“just go home, lie down, and listen to country music, the music of pain…”

that was buffy, season one – the season everyone looks back on and says “oh, they look so young”…

“How to tell if your cat is trying to kill you” – i started the week with a very serious book – fortunately, i read the book in time to avoid the bell rub trap my parent’s cat had set for me – people of cats, listen – you must too read this book before it’s too late and we speak at your funeral about how you never saw it coming… 🙂

“team challenge” – book of team games – i made copies on some interesting ones – and some notes – i hope to get them into the classroom this week

“romeoiette and julio” – whatever – BOB No. 1 for me – hated it – awful book – why was it put here on earth??? to torture those of us that think we can write and send off our work and get no feedback – and then to discover that apparently, someone loved this book enough to publish – i just wonder where i go wrong and that author goes right – argh…

happy blogging this week (note the spelling jordan m:)


100 thoughts on ““just go home, lie down, and listen to country music, the music of pain…””

  1. Line
    ” i have to find Lucy”

    I chose this line because if she doesn’t find Lucy she will not be able to tell her that her parents are dead. Only Nicole is in Lucy’s body and later will find out that Lucy killed her own parents. Nicole is having a hard time so she goes to Lucy’s boyfriend because Nicole cant find Lucy.

  2. Well i thought that i was going to check out a book. I never do that! i hardly check out any books because i always forget to return them. :(.
    But i did it. and i decided that i will do my writing on Ice fire. it’s not the book max is reading. it is about dragons… MADE OF CLAY!!!
    Isn’t that so much better than real ones!!. Well i should get on with it.

    Wednesday:well i am going to tell you abut the first book… well… first. so the first book Is about this guy who writes stories and is a student at some school.the person that he is living with is named Liz. she makes clay dragons for a living.so he gets a dragon who is apparently telepathic and talks to him. creepy wright. well it tells him about things he should write about. and he writes a squirrel book for Luise Liz’s daughter. and they go to happy lala looloo land and end of all life as we know it. not really but i don’t want to type that much :). so i guess i will tell you more tomorrow and all that fun stuff.

    i read that book in third grade and i still remember a lot off the details.
    well kids don’t do drugs and Brandon you need to stop doing drugs so you wont get arrested again.

  3. line
    “two detective police”
    Nicole cant find nicole so she goes to her house and changes and finds the murder weapon which is the kitchen knife but not only that she finds a note that says ” i had to lucy”. then three knocks. Lucy goes to the front door and sees two police detectives. She decides to go to the back door and run. So she ran and the detectives were going around back. on the way she jumps a fence and hides in a playhoouse. the police cant find her and so she waits till 3:00 and goes to her car at the high school.she decides to keep looking untill she finds her. She will look everywhere clubs, houses,and all of her hangouts untill i find her.

  4. #rememberthemoose #nopotato #who’sadragon
    Creative response to”Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”:Changing the plot to an adult mystery novel.

    The plot is, there was a man named Harry Potter who worked for Area 51.There was an announcement that their main artifact,The Sorcerer’s Stone(an orb that keeps the aliens from attacking us)was stolen by an agent working there. He is the main suspect. Now he must figure out who it was ,using magical powers he didn’t know he had.
    Elijah Out(never trust a potato)

  5. Okay I know I should do a creative but i was reading a while ago and i passed by something i just HAD to do a response on. And I know if i wait im going to forget.

    Well, I guess i should have written it down but i wrote the page # and now i cant find anything that jogs my memory about it so i guess it wasnt THAT good of a quote. Ill find another one.

    “Don’t think too badly of your parents, they’re doing what they believe is best for you.” (Haddix 2005)
    Okay, Im sorry but this is the MOST cliche parenting line EVER. If you watch any tv show, read any book or listen to any speech from parents “Im only doing what’s best for you” is like the go to catch phrase. And frankly it gets kind of annoying, like really? You can’t come up with a better thing to say? Is “Im only doing what’s best for you” the only thing that ever comes to mind?

