everybody do the monkey shuffle

this is apparently our new “welcome to church” song for grade school – my shuffling skills aren’t great – neither is my “go bananas” part:)

“movie and TV Top 10s” – quick read – like 36 pages – on movie lists – highest grossing – best ratings – etc. – “best actor” compared to “best actress” in matters of youngest – the women were way, way younger than the earliest male winner – i think the earliest male actor to win was like 29 – and maybe a 17 year old girl won best lead female – interesting…

“great games” – we played one of the games with four square – well, a modified version – i have at least 10 others i found that seemed decent to try (unlike my attempt today with “I have never” with my second grade – tragically, none of them made a sand castle this summer)

“wait for it” – book on “how i met your mother” – what was my favorite TV show until season 9 – and definitely the finale of season 9 – of course, this author loved season 9 – so what i liked about the book, the author seemed to like what i didn’t – so i did learn a bit

happy journaling this week


101 thoughts on “everybody do the monkey shuffle”

  1. Aaaaaaaallllrightey, here’s my blog for the night, and it is on the few pages I’ve read of my book so far. I am re reading the first book of the Series of Unfortunate Events.

    Line: “For instance, this morning she was saying ‘Gack’ over and over, which probably meant, ‘Look at that mysterious figure emerging from that fog!’

    Analysis: This line, of course, comes from Sunny, the baby that, like her fellow Baudelaire siblings, is very smart. This idea that she is really saying these sentences that are rather intricate, is an obvious use of irony. It’s ironic that this baby has got this fluent vocabulary that her siblings seem to understand, but no one else.

    Literary Feature: Stereotype

    Analysis: I’m not sure if this is an actual literary term, but it definitely applies in this situation. Klaus’ characteristics are described before his personality, and he is described as “wearing glasses”, a deliberate attempt by Snicket to fill this stereotype of the smart kid wearing glasses.

  2. HELLO EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i really think that Sherlock Holmes is a very good book its probably because I’m better than every one else (not really.) well anyway here is my writing.
    so Sherlock is still talking to the guy who reported the league of red haired men. the guy he is talking to was in the league of red haired men but one day he found a sign that said the building that he worked in was closed. He wanted them to investigate this so he would know if it was just a prank or if it has really bean closed.
    Well that’s my writing and it is totally better than anyone else’s and i should be a King and be treated with the highest of respect.(hello kitty said so)

  3. Okay there are seriously way to many people i don’t know on here (maybe it’s because im a loser who doesn’t socialize…oops lol) Im totally going to start journaling instead of blogging but not this week, because i cant just switch in the middle.

    Im going to do my dialectical journal on Moon Over Manifest because i haven’t read any others books yet.

    “Mind you, I don’t really say ‘y’all’, but it’s usually best to try to sound a bit like the folks whose town you’re moving into.” (Vanderpool 2010)
    This is a perfect representation of teens (of all generations) and the act of fitting in. Abilene (the person who says this) doesn’t say “yall” but because she feels she must fit in/not stand out, she pushes herself to speak the way the people around her do. Now, or even 10 years ago people still had this problem, or problems like it: You feel you must fit in so you become what you think is “normal” or “ordinary” in the environment you’re in. Fitting in has always been a big thing and I feel that the author is trying to get that message across to kind of prove that when you change yourself to “fit in” its because you’re afriad that people wont like you for who you are. And that is something we all feel, everyone (even book characters) has thought “well they wont like me” or “i dont want to stick out” at least once in their life time.

    “It is time to reveal secrets of future and past.” (Vanderpool 2010)
    This line is very significant because it starts the whole story telling from Miss Sadie (a.k.a. the Hungarian women) about the town. If it wasnt for the stories 1)Moon Over Manifest would probably be an extremely boring book and 2)Manifest would be a totally boring place. Manifest had so many secrets and stories that everyone was just trying to forget about and its like Miss Sadie was just waiting for Abilene to come along so someone would finally know what happened so many years ago. In my mind Abilene metaphorically freed Manifest from a deep depression because without her everyone would have just stayed all dark, gloomy and, unhappy. Not remembering the good times but only the bad, the way many people do when going through depression.

  4. Sorry guys, i was just thinking what to say, and i was just typing that hgigo uGOIGuh bgiuGI goiyg stuff when i accidentally backed out of the blog and it put up my blog. So to inform you mayfield, no, i’m not hard of hearing.

