies, recalcitrant characters (and nettlesome gnats of distraction, of course).

    You deserve a winning speech tailored just for you, Mad Lib-style. Plug in your responses to the following, and then claim your winning flag with gusto.
    1. Catacalysmic event
    2. Camp word-count goal
    3. Adjective describing your novel
    4. An obstacle to writing
    5. Annoying creature (plural) [Dinowaffles]
    6. Name of a container (plural)
    7. Favorite writing beverage
    8. Number of words you wrote this month
    9. Name of your favorite superhero (Captian Mafeld)
    10. Favorite weekend activity

    On September 1, a/an __1__ of inspiration hit me, and I set out to write __2__ words of my breathtaking, mind-blowing __3__ story. Some said I was unhinged, and indeed, such an audacious endeavor is full of perils and self-doubt. I swatted away __4__ like a ninja caught in an attack of __5__. I drank __6__ of __7__, struggling to keep going. What’s a writer to do?

    Fortunately, NaNoWriMo fueled my fatigue-laden brain. I wrote __8__ words, which means I’m the equivalent of __9__ in terms of writerly strength (and more because she/he never wrote a novel). Now I’m going to __10__ for the entire month of August (and then start hatching plans for Camp NaNoWriMo this July/April).

    Support Creativity, Support NaNoWriMo

  5. i actually like starting on thursdays – we have like two days to sort of get things going – and then a weekend – we’ve had years where things were tried those first two days and then not done again afterward – so i’m a fan of two days and then a break

  6. I can understand why teachers would only want to have two days of students and then a break. It does make blogging over the week slightly difficult…

  7. well, i can assure you there will be no homework thursday – i’ll ask for the syllabus back, signed – but i won’t start journals until the following week – i’d never hear the end of it if i did have homework that first week – sixth grade won’t have it the next week either – remember, they’re too stressed to start school:)

    so if you’re worried about a two-day week – relax! no homework!!!! 🙂

    (just a summer reading quiz:)

  8. the bigger yay is that i get to teach next week – and stop fixing people’s computers – and their gifted curriculum – and everything elses:)

  9. no – they stand a whole bunch of a lot during the year as well – although, the football team may do more standing (it’s a toss up when i run by in the afternoons)

    i’m now reading picture books to pad my total book count for the summer – so i can brag about all the books i read – now if i could just remember what any of them were about…

  10. That way, i can have an a, b, and c day before the weekend. Im stuck with just an a and a b day

  11. This is my blog for this week, it’s about our kittens that recently where born.

    Beginning: So we came home one day not knowing we’re our mother in this blog is,”Bella”. So we where looking and looking but couldn’t find her so finally Kate desides to go into the gun closet and screams through the whole house,”BELLA HAD HER KITTENS!!!!”.

    MIDDLE: So me not knowing what she says thinks there’s a intruder in our house so i come barreling down the stairs screaming,”HELP!, HELP!”. But when I get down there they are both saying,”AWWWWW!!!!!, LOOK AT THERE LITTLE WHISKERS!!”. So I walk into the gun closet and see three baby kittens nursing.

    KITTENS: One of the kittens looks exactly like Bella, It is gray and has white blobs on it, It still has a abilacal cord and we haven’t found out if it’s a boy or girl.
    The second kitten is gray and has orange spots on him that are very faded but are still visible, It still has it’s abilical cord but it is a boy.
    The last one is plain gray and we are thinking about the name winchester, we have not found out if it’s a boy or girl.

    ENDING: After all our kittens have not opened there eyes and we are thinking about names for them and we are not sure about who they are going to live with but they are all three days old and we think they are really healthy.

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