counting by sarah’s…

just watch the marathon record fall under two hours, three minutes – amazing…

“brewster” – my “tough” book – or book i can brag about in adult conversations – b/c i totally have those – enjoyable read – the passages about running were outstanding – traditional adult fiction book with issues that would make not non-recommendable to YA – but i can’t fathom why kids would read outside of their target area anyway – but i really enjoyed the imagery in the book

“do life” – quick read – how a 360 pound guy lost 140 pounds, finished a marathon, and became a triathloner – there was a sad beginning – the kid knew he was overweight but it took a comment from the “cute” girl in fifth grade to destroy his self-confidence and spiral his life out of control – i could identify, in ways

“sure signs of crazy” – i actually would’ve liked this book better if it’d been about the title – about a girl trying to hold it together with a mom that’s been committed – but sadly, the book wasn’t anything like that – yucky BOB read

“counting by 7’s” – so i don’t know what book sarah is reading b/c 7’s took me a day – not nine weeks:) as for the review, i feel obligated to ruin it for sarah since she won’t read it – apparently – it was a decent enough book – to be technical, i had issues with the counselor – and the unlikely-ness that a genius would just fall through the cracks like that – but whatever, most books are about boys liking girls – or vice versa – so genius books are okay with me:)


where the slow kids get to be FIRST!!! on Sundays – always…

i thought it was supposed to rain today and get cool…

“after (something) after” – nicole should know the title for this one – but i forget it – it’s a follow up to “drums, girls, and dangerous pie” – a BOB last year – i think there are more books in this series – more power to them – the author, and the company – i, however, am not a fan – just b/c it’s really very low end reading – very predictable – and very unrealistic Ā – but for you fans of spicy eighth grade romance, go ahead:)

“january 365” – bad BOB – bad BOB – book one of 12 – hello??? 12 books for the series – in middle school??? before i lose track of all my anger, let’s go with this: someone help me, is there a Richmond in great britain orĀ australia – b/c two pages in, i read “mum” and knew it was british – but they keep referring to the setting as richmond – and the only richmond i know is virginia – and there’s an original british publisher – so i think they switched some names to “american” to sell more books – or sucker US kids – who are apparently suckered if we’re reading this for BOB

so bad week with books – always next week…


takin’ turn 4 hard and fast at the dega superspeedway…

the sixth graders that are new – i’m brain dead after a race so there’s no telling what i’m about to blog – i know, excuses, excuses…

“left for dead” – i’ll start with the one i finished yesterday – BOB – i can see why some liked it – i can see why some hated it – i thought the whole 11-year-old that saves the world plot of the book a little much – in the sense that just b/c someone’s 11, doesn’t mean we stop congress and override a naval decision from years ago – but that can be how things operate when the media gets involved – of course, none of that bring back a naval captain that killed himself 25 years later

“my conference can beat your conference” – by paul finebaum – sports radio – why the SEC dominates – it was entertaining, perhaps most when paul talked about growing up – loving sports with his father – finebaum has this persona where it can be hard to believe much of what he says – and the book has to be taken that way – but the family moments were nice – i hope to get the book autographed this december at the Ole Miss/Florida SEC Championship game (i would not be happy if those were the teams, by the way…)

“Buffy Vol. 2 Omnibus” – well, you request one book and get a better book – the buffyverse is huge – i’m learning that – these comics were older than the ones i read a couple of weeks ago – 300 pages – enjoyable – particularly b/c i have yet to start season 7 so starting season 8 in a comic is confusing

brain tired – tv pretty…


why does king saul have a bigger neck than waist???

second grade coloring sheets raise many, many unanswerable questions…

“tesla’s attic” – i’ll try to start with a book that some of you might read – since it’s BOB this year – the good news is that it isn’t bad – i didn’t find it predictable – the baseball references were cool – there was even a part that could’ve been from an episode of buffy (the raising of the dead bit) – and it was very readable – so yeah BOB – that said, i will not read the other books in the trilogy, the romance was easy to spot and predict, and, most disturbing, these peopled moved from tampa to colorado – hello???

“stake your destiny: buffy the vampire slayer: the suicide king” – a choose your own adventure type book – or rather, choose your own death type book – these books should depress readers b/c you typically end up killing yourself a half-dozen times before you reach the “true” end – that said, i didn’t even know this genre existed any more – so i’m happy about that – there should be more choose your own adventure books – like for middle school – “choose whether to do mr. mayfield’s journals: sorry, the stress got to you and you DIED!!!”

“the best nonrequired reading of 2014” – the introduction was from daniel handler – and he had a bit from lemony snickett – so those were highlights – like all anthologies, it was hit or miss – and as i got bored, lots more misses – people do like to write non-fiction about romance – bah…

happy homecoming week
