everybody do the monkey shuffle

this is apparently our new “welcome to church” song for grade school – my shuffling skills aren’t great – neither is my “go bananas” part:)

“movie and TV Top 10s” – quick read – like 36 pages – on movie lists – highest grossing – best ratings – etc. – “best actor” compared to “best actress” in matters of youngest – the women were way, way younger than the earliest male winner – i think the earliest male actor to win was like 29 – and maybe a 17 year old girl won best lead female – interesting…

“great games” – we played one of the games with four square – well, a modified version – i have at least 10 others i found that seemed decent to try (unlike my attempt today with “I have never” with my second grade – tragically, none of them made a sand castle this summer)

“wait for it” – book on “how i met your mother” – what was my favorite TV show until season 9 – and definitely the finale of season 9 – of course, this author loved season 9 – so what i liked about the book, the author seemed to like what i didn’t – so i did learn a bit

happy journaling this week


101 thoughts on “everybody do the monkey shuffle”

  1. I can’t wait until later this year when we start hearing tales of sixth grade. Maybe they’ll do some interesting things.

  2. They’re probably to afraid. I wonder if my “sixth grade house of death” notecard on the wall outside has anything to do with it.

  3. FINALLY i have someone to blame other than the old standby “mr. mayfield is mean to me”

    so yes, detective, stop scaring the little kids!!!!

  4. πŸ™‚
    What can I say? You told me to scare them on Wednesday, so I put up the card.

    (I just realized a major typo that I made… I meant “too” instead of “to”.)

  5. lol wow that’s really surprising to see 6th graders scared. By the way last Friday or Thursday Molly Whilder Stephen Whilder’s little sister won her fight with cancer. I felt bad when I found out that I saw her in the hall and didn’t say hi or even teller great to see you. By the way detective you need to do better than that … you need to scare them so bad that the try anything to stay out of his class so Mayfield can write. You need to get them to use the classic “I need to use the restroom” so they can get out of there

  6. I finally got my sister to let me borrow The Fault In Our Stars. Last made fun of me for it

  7. Feels great to actually start the day at the *shocker* middle school. Is it a b-day, because b is for billy (philly is also for billy too) and billy is me!

  8. This place is being taken over my 6th and 7th graders! I cant take it. (i was thinking about writing instead of blogging anyway) (except for today) But i am REALLY confused (as always) about the hw.

    if i were to blog all week (except friday of course) would i blog for the 4 days plus 2 dialectical journals, and 1 creative response
    2 dj’s (dialectical journals) 1 creative response and 1 blog? (because thats all i have left out of 4)


    But im going to do a blog on Moon Over Manifest anyway because whichever one it is i still need to blog. PLUS it was an amazing book (to me)

  9. annmarie – blog is different – same as before – you can write quotes and responses online for DJs and the creative responses like before

    i’m glad everyone’s superconfused – it means we’re learning:)

  10. Im still confused.

    am i doing 7 things (4 blogs 2dj’s and 1 cr)
    or 4 things (and mix of whatever whenever)

  11. Okay, I read the novel Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool over the summer. AMAZING read, I highly recommend it. By what i had heard i wasn’t too pumped to read it but once i did i was very _________ (insert phrase about happiness here)

    Moon Over Manifest is a book about girl named Abilene Tucker who ends up in Manifest because her father sends her off on a train to there. Abilene has heard stories about Manifest (obviously not the right ones) and it seems like a drab place with drab people (she’s very wrong with that thought) By the time she gets there it’s the end of the school year (long story short everyone knows everyone, except her) But after a few pages she makes friends, YAY!

    Abilene is staying at one of her father’s old friend’s house. His name is Shady (doesn’t sound very reliable does it? Don’t worry he’s pretty awesome)

  12. ^
    Oops didn’t mean to send that.

    While Abilene is in her room (at Shady’s house) she tries to find a hiding place to hide some of her stuff (her dad taught her to do that) and she finds a hidden cigar box under a floor board. It has many letters in it from some guy named Ned to some other guy named Jinx, and there’s a lot of talk about some spy the town named the Rattler.

    I’m just gonna leave you hanging there. Well not you Maf, you’ve probably already read it, yo know what happens.