  5. We need a MYSTERY unit in gifted.
    I could use the practice. I need to learn from the most famous detective ever.

  6. anyway, here’s my letter to Duncan:

    Dear Duncan,

    I AM NOT RED, LAVA, FRUIT JUICE OR WHATEVER! I am a BRICK RED CRAYON!!! You barely use me or notice me, and I have HAD IT!!!
    you use orange for oranges, purple for flowers, blue for the ocean (which is pretty stuby by the way) ,and red for… RED BRICKS!!!!!! ):|

    Just use me for once, will ya’ ? How about a nice brick building, eh’? And tell that pore excuse for a crayon, red, that he should no longer be coloring MY brick walls. Got it? good.

    your FANTASTIC freind, the brick red crayon

    Well? how was it?

  7. oh, and DaveK, if you think you should be placed higher than everybody else, you and Hello Kitty are morons.

  8. Mr Mayfield I owe you an explanation for the whistling in class my nose is messed up so sometimes when i breath through my nose it whistles. So technically you yelled at me for breathing and therefor want me dead i see how it is.

    Oh and since this is the blog i should talk about a book. My favorite line so far in The Fault In Our Stars has to be when August is talking in the support group. it”s when Patrick asks him what he fears and he says he fears oblivion. This is an interesting line because not a lot of people fear oblivion or at least admit that they do.

    And dave you meant been i believe

    Jason/Last!/Homer Bear

  9. Well, time for the blog I didn’t do last night:

    In the book Freak The Mighty Max mackes a new friend called Freak, and they ride on each others backs. Freak talks about him having being fitted for a robotic body, but at the end, he dies.


    So, uh,*sniff*, Max gets kidnapped by his own father, and Freak saves him. My favorite part in the story is when Freak the Mighty get stuck in a thick lake, and Dager…… Pocket Knife…… Mr. woodchipper or whoever starts to throw rocks at them.


    To be continued…………………………………..

  10. For my creative piece I wrote 2 haikus about Fire and Ice.

    **Fire and Ice**
    Fire burning quite hot,
    Destruction flames tragedy,
    Ashes growing life.

    Ice cold shivering,
    Frozen snow crunching on ground,
    Fun playful ice cream.

    Sincerely Max, your favorite student ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. Article from The Atlantic โ€ Do Cell Phones Really Belong In The Classroom?.โ€

    โ€œCell phones distract students from schoolwork and class activities.โ€

    This was towards the end of the Article the author restated this multiple times, the point is very correct in fact I agree with it if you allow phones into the classroom for Educational purposes it might work at first but then kids are going to start getting off task and misusing the technology.

    โ€œBut whatever a schoolโ€™s approach to technology, cell phones seem to be nearly ubiquitous.โ€

    This is also correct , some schools are very careful about how much technology they allow into the schools or how much they allow the students to use They are scared some might abuse their technology or vandalize the equipment. In truth it doesnโ€™t matter what they say , want , or how they in-force it they are dealing with kids they are in there rebelling, and their going to do what they want to do whether or not the school approves with it.

    โ€œAfter all, this is a generation that is used to being entertained.โ€

    They are right if kids get bored they start acting out, misbehaving, stop paying attention, and most of the time resort to getting technology going on social media and texting to fellow classmates. If you take a kids technology away they wouldnโ€™t be able to function , but that doesnโ€™t apply to all kids some arenโ€™t so caught up into technology that they can focus when they need to. If someone looked or tried to figures this out I bet you are attention spans are shorter than sayโ€ฆ twenty years ago. If you give a kid a choice of a ball any type including a glove or a goal or technology that they can play with , my bet is they would pick an Iphone over a baseball.

    I hope I did this Dialectical Journal right I hadnโ€™t read enough in my book to get something from there, if not can someone tell me tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks

  12. And side note Our Generation are lazy they pick technology over exercise this is why more than half of adolescence kids are obeseโ€ฆ.HINT this is why are school lunches are 500 calories Thank you Michelle Obama! Now kids go home and eat because their hungry causing them to over eat and then get on electronics so their not burning the calories they just ate. Its only my opinion but I donโ€™t think you can burn any calories buy playing a game that people jump and run to collect coins.