    “Im only one step away from rolling my eyes–‘morphing into a teenager’, as my friend Lucy calls it.” (Haddix 2005)
    I myself hate when people roll their eyes, I think its rude and a sign that you obviously cant show your anger/annoyance through words. BUT thats not how most kids think. You can tell so much of an author without even reading the back little story and the author. You can tell the author has kids (Her talks too much like a parent to not have kids) Just the way she explains things and takes thoughts and words that she probably thinks and says to her own children.


  6. Wednesday:


    Fire & Ice

    Speaker: The speaker is Lucius Stone, the rich guy.

    Occasion: The occasion is he is trying to get Silke to share a large office/lobby area with him.

    Audience: The audience is the reader, me (a.k.a The Favorite).

    Purpose: Lucius wanted to make his friend, Silke, look more professional.

    Setting: The conversation between Lucius and Silke takes place in Lucius’ mansion.

    Tone: The tone is hostile.

    Sincerely, The Favorite ;P

    P.S. TACO!!!

  7. I think today’s creative writing went to the world of Spam-a-Lot (at least that’s what my dad said, anyway)

  8. I’m reading GRIMM LEGACY

    Line: Grimm Legacy (I am fully aware it is the title)

    I chose to write about the title because it can tell you about the book

  9. I just finished reading the call of the Klondyke and it tells that even after the gold rush when they came home they still searched in various places for silver and gold since they had advanced machinery to work with instead of just hard labor. They looked and looked but despite being surrounded by people or so it seemed that were striking it rich, they never found anything of much worth and later on Stanley met a young Spanish woman and they got marrow and had kids and later on Stanley was diagnosed with a disease and before his brother could make the flight there he passed away and they had his funeral in Colorado, where he was from.

  10. Line:When David was three he started coming to the clinic for occupational therapy, I tagged along because I was to little to stay home alone.

    Commentary: Catherine goes to therapy with david and then she meets a dude named jason and he cant speak so he has this book that he points to words and catherine and they become awesome friends and each day at the theraputic office Catherine makes new words for davids book like amazing or dang it or stuff he really needs beside the, because, and hey and his book almost is fullbut catherine got him anither one and she made more words.

  11. I am going to do SCAMPER blogging (note the spelling mayfield).

    Throwing Strikes: R.A. Dickey

    If RA Dickey had never accepted God, he wouldn’t be the man he is today. He wouldn’t be a forgiven man.
    Let’s substitute that RA never accepted God. He wouldn’t have had him during his struggles as a major league pitcher. When he couldn’t throw his fastball he wouldn’t have had God to drive him on the right path. He would not have met his wife Anne or his best friend Bo and FCA. God had a plan for RA and God has a plan for all of you. Don’t ignore him, let him into your heart so one days when the world ends for you you will have everlasting life in heaven. Let’s just think without God, RA would have still been a troublemaker. God sent Bo to be a part of RA’s life so RA’s story can be an outline for some kids. I want to be like RA a famous athlete who shares his love of God with everyone.

  12. Counting by 7’s
    Here are to lines that I think are important… This is a quote made the main character, Willow…
    “The human corps
    flower has blossomed.”
    I think that this means, that she thinks that she has blossomed into the people around her and she feel as if she opened up and finally understands people around unlike she used to.

  13. Well, sixth grade wasn’t an entirely bad year. The bad things were…well…maybe…I actually can’t think of any bad things. So…

    I heart sixth grade, too.

    I heart seventh grade more, though.

  14. Happy Land part 1

    One day in the world we live in young Elisabeth was board out of her brain and she said “I need to put this thingy on this and plug this thingy in here” wooooosh “What was that? Where is that light coming from?” Music started playing.
    “Now I can see again. Why am I outside? Why are there bunny’s everywhere and flowers my mom could not even keep a flower alive. “As I ran I saw a giant dinosaur it scared me, but it was friendly. I started running again and a huge mushroom popped up out of the ground. It scared me!
    Now I’ve got an idea. Ohh look there’s a gingerbread house. Now, I’m not going in there because I’m pretty sure there’s a fairy tale that shows this. Rrroooaaarrr! Is that a monster out of uuummmmm…….. Monster University. Now, I’m in an imaginary world and I can’t get out.
    Look, there’s my portal, now I just step through and that’s all. “Now what” I said I’m home finally I’m home. “Elisabeth, Elisabeth, Elisabeth wake up.” said my mom “so I was dreaming the whole time” I said “I thought it was for real” I said

  15. So, after doing stadiums and sprints with two good friends of mine in 11th grade, I came home, ate dinner took a shower, and realized that I needed to blog.