  13. *sighs*

    i have absolutely no idea HOW long it’s been since i last blogged.

    anna, the queen of bacon, whom i have texted recently, says her first day of school was fine, and that she enjoyed it. (i WILL tell her to check out the blog sometime.)


    i miss having her around all the time…

    anywho, i guess i’ll begin the blog. πŸ™‚

    my favorite summer book was THE WEDNESDAY WARS. i loved the setting. my favorite part of the book was when Holling was Ariel, and had to wear “…yellow tights with feathers on the butt…” and had to rush immediately afterwards to have his ball signed by Mickey Mantle. but, Mickey Mantle said, “I don’t autograph kids baseballs who wear yellow tights.”

    overall, THE WEDNESDAY WARS was an amazing book.

    here’s my creative for the week:

    Lady Season
    by Blue

    Lady Season, change your dress from brown to green,
    leaves be seen,
    summer’s keen blue eyes.
    Your beautiful breath, it smells of cool water, and frollicking pansies…

    Lady Season, your white lacy frock,
    a icy jeweled rock,
    Your gray eyes twinkle,
    Your breath is sharp and misty…

    Lady Season, brown ruffles,
    cascading ’round and ’round,
    Your clothes are falling to and littering the ground,
    time to wear your red and yellow gown….

    ‘O, Lady Season, what will you wear to-day?
    What will you wear to-day?
    O’ say!

    wow, that was something i haven’t tried in a while. i honestly can’t wait until nanowrimo again! i have so many ideas, and i can’t wait to put it all down on paper… πŸ™‚

    well, that’s it for this week, i guess. Blue Hood, signing off… πŸ™‚

  14. This week I have chosen to pick a more difficult read so I’m reading a Sherlock Holmes story called Study in Scarlet. The story is told from the perspective of John Watson or Dr. Watson; he was shot in the shoulder in one of the Afghan Wars. The wound shattered the bone and grazed an artery under his clavical. This resulted in his discharge and months of recovery. Once better he meet an old friend in London who informed him of Sherlock. His friend is now taking him to meet Sherlock for they are going to share an apartment.

  15. Tangerine
    The whole home was empty, the family was moving, “Paul?” shouted Paul’s mom from inside while he was outside putting bags into the car, “yea?” he replied, “did you check to make sure t’hat there were no bags left in the car?” “Yes I did…”
    Paul’s mother had to check and look over everything he did… She was worried that there would be a piece of trash laying in the floor and the new owners would think lesser of them. Paul’s dad and brother, Erick were already gone, they had been living Florida for a week.
    Paul sat a bag down on the road and stared almost right into the sun, he is not supposed to bc of how thick his glasses are. me time his older brother told him that he ever looked right into the sun with these glasses his eyeballs would burst Into flames! he did not believe that.
    ” Thank you that is all for today, “read” tomorrow for anther one!”

  16. Okay Mr. Mayfield when you go to the main page on the blog you cant see the Jason Mayfield’s Blog

  17. creative~~~Back to the Old Grind~~~~~~~
    Open up your brain
    Its that time again
    where we sit in cold rooms
    await our dooms

    Lets try to stay awake
    we’re back from summer break.
    Our desks creak and groan.
    ALMOST all of us have grown.

    Forget summer fun
    until school’s done
    It’ll be awhile
    before I’ll wear my smile.
    Short but… depressing YAAAAY!!! its a good one to start off with i guess.
    byeeeeeeeee πŸ™‚

  18. Alright…the first blog of the year…deeefinitely not easy to jump right into. This is going to be a combination of my dialectal journal and my bonus assignment. Sooooo let’s hope I listened well in class today. My dialectal journal will be on the picture book we read in class, as I haven’t read any of my new book yet…and im not sure on cited info…

    *Quote or Occurance* *Response*
    ———————————l————————————————–“white cat in the snow” This line or occurance is an obvious ironic
    situation that we should be able to pick
    up on as soon as we read it. It’s ironic
    because of course both the cat and the
    snow are white which creates the
    comedic effect, therefore revealing a
    blank paper with just a face on it.

    I know that was only one, but im saving the other three for when I start reading my book from the library – Ive read three of the Series of Unfortunate Events books back in the elementary school days, so I figured I’d reread them starting with book one.