  13. Today was interesting…. at least my mom brought home leftovers from work. (if you remember my parents are vegan so anything she brings home from work is golden) ๐Ÿ™‚

    We finally began doing work in classes other than Mayfield and Hawkins ๐Ÿ™‚ I canโ€™t believe it takes five days… and they say weโ€™re pressed for time ๐Ÿ™‚

    I suppose Iโ€™ll do another dialectical journal on Fault in Our Stars ๐Ÿ™‚

    Line: (Green, 2012) โ€œAny attempts to feign normal social interactions were just depressing….โ€
    Commentary: This line struck significant to me because it helps me relate to how Hazel feels when it comes to speaking to others, especially since her lifespan has been greatly lessened by cancer and that she could die at any moment in time. It also helps me to understand how the other characters feel when they speak to her: a cautious guilt because they donโ€™t want to say anything insensitive.

    Line: (Green, 2012) โ€œCancer kids are essentially side effects of the relentless mutation that made diversity of life on earth possible.โ€
    Commentary: This line stood out to me. It stood out because of the metaphor usage. Cancer is caused by a mutation, which creates different qualities in humans, which creates diversity. However, the author describes diversity as if itโ€™s a disease, due to the usage of the term โ€œside effectโ€

    Thatโ€™s all for tonight! Creative will be tomorrow


  14. First of all brandon, if you are going to rant, at least spell right (poor, not pore) and second of all JORDY liked your piece about RA Dickey, is that book in our library?

  15. I’m still reading call of the Klondyke and i finally started to get into it around page 50 and so far its about all the miners going to canada and the hardships they face as the cold winter bites through their clothes and it has actual letters that they sent home to their families as they went through the trail that leads them to their fortune, so they hope. They talk about the muddy conditions as the snow was melted by the rain and made a sloshy horrible condition for the road and if a horse got stuck and fell itd most likely break its leg and they would put it out of its misery and move on. They would have to close the roads because of the mud and all the dead horses. There was about 1500 horses dead by 3 months.

  16. So is anyone else discouraged by the size of AnnMarie’s blogs? Mine feel so tiny compared to her’s…

    I didn’t read anymore of “The Bad Beginning” today, as I planned on stopping by the library and picking up Tom Sawyer – I’ve read an adapted version in the past and I’m eager to read it – I tried to read Treasure Island last year, but I couldn’t get interested quick enough – knowing me, you know I forget things easily (like grabbing a current events article) and this was one of them. Lunch is so short and we had to read the Code of Conduct today, so I couldn’t make it over there.

    Since I can’t write a creative response to a text, because I haven’t read enough of my first book to write a creative response – and I think Mr. Mayfield is tired of reading responses to “The Day the Crayons Quit” so I’ll do my creative writing now, and do my creative response tomorrow.


    There is no definition for beauty.
    Beauty is something we recognize individually,
    something someone else may not see.
    But we do see it, and we cherish that thing.
    We cherish it more than anything else.
    We can’t imagine life without it.
    Life without it, isn’t life.
    Your interests help build this sense of beauty.
    Without this beauty, your lpersonality is different.
    You aren’t you.
    Cherish what you find beautiful.
    Cherish what you see beauty in.
    Because without it,
    you are incomplete.

    No, I am not feeling romantic BILLY…you judgemental person, you.

  17. Tangerine
    There it was… Paul’s old empty house, his mom had calculated in hours what time they would leave and when they would arrive, they would leave at 6:00 AM and would take 22 stops in all and each be 20 min. long, and they would arrive at 9:00 PM. As they were driving they saw many fields of fruit. There was on field that caught there eye in one second it was a field of citrus trees. Paul described them as immaculate perfect and in order. then they kept going and they they saw a bunch of black smoke and his mom said, “look at that!” Paul looked and it was people burning down a whole flock of citrus trees. Paul gasped and said why are they just burning them down cant they make like a homeless shelter?
    Thank you!

  18. so lets get to it. my dad told me that my creative writings need mare meat.
    I think that there pretty good but i will try.
    So Sherlock is thinking and suddenly (ham) he jumps out of his seat (turkey) and exclaims that he knows where to (hotdog) go to find out what happened to the (lam chop) league of red haired men. he and Watson go out late at (roast beef) night and Watson needs his (bacon) revolver for some reason. they look down this strange (turducken) street at the houses.
    so watson is (chicken) wondering why he needs his gun. “what are we doing that is going to be so dangerous that i will need my gun.” Watson thinks to himself. so there looking around at night and that’s where i left off.
    so i really hope there was enough meat in my writing.

    i really want to say that i really like this blog thing where i can do my homework. it is a lot better than writing.
    And everyone should know that Brandon should get a z- for how bad he is doing. he needs a whole new grade. (joking) well that’s it bye.