    Anyway, so still reading The Fault In Our Stars. I would usually have it finished by now, but with all the other homework and band practice that I have going on in my life, I just can’t find the time to read anymore. It’s actually quite depressing, since reading is one of my favorite pastimes.

    I suppose that since I wasn’t available to blog Monday and Tuesday night, I will find four lines from the book and leave some comments.

    Line: “Oh, I wouldn’t mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”
    Commentary: This line caught my attention, not for the line itself, but the depth of the line. The line means that even though he has considered the fact that no matter what, Hazel Grace will die, and it doesn’t bother him that he will go through the depression and still choose to love her.

    Line: If you don’t live a life in a service of a greater good, you’ve gotta at least die a death in service of a greater good…”
    Commentary: For starters, this isn’t the kind of line you should say to a girl who’s dying of cancer. That’s just wrong. Anyway, the line struck significance to me in the fact that most people don’t typically think about this. I’m not necessarily agreeing to the statement, I think that most people live a life for enjoyment, not because they want to leave something behind. They don’t really put that into consideration.

    Line: “I think forever is an incorrect concept.”
    Commentary: This line brings up the topic of religion and God. The author is obviously religious to some extent, because the characters worship him quite often. Also, this could be an opinion from the author himself being sent to readers through one of his characters. It makes you wonder if forever is a true thing, or just a hyperbole that people just say to mean a long time.

    Line: “…that feeling of excitement and gratitude about just being able to marvel at it all.”
    Commentary: The meaning of this line mostly means that going through a tough ordeal can help you appreciate what you have and how amazing life is, and that you shouldn’t take it for granted. Of course, when you’re a cancer survivor, I suppose you would be thankful for the advanced medicine humans have created and how much people care about you.

    I’m still hungry… Bye blog

  16. more from my story…

    “OMHK!!! Tragedy Bear is trapped inside the hill!!!” The detective started to tear apart blocks.

    “I thought Tragedy Bear said ‘Roar’,” Fred said, “’Cause if he didn’t, I’m going to regret not bringing along my stick today…”

    “No, my binder’s sound analysis board says that the ‘Help me!!!’ is authentic JoJo voice.”

    “I thought JoJo was destroyed long ago!!!”

    “I’m coming Tragedy Bear!!!”

  17. One time I was walking down Mark Wahlberg’s drive way and out popped a dinosaur
    “I’m too ugly to be pretty” wept the dinosaur.
    “Oh, honey your not ugly”
    “What no I’m trying to do a scene for this Micheal Bay movie . Leave me alone , freak.” He said holding out the end of the alone.
    “How rude.”
    “And I am quoting Stephanie from Full House and Micheal Bay did’nt direct that now did he , BAM WHAT.”

  18. alright last blog of week wooo weekend now creative

    Thursday: well i was reading icefire (why 1 word don’t know.) and he saw Luise going through. he was going to see what was in it after Luise went away. she put the box in the freezer and David told her he had a present for her in his room.(book on pandas i think) So David was looking and saw a little dragon, a guard dragon (made of clay) he moved it when the dragon stuck to his hand and he felt a burning pain. he ran water over it to get it off. liz came over and helped him get it off. she showed him what was in the box so she would not go snooping around again.

    yay ime done with home work

  19. “My! Look behind you, Aunt!”(twain,1988)
    Tom is “smart” for using that as a chance to run away from the switch

    “a stranger was before him”(twain,1988)
    why tom started his converse with a threat i don’t know,he could have just had a simple conversation with him and became friends

    “by jingo! for two cents i will do it”
    tom beat the boy up and the boy started crying,tom warned him he would beat him up”

    “Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?'”
    tom is getting a cahnce to take a break because ben wanted to try but tom refused his offer….why? ill let him work for me this time.