    Alright, now for the book thayt Mr. Mayfirld read over the summer that I would enjoy reading. And before I start – no I didnt choose this book because it’s close to the top and it’s easy to ger out of the way…I promise.

    The book I chose was actually “Cosby”, the story of Bill Cosby, definitely towards the top of the best comedians of all time list. I would like to get a chance to read it becuase I truly love making people laugh – hence my love for acting and drama – and comedy and jokes are a way I can do it without having to move to Hollywood – which, as we all know, is how you get on Disney channel anyways – I would hope to learn his techniques, or some of his jokes – only clean ones of course…Im not sure if Cosby’s 100% clean – to do what I enjoy more than anything: making people laugh. On somedays I would argue acepting an acting job in a comedy role over the local sports team. Buuuut I;m staying where I am now – until I decide I want to throw my life away here and play a guessing game in Hollywood πŸ™‚

  19. Sorry my dialectal journal looks that way, i spaced it out and everything on here but it didnt show up for some reason…

  20. has anyone else seen the news yet???

    robin williams is…dead! (look ’em up if you don’t know who he is. i garuntee you, you’ve probably seen him in at least ONE movie in your lifetime.)


  21. I think I’m the first 6th grader to post!! Am I the first 6th grader to post??
    Monday’s entry: ***It’s not a day late!! I did it on paper first!:)
    I am reading The Complete Sherlock Holmes and I am at the part where Sherlock and Watson are looking for a photo that a woman has taken out of the country. She wrote a letter to Sherlock saying she left after she found out that he was on to her. He and Watson read the letter aloud. The king of Germany (who they were helping) was dazzled. They found the picture in the envelope with the letter.
    I am really enjoying this series so farz!! I like watching the TV show on BBC too. There are some things in the books that are like the TV show but mostly the two are different. The book is WAY BETTER!! THE END!

    Tuesday’s entry:
    IN my book Sherlock Holmes he has been bummed because he was figured out by a women. He has been working on another case from a man who is asking about some league of red haired men. it was started by a millionaire who left his money to some trusties. they looked over the add in the paper but still don’t know what is going on. That is all.

  22. mayfield, i heard you talk to the blue hood today to stalk an ugly kid named
    brandon. i heard you. πŸ™‚

    in the book Freak The Mighty by Rodman Philbrick, Max makes a new friend called freak

    evdhgsvghgfbjhthjhsdnjnjk,kjhhchntgrtnshnhhcsdkhjhhhhaquhclnasnnjawd ncn wse e cqwycqwyh iqhcdgvhegv fqk qeieyr gf aswjdehgfwyecv wqaeuc fiaihs csa dcahwgedf WFDWEGVJQWG WEJYJ UFRJVFISJFjk akiihvh ka qeu k eurdfh arwhgqk wierqh e rweiuf eierfu weuf we

  23. (Meissner2013) Book Title: Call of the Klondyke
    Line: steamer Portland arrived in early morning hours with 68 miners and over a million.

    Response: my first response to this is that these people average about 150k dollars worth of gold and for panning for gold that is amazing and i know see why so many of the Americans had joined the gold rush and that was the very likely fact that they were gonna come out on top making profit after they spent money on things like food and gold panning pans. When i watch the tv show gold rush i immediately think wow thats a thing that would leave someone in a lot of debt but how they see it is they dont have any money so why not if u lose the little amount you had whatever but then there’s the fact that you could strike it rich.

  24. Detective i forgot i had football when we made plans to go to the library really sorry about that


    I’m the Detective, and I’m slightly more insane than the rest of the seventh grade. But, that’s not the point of this post.
    Generally blogs include at least one misspelling, so HAVE FUN!!!!

    Oh, and during the summer and on off weeks, the blogs are the best place to, um, “socialize”.
    Or to find who you want to kidnap.

    At any rate, always keep in mind that FIRST!!!! Is the best thing you can say on a Sunday.

  26. There is a sixth grader that watches Sherlock? What is this???
    Hmm, detective may have found her apprentice…
    ((Funny when you’ve typed Mwahahahahahahahahaha so many times that your keyboard recognizes it…))

  27. My dad made me do this


    I’ve been reading Fire and Ice by Jackie Andrews.
    “My crystalcomm chirped at me…” (pg.1)
    Crystalcomm is diction and means that the book takes place in the future or somewhere else entirely.