  19. Sorry I didn’t come back to run, Mr. Mayfield. Dad wouldn’t let me come because
    1- I had an “attitude”
    2-there wasn’t enough planning.

  20. Yes, Homer, I did mean that.
    Oh, and Umโ€ฆ, yes, I doo neeed too wurk on mi speleeng. ๐Ÿ˜€

    one more thing: Fred, why do you use so many smiley faces?

  21. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  22. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. Okay, time to get Serious:

    In the book The Grimm Legacy, Elizabeth is hired to work at a magic library that owns a collection called, โ€œThe Grimm Collectionโ€ Which includes the magic Be-set Table, Cinderellaโ€™s slipper, and a magic carpet. She tries to work her best as she hears terrifying tales of a strange bird and have reporting things missing things. Then, at the end, the bird becomes her pet. ๐Ÿ˜€

  24. Brandon, you have got to learn, i don’t use names. Everybody just automatically knows me. Im like the implied subject of you (which mayfield taught you today, so you should know) Ask your sister and dave, I’m your next door neighbor.

  25. okay, so…from what is sounds like, it sounds like i might wanna do a dialectical journal before tomorrow, so…

    here i go. *sigh* hopefully it won’t take too long… ๐Ÿ™‚

    (btw, if i don’t do it right, someone please let me know so i’m not like, at christmas, doing this and looking like a weirdo.)

    today, i’ll be doing a dialectical journal on WEDNESDAY WARS.

    quote:[“Of all the kids at Junior Camillo High, there was one kid that Mrs. Baker hated with heat whiter than the sun…me.”] (Shmidt, 2007)

    my comment: i think here, this quote–which is the first sentence–made by Holling, gives the reader a general idea about the book; my point being, that the summary of the book is basically that Holling believes that Mrs. Baker, his sixth grade teacher, absolutely “…hates his guts…” because when all the other kids go off to their churches in the afternoon, she makes him read Shakespeare. another interesting thing is the fact that Holling believes Mrs. Baker hates him–quoting the pun–“…with heat whiter than the sun…”, which also means, “…with a strong bout of hate…”.

    quote:[“A flower child,” my father says, opening his eyes, “is a hippie who lives in Greenwich Village in dirty jeans and beads, and who can’t change a pair of socks.”] (Shmidt, 2007)

    my comment: here, i believe, is where Heather and Mr. Hoodhood are having a small spat about what hippies are. i think the daughter has an excellent point about how hippies are supposed to bring peace to the war, but the dad just has a sour attitude about everything (to me, that is.) the thing about this quote–which i think is pretty funny–is how the father refers to “Greenwich Village”, which is a small resedential neighborhood in Manhattan, and about how “flower children” are just hippies who “can’t change a pair of socks”, refferring to the fact that most hippies don’t wear shoes.


    well, that was my journaling for this week. btw, mr. maf, i’m sort of confused on how often we should do this, and even at that, is this optional? or could i just do what i did last year, which was writing about my current book and then doing one or two creative writings?

    anyway, i do have a new creative writing i will do next week, which i am excited about. speaking of which, i am still trying to think of a good subject for my nanowrimo book this year. all my other books didn’t get to be published…hopefully, i can do it this year, lol! ๐Ÿ™‚

    well, i have to go stalk som–*ahem*—er, uh, i mean…i have to go get some sleep now, so, uh, heh heh…see ya tomorrow!


  26. line: my name is Thomas, he thought. That . . . that was the only thing he could remember.(Dashner,2009)

    Commentary:if i was in Thomas’s position i would be freaking out not knowing about anything or how i got there.he just sits there and stays quiet listening to his surroundings.

    line:”Nice to meet ya, shank,” the boy said. “Welcome to the Glade”(Dashner,2009)

    Commentary:Thomas was just brought up by random people from a lift in the ground,and he trust them already?I wonder what kind of decisions he was making about staying or going up?

    line: “That was one of them beetle blades”(Dashner,2009)

    commentary:this random kid came behind Thomas and started talking about the beetles like Thomas knows what it is.hes only been here for a day and almost everyone is expecting him to know there slang

    line:”Ben’s in there, sicker than a dog.they got him” “they?” Thomas said (Dashner,2009)

    commentary:if i heard someone screaming in agony because “they” got to him i would be checking over my shoulders every minutes because you have no idea whats out there.