    At supper that night when Aunt Polly is out of the room, Sid accidentally breaks the sugar bowl. Tom is pleased because now Sid will be punished. but when Aunt Polly sees the broken dish, she whips Tom until he points out that Sid broke it. Although Aunt Polly is sorry, she claims that Tom has probably done something deserving of a belting.

  20. Well I’m reading Steve Jobs : The man who thought Different.
    Line:Then one summer evening , the two went to meet a potential customer.
    Commentary: Jobs wasn’t alone when making the delivery. You could tell that Jobs was hoping to have a new customer. When he went to meet the customer you could tell by the sentence that something extreme was about to go down.

  21. One time I was walking down Mark Wahlberg’s driveway and a dinosaur hoped out of the bush.

    “I’m too ugly to be pretty” the dinosaur wept.

    “Oh , honey your not ugly” I said trying to comfort the dinosaur.

    “Get away from me I’m trying to shoot a Micheal Bay film.Hint Hint I’m in front of one of his clients’ house.”

    “How rude”.
    “And yes I just did quote Stephanie from Full House” isaid sassily and walked off.

  22. Thursday:

    Fire & Ice

    Today I read Fire and Ice by Jackie Andrews. Silke’s phone thing woke her up. She started a conversation with Lucius. When she was done she went to the local dinner to meet with her client. She then took on the the case of the missing persons. Then she met with Lucius to talk about sharing an office.

    From, The Favorite

  23. I’m going to change the setting and some of the features of “Flush” to see how much different the story is. So… this is what it might look like.

    There was a brother and a sister and they caught the meanest preschool kid’s dad and all of his friends flushing teddy bears. Noah and Abbey knew they had to do something about it. But what?
    Abbey and Noah went to their preschool teacher Mrs. Shelly she said,”I saw it too!” So that night Abbey, Noah and Mrs. Shelly snuck out to the preschool and they hung up cameras.
    They looked at the cameras the next day and saw that they had gotten the whole thing on tape. They turned them into the police.

  24. Romiette’s and Julio STINKS! Mr. Maf, your opinion was 100% true! Not every chapter has to refer back to how one feels about the other. I swear that author should be punished! Curse her for writing such a terrible book! Maybe she just ran out of things to write so she just reworded their feelings every other chapter. For example: Chapter One:(of random novel that doesn’t even exist.) John looked at Fiona. That heart shaped face of hers could keep anyone’s attention. Every time he changed his thoughts they drifted back to Fiona. Must have been that charm of her or that red hair that fit so perfectly with her fair skin! CHAPTER TWO: Fiona looked around the cafeteria. Her best friend, Mallory, sat cross-legged in a seat at one of the tables farthest from the door. Mallory probably already heard the gossip of Fiona and John, but it had probably been retorted before she had gotten the news. Fiona decided to tell herself. As she began to walk over to Mallory, she saw John all alone at a table in a corner. Perhaps she should go sit with him. He looked so lonely. However, she felt so nervous when she was around him. He was so amazing- his personality had a kind of greatness to it. It made her heart flutter when just one came from him. They had just met a few days back, and she didn’t know how she had acquired such thoughts for him, but she knew she liked him and that he liked her. SO, she decided to go sit with him. CHAPTER THREE: John stared up from his plate. He had barely touched anything. He wasn’t that hungry- or was he. Once he had gotten the mindset of hunger and he was about to eat, he remembered Fiona and her kind words that fluttered about and seemed as if she could say anything without thinking about it and it would come out so perfectly. He loved the way she walked. The way she smiled and the way her hair fell over her shoulders when she leaned forward. Everything about that girl was a mystery. A mystery he wanted to solve.

    SO, you see what I mean. It gets rather annoying. As if you’re watching a couple that is madly in love toss back and forth a few compliments in a NOVEL. YES! a NOVEL! Who would even call it that! Apparently, I am really judgmental towards books more so now than I ever was. *Sigh* When you are an author- or- just an over-analyzer, you can see the faults so much more. I guess I shall be done complaining!