    “You haven’t bought yourself a little runaround…” (pg.4)
    Runaround is alluding to a car or some other mode of transportation.


    “Silke Investigations.”pg.1
    The main character has her own private investigations company. So far in the book she has only accepted one customer.

    “Religious cults had somehow completely passed me by…”
    She is investamagating a religious person and she doesn’t know a thing about the religion…because in the book Silke tried to offer her client something to eat and the client said “We keep to a strict fast in the Greening, as a way of preparing ourselves for the Feast of Garnering.”

    So far this is a pretty good book. I’ll have a better opinion later.

  28. Okay, can I just start by saying that this is a very emotional time for me, because I have come at the realization that this is my β€œlast first” blog of my middle school career, so I guess I can ease the tension and make my blog like one of my sixth grade blogs…. If I can remember the format of those, of course.

    1. How is everyone’s first full week going?
    2. The food still tastes funky
    3. Sarah’s mom makes the best baked cheese squares.

    Now that I have that settled, I will proceed with the journaling part of tonight’s blog. I have finally decided to begin reading The Fault In Our Stars. (I know, I know, I’m way too late) Whatever, I couldn’t care less about if I’m late or not. Anyway, dialectical journal….

    Line: β€œ….devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death.”
    Commentary: Obviously this line is foreshadowing that the main character and narrator, Hazel, is dying. Later in the introduction the reader will learn that she has cancer and doesn’t have very long to live.

    Line: β€˜…waiting, as we all do, for the sword of Damocles to give him the relief that he escaped lo those many years ago…”
    Commentary: This line is significant because there is an allusion to the sword of Damocles, which is, to quote Google, “an imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power.” That basically means a never ending danger is faced by those in power. β€œHe” in the line refers to Patrick, who directs the Support Group circle. He survived cancer and used his story to talk about how there is always hope in this β€œsword of Damocles.”

    Well, I suppose that’s it. I guess I’ll be back tomorrow night. Happy blogging πŸ™‚


  29. My creative response to The Day the Colors Quit.

    To Duncan,

    Hi, Indigo crayon here. I was just wondering why don’t you use me. I mean i’m like 6 ruler inches and every one else is only like 4. I’m like the middle kid. For the sky and stuff like that you always use blue. When you color a picture of your mom you always color her dress purple. I’m just so tall and lonely. Please use me so I don’t have to get sharpened just to fit in the crayon box.
    Your tall and lonely friend, Indigo crayon.

    Irony- I am the middle child so sometimes I feel like Indigo being in the middle. Haha πŸ™‚

  30. Dialectical Response to R.A. Dickey-Throwing Strikes

    If I could only make a pledge to refrain from fist-fights.

    R.A. Dickey’s parents drank and his parents split before he was in kindergarten. So he wasn’t taught how to act that well. He would start swinging the second someone made him mad. He was a troublemaker. Who didn’t do good in school either. His Uncle tried to enroll him in Montgomery Bell Academy. In which his uncle attended. He failed the test to enroll there.
    R.A. straightend up his life and now he is in my opinion and lots others opinion the best knuckleballer in the MLB. Which was his main pitch and helped him win the Cy Young award. Awarded to the best pitcher in the league. My point is just because you may not have the best oppurtunity or have money or even be a good student and any moment you can turn your life around and become someone or something great. πŸ™‚

    Sorry about getting of topic but I thought that was important or it was to me. πŸ™‚

  31. Paul was ridding on the road on his bike, and he heard a loud roar… like a bunch of wild animals in a cage, when he looked back nothing was there… then kept herring it over and over and over. Then all the sudden when he looked back and he saw a black car with a man wit a ski mask one and sunglasses on. And he had a baseball bat in his hand and they guy was hanging almost all the way out of the car. The car got closer every second the car was gaining on him. Then the car was right beside him and then Paul saw the bat reared back and it took a swing and then he swerved and that is when Paul found himself flying of his bike and landing face first in the dirt. hen he got off of his bike and he ran straight home…
    Thank you for reading!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

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