    Thomas was staring at the walls in amazement as they started to shift together.the ground below him shook and he was terrified at how something this big was doing this.when he got his act together again he followed chuck to the house to pull a prank on one of the members.chuck tapped on the glass and the boy inside looked out the window. Thomas ducked into cover to avoid being seen by the boy and chuck jumped from behind his cover and scared the boy.chuck took off leaving Thomas to be confronted by the boy.

  27. don’t you just hate when you do an entire blog worth, like, 30-45 minutes, and then the computer does something stupid and wipes it all out?

    try and guess what happened to THIS blue hood. ๐Ÿ™

  28. So the phantom wears a fake nose with a mustache attatched…..


    DaveK, do you play trumpet? I’m trying to sort the sixth graders. If there is a trumpet playing sixth grader that is a Sherlock fan, I have most definitely found my apprentice.

  29. Today I’m doing a SOAPSTONE.
    Speaker: The speaker is the main character Silke.
    Occasion: The occasion is that she had just sent a message to her client.
    Audience: The audience is yours truly, the reader.
    Purpose: The purpose is the missing persons case she took on from her client.
    Subject: The subject is two partners, one a mage and one a sychic, are taking on a missing persons case from Silke’s client.
    Tone: peacful

  30. Today I’m doing a SOAPSTONE.
    Speaker: The speaker is the main character Silke.
    Occasion: The occasion is that she had just sent a message to her client.
    Audience: The audience is yours truly, the reader.
    Purpose: The purpose is the missing persons case she took on from her client.
    Subject: The subject is two partners, one a mage and one a psychic, are taking on a missing persons case from Silke’s client.
    Tone: peaceful

  31. My new favorite quote “I’m ready depression. i’m ready depression.” Spongebob Squarepants

  32. well, from what it sounds like, i guess i should be doing a dilectical journal this week.

    so…*sighs*…here goes…

    i’ll be doing a dialectical journal on WEDNESDAY WARS.

    quote: ” Of all the kids in Junior Camillo High, there was one kid that Mrs. Baker hated with heat whiter than the sun…me.” (Shmidt, 2007)

    my comment: the important thing about this quote–besides it being the first line in the book–is that it tells the reader, as soon as they see it, the generic idea of the book. a 6th grade student facing his teacher’s “wrath” by afternoon Shakespeare lessons. Holling is purely convinced that Mrs. Baker hates him because of this. the ironic thing is, throughout the book, you see signs that Mrs. Baker actually doesn’t hate him, and that she does things that only a mother would ever think about doing.

    quote: “A flowerchild,” my father says, opening his eyes, “is a hippie who lives in Greenwich Village in dirty jeans and beads and can’t change
    a pair of socks.” (Shmidt 2007)

    my comment: this is a partiularly important argument that Heather and Mr. Hoodhood have. i looked up where Greenwich Village is, and it is actucally a residential neighborhood in Manhattan. in this argument, Mr. Hoodhood refers to flowerchildren as “hippies…who…can’t change a pair of socks.”, which is interesting to the fact that most hippies actually CAN’T change a pair of socks, and most of them don’t even wear socks, but live by the fact that their feet become hard and thick, like the soles of house slippers do when you where them outside alot.

    anways, that’s my blog for the week. btw, mr. maf, i’m sorta confused about this whole “dialectical journal” thing. is it optional, or can i do what i did last year? (i’m just doing one now in case i HAVE to do them.) so, i guess that’s it!

    well, i hafta go stalk som–*ahem*–er, uh, i mean, i hafta go now, so, uh, heh heh heh…

    see ya next week! ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Dialectial Journal on R.A. Dickey Throwing Strikes

    I got on my knees with Bo and his mom at clasped my hands clumsily and blurted it out: I want a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Adding on to my blog yesterday, R.A.’s story is really remarkable. The troubles he came through to accept Christ is a story all should know about. It all started when he went to FCA at his school. Which we have at ours. I thought thatbwas interestingbthat something i attend at my school a famous major league pitcher attended. He had only attended church a few times with his grandmother. His best friend Bo invited him to which at first R.A. only accepted to learn more about Bo’s sister Anne. Who turned out to be R.A.’s future wife. R.A. realized he wanted what God gave every one else. He wanted the love God gave everyone. He wanted God’s forgiveness. So on that day in Bo’s bedroom R.A. became a forgiven man for all his sins, and Jesus was in his heart.