  25. i just typed a 3,000 word blog. and apparently the send button failed me-or- the blog doesn’t accept blogs as long as that one. 🙁 It was so good. It took about 30-40 minutes. 🙁

  26. (whoops didnt mean to put that one comment up there)

    Creative Story

    There was a teacher.His name was Mr.Mayfield.
    He liked to run, mostly because he was pretending to
    run from his 6th grade class. His favorite show was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And his enemies were,Alexa,Kate,Carrie,and Maddy.
    he didnt like them because they were obviously more awesomer then him.(especially Kate) Mr.Mayfield said Kates brain was small one time. And that writing senences wore me out. And you wanna know what I think…. He’s absolutely right.

  27. Book Rewrite
    Mr. Mayfield was teaching 7th period and he switched bodies with Alexa but Alexa didn’t know that he stole her book. Later when she got home she was looking at all of his books and she found that they had her name in them. She went to Mr. Mayfield’s mother and told her and she called the police. By this time, there were 3 knocks on the door. When they answered the door, they found the police detectives who had come to arrest her.

    Creative Writing
    One day we were in Social Studies and a creature came in the classroom. The creature had a medal head, was short and skinny and very smart. The creature said “Hello, I am Ms. Vincent” in a robot type voice. Cameron and Alexa were thinking that this couldn’t be Ms. Vincent so Alexa went to the creature to quiz him and said “What did we do in class yesterday? I wasn’t here”. The robot answered “I do not know”. Angered by her questions, the robot called his friends who took Alexa into space. When she arrived in space, she saw Ms. Vincent. Alexa and Ms. Vincent battled space aliens and lived happily ever after..

  28. I read extra summer reading books.

    these are my 10 questions about “A long Walk to Water”

    1. What were the names of the sisters who were in the newest part of the story in 2008? Nya and Akeer

    2. In the first paragraph of Salva’s adventure did it describe where he was? Yes, he was at school

    3. How long does Nya walk every day to get to the pond to fetch her family water? 8 hours

    4. Why did Nya’s little sister get sick?
    She drank mucky water

    5. What countries did Salva travel through?
    Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya

    6. What country did Salva’s uncle die in.
    Southern Sudan

    7. Where was the refugee camp?
    Itang refugee camp, Ethiopia

    8. What state did salva move to in the U.S.?
    New York

    9. How did the two stories relate?
    two young people, two stories…one country

    10. What was the most touching sentence in the book?
    For me it was when Nya was talking to Salva and Salva said, ” I’m glad to meet you Nya…I’m Salva”. Then I knew why he wrote this story.

  29. Ok so this blog is going to be a combination of my dialectal journals and my completely creative piece.

    I’m still reading “Tom Sawyer” and Tom has just gotten busted for using the tickets that weren’t his. Here are some lines and my feedback.

    “After the hymn had been sung, the Rev. Mr. Sprague turned himself into a bulletin board and read off ‘notices’ of meetings and societies and things till it seemed that the list would stretch out to the crack of doom…”

    The phrase tha caught my eye was ” turned himself into a bulletin board”. This metaphor can be interpreted in two different ways. One way, is maybe calling the Rev. a bulletin board as a positive, thinking that his word every Sunday is their news source, eager for it by the time each new week rolls around. Another way to interpret it, is that the audience gets lost in his announcements, not being there for them, but for church.

    I figure that since these are lenghty lines and lenghty responses, I can get away with just two, if that’s not ok, just tell me and I’l make the correction next week.

    “Aunt Polly came, and Tom, and Sid and Mary sat with her, Tom being placed next to the aisle, in order that he might be as far away from the open window, and the seductive outside summer scenes as possible.”

    An open window – a perfect escape route for Tom, the boy who hurdles fences instead of using the gate. It also makes the perfect distraction for Tom, annd he could go without hearing a bit of the sermon. I have a prepostion, more about Aunt Polly’s character. Maybe Aunt Polly has come to the point that she’s realized that she can’t control Tom’s actions during the weekdays. She knows he does stuff he’s not supposed to, but cant corral him long enough to make a change. Maybe Aunt Polly sees church as an opportunity to make Tom sit own, and listen to the right way to live your life. Maybre Aunt Polly lets him get away with things, so that he will make a decision on his ownn to do right, not by her ways. Because, of course, she doesnt fell obliged, being only his aunt and all.

    Now to a short creative poem.