  34. now I am reading… “_Counting by 7’s_” a bob book.
    Here is my first line.
    “I you are lost, I think this is a metaphorical term, it means that
    you might need if everyone is doing one thing, you are trying to
    to swim against do the same thing, yet you feel uncomfortable
    the tide…” it is probably best for you to “turn around and go the other way.” in other ways if you are lost then go the other way and try to find your path.

    Here is my second line.
    “The 2 people that This is more a sad depressing line that I chose
    I love the most in the because it caught me by they eye because it
    world…. are gone, was her just realizing how much she loves her
    forever…” parents and know that she does not think she can live without them but I no know that she finally knows that she can live through it…

  35. May I start off by asking how moving to the wall and closing the windows means the same thing as sitting still and staying quiet? (Intruder drills)

    Also, does it concern anyone else that tomorrowโ€™s day seven and Boyd has taught a single piece of world history yet?

    Anyway, itโ€™s Thursday, and Iโ€™m feeling creative, so a creative it is.

    Television Advertisement

    Hi, do you ever feel like your child is not receiving enough punishment for crimes against their teachers? Well fear no more! With this yearโ€™s Shelby County Code of Conduct, we have like a full page of useless words that basically says that if you assault your teacher you will be punished because itโ€™s a Class III violation or whatever. Also, the drug use rule has been abolished because Fredโ€™s amazing drug dealing has helped fundraise countless pep rallies and transportation to football games (mainly because the football players are the top purchasers) So rest assured when sending your child to Shelby County schools, because we can assure you that your child will be in a safe and appropriate learning environment.

    Hahahahaha I crack myself up sometimes


  36. the computer just ruined my whole blog……
    I had a quote on one side and then my reasoning on the other but just put it all together right when I hit post…

  37. Ok…so I think Davek said his dad said his creative stuff needs “mare meat”?!?!?! Sorry bro, but this isn’t Mexico.

    I started reading Tom Sawyer today, and it seems like it will be an enjoyable read. Here is my creative on the piece. ( it’s a spinoff of the first chapter, what little is very clear in my mind. Yes, you can use it as a reference Mr. Mayfield)

    Billy yelled “Fred!!!!!”
    Fred came down and shocked Billy, who was looking out of the doorway, picking his nose.
    “There you are!” Yelled Billy menacingly. He grabbed his Biscuits-signed baseball bat and was about to hit Fred, when Fred yelled
    “Look Aunt Billy, it’s Elvis Andrus!” Billy turned hopefully, but when he turned back around, Fred was gone. Billy cried. He did not know what to do with his nephew. Everyone he brought out the Biscuits bat, he felt bad because he knows his sister abandoned Fred, for the very reason he is stressed out. Aunt Billy was the one nominated to save Fred from the streets, after he ha met a no-good hobo named Amanda. Fred continued scrambling away, felling as clever as ever.

    Seriously Mr.Mayfield, having the book in hand will help you understand and maybe appreciate this a lot more. You can borrow the copy I have checked out tomorrow if you want.

  38. Im still reading call of the Klondyke and right now the most interesting thing in e book is how the main character Stanley pierce adapted to the weather in Canada so well that he even gained wait despite the rationing and i can guarantee you that weight was pure muscle from the several weeks where he had to walk 8 miles a day with about 100 pounds on his back and carrying other things varying from 50 to 150 pounds and they had about 1000 pounds to move 500 miles in the cold, harsh, Canadian winter and thats what surprises me is that he went from down in the states where it was warmer to canada where the winters were down to 60 below to the point there noses and cheeks were freezing and he said that they were fine but after they thawed that they felt like they were burned very bad.

  39. I will do my dialectical journal friday i just got done with softball and my other homework this is my last thing to do so i want to do creative.

    My Angle

    Now my love, I go to thee
    My soul does burst; I fall to my knees
    Your eyes as piercing as the stars
    With violet shades as bright as day
    Where in your arms I feel safe
    As you hold me in your embrace
    And as I lean to breath you in
    You and I touch skin to skin
    And at that moment when our hearts collide
    Our lips do part and my passion strives
    I feel the heat inside my chest
    I know I have but a moment left
    But when I they to speak to you
    The heat it surges with speed anew
    And as I shine like the dawn
    โ€ฆ a single spark and I am gone
    I am not but ashes in the wind
    As you live on to find me again
    For our love is forbidden; Never to be
    But you lift your wings and fly, My angel
    Againโ€ฆ in search of me

  40. Thats whats the Barons bat is for.

  41. Less than 100 posts the first week? ๐Ÿ™

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