    Ive given up.
    Gloom and despair are my new best friends.
    Im done.
    Done with the constant intent to be happy, when I can’t.
    I wish
    that for one day, they could step into my shoes.
    They did long ago, but they dont remember like they think they do.
    I wish they’d let us have a say.
    Me, and the rest of the melancholy mafia.
    Let us get behind the wheel.
    And tell you how we feel.

  30. Ive started reading the lone survivor and im to the part where they are just going into Afghanistan and i cant wait to read this book because ive seen the trailer to the movie and want to read the book and then watch the movie and the soldiers start out by saying that they are seals and it basically stands for sea, air, and land because they fight on any of the three. In Afghanistan they will mostly be fighting on land 99 percent of the time since it is very hot in Afghanistan and there are problably very few water sources that are larger than ponds .

  31. Been reading Ted and I. About a boy named Stosh who can hold baseball cards and go back to the year the card is in. He is going back with a Ted Williams card who was probably the best overall hitter ever. The card was in 1941 and the FBI wants him to go back and warn president Roosevelt about Pearl Harbor so……..

  32. OT final: sc 15 jemison 21.
    Hey at least we scored a touch down, unlike spain park (5-3)

  33. The Detective Is Watching a Doctor Who Marathon because of the Doctor Who Season Premier Tonight!!! says:

    I’m not sure whether or not I want to read “Romiette and Julio” now.

  34. billy, shelby co is supposed to beat 4a teams – not lose in OT

    detective – go ahead and read it, get it over with, and hope for more in life with the rest of the BOBs:)

  35. With seniority over everybody (including the coach) i call the “unclaimed” title of supreme overlord.

  36. Haha, Billy. You remain, for now, just Billy. I reman the Detective.

  37. line “my name is dellie”

    i chose this line because this is the beginning of the story and i dont know a lot but she is a Christian now but when she was little she said that she didn’t really pay attention she also said that she had commited crimes such as robbery, kidnapping, and worse she wishes that she had god in her life earlier than she does now.

    Line ‘

    “i thought he was dead”


    the reason i chose this is because they were playing baseball and this guy named billy was hitting and harry was pitching and billy hit a line drive and it went right back to harry. dellie and cake thought that he was dead. they both ran to him his nose and mouth were both bleeding like crazy they took him to the doctor and his nose is being fixed

  38. I’m reading Island of the Blue Dolphins. It talks about Karana wanting to go to a bad part on the island to get a canoe. She wants to get a canoe and bring it close to her house to hide. Then, she wants to put it in the water and go some where else. Her brother Ramo is 5 years old and he doesn’t have any faith in Karana. Ramo said ” How are you going to lift and put that heavy canoe in the water?” Then, Ramo left. Karana went to get the canoe hoping the wild dogs wouldn’t hurt her. I wonder if the wild dogs will hurt her?

  39. I’m reading Island of the Blue Dolphins. I found out that the fire Karana had made and put near the cave went out during the night. Karana burnt down all of the houses because she was about to leave the island with her dad, older sister, and other families. She was headed to the island shops to look for more weapons when she saw a box. She went to look inside the box and forgot all about looking for more weapons. When she opened the box she saw lots of different colored beads and string. She made a necklace and some bracelets, then she put them on. The aleuts [a tribe that threatens whoever and whatever it wants to and the aleuts cause war] came behind Karana and told her not to take those beads and they were not hers. Karana told the aleuts that they weren’t theirs either. Then the aleuts said that they can take whatever they want to. After the argument the aleuts left and Karana thought about who left the box of beads and string. She knew that the trail she was walking on was the trail that a lot of men and women had died on. She knew that one of the women dropped the box after she got shot. All of a sudden she remembered that she needed to gather more weapons. When she was walking she heard and saw the pack of dogs hiding behind a bush. The dogs didn’t even try to hurt her. Then, she went to go look for weapons, but the wood for the bow and arrows was very scarce. Karana found a little bit of wood to build the bow and arrows. While she was building the weapons the dogs only stared at her. They didn’t event try to attack because if they went near her they knew they would be dead. Karana tried to shoot the dogs, but they ran above a hill and hid behind a different bush. I will have to read the rest of the book to find out what happens next.

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